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Option premade vs. premade


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Agree with this. Something needs to be done. Perhaps it's as simple as ensuring that premades wait longer for better geared teams to counter them, and it's a choice before queue, or premades are queued seperately with any groups of 3 or more.


Holy Necro batman. Pun aside nothing will ever change on premade vs pug. Why well 8 solo quers that want to premade still get in to a warzone together now. My guild tested this very thing we did not even have to be in group to do a premade. So stop QQing and learn to deal with it.

Edited by Neoforcer
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Start a group. This is an MMO. If you're so anti social that you refuse to group up, play another game and stop penalizing people who do play with others. I solo queue and group queue constantly. Both are capable of beating other teams and neither is guaranteed anything.
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Agree with this. Something needs to be done. Perhaps it's as simple as ensuring that premades wait longer for better geared teams to counter them, and it's a choice before queue, or premades are queued seperately with any groups of 3 or more.


What the hell is wrong with you bumping a 6 month old thread when there are plenty of newer threads on this very issue?

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What I don't get is what all these pro pvpers that run premades in unranked are so afraid of. What evils can come from separating PUGs from premades in unranked? You let the so called scrubs be bad in solo queue while you can improve yourself by queuing against other premades. I just don't get why you keep saying it's a MMO and that solo queuers should get a 4 man premade before being allowed to queue for PvP. Guess what, you have the ranked queue where you can get 8 friends together to do some awesome PvP and better yourself by playing against better people. Oh your gear isn't augmented war hero? I thought you just said you became a better player by competing against better players. A gear handicap should just make the warzone more exciting for you!


this. .... 9/10

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Ranked PVP is not as easy as it sounds and you would think a lot of people would queue for it because of the advantage of getting ranked comms the reason no one competes in it is order to do ranked pvp you need

- A strong team of 8 skilled and geared players

- You seriously need some way to talk to each other

- You need to find out who's qing for ranked and when they are

- A balanced 8 team (Op Heals, Bubble Heals, Tank, Smashers, Marauders, etc these players need to be good with their class) no one is bringing a dps merc , dps op, or tank pt in ranked warzones.


Believe me i love to do ranked but you can't just do it when no teams are qing for it, ranked is not a regular warzone its a lot more competitive, strict, and overall a lot harder which is why very few teams do it. You can't get 8 random people in a ranked warzone and expect to faceroll it won't work. I guess its because I'm on a hardcore pvp server with a lot of pvp guilds because no pug ranked warzones ever queue (guess they are scared of these pvp guilds).


Its not easy getting into ranked pvp because no one wants to do it for all these reasons, they need to make a daily ranked warzone so more people will queue for it but seperating premades of people who just want to play with friends and pugs who don't care about the objective won't solve anything. People will always find something new to complain about. We just need a better matching system in pvp a skill based system so people with the same skill are matched with eachother.

Edited by PowerReaper
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What I don't get is what all these pro pvpers that run premades in unranked are so afraid of. What evils can come from separating PUGs from premades in unranked? You let the so called scrubs be bad in solo queue while you can improve yourself by queuing against other premades. I just don't get why you keep saying it's a MMO and that solo queuers should get a 4 man premade before being allowed to queue for PvP. Guess what, you have the ranked queue where you can get 8 friends together to do some awesome PvP and better yourself by playing against better people. Oh your gear isn't augmented war hero? I thought you just said you became a better player by competing against better players. A gear handicap should just make the warzone more exciting for you!


Yeah, pretty much this one!

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Ranked PVP is not as easy as it sounds and you would think a lot of people would queue for it because of the advantage of getting ranked comms the reason no one competes in it is order to do ranked pvp you need

- A strong team of 8 skilled and geared players

- You seriously need some way to talk to each other

- You need to find out who's qing for ranked and when they are

- A balanced 8 team (Op Heals, Bubble Heals, Tank, Smashers, Marauders, etc these players need to be good with their class) no one is bring a dps merc , dps op, or tank pt in ranked warzones.


Believe me i love to do ranked but you can't just do it when no teams are qing for it, ranked is not a regular warzone its a lot more competitive, strict, and overall a lot harder which is why very few teams do it. You can't get 8 random people in a ranked warzone and expect to faceroll it won't work.


