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Legacy Names no longer unique


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i know i get really pissed off whenever i see anyone on the street with the same last name i have. somehow i feel less special knowing im not the only person with my last name in the universe.


If they gave us a vote then you can click yes to someone sharing your legacy name, me Id vote no. Problem solved.

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the only cool thing about legacynames is it will help us recognise alt´s. So if some player have ticked us off we can note his legacyname and make sure we avoid him/her. An option to link legacynames to ignore and friends lists would have been realy nice, but i guess that´s out of the picture now. :(


unique first names or last names i couldn´t care less, but legacy names i would have preffered stayed unique.

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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. There are some decent people on these forums, but there are people that have multiple accounts and just keep posting against this arguement. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner.


there is a thread in General * or was it comminty?* either way the OTHER thread for this i added the same input, glad i'm not the only one lol :D

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When I read that I immediately thought "***, BW?!?!". One of the most unique options out there is now going to become just a name... That's stupid and more importantly - completely pointless.


As many people above in this thread said, this can potentially harm your in-game image when some idiot chooses the same legacy names as yours and starts to fool around.


In my opinion first names must be free for choosing, but legacy.... 100% unique for the player.


I think this may be connected with the F2P, but we'll see.


I'm just disappointed, BW...

Edited by AsakuraHao
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there is a thread in General * or was it comminty?* either way the OTHER thread for this i added the same input, glad i'm not the only one lol :D


It solves the problem totaly. Those that dont care can say yes my name can be used, Those that care can put no dont use it. Pure democracy at work. It has to be a vote in game and not on the forums as I said before there are people in these forums with more then one Account. Has to be ingame.

Edited by AlannTH
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i know i get really pissed off whenever i see anyone on the street with the same last name i have. somehow i feel less special knowing im not the only person with my last name in the universe.


You're unconcerned about it in real life because in real life you have other means of identifying yourself as yourself, the most obvious being your face.


I'm pretty sure if you (and everybody else around you) had 8 or more different faces in real life, you would care much more about names / surnames as means of identifying you as yourself and others as themselves.

Edited by KyaniteD
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You're unconcerned about it in real life because in real life you have other means of identifying yourself as yourself, the most obvious being your face.


I'm pretty sure if you (and everybody else around you) had 8 or more different faces in real life, you would care much more about names / surnames as means of identifying you as yourself and others as themselves.


im unconcerned about it in a fake game world also, my friends know me and i know them. i could care less if someone else has the same legacy name i do. who am i and what rights do i have to deny someone else the legacy name of their choice just because i was either on the server longer than they were or i finished chapter 1 on one character before they did.


im all for this change, your legacy is your story and you should be able to name it what you want.

Edited by Tiek
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: Originally Posted by Tiek View Post

i know i get really pissed off whenever i see anyone on the street with the same last name i have. somehow i feel less special knowing im not the only person with my last name in the universe.



You're unconcerned about it in real life because in real life you have other means of identifying yourself as yourself, the most obvious being your face.


I'm pretty sure if you (and everybody else around you) had 8 or more different faces in real life, you would care much more about names / surnames as means of identifying you as yourself and others as themselves.


I find it hilarious how people still continue to try and use real life as a standard and comparison to names in this game. They say these things as though it really means something and holds merit, when in fact it does not.

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The main problem here is a horrendously bad design decision, making first/character names unique by server, being compounded with the way they chose to implement Legacy/surnames, which server mergers showed were both bad decisions.


The trouble is the game relies on that unique first name way too much. Names should never have been unique. They should have tied identity to account names or an ID code generated for each character or account. There are plenty of game-world explanations that would work with such a system, since the Republic and Empire would both likely have communications codes or ID systems for their citizens. The in-game mail system would tie in quite nicely to an ID system, in fact.


Now thanks to bad initial decisions, we're stuck with shoddy band-aid measures that only complicate things. Actually, no, it's more a matter of laziness and convenience for the devs. They could have chosen to implement an ID system and unlock both names, but alas...


Here's an idea: work on an ID system to roll out, and let anyone have the names they want.

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I can tell people are just skimming pages and not even reading through the posts before posting. Most of this "new" conversation has already been covered and debated to death. Workarounds were even suggested, which should be the focus of this conversation at this point...but since people are not reading the posts in the threads, it's came full circle and is now being played out just as page 1 was played out.


