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Would you play this?


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How many of you here would play a game that had a completely new revolutionary style of crafting but was complex, in depth and challenging as well as not TOO time consuming, was fun and had it's own ....uniqueness to it? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I wish SWTOR would have turned out like that. All I do in the game now is stand around Tython with my 50 sage that I feel most attached to crafting for new Padawans and RP my butt off :p wishing TOR would have been more....different. I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


Do mmoers really like difference? Or do they just say they do but then when something hits they won't like it because it's too different. Would you welcome a game that's not a wow clone and a completely fun, rejuvinating experience to the mmorpg world? Need feedback thanks!

Edited by Sarfux
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Chat Bubbles, sitting in chairs and RP does nothing for me.


A complex dynamic world (including crafting) where when you achieve something it has significant meaning is what I want.


What would you look for more in dynamic world content for SWTOR? How would you guys want it to be? Invasions? Very very rare animals if this game had a day/night cycle that only came out at night at random nights and times and dropped very VERY Rare things? Stuff like that?

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.!


Nope, wouldn't play it. There is a reason that SWG (and EVE) never interested me, I want to log onto a game for a few hours and have fun not worry about complex crafting etc.


Oh, and I loath chat bubbles, 1st thing I turn off in a game.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I haven't.


I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


I do wish that TOR was more RP-friendly, though. I'm not super surprised after the RPG was partly taken out of Mass Effect 3 and my Revan character(s) with 100s of hours of gameplay put into them were told that they're wrong and shouldn't exist by the Star Wars powers that be.


With no moderation at all, the RP servers are only really that by name. There are no naming conventions or anything of the sort. On top of that, the game itself doesn't really support RP for the reasons that OP mentioned.

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I wish SWTOR would have turned out like that. All I do in the game now is stand around Tython with my 50 sage that I feel most attached to crafting for new Padawans and RP my butt off :p wishing TOR would have been more....different. I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


Do mmoers really like difference? Or do they just say they do but then when something hits they won't like it because it's too different. Would you welcome a game that's not a wow clone and a completely fun, rejuvinating experience to the mmorpg world? Need feedback thanks!


This really has no interest for me, either.


I will say I wouldn't mind the idea of player housing of a sort on the fleet and maybe Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, but I'd rather it be an instanced setup in some of those large empty buildings, rather than something where you can find your own plot, build your own structure, and then leave it there to look like a crappy ghost town for ages on end, just waiting for someone else to come along and clean it up.


Give us an entrance or two with a code request where you enter your character name or some passcode in order to get up to your floor, and then let people go nuts with it. But at least that way, those empty apartments won't be an issue and won't need someone to come along and clean them up, or take care of ghost towns.


Chat bubbles would be nice, but it isn't a game-breaking loss. And sitting in chairs I could really care less about.


I'd rather they spent time building new warzones and new content for us to use.


Some random, repeatable quests that players can obtain and complete in various areas as a sort of bounty board or mission generator might be nice for the end game to pass the time in between other content, but I'm really not interested in a complete overhaul of crafting. The system they have seems workable enough and is functinal for what I need it to do.


And no, I'm not interested in being a storekeeper in an MMO, either.

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Nope, wouldn't play it. There is a reason that SWG (and EVE) never interested me, I want to log onto a game for a few hours and have fun not worry about complex crafting etc.


Oh, and I loath chat bubbles, 1st thing I turn off in a game.

Alright then. What kind of crafting system do you like? I like the system in TOR but also, they should give you the ability to make it yourself to as well as companions.

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Alright then. What kind of crafting system do you like? I like the system in TOR but also, they should give you the ability to make it yourself to as well as companions.


I like the system SWTOR has, I particularly like that I don't have to stand around crafting, its about as interesting for me as sitting watching my toon do nothing at all for 5 minutes.

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Complex Crafting was a drag in SWG. Traveling to 4-6 vendors and multiple planets just to craft something...blehh! I do miss the chat bubbles. The lack of bubbles creates a sense of detachment and messes with my head. Chairs that are there but you can't sit in kinda tick me off too. It's like being in a child's cardboard box house where everything is drawn in with crayon.
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I like the system SWTOR has, I particularly like that I don't have to stand around crafting, its about as interesting for me as sitting watching my toon do nothing at all for 5 minutes.


Obviously you don't know SWG's crafting, since your general criticism doesn't apply. Gathering in a nutshell: you surveyed for ressource spots on planets, put up your harvesters and let them do the work. A few days later you would collect the harvested ressouces. Crafting in a nutshell: You experiment with ressources (with varying quality) and created a schematic. Then you put your schematic and all relating ressources in your factory and could log off.


So it had the (your favored) advantages of Swtor's crafting system and a LOT of depth additionally. I was never a crafter before and after SWG for the reasons you desc ribed, but SWG's crafting blew me away such that my main character was nothing but a crafter.

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I would love a game with a crafting and resource management system like SWG had.


Complex and varied. 2 different crafters making the same item, would not get the same results. Even if you used the experimentation and different results of that experimenting.


Your whole game could be just crafting, if that is what you wanted....or not at all if you didn't want to...but you would still rely on the crafters for your doc buffs, armour, weapons, houses, furniture.


SWG was still the closest thing to a perfect MMO I've ever played.....well, until CU and NGE dumbed it down too much for the whining kids. There are those on here, who have never even played it, and still claim to hate it...but that is the "I want everything now and I should not have to put any effort in to get it" brigade of kids....likely the same ones that complain about SWTOR being too much of a grind.

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Nope, wouldn't play it. There is a reason that SWG (and EVE) never interested me, I want to log onto a game for a few hours and have fun not worry about complex crafting etc.


Oh, and I loath chat bubbles, 1st thing I turn off in a game.