Its not easy getting into ranked pvp because no one wants to do it for all these reasons, they need to make a daily ranked warzone so more people will queue for it but seperating premades of people who just want to play with friends and pugs who don't care about the objective won't solve anything. People will always find something new to complain about.


ranked pvp is same as pve ops.... ppl dont play only flashpoints, they play often pug ops and with success .... so whats different ? for ops you need 2healers, 1-2 tanks, rest dps, gear, skill .... so how is possible pve matchmaking system works and in pvp there is no matchmaking system?


is answer BW just prefer pve or completely hate pvpers?

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Stop with the whole you need a great team argument. I have done a lot of pug ranked and I've won more matches than I have lost. I've even done dumb funny things like 1 AC teams.


Now, you will fight those perfect and planned setup teams on occasion and they will wipe the floor with you but if your premade isn't the perfect set up then this will happen on occasion in regs too.


I don't even care much about the casuals anymore I just want some even matches. Maybe 1 out of 5 (if I am lucky) matches is a nailbiter and probably more like 1 out of 10. I drop losing backfill matches and so I win more than I lose but my wins are usually very boring.


Also, the only time skill matters in an mmo is in even matches where you are pressured. Otherwise skill doesn't mean a thing and is not very apparent.


We need at least an overhaul of the matchmaking system. At least something to make more even matches.


And don't say even matches are not possible to make. I have been playing mmos for years and several games have gotten it right. I like swtor and I would love for them to get it right as well.

Edited by DarthRaika
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  • 8 months later...

this is why ppl quit midgame or dont pvp at all.


Please make it an option if you want to meet premade teams or not.


Today we solo pvper's are suffering of this. Those ppl who voice that they wanna keep it are those premade pvp runners, who benefit of non-organized opponents. Some days you keep faceing the same premade team all day, and you keep losing the whole day. Thats whats make ppl stop pvping.


Make the premades learn to fight solo pvp too, its not just us solo pvper who has to adopt to premade teams.


If premade teams dont find premade oppoents, they will run for non-premade team pvping too, and that will incrase the pvping overall on all servers.


Solo pvper's need a pvp ground too!


Check this guy, he seems so upset!! Ohh, hnag on its me dammit!! Now i get upset again!! oooh no grrrrr!!



Just remove the damn premades from regular will u?

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I agree, but this has been suggested and ignored since beta. Bioware doens't care about pvp mini game anymore, its all about GS =)


Yea or they are lacking the skills of how to program two separate q?


I wont give this game more than 3 months tops. After that there will be so few players left. No one will pay for this crap.


And theres comming one real nice MMORPG launch soon!! It will instakill this game lol!

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Yea or they are lacking the skills of how to program two separate q?


I wont give this game more than 3 months tops. After that there will be so few players left. No one will pay for this crap.


And theres comming one real nice MMORPG launch soon!! It will instakill this game lol!


LoL, I'll give this game three years.


Some people get so absorbed in there own little opinions they fail to realize that there experiences are just a tiny minority in the great sea of players.

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ranked pvp is same as pve ops.... ppl dont play only flashpoints, they play often pug ops and with success .... so whats different ? for ops you need 2healers, 1-2 tanks, rest dps, gear, skill .... so how is possible pve matchmaking system works and in pvp there is no matchmaking system?


is answer BW just prefer pve or completely hate pvpers?


Sorry for the double post but i lol'd a bit here.


In pve, everything is static. It happens the same way each time. You know what is coming. So a group of pugs can and will do just fine because they most likely know the fights. Everyone else could be a npc for all 1 person in the op is concerned.


PvP is constantly changing and you must adapt to facing a human who makes different decisions even in the same situation. I'm not saying its more or less difficult because i would fare well in nightmare mode TFB and such. But PvE can be memorized, rinsed and repeated. PvP is not the same and that is why there is a difference between 4 people thrown together and a real ranked team. and in PvP, its not just 1 heals, 1 tank and 2 dps...


This being said, real ranked squads aren't often out there facerolling pugs. They're queuing ranked. The premades most people run into are a group of friends wanting to play together. Its an MMO...

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The only reason people premade is to reduce the amount of potential terrible players by a significant amount.


Who can blame them with the amount of ******* in this game? Just look at all the crying on this forum..


Wouldnt it be nice if preamdes Went to fight premades and PUG goes for PUGs? More balance and fun for all!


Its not hard fix this.

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!! This is the current major pvp issue in swtor today !!

This is why ppl quit midgame or dont pvp at all.


Please make it an option if you want to meet premade teams or not.


