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Did I hear this right?


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How can you disagree with a proposition that hasn't been stated? No one is talking about putting this before any other content. We know it is coming at the pace that BioWare allocates development resources to it, and that it takes the time it takes to get done right. Anyone who has been paying attention has known since March that their ballpark target date for release is "this year". Anyone who knows MMOs know that estimated development time is notoriously fluid. We're okay with that. Really.


A senior developer remarked in an interview that he thinks SGRs are coming with Makeb. But he also admits that he is not really at all associated with story content – he really only has what he picked up from scuttlebutt. This frank statement was nice to hear. It doesn't pretend to offer anything it can't. Gabe is honest as to his uncertainty. The trouble is that this second-hand info via the water cooler is the only thing that BioWare has mentioned about SGRs since the Guild Summit. So wanting to clarify its accuracy doesn't seem unreasonable. That is what this thread is for.


Posts which are removed for attacking ideas we aren't promoting are removed because they are off topic and inflammatory. The topic is the Gamescom interview – not what content should have priority, not what belongs in game. It's about what Gabe Amatangelo said, about his uncertainty, and about wanting to know if Makeb is the content update we are looking for.

This entire post is about it being a priority. There are far more important things that the majority of players want than these sgr's.

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This entire post is about it being a priority. There are far more important things that the majority of players want than these sgr's.


I think BW can decide their own priorities. After a year of nothing but PVP, PVE, and Raid tweaks BW is finally doing a story expansion. SGRs are something they've decided they're including in that expansion. Cope with it.

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I think BW can decide their own priorities. After a year of nothing but PVP, PVE, and Raid tweaks BW is finally doing a story expansion. SGRs are something they've decided they're including in that expansion. Cope with it.

Oh i forgot about all the great pvp updates they did. Sorry guys, I forgot that endgame pvp and pve was tweaked to the majority of customers satisfaction. Carry on!

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Look, ignoring the whole "I find this icky, I don't want it in the game," argument. This whole thread is about asking BW to officially confirm what a head pvp dev said. This is content that is apparently almost ready for launch. Complaining that the devs shouldn't be "wasting time" working on content that has been in development since pre-launch and is about ready to go live isn't going to get you anywhere. Even ignoring the futility of that though, exactly what content do you think SGR is keeping you from getting? BW has distinct teams that work on different content. Patch 1.5 is the first patch that contains new content from the Story Development Team. To quote from the interview linked in the first post; "Uh, yeah, that's story and I'm pvp. That's about the farthest thing from what I work on." There is no new PVP, PVE, or Raid content that SGR is going to keep you from. This is an entirely different team working on adding content that is completely removed from anything "The Majority of Players Want."
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Look, ignoring the whole "I find this icky, I don't want it in the game," argument. This whole thread is about asking BW to officially confirm what a head pvp dev said. This is content that is apparently almost ready for launch. Complaining that the devs shouldn't be "wasting time" working on content that has been in development since pre-launch and is about ready to go live isn't going to get you anywhere. Even ignoring the futility of that though, exactly what content do you think SGR is keeping you from getting? BW has distinct teams that work on different content. Patch 1.5 is the first patch that contains new content from the Story Development Team. To quote from the interview linked in the first post; "Uh, yeah, that's story and I'm pvp. That's about the farthest thing from what I work on." There is no new PVP, PVE, or Raid content that SGR is going to keep you from. This is an entirely different team working on adding content that is completely removed from anything "The Majority of Players Want."


Do you think that they hired a team that only works on SGR? Really?

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Do you think that they hired a team that only works on SGR? Really?


The STORY team yeah. It is writers and artists not level designers. I don't think they've just been working on SGR because I keep up with what the team head says. Hal Hood has given a couple of interesting interviews lately. Makeb isn't just one giant raid, it is a full story expansion for endgame players.

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You bet I am touchy about people putting words I never said, and never have said, into my mouth in a thread I started. That seems pretty reasonable to be touchy about.


I am not saying I think SGRs should be in with Makeb. I am asking whether they will be.


Since we are tossing out opinions, however, as I have stated elsewhere, in threads where it is relevant, I think this content should have been in at launch or, if they ran out of time and resources, all romantic options ought to have been post-launch content, whenever the whole thing was done.


I don't say this should come sooner than anything else. Don't tell me I am saying that. If you want a topic about this being or not being a priority, do feel free to start one. This thread isn't it.

