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Everything posted by Apano

  1. I've sat in the queue as a 41 Gunslinger for over 5 hours without a random queue, no one is playing and queueing for flashpoints right now, which doesn't really surprise me considering the time of year. My level 60 tank gets a queue almost instantly for hard modes but queueing as a low level right now you're not gonna get anybody.
  2. I'm never getting disconnected but I am getting severe server lag constantly. I'm on a ridiculously strong internet connection, using Verizon FIOS with over 80 Mbps down and 30 up so I know it isn't a problem on my end. I don't understand how a game that used to run with no lag and 150 game servers suddenly has a ton of lag with only 6-8 game servers.
  3. I thought about that but when you click show items it shows that the level 10 legacy perk comes with it.
  4. I just purchased the ability to claim the speeder on all my characters in the collections menu for 600 cartel coins but when I'm on my level 10 Jedi Knight it says "You do not meet the requirements to claim this item". Even though it has the blue icon saying it can be claimed by all charcters on this account. The only restriction says that I have to be level 10, which I am...
  5. Ok...so I've been having alot of trouble with this daily as well. Spent an hour looking yesterday and never found him (visited all 5 locations). I tried again today and searched all 5 locations over a 30 min period and he wasn't at any of them, so I completely give up on this daily, because this is just total BS.
  6. ...until I read this: Screenshot (Option 1, first word) Made me laugh so hard, I'm sorry lol
  7. The first time it happened, I followed him to the 2nd mine and did it to him lol.
  8. Remember those stupid mines on Balmorra? One of the first side quests there "Step Lightly". You have to deactivate the mine to make the core pop out and then you get attacked so you can't click the core until you dispatch the enemies. The problem with this is that while you're fighting, anyone with that quest can come and pick up the core. So you have to wait for the mine to respawn and then do it again, hoping another person doesn't come along and steal that core too. Had 2 people in a row do that to me once. Very poorly designed, should at least tap the core so no one but the person who deactivated the mine can pick up the core.
  9. I still have no idea what people are talking about when they say 'high-res textures'
  10. I've given up trying to figure out why some choices are dark and why some are light.
  11. Can honestly say that the only time I talk to other players in this game is when I'm in a Warzone lol
  12. That actually happened to me today lol, I click 'Enter Warzone' and all of a sudden I'm staring at my desktop and the game had closed. There have also been some weird times where the game would minimize without me alt-tabbing but not closing.
  13. You know they have that on this website...right?
  14. This game has a Galactic Market? I've never been to it.
  15. I believe it, the game gave me the 'blue screen of death' a couple of times 2 weeks ago. Hasn't since the last patch.
  16. I paid for 6 month subscription to give this game a fair trial. At this point I don't think I'll be continuing my sub unless they really impress me before then. Still playing it while I have an active account though, no reason not too tbh. I still have alot of fun leveling toons by PvP and the storyline alone. Funny how PvP while leveling is much more fun than PvP at 50.
  17. I avoid Pay-to-win games at all cost. I love SW:TOR, but if it went P2W, I would quit in a heartbeat.
  18. Pink Tremel has arrived!!! http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg561/Michael_Kidd/PinkTremel.jpg Seriously though, you should fire the guy that keeps doing this.
  19. Are you new to the english language? You see? I can be a jerk too.
  20. Your opinion is valuable, true story.
  21. Trandoshan; just make it so the boots, gloves, and helmet doesn't show on them and they won't have to augment special gear for them at all.
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