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Option premade vs. premade


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this is why ppl quit midgame or dont pvp at all.


Please make it an option if you want to meet premade teams or not.


Today we solo pvper's are suffering of this. Those ppl who voice that they wanna keep it are those premade pvp runners, who benefit of non-organized opponents. Some days you keep faceing the same premade team all day, and you keep losing the whole day. Thats whats make ppl stop pvping.


Make the premades learn to fight solo pvp too, its not just us solo pvper who has to adopt to premade teams.


If premade teams dont find premade oppoents, they will run for non-premade team pvping too, and that will incrase the pvping overall on all servers.


Solo pvper's need a pvp ground too!

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Yes, I think that the same type of players should play the same type of game ie. premades vs. premades and solo vs. solo players.


Looking forward to see an open world pvp ground on Ilum. I have visited that pvp ground to the west, but I have never seen a single soul out there or in the Outlaws Den. These grounds could be very nice if visited by other players.

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Quit complainiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!


FYI: I solo que and group que


For real. I do both I solo queue and run with friends/guildies (<-----note that its important). Solo queuing is a toss up, random people random team comp but I experienced more than a few really good pug groups last night including an insane come from behind 3 cap in CW.


I also like to run premades, not to wtfstomp "bad" pugs/teams but to do small scale strategies for ranked...and to mess around from time to time.

Edited by cycao
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Thanks for all good posts, we should keep the thread running and post good, constructive ideas how we want to improve the pvp, since we all agree that pvp isnt 100% in swtor yet. And most of all agree that the only way to enjoy successful pvp is by being part of a premade team.


Therefor we need to have an option to the premades, so that solo players also can have a part of pvp. Also for those players who dont like to play in" Easy Mode" in a premade team. Since I gott admit that pvp become redicilously easy when your part of one of these premade pvp teams. You got all heals, buffs and debuffs served. You dont even have to know how to pvp, as long the healers keeps instaheal you over and over.


An other idea to cut these premade teams successfulness is by introducing "Kolto overdose", caused by too intensive healing in a short timepreiod. The overdose causes the Kolto to become without effect.

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Bioware cant afford to dedicate the game for ppl who only can run i a pack of other players. If they want this game to ever be a good business they have to appeal solo players aswell.


And I think a bunch of dedicated solo players is better business than some casual pack players, since the horde player dont play if he cant get a place in a pack. They just simply log off, while the solo player isnt obstructed by lack of companions.

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Well, as things are it seems nothing is being done to aknowledge the problem from the devs.


As casual/PUG all you can do is to decide if it is worth keeping playing the game.


In my eyes its only a problem if you cannot control this aspect of the game, which you totally can. Premade vs premade will only work with cross queue and it might not even work. How do you determine who gets grouped with whom. Say you are queuing with three people, with an odd number that could mean you might be waiting for sometime.


This is an MMO I would say most of the players choose to participate with people to enhance their experience. To disallow this aspect could have a negative reaction.


Anyhow this topic will never ever die and my opinions wont change, get a group or find a guild if you really find solo queuing so frustrating. I will continue to do both solo and group queue.

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This is an MMO I would say most of the players choose to participate with people to enhance their experience. To disallow this aspect could have a negative reaction.


I doubt anyone want to disallow ppl from grouping. I don't know where you got that idea from.


What I - as a PUGGER - want is a seperation. I want to pug and meet pugs. Those games are fun. PUGS vs premades arent fun. At all!


Let premades meet premades, let pugs meet pugs. Everybody wins!


And NO, I do not WANT TO BE OBLIGATED to join a premade to enjoy pvp. I'd rather leave the game.

Edited by Veniras
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I doubt anyone want to disallow ppl from grouping. I don't know where you got that idea from.


What I - as a PUGGER - want is a seperation. I want to pug and meet pugs. Those games are fun. PUGS vs premades arent fun. At all!


Let premades meet premades, let pugs meet pugs. Everybody wins!


And NO, I do not WANT TO BE OBLIGATED to join a premade to enjoy pvp. I'd rather leave the game.


/agree 100%


being PUG vs Premade is unbalanced and not fun since u get stomped.


being Premade vs PUG is no fun since theres no challange.

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I would say no to the op. Currently its a maximum of 4 people allowed in warzones as a "premade". That is not, by definition a premade and is a fair comprimise. People like to group with their friends, and as this is an mmo I do not see why everyone should be forced to solo queue because you don't like facing groups of 4 people, even if they are geared or not.


As frustrating as it is, things will likely not change a great deal by forcing solo queuing. You basically would have people not able to join up with their friends unless they enter teams of 8, which is just not going to happen all the time. If they all solo queued you would stil face people in much better gear with much more experience anyway, that won't stop anytime soon. As such with these types of threads so often people claim everytime they lose its "because of a premade" when most of the time they arent even a premade at all -they are just better geared and/or better than them at the game.


For the record most of the time I do solo queue, and yes at times you do meet groups of 4 people, and it can be hard work. But this is pvp, you dont learn anything by playing ez, hold your hand, fisher-price mode, you can learn a lot from watching how these groups of 4 people work together, or simply do the same and gather 4 like-minded individuals - it's not rocket science.


If it was teams of 8 dominating all the pugs I might agree with you but it is not, so leave things be, its a fair balance for both sets of players.

