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Everything posted by Toxilium

  1. When I loaded in and had to choose my second combat style, it went smoothly with the cinematic and I was able to choose my second Force combat style. However, my character's combat style tab still showed the "Accept Mission" button or whatever. When I clicked it, I was able to launch into the Force combat style area again, but there was no cinematic. Instead, I loaded in and was able to walk around the level. Only way out was to use a fleet pass or ship teleport.
  2. The WoW kiddies aren't the ones buying pre-orders. They come in later.
  3. It's a Republic guild. We like to confuse people.
  4. So a few weeks ago I was cruising around the forums looking at various "What faction will you join?" polls and threads. By FAR the vast majority went Empire. "I want to be evil >:)" said everyone. Oh, you're so original you little Darth! Going to make a big evil splash on your local server are we, with all the other million little red lightsabers running around? I promptly changed my vote to Republic. I think it should also be of note, on my server (Tung Ma)(sp?) the Republic loses 1/10 warzone matches. The Sith are almost always trying to top the damage meters. The scoreboard usually says that, yes, they had way more kills. But do I care? No, because we burnt right through your Voidstar in 2 minutes while you were pew-pewing.
  5. People are going to naturally compare tOR with another similar product, and the most similar in nature that most people understand is WoW. When WoW eventually dies years from now via Blizzard closing it or another product taking over, that will become the new product to which all else is compared.
  6. 1. Yeah but SW:tOR certainly isn't a Rolls Royce either. It's a solid MMO with much of it's content/features WoW, or traditional (EQ) MMO-inspired. WoW is Wal-Mart and tOR is basically just Zellers. Similar stores, similar products, but different in their own regard. It's like comparing a Honda Civic to a Toyota Camry. They're both middle-class, consumer-grade products that aren't very different but appeal to certain people and get the job done. 2. It's Lineage btw. Asians don't necessarily care more about graphical quality as they care more about graphical style and representation. If they're game is very stylised and artistically pleasing, they'll enjoy it. Why do you think games like Crysis or Age of Conan are not that big in Asia, but games like WoW and stylised fighting games are? EDIT: For non-Canadians, Zellers is our equivalent of your Target.
  7. Will it receive 4 expansion packs that consistently break fastest selling records? Will it generate a 5+ million subscriber base in China? Spawn a cultural shift that transcends just the gaming community and breaks MMO gaming into the public realm? You could argue for my last question, that's already too late for SW:tOR to attempt, but eh.
  8. Blizzard is still getting your money though, so who cares how much time you put in. You're still a number in their 10 million subscriber count like many of us I'm sure still are.
  9. I like what Total Biscuit said in that SW:tOR will be the last major hotkey-based MMO. It will not take over WoW. Nothing will for the foreseeable future. Will it put a dent? Yeah, maybe, but so will Guild Wars 2. I DO NOT think TOR is an "evolution" at all. It's very traditional and follows in the EQ hotkey path. I think TOR will be the last iteration of hotkey MMOs, and games like TERA and GW2 will be the start of the true next generation of MMO.
  10. umadbro? Seriously though guys, let's stop all the hate. I like World of Warcraft more than SW:tOR, simple as that, but why do we have to argue which is better? I enjoy both games (just one is better), and I have a decent job that can pay for both of them (seriously, $30 a month is nothing when they're your main games other than LoL). Let bygones be bygones and move on. Stop making these silly threads: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=53328 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=49916 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=53395 Let people enjoy what they want. Why do you have to care?
  11. The dungeons are a joke though, even without a LFG.
  12. Most overblown game add-on content I have played for the amount I payed....and I even played that 10minute "Kasumi" addon for ME2.
  13. Absolutely not. This game will hold me for the month of course, but I don't see any longevity or depth to it past the first few raids and the 3 warzones. Leveling is exruciatingly dull in PvE (PvP leveling is all right) so I will not reroll at 50.
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