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Honest Question, what legacy perks have you bought?


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I've purchased the Black Hole priority pass, the repair droid (only on my main characters), the first mail droid (only on my main characters), the critical crafting bonuses, and I usually max out the Warzone, Space Combat, and story missions XP perks. I would buy some of the other priority passes if they weren't all on the same cooldown, which makes no sense.
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I bought:

- Speeder Piloting 1 at Lvl 10 on my alts

- Class/WZ/FP experience boosts (Probably won't do this one on any future ones)

- Fast travel to Capital world on main + several alts

- Fast travel to BH on main

- Repair Droid and Mail Droid on main

- Speeder Piloting 3 at 40+ on my alts (lets you skip buying piloting 2 so ends up saving you cash)

- Field respec on main


I haven't brought any of the global unlocks yet but I'm tempted to get the Rocket Boots. I won't bother with ship repair droid since I can borrow my guildy's.


On a side note: I'd like to see Field and Ship Repair droids merged. Field repair is much more useful and cheaper. Same goes for the mail droid/ship mailbox.

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Global: I've bought the quick travel and fleet pass cooldowns, both of which have been handy.


... and rocketboots, because WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it's silly. I love it!:)


Yeah yeah, I know - for that price I could have had a mailbox on my ship.


But WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Characterwise, I've bought the level 10 speeder unlock for two of my alts. With my tell-a-friend speeder, it means I get level 3 speeder access nice and early.

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I frequently buy Repair Droid and Speeder level 1 on my characters. Other than that, the only one I really use frequently is the ship mailbox global unlock. I love that ****. Allows me to do all my space mission dailies and just mail the credits where their needed without having to move more than ten feet. It's glorious. :p
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I've seen a handful of people point out that they don't bother with the level 10 speeder, so I'd just like to point out the cost/benefit on this. If you buy the legacy perk, you don't have to buy the skill at your trainer. If memory serves, you're really only paying 5000 credits to get the speeder 15 levels early. It's very much worth it.


Otherwise, all I've bought are the timer reducers for QT. Might just be a personal thing, but I constantly found myself wanting to use it with 3 minutes left on cooldown, so that one appealed.

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On my main I purchased the BH QT, DK QT, mail and repair droid.


On my other toons I purchased speeder at level 10. I DREAD leveling without a speeder at 10, that is way worth it to me. I would pay 10 times more for it, seriously. I buy the exploration EX buffs, all of them since they are cumulative, it only makes sense to buy them all to get the 10 percent buff at the end. I got the increase in comp affection through gifts, that ends up saving me money because typically as soon as i get a new comp I pretty much max out their affection.


The ship mailbox, kinda a waste of credits. The field one is way less and you can just use it on your ship if you need it.


I've thought about the rocket boosts, that would be kind of cool.


I dont get how people say these things are too much money. Credits are very easy to get in the game. I guess if i was one of those players that had to rely on dailies for income I'd feel the same way. It did take me a little while to figure out how to work the GTN. All of my subsequent toons have had financial backing from my first 50, so that a big plus.


I'm currently legacy level 33, I just wish there was more of an incentive to gaining legacy levels. There really isnt, and there should be.

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I've thought about the rocket boosts, that would be kind of cool.


I dont get how people say these things are too much money. Credits are very easy to get in the game. I guess if i was one of those players that had to rely on dailies for income I'd feel the same way. It did take me a little while to figure out how to work the GTN. All of my subsequent toons have had financial backing from my first 50, so that a big plus.



QFT. I'm not a major money manager or anything, and don't play the GTN extensively, although I do sell some crafted stuff. But credits are easy in this game, even if you are only doing dailies (~300K credits a day). Even easier if you go for gathering professions over crafting.


Also: Rocket boots are indeed cool. See above.

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I have bought exactly zero.


Pre release they said that the legacy perks would be available EITHER with Legacy OR with credits. When they released it the perks required BOTH. So in protest, I dont have any of them, not a one (other than the ones that auto unlock).

I realize that my protest hurts only myself lol. This is my first experience with Bioware and most likely will be my last because of things like this (and others too) example of where Bioware blatantly misled me ( I dont want to speak for others so I didnt say "us"). So it makes me feel better about it to simply not participate in the Legacy perk system.


So yeah, zero.


Wonder if I am in the minority...


I have spent zero credits on Legacy Perks. Not a single one interests me nor worth the price.


Read this after posting. I agree with this whole heartedly. IF they were ore affordable I might be persuaded to get off my high horse and play along. I have 5 50s and I NEVER buy anything, not gear or stims or anything off the GTN, NOTHING, and I STILL would go completely broke if I started buying the perks.


They arent worth the cost/time sink. That plus my whole protest thing lol. So yeah...


Still zero.



Edited by hippiechick
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I bought the ship mailbox and it's a huge convenience if you mail things between alts.


On every single character, I buy the affection boosts for gifts/conversations. It costs 160k to get 'em all, I believe. That's the only per-character one I see myself getting.


Having a vendor onboard seems like it might be useful once in awhile. I'm legacy level 20, so I should probably be saving up 5 million for the GTN at Legacy 25. If I don't spend it on rocket boost before then.


I have a whole stable of 6 characters, one with each crafting crew skill, so I don't need to buy anything else that costs credits. And you get to feel smug having cool stuff on your ship.

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I frequently buy Repair Droid and Speeder level 1 on my characters. Other than that, the only one I really use frequently is the ship mailbox global unlock. I love that ****. Allows me to do all my space mission dailies and just mail the credits where their needed without having to move more than ten feet. It's glorious. :p


I do this, too.

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Ship repair droid

Ship mailbox

Ops training dummy

Ship GTN

Rocket Boost - all 3 ranks

All of the social, alignment, and valor ones.


Individual Main:


Rank 1 of the field repair droid and mail droid

All 4 legacy quick travels (Vanguard ship, capital planet, tatooine, and the black hole)




Improved speeder piloting 1 and 3 on a few alts

Increase flashpoint xp - rank 5

Legacy of Crafting on two characters - 3 ranks


probably a few others.



I love upgrading my characters and legacy is one way I get to do that. I am hoping that they will be adding new stuff to unlock soon.

Edited by Katrasle
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I have bought very few legacy perks most dont seem worth the credits. I have the feeling some people have only bought things like rocket boost and on shp ail box because they had too many credits and nothing to spend them on. As I spend most of my time on fleet most seem pointless.
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I have not unlocked many. I am pretty thrifty with my credits overall.


Character perks:

Mount at lvl 10 for SURE. But only rank 1. Getting rank 2 didn't seem like enough of a speed upgrade to be worth the time saving.


Right now, I only PVP on my alts. I enjoy lowbie PVP. At first I got some of the ranks of increased warzone experience, though I realized that if lowbie PVP was fun, why do I want to shorten the journey to 50?

For my one PVE character, I got a couple ranks of increased flashpoint xp and the companion-selling-junk down to 30 secs.


I did get increased companion affection on a couple characters, (since you DO break even, if you buy them gifts from the gift vendor, early, and get to 50).



I never bought a repair droid. Why should I? Someone in the ops or flashpoint group always had one, and I never needed one while soloing... so what was the point? Same with teleports - didn't seem worth it for the money.


I also thought that rocket boots, ship droid upgrades, ship mailbox/GTN were silly wastes of my money, I mean, TIME.

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