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The problem isn't Premade groups. That is just what bad players blame it on. The team that wins is the team that plays the objectives the best. I solo que and run premades. Let me tell you what just because you have a 4man premade or even 2 4man premades does not gaurantee a win. The other 4 players offect the game just as much. One player not calling out can completly ruin a match. Or the awesome people that think Black Hole gear works in pvp. Or for that matter any PVE gear. People who run and play death match are the ones that ruin pvp not premades.


I will take 7 other solo que players who call out and play objectives over a premade that does not and yes I have seen that happen many times. And I would bet we would win 80% of the time.

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The problem isn't Premade groups. That is just what bad players blame it on. The team that wins is the team that plays the objectives the best. I solo que and run premades. Let me tell you what just because you have a 4man premade or even 2 4man premades does not gaurantee a win. The other 4 players offect the game just as much. One player not calling out can completly ruin a match. Or the awesome people that think Black Hole gear works in pvp. Or for that matter any PVE gear. People who run and play death match are the ones that ruin pvp not pre-mades.


I will take 7 other solo que players who call out and play objectives over a pre-made that does not and yes I have seen that happen many times. And I would bet we would win 80% of the time.


It is not just about bad players blaming it on pre-mades. 4 people who know how each other think and are well geared plus 4 pugs are going to beat 8 people that know what they are doing but maybe don't have the greatest gear and aren't always on the same page. Not to mention pre-mades are probably mostly in mumble or vent, so that gives them an advantage over having to type in the chat box in pugs. The fact of the matter is that more often then not pre-mades are just farming lesser geared and less organized pugs. Besides, how often do you get queued with 7 other players that really know what they are doing. Chances are at least a couple of them are either not very good, or have only recruit gear.


Pre-mades should always go up against other pre-mades unless there are none. They should also maybe make it possible to queue for ranked with a 4-man pre-made to get matched with another. This could make ranked a little better so you don't get pitted against the same one or two teams over and over.

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doing my usual daily pvp running my 3rd wz. ! run was vs a premade (just 4 of them) 3rd wz was vs 8 of them (8 ppl from Physics)..... Of course I entered that game with 20 secs or so to go. At the end of the game, there were 37 ppl listed on the scoreboard. So you had 8 happys premade customers in that game and 29 unhappy. Swtor management needs to get on the ball counting the numbers before it's too late to save their game, if it isnt already.
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There are pre-made groups who do nothing but murder noobs in warzones whole day long, kited out in full augmented war hero gear, instead of doing rankeds. Guess everybody get their kicks different way. Ofcourse it's highly annoying to people who are just trying to get their gear together and need to scrape insane amounts of comms needed 40-50 at a time.
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It is not just about bad players blaming it on pre-mades. 4 people who know how each other think and are well geared plus 4 pugs are going to beat 8 people that know what they are doing but maybe don't have the greatest gear and aren't always on the same page. Not to mention pre-mades are probably mostly in mumble or vent, so that gives them an advantage over having to type in the chat box in pugs. The fact of the matter is that more often then not pre-mades are just farming lesser geared and less organized pugs. Besides, how often do you get queued with 7 other players that really know what they are doing. Chances are at least a couple of them are either not very good, or have only recruit gear.


Pre-mades should always go up against other pre-mades unless there are none. They should also maybe make it possible to queue for ranked with a 4-man pre-made to get matched with another. This could make ranked a little better so you don't get pitted against the same one or two teams over and over.


Yes and I have been in Premades that got 4 people in recruit gear. Also just because one group of 4 is in mumble does not mean that they dont have to type. They still have to communicate with the other 4 people on there team or it will be a lose for sure.


Now on a point I would much rather play other premades when I am grouped its alot more fun. I play for the challenge and thats the reason I solo que alot. Especially on my healer.

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I support the OP's request


most of my pvp last night was versus a Coral Premade team. in total i recieved 2 wins the whole night. Was i just unlucky? maybe but when you're going up against an organised pvp team in normal warzones everytime it's hard to catch a break ya know?

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I've always had mixed feelings on this, as I am part of a PVP guild. Meaning I spend a lot of time queuing as a premade. (But I also PuG a lot if I am just trying to finish up my dailies).


I'm hesitant to advocate a system that rewards mediocrity. Or one that substitutes 'in game' limitations for personal limitations. Meaning people that PuG CAN form a premade. It might be inconvenient, it may not work with their schedule, etc etc. But the GAME is not limiting them from doing so. And I don't agree with putting a rule in the GAME, to compensate for someone's work schedule.


Flip side -


Anytime you win Civil War 600-0, you have to be aware that the 8 people you played against, probably did NOT have any fun. The more often an activity returns zero enjoyment, the less likely people are to continue engaging in that activity. Which ends up being bad for everyone.


There is an easy solution, that people will NEVER use. That would just be, to not be a douchebag. Don't 3-cap. Make sure the other team gets some medals. /Say positive (but not condescending) things in chat to the team you are playing against. You know, display good sportsmanship.


Sadly the typical MMO gamer isnt really capable of that level of maturity. Or security. They would rather laugh at the Carebears, and yell upstairs for their mom to make them some meatloaf.


The question really boils down to "Do you care about the experience of other people, or do you only care about yourself?" If it's the latter, you will find eventually that fewer and fewer people want to be around you, whether in RL, or in a WZ of whatever MMO you are playing that month.

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They have premade versus premade. Its called rated warzones. a 4 man group in a normal is not a guaranteed win, please learn to play and stop blaming other people for you losing. If it wasn't 4 man premades you people would find something else to blame other than your lack of gameplay and keyboard turning.
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