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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Same gender romance :p

2. Easier/more customization of character/companions. I mean once you have spent 1 hour or more having gotten to know the companion it's hard to change their looks and not feel like they are someone else :p

3. Easier to modify or change the end game weapons and armors

- Color

- Apperance

- Cheaper to remove Armoring, Mods, Enhancements, Barrels etc.

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1. Shared vault (would be dead handy as the companion crew skills are overlapping in different crafters). Would really serve us altoholics and craftoholics


2. Character customization (outfit- opportunity and barber). Brings life to crowds when everybody looks different. And dear lord republic could use some real band-aid looks-wise. Would be nice if I didn't have to hide my knights ugly face under a helmet - I really don't know what I was thinking when I created the face.:rak_02:


3. Would love to see more personal storyline and eh.. romance dialogue ;) as well as general companion dialogue. I would also appreciate more variability in romances (I can smell Oghren 's beer and see his face every time I try to smooch Andronikus.. aeeeh. )

Edited by drained_warrior
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1. Pazaak, swoop racing, group space missions, other social games.

2. Unique Chapter 4 story lines for each base class, not one story fits all.

3. Character transfers.


And I really have to add what I do NOT want to see.


1. 3d space. I'm sorry, I know a lot of people want it, but in my opinion it would be a huge waste of time.

2. Housing. We have ships. Don't need player ghost towns, because that is what every single player housing has become in every other game. If they do anything they should allow you to customize your ships.

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1. choices in color for armor within the color scheme of the republic or empire and also for people that use synthweaving and armortech to have pattern recipies to add to your gear. (to help diversify everyone instead of people walking around in identical gear.

2. cross server transfer

3. class story expansion

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. More character customization, including the ability to change face/hair/body after creation. This also includes making it possible to look exactly how YOU want. Essentially, make every piece of armor and weapon modifiable. There's some great looking gear out there that we just have to throw away or sell because we "outgrow" it, and there's no orange-quality variant.


2. Improve social/roleplay aspects Add chat bubbles, the ability to sit on furniture such as chairs and couches, and make a sleeping animation.


3. Legacy weapons Having a level xx Vanguard allows you to purchase (or just unlock) Blaster Rifle Proficiency for other characters. Obviously there should be some restrictions, lightsabers to jedi (sentinel/maurader with double bladed, etc.) heavy weapons to the heavy DPS classes (BH and trooper.) But other than that, ranged classes could wield vibroblades, smugglers and bounty hunters can use rifles, trooper and agent can use pistols, etc.

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1. More customization options for both ship and character: Actually choosing a color pallet for your gear....choosing lightsaber hilt design...being able to put up/down your hood(if you are wearing a robe/gear with hoodie)


2. More open space exploration and combat.


3. Just fix some of the minor bugs still plaguing the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Jump To Light Speed space and modifiable ships Exterior color and complete modifiable interior


2) take out exhaustion zones on planets!!!!!!!!! that crap is annoying and it keeps explorers from doing what they/we want to do, it will also open up a lot of planets and make them a bit bigger. and instead of adding more planets in the future you can just open up even more of the planets we allready have, just add to them seeing as how small most of them are.


3) crafting!!!! crafting now sucks balls!!!! let us actually do something and have a say in what we make looks like. let us choose colors, add certain stats, we need something new here kuz its very weak right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

personally I would love to see more selection for the VIP lounge on both the Republic and Empire Fleets, what it means by more Is well rather simple you could have a few vendors of their that sell nothing but customization Kids for the companion care nurse shortening the distance for players to purchase the collectors edition going to one place instead of running all over the planets in the galaxy. You can configure All sides of the upper deck around the lounge having one area for a dueling area set with targeting DumAmies, another wing set with usable furniture for players who may wish to role-play Up their. perhaps even for those who get monthly Cartel coins can receive a a random encounter up there someone from a Cartel factions giving them the points or attempting to bribe them Or something similar on those. Even have one of the Sections set up with vendors In items they have on display such as vehicles cages with animals suits and weapons, even parts of ships. the final section should have a Mixture of furniture scattered out and Non-player characters that leave open Random encounters that Reflect Or are the result of the actions taken on the players story line.



Vendors can be set up with Items that are exclusive to collector editions purchasers And VIP members.


Rare pets.

Social gear.

Customizable weapons.


