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Legacy Names no longer unique


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You know.. When I look to ignore someone for being a jerk.. I don't look for their legacy.. I fail to see how this has any bearing on someone's reputation.. That may just be me..

I'm sure it's not just you. I'm sure many people take the same approach. But I know many also take my approach. I don't think that the ability to do that should be taken away from us.

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I'm sure it's not just you. I'm sure many people take the same approach. But I know many also take my approach. I don't think that the ability to do that should be taken away from us.


RAWR but this is the swtor community, so anything that I dont do, you shouldn't do either because my way is the right way and you're just wrong.




I agree with the quote. But it definitely isn't the only way to do it. Sure it was a convenience to be able to know 'the blah blah legacy' is always one person so you can always ignore him if he decides to show his legacy for all of his alts.


That's the keyword here. . .IF. He doesn't have to show it and can hide it entirely, so while it can be a convenience, there are ways around it.

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RAWR but this is the swtor community, so anything that I dont do, you shouldn't do either because my way is the right way and you're just wrong.




I agree with the quote. But it definitely isn't the only way to do it. Sure it was a convenience to be able to know 'the blah blah legacy' is always one person so you can always ignore him if he decides to show his legacy for all of his alts.


That's the keyword here. . .IF. He doesn't have to show it and can hide it entirely, so while it can be a convenience, there are ways around it.


Furthermore, your ignore list is based off of the first names of characters and you are not able to use the Legacy name to "ignore all characters". I would be willing to bet that the Legacy names are not coded in such away that this is even possible, since you don't get them until lvl ~30 I doubt they are internally coded as account/player identifiers.

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This is correct. This is a change made exactly for the preparation of server mergers.


Wonderful to hear. Infact I've been fairly butthurt about having to transfer from my original server only to find that my last name that I've used since I started playing Star Wars Galaxies in 2004 was no longer available for me to use. This partially made me want to stop playing the game and I'm glad it's being addressed and fixed.

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Not unique? I completely dislike it. I have been forced to change my Legacy name after transfer as well and I wasn't happy, but it's past. The Legacy Names should have been something to connect your characters together and to easily recognize one player. I'd rather have "not that good" legacy name instead of same like 100 other players. Why am I building a reputation to that name while anyone else can completely destroy it because he doesn't even know, where his attack button is? The only solution for me - hide Legacy name, no more useful. Edited by JohnForce
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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. There are some decent people on these forums, but there are people that have multiple accounts and just keep posting against this arguement. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner.
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I can tell people are just skimming pages and not even reading through the posts before posting. Most of this "new" conversation has already been covered and debated to death. Workarounds were even suggested, which should be the focus of this conversation at this point...but since people are not reading the posts in the threads, it's came full circle and is now being played out just as page 1 was played out.


You guys have some catching up to do, otherwise this thread is just going in circles and getting nowhere.


I am going to shock you again and agree with you. :p



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I am going to shock you again and agree with you. :p




I'm going to concur with you on agreeing with him. :D


Then again, regardless of the OP, this thread has largely been the ventfest de jour for the game for this week. Veterans of the forum know there must always be at least one active chew toy in the forum for the discontented. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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I'm going to concur with you on agreeing with him. :D


Then again, regardless of the OP, this thread has largely been the ventfest de jour for the game for this week. Veterans of the forum know there must always be at least one active chew toy in the forum for the discontented. ;)


My turn to agree with you. ;) What would have happened IF BW announced that there would be additional forced legacy name changes again as part of continuing server mergers and or paid transfers? Yea, another version of this thread complaining about unique Legacy names. lol


Same old, same old here in these forums.

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For me, it wasn't about being "a unique snowflake," although that didn't hurt. It was nice to have a single name to tie all my characters to the player behind the screen. From an RP standpoint, I used it as a surname for the members that were actually related, and used it as a title for those that were merely allies or rivals. I would block players with legacy names I recognized as trolls or hateful jerks and enjoyed running into my Pub guildies on the Imp Fleet, only recognizing each other via legacies. Yea, some jerks could just hide their legacy, big deal. And I always hoped they would add the legacy name as viewable to your friends list and ignore list although I suppose that'd be pointless now...


The problem I have with it is that I feel like they care more about bringing back players who unsubbed, rather than keeping the players who have remained subbed. I've been subbed since launch and I love this game. But this is not the first time they've done something to make me feel like a 2nd class citizen to the unsubbers. I can't truly blame them, they're trying to make money and maybe that's where the money is. But it sucks for me and it was the straw that broke the trooper's back. I went ahead and unsubbed. Are they going to go, "OMG! SHE LEFT?! WE MUST GET HER BACK!"? No, of course not. And they're only losing out on like 30 bucks from me because I will be back when it goes F2P. But I am one person and I care about what I like. Hopefully their goals will again line up with mine and I will gladly give them some more of my money at that point.


