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Some RvR within the year after launch? Or is that too entitled? :rolleyes:


You know... a PvE centered game rarely ever has RvR. In fact, I cannot think of one that ever did really as in an RvR game, PvE is the minigame qualifier to get to the RvR.


There are other games for your RvR fix. No game is all things to all people. Play multiple games if you have wide ranging needs.

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You know... a PvE centered game rarely ever has RvR. In fact, I cannot think of one that ever did really as in an RvR game, PvE is the minigame qualifier to get to the RvR.


There are other games for your RvR fix. No game is all things to all people. Play multiple games if you have wide ranging needs.


Then they shouldn't have advertised it before launch.


BUT THEY DID. :csw_yoda:

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BuddyRufus is the thread winner by 2 laps. :D


"Plans change": a real life principle that demonstrates maturity of understanding, and mature coping skills, IMO. :)



Yeah "



But really the lesson here is DON'T MAKE WILD PROMISES THAT YOU AREN'T LIKELY TO BE ABLE TOO KEEP. :csw_yoda:



(and I still think every 6 weeks is one, every 12 weeks would have been a much better promise to make)

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HOW many threads have we seen demanding full expansions starting only 3 months after launch?


About 2,000 threads, I'd say. That's 1 thread for every 1,000 people that left the game.



What would you prefer?

That even more people just leave the game, instead of posting their concerns?

Or that people voice their concerns in a thread, telling Bioware what would make them stay?

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"Mommy, I want to be an Astronaut when I grow up!"


-Me @ age 6


Plans change


At age six you were a fully adult college grad delivering a speech marketing deliverables to your consumer base in hopes of retaining marketshare with your quickly dying entertainment software franchise?


Man, that's impressive.


Oh wait, maybe we take the promises of developers in charge of products we all pay hundreds of dollars for a little bit more seriously than some six year old's fantasy.

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I wouldnt call myself a fanboi, but I have become increasingly frustrated with the crowd of entitled gamers that think they deserve everything they demand.



petulant children, every one of them.


CSB: Two months ago my ISP introduced bandwidth caps and an overage fee. I wasn't too worried because I was pretty sure my overage wouldn't be too much, but I disagreed on principle with them changing MY policy on my contract before it was over. So I told them if they didn't remove the cap on my account I was switching providers. They said "if you do that you get $200 in fees blah blah blah. I said my contracts up in 17 days. They put manager on phone. Upgrade me to Business account, no caps, price reduce and lock me in for 12 months.


I don't have to put up with switching ISPs.

They retain a customer.


This is how the market should work. Customers and companies compromising in a way that benefits both parties.


Your absolutist approach of **** or **** is non-sense and in no way representative of how community based products function in the market. Which is why SWTOR is doing so poorly, and that's an objective fact, they admit it is disappointing.


TLDR: If companies set out expectations they better meet those expectations or be prepared for loss of revenue and PR backlash. Customers demanding a product that meets their expectations on quality and price is not "entitlement" it is exercising their role in the market.

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Oh wait, maybe we take the promises of developers in charge of products we all pay hundreds of dollars for a little bit more seriously than some six year old's fantasy.


What do you expect? Seriously? They had plans they intended to follow through. People dropped their subs however. Probably more people dropped the game than what was expected. And an extremely unwelcoming and hateful forum community probably didn't help one bit. How can anyone expect them to deliver what was originally planned? Things change. They weren't allowed to do anything about it. People decided they did not want to give this game a chance to evolve. They probably, to a big extent, got what they wanted.

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I wouldnt call myself a fanboi, but I have become increasingly frustrated with the crowd of entitled gamers that think they deserve everything they demand.



petulant children, every one of them.


I agree, people demanding stuff and expecting it within weeks is wrong. However, I don't see a load of "petulant children" on these forums. Sure there are a few people, but I wouldn't call them petulant, or children. I respect their opinions, even if I don't agree.

The basis for a lot of complaints lie with what bioware has said they will do, but failed to do them in their own time frames. Nothing wrong with asking why they failed. Now, if they said sorry, we can't do that anymore, but we will do our best in future, with more realistic time frames, then fair enough.

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As soon as they will announce free roaming space combat/exploration, subs will go through the roof, and all previous problems will be forgotten.

Imagine going to your ship hangar and taking off manually...


Man I don't want to see what kind of damage may happen if they push stuff out that fast. Every patch has been well, a bit messy.

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I believe...


I believe you're setting yourself up for massive disappointment. I believe you should accept the game for what it is now, with 'hope' that it'll get better. I believe you should set your bar for expectations extremely low, but hope to be blown away.

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So they fell behind schedule a bit. A lot of people didn't wanna wait around and see what the future would bring, which of course forced Bioware to change their plans somewhat. I really don't see what is so sensational with this quote. It's the latest forum fad to spread this around, but seriously... And, hell - 2012 is far from over yet.