Today we solo pvper's are suffering of this. Those ppl who voice that they wanna keep it are those premade pvp runners, who benefit of non-organized opponents. Some days you keep faceing the same premade team all day, and you keep losing the whole day. Thats whats make ppl stop pvping.


Make the premades learn to fight solo pvp too, its not just us solo pvper who has to adopt to premade teams.


If premade teams dont find premade oppoents, they will run for non-premade team pvping too, and that will incrase the pvping overall on all servers.


Solo pvper's need a pvp ground too!


No, it's not.


Clueless players who came back to the game to try arenas and now infest normal warzones are.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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  • 2 weeks later...

NA option to have the freedom to attend "premade-free" WZ's is not asking for too much.


Premades has HUGE unblance vs PUG, and therefore should not be in regular at all. Premades have thier own WZ -called ranked. Why shold they be in regular and stomp PUGs?

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's a shame that even after numerous posts about pre-mades have surfaced along with the issues it causes, the problem continues. There is no need at all for pre-mades outside of ranked and it's almost always arrogant players who are all ego and no skill that I see running in pre-mades in non-ranked.


If I could honestly believe that there was a good reason for it like teams practicing in pug matches to get ready for ranked then that would be fine but that never seems to be the case. It's typically loud mouthed children who flap their gums all through war zones then cry and complain when you kill them because they're actually powerless 1v1 and when you do kill them they Q_Q to their mates and spend the rest of the war zone ignoring the objectives and hunting you down for proving just how sub-par they are.


It's gone on long enough and we need to get rid of this stupid issue and isolate pre-mades to ranked matches, where they belong so the rest of the PvP player base can get back to enjoying the occasional war zone without running into all the immature, untalented special cases who spoil regular war zones with their presence.


C'mon ranked... Those of us who are casual PvP'ers have babysat your egotistical moronic cousins for long enough, it's your turn.

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Quit whining about premades. I say that because you are taking it from the wrong angle. Fight with me on it all you want, but you are. Whose at fault here? The 4 people who enjoy playing together so they Q for unranked and then get to play together; or the person who has no friends in an MMO, plays by himself, and complains that he can't win against 4 people who are coordinated?


It's a MMO, premades are the core foundation of the playstyle here. This isn't Battlefield 4. If premades are rolling you over and slamming you while you cry, find some friends in game (or go out and make some) and get people to play with. Most pvp'ers are in a guild, and most of the general chat recruitment spamming guilds have massive numbers you can play with. Most of their members are casual and they'll be like the other 7 you get Q'd with when premades make your team their *****, but you'll weed through those until you find a few good ones. Then you make a ranked team and join the real men ;).


But in all seriousness, just pick up some friends to play with. They'll help you learn strategies and play better at your class. Any Imps on the Bastion are welcome to hit me up in game if you need someone to run PvP with.

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Only thing that should be changed is to allow 2 or 3 group premades to enter ranked warzones so more people queue in. They sync queue anyway just some people go normal warzone instead. This simple solution might actualy make a difference.
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I totally agree. In fact, I say don't bother with premade v. premade norms at all. Too many queue issues to work out.


PUG Norms should just be that. They should be lazy, non-serious/non-completive distractions. Either a way for casuals to PvP a little or serious PvPers to waste an hour or two.


In other words, Norms solo queue only.


On the other hand, there needs to be more options for queuing with others in ranked. For starters, put the WZs back in. Then have different brackets for parties. I supposed the simplest way is to just have four-man (and then paired with another four-man) and eight-man. But, with a little finagling, I'm sure there would be a way to splice together two-mans also.


So, in other words, if you only have three friends/guildies on ATM, the four of you can group together and queue. You then either enter an arena or a WZ with another group of four and face another 4x4 group (or 4x2x2 or whatever).

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*sigh* I solo que. Don't have enuff mates to form a premade. So i'll break this down gently:


1. They have every right to que with their friends.

2. They have every right to que with their guildies.

3. They have every right to gear their toon up.

4. They have every right to learn their class to the fullest potential.

5. Class imbalances is not the fault of any player in the whole effing game.


6. If you do not like the above, you have EVERY right to leave the warzone and take another que, hopefully out of the rotation of the gank squad.

7. If you do not like arena's, then leave.


All that ever needs to be said. EVERY mmo deals with this.... I can't protect your whiny feelings without violating the other guys rights as well so just avail yourself of the leave option or suck it up. BTW, I've NEVER knowingly que'd with a team in PVP.

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