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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lucas Arts taking more Interest?


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lol to you for thinking George would do anything bad to star wars.


Everyone who hates George Lucas is just jealous at his success and he thinks of these amazing stories all in his head. Lucas wouldn't let EA ruin this game. He would pull the reigns just like he did with SOE with SWG. Unfortunately, Lucas did not know at that time that it was too late for the games fans. But he did say SOE was never touching a Star Wars game again. Perhaps he has learned this time and if he sees anything going very wrong with TOR, he will pull the plug on EA for anything to do with Star Wars.


THAT would be great huh? EA not allowed to touch anything related to Star Wars anymore then LucasArts takes over publisher rights on TOR? :) Dreaming but it could happen.


I think you should watch this review series


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With Bioware now fully under EA's banner maybe LucasArts is taking more of a predominant role in the game as the reputation of this game is stinking.


George would not let anything with the Star Wars trade mark sink to the point that it put mud on a trade mark he created.


You're not a very devoted Star Wars fan or gamer in general if you believe that.

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Without commenting on your suggestion, I have always wondered why LucasArts didn't just develop a MMO on their own after SWG. I guess at the time Bioware was hot and they didn't think it worth it.

it may be also be due to their success with kotor.


EDIT* that and after what happened with TFU i think Lucas arts realized they couldn't pull one off on their own.

Edited by Kaisernick
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So I see the press release of the new Live Steam Event 1, and this is a bit a surprise; seeing Lucas Arts name more in the headlines. So far it seemed more BW and EA always on top. I honestly think this was not a typo...


What do you think?



BioWare and LucasArts are excited to announce a new monthly LiveStream Q&A Event. The objective of this new LiveStream event series is to answer any questions our Community has concerning the content within each Game Update. Below is all the information you need in order to watch and participate in the first monthly LiveStream Event.


Seeing LucasArts mentioned in advertising something for this game or Star Wars in general would never surprise me. I do find it funny that the OP was. :rolleyes:


Personally I think if they were to start taking a more active role in the game then great. It definitely couldn't hurt.


With Bioware now fully under EA's banner maybe LucasArts is taking more of a predominant role in the game as the reputation of this game is stinking.


George would not let anything with the Star Wars trade mark sink to the point that it put mud on a trade mark he created.


The Christmas Special is all you have to really list in Replying to this. That Special alone is something he personally tried to bury, without success. Probably the single worst thing to to come out of the Star Wars Universe. :D


Kind of Funny really as LucasArts is very controlling over things. Just as much as EA and even more so than EA in some ways.

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So I see the press release of the new Live Steam Event 1, and this is a bit a surprise; seeing Lucas Arts name more in the headlines. So far it seemed more BW and EA always on top. I honestly think this was not a typo...


What do you think?



BioWare and LucasArts are excited to announce a new monthly LiveStream Q&A Event. The objective of this new LiveStream event series is to answer any questions our Community has concerning the content within each Game Update. Below is all the information you need in order to watch and participate in the first monthly LiveStream Event.



When SOE/SWG released the NGE (New game experience) and the customer ire was at it's peak, LA posted a page on their site "Lucas Arts is not involved in the daily decisions etc.." And it's no different here. LA didn't (to my knowledge) contact BW and ask them to create SWTOR. More than likely BW/EA approached them and struck a deal and aquirred a license. To that end, LA sits back and waits on royalties as agreed upon (last article I read stated them to be 33% of the profits after initial investment was met etc..). Don't expect LA to ride in and save the day, they won't. It's all on BW/EA.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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LucasArts should take all rights away from EA for this game. The old guys from BioWare should all go to LucasArts and work on this game right :)


That's what I truly would like to happen. Screw EA. Seriously...


Amen brother I totally agree but I still enjoy the game very much

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I always saw LucasArts and Bioware together, on each video.


George's personal feelings towards Bioware won't be a factor. Ofcourse, after they (voluntarely or were forced) skipped Celebrations three weeks ago, the relationship can't be good, that's for sure.


They had a booth presence at Celebration after all, if I'm not mistaken.

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The idea of SWG was brilliant, the execution, specifically the CU and beyond was not....I miss the pre CU, SOE tried too hard to mimic WoWs success


No actually SOE did not try at all, and that was the problem. Trying would have made SWG look like SWTOR. They made a few horrendous changes that kinda looked like wow on the outside except left the terribad UI alone and made the game a total clusterfluff and sat back waiting for profit. Then apparently they got the game back on track after several years and decided to jam it into the garbage even further with their trading card game.

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No actually SOE did not try at all, and that was the problem. Trying would have made SWG look like SWTOR. They made a few horrendous changes that kinda looked like wow on the outside except left the terribad UI alone and made the game a total clusterfluff and sat back waiting for profit. Then apparently they got the game back on track after several years and decided to jam it into the garbage even further with their trading card game.


The orginal SWG was absolutely briliant. I miss that game so much, after cu.. not so much. They had a stellar game and then shot it in the head. SWTOR was shot in the head at launch, and is only recently getting better. 200 to 300 million reportedly spent on the original game. ON WHAT? I'd love to see a line by line breakdown. I bet shareholders would also.

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Everyone forgets the issues we all complained about Pre CU/NGE

-Broken Classes

-Broken Content

-Bugs, Bugs and more bugs

-No Content.

-Broken Promises


Yet everytime people talk about it, its referred to as some mythical MMO Utopia that got everything right and never had any issues ever, and then act like the changes were attempted for no real reason.


SWG was a great game for me, but it was the people, not the buggy, broken, and missing promises

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Everyone forgets the issues we all complained about Pre CU/NGE

-Broken Classes

-Broken Content

-Bugs, Bugs and more bugs

-No Content.

-Broken Promises


Yet everytime people talk about it, its referred to as some mythical MMO Utopia that got everything right and never had any issues ever, and then act like the changes were attempted for no real reason.


SWG was a great game for me, but it was the people, not the buggy, broken, and missing promises


I agree, I played swg from launch through the cu and nge, the game was bad at launch and bad later, if the game had been so great and was retaining subs there would have never been a cu/nge, I followed the business side of SWG, it was sinking ship shortly after launch, then they did focus study and boom cu later nge came along, thick rose colored glasses are strong in swg..

My friends and I always said we played swg not for the horrible game, but because we hung out and did some fun things in The Star Wars univers, as we were all huge Star Wars fans..

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Not really. They are currently in development of new Star Wars game right now called Star Wars 1313. If there is one thing they have at least done right with their past couple games, Force Unleashed 1 and 2, and this upcoming one, it will at least look very, very good graphics wise.


Star wars 1313 dos'nt appear to be a MMO. :(


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