"Zomg, server queues?! We need MOAR servers!"

"Zomg, dead servers?! We need mergers!"

"Zomg, mergers?! The game is dying! RUN TO GW2!"

"Zomg, mergers?! I lost my names! Make them not unique!"

I don't envy them... but when will it stop? D:

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I am going to shock you again and agree with you. :p






I'm going to concur with you on agreeing with him. :D


Then again, regardless of the OP, this thread has largely been the ventfest de jour for the game for this week. Veterans of the forum know there must always be at least one active chew toy in the forum for the discontented. ;)



It becomes easier to agree when we are willing to find a happy medium to compromise with. And yeah, a bit shocked, heh.


Kidding aside, I think the idea of them making Legacy Names available to all is fine. It would have however been nice if they gave us an alternative means to keep an individual and unique name that carries over to all characters. I just hope they plan to implement some type of "global" name or account name sometime in the future. Perhaps when they add character slots (which I need badly!) would be an appropriate time frame for this?

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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. There are some decent people on these forums, but there are people that have multiple accounts and just keep posting against this arguement. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner.


Whats the problem ?

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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. There are some decent people on these forums, but there are people that have multiple accounts and just keep posting against this arguement. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner.


Whats the problem ?

The problem is that that would be the same as not allowing duplicates at all. The people who have likely-to-be-duplicated names are almost certain to be the ones who are adamant about their special snowflake status. Do you really foresee more than a tiny percentage clicking yes?


The issue is not just new players. It's inactive accounts that will be transferred from closed servers. BioWare promised never to delete characters. They want those players back. This move seeks to avoid the rage posts (or simple ragequit) by players who return to discover that tney've been moved to a new server and have, potentially, lost both their first and legacy names.

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Well some people in these forums seem to view this as a minority of people who are unhappy with the Legacy change, and they are more then happy to lose theirs and not worry about it. So by their logic yes I do see a lot of people clicking yes. The players with Founder titles should be excempt from this. If players left then thats their choice, the players that have stayed and paid month in month out for almost a year deserve to be asked and to make a choice.


The whole idea of priority to "Founders" is not an equitable solution. If you really wanted to be equitable then ALL names would be reset for EVERYONE on every particular server and one would assign a value to each account based on the age of the account in the order that the accounts were created with the oldest accounts getting priority for both first and legacy names. Some "founders" got that title just under the wire. How are they any more special than the guy who was one day later than them as compared to someone who has been with this project since closed beta or before. That would be fair. Priority based off of continued uniterupted longevity. That is the measure of loyalty to SWTOR and should be recognised as such.

Edited by Urael
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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders.. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner. There are a number of people in game that dont come on the forums that are also unhappy. Needs to be adressed.
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This is correct. This is a change made exactly for the preparation of server mergers.


Do you know what's funny about this comment ? It says server mergers and no one at BW has ever said those words before. I know it scares people off and they used the words forced transfers but I find it odd no one picked up on it.





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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders.. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner. There are a number of people in game that dont come on the forums that are also unhappy. Needs to be adressed.


I doubt anything will be done to appease the "founders" group. They have already duped us out of our money, so what do they have to gain by doing anything nice or fair for us? I honestly believe that EA/BW is operating under the assumption that very few people will actually sub when F2P hits.


It's all about scheming to get the new customers they don't have instead of catering to the wants of the current customer base. I expect nothing else but more of the same at this point.


There comes a time when you need to lower your expectations and accept what is. Unique legacy names are gone.


History should have taught everyone by now that the community consensus means little or nothing to those who pull the strings here.

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Do you know what's funny about this comment ? It says server mergers and no one at BW has ever said those words before. I know it scares people off and they used the words forced transfers but I find it odd no one picked up on it.






Post number 144 this thread. ;)


OMG! Did a BioWare employee finally admit that server mergers are coming?!?!?




BioWare has refused to say the words "server mergers" for months now. We all knew it was coming, but BioWare refused to admit it. Now they finally have!


I for one am going to continue my subscription at least until the launch of F2P just because you said this Mr. Gonzalez. You see, I actually prefer it when companies that I patronize tell me the truth. So I choose to reward this behavior the only way that I can. With my money.