Special spaceship Interior theme.

Hairstylist (That includes different hairstyles, hairstyle color, Jewelry or other Types of Prosthetics that are not Bound to any one race. )

Vendor that sells Grade four Quality one companion gifts.

(((((((( customization kits for: closing, armor, weapons, vehicles like good old days and Star Wars galaxies before Sony came and turned it into a giant cash cow and no longer cared about the consumer )))))))))))

Edited by Oewron
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- Free space roaming as in privateer, freespace and the like

- More immersion items/mechanics (like ship customization, hair/beard/scars change, ...)

- More in-universe/context mechanics (like pazaak, sabback, pod race, ...)


P.S. : it's really hard to stick to the 3 things limit.

Edited by Cylnael
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1) A more clear gear progression. I find it silly that hardmode flashpoints drop tionese except the final boss. Each boss should drop columni commendations in my opinion with the final dropping the piece. I just don't like queuing once and then being done with it.


2) Secondary professions. Not sure how some would fit in lore wise but something along the lines of fishing or cooking except star warsy. Maybe if space gets reworked some sort of space mining or something along those lines.


3) Maybe introduce an armory type website function?

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From my thread... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=581214


The answer is a lot of things, but especially end-game things.

I suggest we make a running list of what you want in the game. Things that will make you want to stay and/or keep giving money. I know there are threads out there similar to this, but I think we need one place where everyone can voice their opinion. Do it however you want. Top 3 things, top 10, or just whatever.

I’ll start off with things I think would make this game feel more like a community.

Most if not all of these ideas have been mentioned by others, and are not my original ideas.


We are drowning on the fleet. I think we need another place to spend some time. I'm not talking about combat either. For example, Nar Shaddaa. It should have a casino. There should be games to play, like pazaak. This should not be the only game though. These should be multiplayer games. You should gamble your credits against other people and the dealers as well.

How awesome would a casino be where you could sit down, order drinks have chat bubbles, play games and bet on pod races.

Speaking of pod races, there should be pod races. It would be a quest chain to build the best racer you can. It can be like the speeders, where you would have a level 25 pod and level 50 (55?) It can be upgraded like your ship and raced. You should be able to bet on other people's races too. There should be pod races on several planets. The obvious one is Tatooine. Hoth might be cool too.


Scavenger hunts. It could be planet specific or multiple planets. These would not repeat. Every 6 weeks or major patch, a new one will happen. The first 100 or so people per server to complete it would get a super rare. After that the rewards would be less. Teamwork could be required for some of them. They would be events.

Similar to scavenger hunts would be something like the TV show “The Amazing Race”.


Class specific dailies. How awesome would it be to have a daily bounty hunting mission or smuggling mission. This would be even cooler if the dailies rotated. For example there could be 3 for each class to start. Every thrid day they would repeat. They could add a new quest for each class every 6 weeks or every major patch or whatever.

If you have ever played Assassin’s Creed, there could be “hits” on other players. You would go to a planet and the game would provide you a player target. You would get hints to where they were. Follow their trail and nail them. If they happen to log off or leave the planet, the game would choose another target. The targets wouldn’t know that they are targets. You would sign up for it on PVE servers, but PVP servers it could be everyone. The target would always be your level or the players get buffed to 49 like in warzones. Of course the rewards for a successful hit or if you fight off your hit man would be good.


Arenas. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4. Arenas are awesome for some people. Make it so you can watch other’s ranked matches in the casino or other places. Maybe even have a ring that you step into. Everyone can stand around and watch.


A planet that is PVP, like Ilum was supposed to be. But obviously much more. It wouldn't just be about the fighting. If your side controlled the planet, you could quest on it too. Very rewarding dailies. Different vendors, etc.


Different kinds of PVP. I like that each warzone is unique, and it should be expanded upon even more. How about a hostage situation or the opposite of that. Where one side is trying to kill/capture/rescue and the other is trying to defend/protect/hold captive. King of the hill, capture the flag, etc.


New huttball fields. People like hutball. Make at least one more field. Add jumping pads to it perhaps too. Scores can be broadcast in the casino. Maybe you could even bet on them.


Take the space missions off rails and make them multiplayer battles.


Races (not pod races), but obstacle courses. Obviously class speed buffs would have to be disallowed. People can put their jumping skills to the test. NPCs could interfere as well.