Edited by Uluain
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Do you think that they hired a team that only works on SGR? Really?


Of course not. We know who they are – the same team that created and write companion stories, and class stories, and world stories. The people who think up all the characters we meet in the world, and imbue them with personality. The people who are working on an element of the game that is important to many players and to the studio's vision for the game.


Gabe Amatangelo isn't one of those people, but he works with them in order to fit the warzones and other PvP content into the story that the game is telling. As such, he is probably furthest removed from companion content specifically, but it doesn't mean he doesn't hear about it.


That he felt it worth mentioning at all goes a long way toward showing the importance BioWare Austin does place on same-gender content. And he doesn't condescend toward the topic in any way. He speaks frankly of the desire of the Dev Team to get it "on the schedule" and into the game, as well as to his distance from that process and his uncertainty as to particulars.


But the story team do not fix bugs (priority #1) or create Operations, Warzones or Flashpoints (though they contribute to all of these – and are contributing every line of dialog we see). And we have seen a lot more group content than new story content - which has been effectively nil outside the rak'ghoul and chevin events.


This isn't an issue of priority. Not really. Those shouting down this topic with remarks about tauntaun romances, or claims that their needs come first, are simply opposed to same-gender representation in a game at all – and in that, they are truly chasing a chimera. BioWare and EA both have decided a long time ago that inclusion is appropriate, and have made it a part of their design philosophy.


If you don't want to explore that content, you never have to. But given that it will be in the game and has already been given developer time and resources, objecting to that is not only futile, but entirely off-topic in a thread that is about one particular facet of its eventual inclusion.

Edited by Uluain
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A video game does not have any obligation to, "on the basis of equality", provide you with same sex options. Most of us who are complaining about this being a priority aren't trying to get into a philosophical debate about same sex relationships, we just don't want SGRs over other content. Not only do I want other content first for my own enjoyment, I also want other content such as end game pvp and pve because it will bring more subscribers, which equals more money and more content. Maybe then you can have your SGRs.


This isn't about SGR's over other content. See the OP, this is about the status of the project. You can claim otherwise, but that was other posts clouding the OP's and wasn't the meaning for the thread, so let's try to keep it on topic and redirect personal opinions on the feature to the official thread.

Edited by odericko
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This isn't about SGR's over other content. See the OP, this is about the status of the project. You can claim otherwise, but that was other posts clouding the OP's and wasn't the meaning for the thread, so let's try to keep it on topic and redirect personal opinions on the feature to the official thread.


My turn to get to say ^ THIS! ^


Thanks, Odericko.


If y'all want to hash out SGRs in general, you'll find the dedicated thread on Story and Lore.

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Yeah, because making-out with Quinn is soooooooo important!!!!! (sarcasm):rolleyes:


well being able to use the the ability punish and smack him upside his head was so important I actually had to re-roll a second SW after my first made it to 50 as a sith pureblood just to be able to do it :D

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well being able to use the the ability punish and smack him upside his head was so important I actually had to re-roll a second SW after my first made it to 50 as a sith pureblood just to be able to do it :D

Yes. I detest Quinn. If only I could shunt him out of a nearby airlock. Sadly I needs heals. EA/BW, I would be more than happy with a deaf mute male/female healer replacement of Quinn if you would allow me to Deep Six his butt!


But really guys, just talk to us about it. That's all we ask. Open and honest communication that should have been there in the first place. Because to stay quiet about it as you have for so long like some kind of Byzantine gag order is in place is beyond absurd.

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Do you think that they hired a team that only works on SGR? Really?


No but the team who is writing story and doing voiceover might be wasting their time on this instead of writing chapter 4.


Any dollar spent on this is dollar wasted. There 100 other things the game needs more.

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There are so many things in this game that could be improved. I wonder why people worry about pixel pretend love so much. I play these games to relax and escape real world problems. Remember we are all the same in the game there is no real life sex, race, religion or politics in game. You are not fat, skinny, ugly, smart or retarded in game either.


Instead of trying to force real life issues into the game.......people should socialize and get to know each other. You might be surprised that you have tons in common with people you wouldn't even talk to in real life.

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I believe there are no SGRs being developed with this game getting close to a coma. And even if there is I bet it will be a handful of flirt options in Makeb at best. Because there is no money to rework 1-50 anymore.


That may indeed be a valid concern. That's one of the reasons we're asking for clarification from the developers, you see.

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