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your most hated planet in swtor


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The loading screen... I see it way too often and for way too long.



As far as in game environments go... Quesh – that world seems like it was tacked on at the last minute.



I actually liked Taris a lot.

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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I hate Tatooine because it looks amazing and is a blatant reminder of how lifeless and sterile the zones are in this game. Mix the art team responsible for Tatooine with the zone designers from EQ and we wouldn't be wondering where 90% of the subscribers went, cause they'd still be here.
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I have to defend Belsavis a little bit. :) So yea... there are walls. It is a prison after all. However, for the most part every road or path will take you where you need to go. You just have to have a little patience. But Bel's saving grace is the Bestiary and the terrain. Add a few imaginative datacron hunts and incredible vistas and you have what is IMO one of the better planets.


First and foremost are the beasts. Bel is the only planet that I really got a sense that I was in a different world because of the beasts. Now.. I'm not talking about the Eshka, lol. I'm talking about the Varactyl, Baspoor Glider, Acklay, Rancor, Lurker, and Kintan Crusher. Not to mention the best looking World Boss in the game, Primal Destroyer. And they are much more then sceneary. Try to pet a Rancor and you will see what I mean. Or how about, for you folks running dailies, try and solo the Horrific Monstrosity. The sucker will scare the crap out of your companions. lol!


And then there is climate. We go from a vast lush greenery of grass and trees to a snowy ice world complete with snow flakes in some areas. Quite a change in landscape in just one taxi ride. Now throw in the lava chasms and the bridges of rock crossing them? Wow. Just take a look at that stuff especially the lava pits. Pretty impressive.


And then there are the datacrons. Lol. Love how they set them up on this planet. Everything from fighting elites to the Indiana Jones "leap" of faith. Look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about. Better yet, go find them. You will get a new appreciation for the planet.


And there are many more secrets to be found as we will soon discover. No... Bel gets a bad wrap in my view because it tends to be a bit of a grind when you have to keep going in vaults. They can keep the vaults, but I will take the planet. Much more preferable to the static drudgery of Balmorra.

Edited by Rafaman
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Apart from Tython I actually dread all planets.


I actually think the artwork on most planets is pretty good, but I really truely hate how linear all the quests are, how utterly bland the storylines all are and just generally hate leveling alts. So, I got a few kicks leveling my main but every alt I've tried to level since has just felt like a massive drag. I actually hate leveling in this game so much that I haven't made it past level 33 on an alt yet, despite averaging maybe 3 hours a day since dec 13th 2011...

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Belsavis, hands down. I hate the transporter system and how the zones are just so windy and... crappy. I realise it's a prison planet so it's supposed to suck balls but MY GOD why didn't the Empire just do a bombing run and flatten the unimportant bits first?


Ugh. Stupid Dread Masters.


^This. I like the story, but having 2 separate transportation systems (speeders and teleporters) and having a gap in the teleporters is just terrible, especially for the size of the planet.

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Coruscant and Nar Shadaa - Reason: I hated how all the zones were mostly inside windowless buildings and i felt more like i was in a big factory than a city/city planet. If they ever add more areas i hope they do more outside, on top of buildings, walkways around the sides of buildings, windows in buildings, let us see those magnificent cities in the background. Oh and I dont like how I cant seem to find the Senate Chambers in the senate building. Edited by seatown
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The planets i hate the most in old republic are these: Balmorra, Corellia and Alderaan.


cant beleive so many people hate Balmorra and Corellia i love these planets and if i could stay on them i would.


for me thougth Taris for both sides is awful rackgouls everywhere the quests (most of them) are dull and even today it can be buggy as hell.


when i finish courcant on republic toons i go do FP and space just so i can out level the planet and just go there for class missions.

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Corellia for taking forever to load, but is fun.


Coruscant and Nar Shadaa for being so huge and taking forever to get from one side to another, though both are pretty fun.


Taris and Balmorra for just being so damn boring on both sides (though granted the first planet for any quest sucks on both sides).


Quest for having to spend about ten minutes there for the class quest, then another three hours to do the planet quest. Seriously, whenever I hit that planet I feel a part of me die inside.

Edited by z-monty
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I don't even know why, I just couldn't stand it. It was such a depressing planet haha.

I couldn't wait to get off of it.... and then I realised I had to return for the bonus series quests as I couldn't do Hoth at such a low level!

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I don't even know why, I just couldn't stand it. It was such a depressing planet haha.

I couldn't wait to get off of it.... and then I realised I had to return for the bonus series quests as I couldn't do Hoth at such a low level!


I despise Balmorra for exactly the same reasons as you, and what makes it even worse is that the missions there are never ending. There seems to be an overabundance of missions there and just when you think you are done, five more quests pop up.


I will be 50 soon and I still have about 10 grey Balmorra missions in my log. Absolutely hated that planet.

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I truly despise Tython, makes me never want to play another Jedi again. Coruscant is a close second, followed by Nar Shaddaa. This is all purely atmospheric though, I actually love the questlines on NS, just can't stand the world.


You're the first person I've noted to actually dislike Tython. Why didn't you enjoy it:confused:

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I honestly can't say. All the planets - excepting Tatooine and Hoth - are kind of tunnely, and make me never feel like I am in an MMO. There is never the feeling that they are huge or wide. (not the way you felt when you crossed the Barrens on foot). And they always force you to run into a pack of mobs - try a creative shortcut and you get stuck in faulty graphics. Therefore the overall level design is equally bad.


Storywise I find Coruscant annoying and Rep. Nar Shadda the same. On IMP side I found Nar Shadda much better, though but that's because story and quests were more fun. I like the story of Taris, even as the level design itself annoys the crap out of me.


I think most of the planets show that BW usually makes single player games not MMOs. I wish I could really feel like I was exploring a huge world.


This is exactly how I feel. It took me about 10 minutes to think about a planet that I actually disliked. Balmorra came to mind because of what I said earlier about the neverending quests.


But aside from Tattooine and Hoth, all the planets are quite honestly exactly the same to me. They just have different color palettes and stories. But in SWTOR if you've seen one planet you've essentially seen them all.

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You're the first person I've noted to actually dislike Tython. Why didn't you enjoy it:confused:


Chock it up to my glaring affinity for the dark side I guess, there's really no better explanation. I do rather dislike flesh raiders as a persistent enemy and there's entirely too much running around and/or backtracking when compared to Korriban. Or maybe it's the sheer prevalence of melee attackers. Probably just the ambiance though. ...Honestly it's a planet full of Jedi, what better reason to dislike it? :p No, you know what... I think it's all the hills. I don't like hills.

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