Same for me, both on the crafting and on the chat bubbles.

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what did you wish this game had more of? in terams of variation and difference


Consitency. SWTOR seem's to want to be to many things to to many people. There are lots of different MMO's out there, and some are better at some things then others. Some appeal to one niche of MMO's while others appeal to another Niche. What does SWTOR want to appeal to? It seems to want to appeal to everyone and everything. RP, PVP, PVE, Collectors, Singleplayers, etc etc. So when people ask "What do you want in this game to make it better?" you get a thousand different replies that are so different from each other that the game ends up having no great point, just lots of average ones. Like the Jack of all Trades role in a lot of RPG's. Average at everything, but not great at anything.


Personally I'd love to see more focus on overall character customization, especially visual appearance, as well as more support for RP and RP activities.

Edited by Selvec
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What the....? Sarfux, you have been such a strong supporter for TOR and so intent on your feelings the game was fine as is and would be even more successful in the future...why the turn-around and desire for some major game changes as you propose?
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what did you wish this game had more of? in terams of variation and difference


Sub-systems that aren't essential gameplay, at least for power, but maybe with its own rewards. the SW universe is full of ideas, Pazakk, Sabac, Pit Fighting, real space combat missions, heck even scavenger hunts maybe for unique mod gear.


As for crafting, I don't mind if some components are harder or more unique, but when it takes too many things to make an item, and it feels like high level inventory management becomes too much part of the game, I don't like that.


I guess what I'm trying to say, is I don't mind having to put in effort for something, but I want doing it in itself to be fun (subjective, I know) instead of busy work that's a time sink for the sake of being a time sink.

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what did you wish this game had more of? in terams of variation and difference


Ok if this had been my game things would have gone as followed ( vague outline)


1st planet) Upon logon your just your character on your home planet ( very thempark based) Your given various quests to complete, there are reasons behind each quest as there given by say Military personal, Jedi, or underworld bosses. Depending on the quests you choose or some other "thing" you'll eventually get taken aside, let use jedi as example, a jedi master will approach you tell you he feels your strong in the force and send you to Tython


2nd planet) Again heavely themepark, This is your trainning planet and at the end you pick you AC.


3rd planet) again heavely themepark. You train in depth towards you AC while preforming various quests.


Planets from here get more and more sandboxy ( think planets from SWG ) no areas are off limits


Crafting, you don't follow the same path as mentioned above as crafting is a thing unto itself. You find a tradeskill NPC and become their apprentice. They teach you the basics and send you on various tasks. You'll skip planets 2&3 as 1 will have all you'll need (you're gonna be there awhile) and it'll be all worth it becouse you'll eventually be able to craft thing FAR superior to anything ever dropped. And when i say 1 will have all you'll need i mean Training, as mats will be found on planets past #3. You'll need to go to them to gather as ONLY crafters can gather mats. There wiil be NO schematics, I would take crafting towards a 2nd life, you wanna make high heel pumps, knock yourself out, the quality is only determined by the quality of the mats you used and your skill level


Did i say Skill level, ya i did. All classes whether jedi, crafter, whatever, will have to jump through insane hoops to aquire skills. No more skill trees, no more limits. Your a jedi and wanna use force lightning, you're gonna be able to if you can find someone to teach you the skill.


i could go on but now i'm writting a book, lol

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So this is what I got out of it. You want a game that has a complex, challenging crafting system BUT you don't want it to be boring. Like, based on different variables of which skills your character had only a FEW people on the server could craft very rare, epic armor, weapons etc.


For planets you guys seem to want a little bit themepark thrown into a lot of sandbox with a good mix of sand and rides, NOT like we have now where no sandbox or VERY VERY little is thrown into Great America and you can't even see the sand. Did I get that right? Something to that extent?


It seems people want a completely new skilling mechanic and the whole talent tree thing is old. People seem to not want another "wow clone" they want something new, fresh, bold, adventurous, fun, addicting, exciting! and if it's done right you will want to stay in it. That's what people want right?

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So this is what I got out of it. You want a game that has a complex, challenging crafting system BUT you don't want it to be boring. Like, based on different variables of which skills your character had only a FEW people on the server could craft very rare, epic armor, weapons etc.


For planets you guys seem to want a little bit themepark thrown into a lot of sandbox with a good mix of sand and rides, NOT like we have now where no sandbox or VERY VERY little is thrown into Great America and you can't even see the sand. Did I get that right? Something to that extent?


It seems people want a completely new skilling mechanic and the whole talent tree thing is old. People seem to not want another "wow clone" they want something new, fresh, bold, adventurous, fun, addicting, exciting! and if it's done right you will want to stay in it. That's what people want right?


If you gave me this i would play as much as humanly possible and throw money at you , while thanking you for taking it. You could also take your time with new content as i have plenty to keep me busy while you work.

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If you gave me this i would play as much as humanly possible and throw money at you , while thanking you for taking it. You could also take your time with new content as i have plenty to keep me busy while you work.


Well alright then. I think I have what people want in an mmorpg and think I have finally come up with a system that is better than the Holy Trinity system all while making the game sandbox AND fun not boring. I know now talking with various people, lots actually and getting input that's what they want. Thanks! ;)


Wish TOR was like that. Take our ideas devs :)

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Well alright then. I think I have what people want in an mmorpg and think I have finally come up with a system that is better than the Holy Trinity system all while making the game sandbox AND fun not boring. I know now talking with various people, lots actually and getting input that's what they want. Thanks! ;)


Wish TOR was like that. Take our ideas devs :)


From what I can tell based on responses to this thread, other threads, and the "failure" of SWG, you and I represent a minority. I wouldn't say it's "what people want" from an MMORPG, but it's definitely what some people want.

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