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your most hated planet in swtor


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I'm not sure I have a most hated, but here's what comes to mind.


Voss: Don't care for the natives there; conceited, mystic weirdos. I think that's clown music playing in the cantina.


Belsavis: So many walls, the most annoying when it comes to trying to figure out how to get to a quest marker in an unexplored area of the map.


Nar Shaddaa: I think the worst loading time of all the planets. And travelling along those weird looking streets, I think it does a very poor job of conveying that I'm in a gigantitc, bustling, futuristic city.


Correllia: As someone mentioned earlier, being the last planet, you're probably level 50 already and just antsy to get chapter 3 done.


Except for the minor detail, it's not a planet.

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I think there is a secondary reason stemming from where these ones fall in the levelling process. Your storyline has just hit one of its peaks with the close to Chapter One and Chapter Two right before starting so whatever your activity feels like a bit of a lull without the narrative being pushed to the same level.


This is definitely part of the reason I hate Balmorra. It's also annoying to navigate and I hate the droid factory. The mobs seem to jump up in health at this point as well so fights take longer. Also, colicoids.


I skipped it on my latest alt and just did warzones instead.


And whoever decided that planet should have two bonus series is evil.

Edited by Orlom
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This is definitely part of the reason I hate Balmorra. It's also annoying to navigate and I hate the droid factory. The mobs seem to jump up in health at this point as well so fights take longer. Also, colicoids.


I skipped it on my latest alt and just did warzones instead.


And whoever decided that planet should have two bonus series is evil.


It has two bonus series? Only seen one.

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It has two bonus series? Only seen one.


It does, it just continues off the first one so you might not have noticed. It's called Balmorra: Bonus Series 2. The one on Voss does the same thing.

Edited by Orlom
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What is the planet in swtor that you hate the most.

For me it is quesh that planet looks terrible(and I normally prefer nature) the opponents there feel harder than they should be and in one quest two enemies in this one boss fight revive immediately after you are defeated!

If I had it my way I would take a death star and blow that planet up!


Quesh is trivial. I never hit that planet at less than level 39. It's a cake walk. :p Now Voss is where things start getting challenging. :cool:


For me my most hated planet is Taris, hands down. I hate both republic and imperial Taris. I am in the LOVE Balmorra camp. I would rather have to spend 15 levels on Balmorra than to ever have to set foot on Taris again! :D

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I hate why I am sent their as a Sith Warrior, I hate the people, I hate the nightmare lands and I hate that this really pathetic culture and people are considered so important. As if the Empire couldn't help the Gormack and crush the Voss in one afternoon.

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I hate why I am sent their as a Sith Warrior, I hate the people, I hate the nightmare lands and I hate that this really pathetic culture and people are considered so important. As if the Empire couldn't help the Gormack and crush the Voss in one afternoon.



Didn't the Imperials try to conquer them and then got whooped the crap up?


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I personally despise Alderaan. It is a silly planet full of silly people that should just be blown up now, not in the future. That and it can and usually does bring my graphics card to a slow grinding halt. It is the only planet I have to change graphics settings for. Stupid Alderaan. That and it seems to take forever!
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Can't believe it took this long for someone to say Hoth. Besides snow blindness, there is the fact that it takes forever to get anywhere. No thank you.


Balmorra is a distant second for me, just because the map doesn't make it clear where the lifts are and you can easily waste time trying to get around.

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I'd have to say Nar Shadda, just for collecting datacrons. Only know republic side(Can't seem to stick to an Imp for now), and there are a couple jumping challenges that I'll spend hours trying to get, before giving up. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the jumping challenges for Datacrons(Coruscant get's some beef for this, but I didn't mind it).


Runner up would have to be Corellia, because that place is a freaking maze. I did my class quests, and that was it. I still haven't gone back to get all the datacrons there yet. Thank the gods that there was the Black Hole transport in Legacy, cause the load times are brutal there.

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I really dislike Nar Shadda and Coruscant. In general, I like a big, open-world feeling in my MMOs where I could potentially walk/swim/fly to nearly anywhere if I had the time. I find myself wishing SWTOR had many fewer planets (3?) that were bigger in scale. Edited by Moncrief
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Gotta say, I hate Quesh. It's like northern NJ without the charm. If I wanted that I'd hop in the car for a half hour. Plus, it seems like it was stuck in there for filler. It's almost like the developers figured out that they miscalculated on the planet levels and needed a planet to fill in the gap.


Taris on the Pub side just seems to drag. Want to cure the rakghoul problem? Nuke the planet from orbit.....just to be sure......

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