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no hk51 for solo players


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It's a one time flashpoint and then you can go back to be soloer. I am sure that there will be plenty of people looking for groups to get it done, so it should not be a problem.

There is no MMO that you can play all content if you play solo.

Edited by Evensong
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More like, these FPs are so simple and easy that it shouldn't be an issue for anyone. LIke I said in the other thread, you could even find 3 people that would be willing to sit you at the entrance and complete it for you. Though you could also stand shoot at stuff (or swing lightsaber) too, that might help. Edited by chuixupu
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well they desided to cancel kotor 3 for the old republic i will play this game as a single player.

its my money i play however i want


Then you will need to deal with NOT getting things that require you to play with people. You are right, it is your choice.

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Hmm... if you are strictly a solo player... no grouping at all, then you won't even be able to get started. You see, you have to do heroics as well.


I recommend getting over it and groping to get your HK51 companion. The quests and FPs aren't hard at all. I'm sure you will soon find groups willing to run you through it too. You might in fact find a new facet of the game to keep you going.

Edited by Rafaman
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Are you kidding me? I've never seen a "Solo Player" that doesn't use group finder.


Hi, I'm a solo player that doesn't use group finder. In fact, all of my game time is spent doing my own thing and ignoring all group/guild/chat invites other than general chat. I don't bother with Heroics. Flashpoints. Warzones or anything else that involves having to group up with people.


Have a nice day.



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Then you will need to deal with NOT getting things that require you to play with people. You are right, it is your choice.


and if he leaves you will have to deal with having all that gear and not having anyone to kill.vicious circle there cowboy.

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and if he leaves you will have to deal with having all that gear and not having anyone to kill.vicious circle there cowboy.


How will a player who only does single player content and no grouping, have any impact on me finding people to kill? They are the ones intent on not utilizing all the content given to them, not me.

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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.


Don't worry. According to Dulfy's Guilde HK-51 quests are soloable if you are pretty well geared ( I imaging just the daily comm gear will suffice (someone who knows pipe up)). She also said the most of the quests are pretty soloable regardless and just the final quest is where things get dicey. I trust Dulfy, she has always been pretty accurate in all her guides. :)

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Solo? Go play single-player game, not MMO.


Not everyone came here for an MMO, lots of people wanted KOTOR III.


Honestly i'd have much rather bought this as a single player game, if it were set up like Fallout 3 or New Vegas then i'd enjoy it much more, especially since i wouldn't have to worry about lag or my internet connection actually working.

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Not everyone came here for an MMO, lots of people wanted KOTOR III.


Honestly i'd have much rather bought this as a single player game, if it were set up like Fallout 3 or New Vegas then i'd enjoy it much more, especially since i wouldn't have to worry about lag or my internet connection actually working.


But thats not what this is. You choose to play solo, you choose to miss out on content.

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Don't worry. According to Dulfy's Guilde HK-51 quests are soloable if you are pretty well geared ( I imaging just the daily comm gear will suffice (someone who knows pipe up)). She also said the most of the quests are pretty soloable regardless and just the final quest is where things get dicey. I trust Dulfy, she has always been pretty accurate in all her guides. :)


Thank you for bringing that to my attention. That is going to be my go-to site for a while. :p

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Fair enough. Then you settle without HK-51.


Far from it I run two guilds, so I'll be doing these missions a whole bunch. I only said something to the other person because he should not be telling other people how to play the game, especially one based on a single-player RPG and one that has so many single-player aspects.


To OP, I would say I understand your concerns, but it's not that bad. Just suck it up and get it over with or live with your decision to not get HK. At the end of the day, this is an MMO and BioWare should treat it like such.

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Don't worry. According to Dulfy's Guilde HK-51 quests are soloable if you are pretty well geared ( I imaging just the daily comm gear will suffice (someone who knows pipe up)). She also said the most of the quests are pretty soloable regardless and just the final quest is where things get dicey. I trust Dulfy, she has always been pretty accurate in all her guides. :)


That's really great news, indeed! Honestly, I'm feeling more relaxed already, since all my toons have at the least the daily comm gear.


Now my final question, does the final quest (FP HM) can be done in that gear? The only reason I don't have an higher tier gear (sorry if this sounds stupid) it's because it really look hideous on my main! I'd really hate to farm such gear just for one quest. Of course, we're talking about a very special quest.

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Hmm... if you are strictly a solo player... no grouping at all, then you won't even be able to get started. You see, you have to do heroics as well.


I recommend getting over it and groping to get your HK51 companion. The quests and FPs aren't hard at all. I'm sure you will soon find groups willing to run you through it too. You might in fact find a new facet of the game to keep you going.


You don't HAVE to do heroics I didn't start to do FP and heroics before I was lvl 50... Now that I know how fun it can be to do HM, ops and heroics with other ppl.I wish I had done FP and heroics with other ppl in the leveling process...

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Hmm... if you are strictly a solo player... no grouping at all, then you won't even be able to get started. You see, you have to do heroics as well.


I recommend getting over it and groping to get your HK51 companion. The quests and FPs aren't hard at all. I'm sure you will soon find groups willing to run you through it too. You might in fact find a new facet of the game to keep you going.


actually you don't. all heroics are optional. However the first one gives a title that you otherwise can't get, but then again I think you can go back later to get it solo. The only real thing that would be impossible to do completely solo would be to get all datacrons, since some require multiple people.

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I'm honestly more annoyed I need a cross-faction alt. I play empire and have no desire to play republic - yet I have to roll an alt just to this quest, which I find very odd.


They made this clear a LOOOONG time ago

Even if you played casually you should have something by now if you started then

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