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It's all about scheming to get the new customers they don't have instead of catering to the wants of the current customer base. I expect nothing else but more of the same at this point.


Indeed. Hopefully for them, there will be more people happy to get lost legacy names back than there will be people upset to "lose" their current names. No matter what, trying to be fair to one group is being unfair to another... and trying to make the entire game "fair" is going to leave all of us blind, deaf and dumb.

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Post number 144 this thread. ;)


Wow iv'e been studying this thread since it began , that slipped through the net , well spotted :)


I wonder if they mean , merging the remaining servers , or merging them to the destination ones? We will soon know though I hope by the 21st.


Cheers ,



Edited by BadOrb
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Wow iv'e studying this thread since it began , that slipped through the net , well spotted :)


I wonder if they mean , merging the remaining server , or merging them to the destination ones? We will soon know though I hope by the 21st.


Cheers ,




Pretty sure from past communications on this subject that this will be where they finally move all the people left on the ghost servers to their intended destination servers.


They still haven't totally addressed to "what if the destination server is full, what will happen to my characters" questions. Specifically what will happen if one has more than eight characters slated to go to the final destination server and those characters go into a state of "limbo" until new slots open up? We have been told new slots will open but not when. I hope its just prior to the last round of mergers to accomodate those that have more characters than their designated destination server will hold.


I am not of the mind that they are going to take the current servers and further merge them, however, something needs to be done for our Pac Gamers and the PvP servers which are pretty low compared to before the launch of GW2.

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Pretty sure from past communications on this subject that this will be where they finally move all the people left on the ghost servers to their intended destination servers.


They still haven't totally addressed to "what if the destination server is full, what will happen to my characters" questions. Specifically what will happen if one has more than eight characters slated to go to the final destination server and those characters go into a state of "limbo" until new slots open up? We have been told new slots will open but not when. I hope its just prior to the last round of mergers to accomodate those that have more characters than their designated destination server will hold.


I am not of the mind that they are going to take the current servers and further merge them, however, something needs to be done for our Pac Gamers and the PvP servers which are pretty low compared to before the launch of GW2.


Well my small group of friends and I , do not want our characters above the magic 8 to be in limbo , if that happens I will unsub as well there are 16 advanced classes and thus I made characters on two servers. It isn't my fault that the two servers happen to have only one destination server. So they might send like for like servers onto a different like for like server if the 8 character slots are full ? for instance RP East coast to the only RP West coast ? Also we don't really want to lose our legacy on the characters on one of the two servers , so making 16 free slots on the destination servers isn't going to work out too well. We would lose one of our legacy names.


So I do hope they merge like for like of the origin servers and create what would it be , about 6-8 new mega ( destination ) servers , remembering F2P is on its way and 25 mega servers will not be enough IMO.


Here's hoping :)





Edited by BadOrb
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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. There are some decent people on these forums, but there are people that have multiple accounts and just keep posting against this arguement. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner.

They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. There are some decent people on these forums, but there are people that have multiple accounts and just keep posting against this arguement. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner.


Whats the problem ?

Its obvious there are people in here with more then one account, gives it away when they start to quote the same repleys from certian other posters, worded the same etc. If you dont care about your legacy name thats fine. Others do and want to have a choice. Whats unfair about that? :rolleyes:

They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders.. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner. There are a number of people in game that dont come on the forums that are also unhappy. Needs to be adressed.


Apart from posting nearly identical posts every few hours, let me address the multiple accounts thing you have been bringing up in most of your posts since last night. I only have one account, as I'm sure most of the people that have been posting here do as well, but if someone did have multiple accounts...guess what? They are entitled to multiple 'votes' per se then, because they are paying to sustain multiple subscriptions. The fairest democracy is one subscription = one vote. If a family of 4 who all play they game disagree with you, do you feel that only the dad can comment here on the forums? Only the mom?


I can assure you that all the people who are saying "TY, BW, for letting me have my name back" are not me.

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They still haven't totally addressed to "what if the destination server is full, what will happen to my characters" questions. Specifically what will happen if one has more than eight characters slated to go to the final destination server and those characters go into a state of "limbo" until new slots open up? We have been told new slots will open but not when. I hope its just prior to the last round of mergers to accomodate those that have more characters than their designated destination server will hold.
I agree, this is still a huge issue (at least for some of us). I'm in the same boat. I hope they do something to help those in a similar situation out. Sure, I would have liked to have gotten the free BH comms on my abandoned toons, but just being able to play them again with my friends would be reward enough.
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