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Are you going to renew and keep paying $15/mo?


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Yes, definitely. I took a break from the MMO scene for a while and now I'm back, this will be my new home for a long time I suspect.


Right now I'm subscribed on the monthly plan but I'll most likely be changing that to a 3 or 6 month plan in the near future.

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Probably not. I know everyone is going to jump on me, but this game lacks polish. It's pretty upsetting for me because I really, REALLY wanted to enjoy this game.


How can a company release an MMORPG today and NOT have the basic features of other big MMOs? Star Wars geeks and WoW haters will stick around, but that's catering to a niche market. It's clear to me that Bioware isn't trying to make the next big thing, but to simply make a profit before skipping town.


Lacks polish? It's probably one of the more polished MMOs released to date. Not to mention it's really not practical to have all the MMO "staples" in at launch. There's no way you can have in as much content as WoW or EQ1/2 when those games all have been around for at least 7 years on top of their 3 or so development years.

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Certainly, hard to judge a game before you hit the cap. Also, my pvp-loving friends, who've been pvping for years and years, are actually impressed at the pvp balance. That's got to count for something.


Oh don't worry they'll complain after being 50 for a few months. Everything always "feels" balanced when nobody is any good at the game.

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Absolutely not. This game will hold me for the month of course, but I don't see any longevity or depth to it past the first few raids and the 3 warzones. Leveling is exruciatingly dull in PvE (PvP leveling is all right) so I will not reroll at 50.
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I'm probably gonna play for about 2 months at this point.


Unless and until they come out with a real space combat, make galactic trade terminals more accessible and crafting more interesting, and create an in-depth guild system that allows us to do much more than we currently can, have a guild house/ship, and rank up our guild to unlock new equipment/socials/etc... then I'll resubscribe.

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Yea maybe. Depends on what they bring to the game with their first major patch.


We need more races to choose from. Improve walking, running animation. More leveling zones to choose from. Faster leveling.

Edited by Nathiest
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Yea maybe. Depends on what they bring to the game with their first major patch.


We need more races to choose from. Improve walking, running animation. More leveling zones to choose from. Faster leveling.


FASTER leveling? Good lord. I miss the EQ days.

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Did the 3 month sub. I am expecting to get done leveling my first character in 2-3 weeks and will see how end game is. I also want to take another character through the game at least. 3 months will put me in april. It will be nicer out so I will either quit MMOs altogether or continue playing the old republic and cancel my other subs. Depends on how development goes.
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I'm not trolling. You think the lack of customization for the UI is polish? What about the wonky camera control that doesn't ever stay where I want when I zoom out? What about the inability to macro? What about the ridiculous chat box and lack of chat bubbles? Anti-aliasing? I can't even pick which warzone I want to play in. Give me a break.


Lol some people

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I'm going to decide over the grace period if I want to sign up for the game right away.


I think the game has a lot of potential, but I'd rather spend the bulk of my time playing it when it's looking its best.


Right now there are a lot of missing options - High texture setting does nothing, there's no ingame AA, and there's no way to tweak the grass rendering distance so it just seems to magically sprout out of the ground as you run about.


I might wait a month before subbing. Give them time to iron out the kinks. I'll dodge the worst of the post-launch queues this way as well. I'm in no hurry to throw myself into endgame. Leveling has always been my favorite part of MMOs and I'm excited that TOR offers me eight distinct storylines to play through.

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Well a minimum of $60, then $15 a month is high enough so I will wait and see if this is worth 50% more than what I'm used to paying before committing myself. LOTRO was just $10 a month.


So far it looks good and I most likely will.

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