Here are more things that are not based on end-game.

Bug fixes.

Cross server queues.

SERVER TRANSFERS (huge for me)

Multiple talent specs. Press a button to change abilities and button layout. Maybe we wouldn’t have to wait for tanks all the time.

Hood down


Change advanced class

More playable species. Even things like Wookies or Jawas. Just make a universal translator so the PC characters can speak English.

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From my thread... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=581214


The answer is a lot of things, but especially end-game things.

I suggest we make a running list of what you want in the game. Things that will make you want to stay and/or keep giving money. I know there are threads out there similar to this, but I think we need one place where everyone can voice their opinion. Do it however you want. Top 3 things, top 10, or just whatever.

I’ll start off with things I think would make this game feel more like a community.

Most if not all of these ideas have been mentioned by others, and are not my original ideas.


We are drowning on the fleet. I think we need another place to spend some time. I'm not talking about combat either. For example, Nar Shaddaa. It should have a casino. There should be games to play, like pazaak. This should not be the only game though. These should be multiplayer games. You should gamble your credits against other people and the dealers as well.

How awesome would a casino be where you could sit down, order drinks have chat bubbles, play games and bet on pod races.

Speaking of pod races, there should be pod races. It would be a quest chain to build the best racer you can. It can be like the speeders, where you would have a level 25 pod and level 50 (55?) It can be upgraded like your ship and raced. You should be able to bet on other people's races too. There should be pod races on several planets. The obvious one is Tatooine. Hoth might be cool too.


Scavenger hunts. It could be planet specific or multiple planets. These would not repeat. Every 6 weeks or major patch, a new one will happen. The first 100 or so people per server to complete it would get a super rare. After that the rewards would be less. Teamwork could be required for some of them. They would be events.

Similar to scavenger hunts would be something like the TV show “The Amazing Race”.


Class specific dailies. How awesome would it be to have a daily bounty hunting mission or smuggling mission. This would be even cooler if the dailies rotated. For example there could be 3 for each class to start. Every thrid day they would repeat. They could add a new quest for each class every 6 weeks or every major patch or whatever.

If you have ever played Assassin’s Creed, there could be “hits” on other players. You would go to a planet and the game would provide you a player target. You would get hints to where they were. Follow their trail and nail them. If they happen to log off or leave the planet, the game would choose another target. The targets wouldn’t know that they are targets. You would sign up for it on PVE servers, but PVP servers it could be everyone. The target would always be your level or the players get buffed to 49 like in warzones. Of course the rewards for a successful hit or if you fight off your hit man would be good.


Arenas. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4. Arenas are awesome for some people. Make it so you can watch other’s ranked matches in the casino or other places. Maybe even have a ring that you step into. Everyone can stand around and watch.


A planet that is PVP, like Ilum was supposed to be. But obviously much more. It wouldn't just be about the fighting. If your side controlled the planet, you could quest on it too. Very rewarding dailies. Different vendors, etc.


Different kinds of PVP. I like that each warzone is unique, and it should be expanded upon even more. How about a hostage situation or the opposite of that. Where one side is trying to kill/capture/rescue and the other is trying to defend/protect/hold captive. King of the hill, capture the flag, etc.


New huttball fields. People like hutball. Make at least one more field. Add jumping pads to it perhaps too. Scores can be broadcast in the casino. Maybe you could even bet on them.


Take the space missions off rails and make them multiplayer battles.


Races (not pod races), but obstacle courses. Obviously class speed buffs would have to be disallowed. People can put their jumping skills to the test. NPCs could interfere as well.


Here are more things that are not based on end-game.

Bug fixes.

Cross server queues.

SERVER TRANSFERS (huge for me)

Multiple talent specs. Press a button to change abilities and button layout. Maybe we wouldn’t have to wait for tanks all the time.

Hood down


Change advanced class

More playable species. Even things like Wookies or Jawas. Just make a universal translator so the PC characters can speak English.


Dude he asked for 3 things, not a story the length of the bible :D.

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1- Appearance re-roll. Wouldn't even mind it being a Cartel Market option.


2- Legacy storage.


3- Make companions be interactive while on player's ship, so you can give them gifts, or tweak their gear.


you cannot give them gifts yet, but you can tweak their gear so long as they are not on a mission or crafting.

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