You guys have some catching up to do, otherwise this thread is just going in circles and getting nowhere.

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I don't like AT ALL being able to share your Legacy name with other players. I'm sorry, the Legacy names is like the name of my avatar in my server: personal and not transferable. It doesn't make sense at all and removes my little personalization, not having into account asholes tarnishing my Legacy name.


On the other hand, saying you will be able to change your Legacy name is ok for me, it's awesome for people that chose a "not so clever" funny name and by now is tired of it.

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I don't see what the issue is??


There is more than one Jones or Smith in the phone book..


Again.. I just don't see what the fuss is about.. :confused:

The issue is that, up to this point, this was not the case in SW:TOR. This allowed us to build a reputation (among other things) via legacy name. That ability is being taken from us with this change.

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All I wish to say to this subject is this,when SWG did this and took away the unigueness of how we played our toons and limited us to the ICONIC 8 in the NGE, that game immediately (within 1 month) lost over 5 million subs and it took SOE over 5 years to start to recover from that move and they still failed in the end. SWG had a lot of other problems yes, but its ability in the beginnings to allow the individual to create and customize their alter -egos with mixed classes, thru their toons was perhaps the greatest accomplishment of that game (along with the SUPERIOR Crafting system that they had). Saddly when they decided to end that uniqueness of their game it was doomed to a very long slow,painful,costly death. Bioware could be repeating this same mistake with taking one of this games unique qualifiers away from the players--- their Legacy names.

I am seeing more and more people going into the SWGEMU version now than in the the 6-7 years it has been running, more activity from the staff pushing thru features and gameplay. Yes it still is under development and will be for some more time. But it is there for all to enjoy that want their unique toons,builds, and classes to enjoy:):)

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I don't see what the issue is??


There is more than one Jones or Smith in the phone book..


Again.. I just don't see what the fuss is about.. :confused:


I have to agree with you...


There are thousands of Johns and Marys on the world, as well as thousands of Smiths, Jones, Silvas and other surnames.


What I mean is... in real world, how many people do you think that has the same name and surname as you? You don't have the idea.


It's the same in the game... but it's galaxy wide, not only world wide, which means... billions of other creatures can have the same name and surname as you and you don't know it.


I'm taking in comparison the real life and as if we lived in the SW era and galaxy.


To me this should go even further down the road... they should make not only the legacy, but also the 1st name a "non-unique" thing!

Edited by Haggardbr
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This is correct. This is a change made exactly for the preparation of server mergers.




I wouldnt mind just have legacy account wide, its the legacy unlocks that keep me from leveling on other servers.

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I can tell people are just skimming pages and not even reading through the posts before posting. Most of this "new" conversation has already been covered and debated to death. Workarounds were even suggested, which should be the focus of this conversation at this point...but since people are not reading the posts in the threads, it's came full circle and is now being played out just as page 1 was played out.


You guys have some catching up to do, otherwise this thread is just going in circles and getting nowhere.


can you blame them? I'm certainly not reading through 500 posts just to get caught up xD

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One more thing, this is kinda cool for the RP community because now you could RP the same family and stuff.


I think that would be pretty neat.


As far as people talking about you "REPUTATION", its video game you dont really have a reputation here. That is just silliness. Besides most of my alts hide the last name so people know the toon not the last name. If they remember my toon at all, lol.

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The issue is that, up to this point, this was not the case in SW:TOR. This allowed us to build a reputation (among other things) via legacy name. That ability is being taken from us with this change.


You know.. When I look to ignore someone for being a jerk.. I don't look for their legacy.. I fail to see how this has any bearing on someone's reputation.. That may just be me..

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You know.. When I look to ignore someone for being a jerk.. I don't look for their legacy.. I fail to see how this has any bearing on someone's reputation.. That may just be me..


That nice and all but a lot of other people DO look at people's legacy name's. I put a troll on my Ignore list because i remembered his legacy and saved myself his awful trolling! On the other side i was able to add a friend to my friends list because i knew he was a good PvPer just from his legacy :D (though he was a healer when i met him the 1st time and a DPS when i add'd him lol)

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