Because when you are trying to justify a $15/month subscription cost in a world that has largely moved past that model it requires you to actually make good on your promises of content. If TOR was free to play from the beginning no one would care. It wasn't and it's suffering mightily for that.


I wish I shared your optimism but with the layoffs I have a hard time believing there is any meaningful content coming down the pipe beyond Makeb.


Tux has the right attitude.

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Because when you are trying to justify a $15/month subscription cost in a world that has largely moved past that model it requires you to actually make good on your promises of content. If TOR was free to play from the beginning no one would care. It wasn't and it's suffering mightily for that.


I wish I shared your optimism but with the layoffs I have a hard time believing there is any meaningful content coming down the pipe beyond Makeb.


Tux has the right attitude.


Tux and I agree on something :D


However your statement that $15 a month is hard to justify just blows my mind. It's such a small amount of money for anyone that has an income that I find it hard to believe it has to be justified beyond the do you want to play the game or not. The amount itself is trivial. Anyone in a financial position to argue it's not a trivial amount probably has way more to worry about day to day than this game.


Call me old school but MMO = $15 per month that has always been my mindset when I decided to play one. I guess maybe it's a console mentality that you play the game for however many hours and move on. These games are meant to be played indefinitely and the player needs to have that mindset going into it.


$15 a month and unlimited playtime. The only limit is your own schedule. Best deal in entertainment.

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Because when you are trying to justify a $15/month subscription cost in a world that has largely moved past that model it requires you to actually make good on your promises of content. If TOR was free to play from the beginning no one would care. It wasn't and it's suffering mightily for that.


I wish I shared your optimism but with the layoffs I have a hard time believing there is any meaningful content coming down the pipe beyond Makeb.


Tux has the right attitude.


Oh, I'm not too optimistic myself actually. I was just stating a fact - 2012 is not over. I'm just saying I don't get what is so special about that quote. People left. We know they left. Why is it such a surprise Bioware couldn't deliver their plans as they hoped?

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Oh, I'm not too optimistic myself actually. I was just stating a fact - 2012 is not over. I'm just saying I don't get what is so special about that quote. People left. We know they left. Why is it such a surprise Bioware couldn't deliver their plans as they hoped?


Yes, but several months pass between each major update, and i don't think they will have enough content ready to justify another one so soon.

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Responding to the OP. I think anyone who is not largely happy with the huge amount of front loaded material in the way of class and planet stories etc. is headed for disappointment. As a person that like's playing alts, and all the class stories, and so on, I can deal with the slow way Bio-ware has released new content, but anyone who does not have an attitude like that I think is going to be headed for some serious grief.
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Tux and I agree on something :D


$15 a month and unlimited playtime. The only limit is your own schedule. Best deal in entertainment.


You might be surprised by how much we agree upon things :) We may approach the issues differently, but I think we have a lot more in common than we don't :)


And yeah, $15 a month is 3 drinks at a bar, 2 lunches at Panera...it's really not that much for the hours of entertainment you can have. Netflix is $7.99 and I don't watch 3 hours a month on it.

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I believe you're setting yourself up for massive disappointment. I believe you should accept the game for what it is now, with 'hope' that it'll get better. I believe you should set your bar for expectations extremely low, but hope to be blown away.


So you think it´s all empty promises with only.. what, 20% chance to meet expectations? The "tons of content" and "SSSP talk" ?


Have to admit I am waiting for new ways to play the game, not more of the same because there are already tons of class story (alts) I haven´t even seen, and other instanced ground combat FPs/OPs, let´s go to the stars and make this worlds and planets come alive, like in the movies, that is how they should invest their time.

Also this game could need at least 5 more selectable warzones at once, as fun as Huttball is I am getting a *little* tired of the map.

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Oh, I'm not too optimistic myself actually. I was just stating a fact - 2012 is not over. I'm just saying I don't get what is so special about that quote. People left. We know they left. Why is it such a surprise Bioware couldn't deliver their plans as they hoped?


They've now said content every 6 weeks, rather than 4 weeks, as things stand content every 12 weeks is something that are more likely beable to actually DO (and I wish that was what they had said). :(


Wild promises.......... there have been FAR TOO MANY OF THEM in SWTOR already. :mad:

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They've now said content every 6 weeks, rather than 4 weeks, as things stand content every 12 weeks is something that are more likely beable to actually DO (and I wish that was what they had said). :(


Wild promises.......... there have been FAR TOO MANY OF THEM in SWTOR already. :mad:


If the content every 6 weeks is tiny, why not?


Look at the HK51, that has been announced months ago. I consider it a medium size piece of new stuff - ok it´s a companion with a few voiceovers and there is fully voiced questline. Question is how long will that take to finish? 2 hours? 5 hours? 10 hours?

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