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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1 - Character re-customization. Either a ship droid for it, legacy wide, for a high legacy level, like 40+ or Cartel Coin purchase. I wouold really love to add some scars and stuff for my higher level characters, so they look like they've been through some rough fights.


2 - Robe hood toggle and hoods for Twi'leks.


3 - Property. A guild capital ship that is customizable or a building on Coruscant/Kaas City for the guild. Although, since BW is intent on keeping the fleet as the hub, add an apartment level on the space station.


I know these are all "fluff" and add nothing to the actual content of the game but they are things that *I* care about and asking for more warzones, operations or story is moot because it's obvious BW will release new content as fast as it's feasible to do so while keeping the quality on par with previous stuff.

Edited by Jandi
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1. 4v4/3v3 PvP Warzones (One or two new smaller maps)

2. Leaderboards and Game tracking (Warzone-players, best Ops-raiders and FP-players etc.)

3. SWTOR HOME-menus (Your SWTOR-profile, Friends profile pages, Achievements in-game etc.)


So, BioWare, are you working on this? I'll subscribe for 1 more year if you do! ;)

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1. All orange Armor is changed to Adaptive.

2. 3D space and ship changes (i.e. buying a different ship or Jedi/Sith classes commanding capitol ships.)

3. Stop focusing on making the game prettier and focus more on stability in the sense of not breaking the same issues repeatedly.

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1:) A central bank for legacy, so that all characters on your legacy can access it ... absolutely hate having to check alts to see if they have mats.


2:) stopping dps queueing as tanks, it still happens and its jolly annoying as a healer.


3:) an option to auto-skip movies so that you dont even have to spacebar through em. An option to queue up in under-50 ops in different queues to people who dont want to so that you have to view the movies as normal, maybe?

i know i know, noone will want to queue to see the movies ... but you have to admit, its flippin annoying to spacebar all the time. Maybe an option to allow queueing for both viewing queues and non-viewing queues?

I'm not talking about heroics or 8man/16man ... im talking pre 50 ops.

You could do an op and tell the computer to remember your choices as a default ... something like that.

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1.) Fix Memory Management so that you actually support the computer specs you claim on minimums without crashing every few load screens on 32bit and <8GbRAM systems

2.) Fix ability triggers so that the work as described (worst example BH offhand and heat modifiers)

3.) Fix the sound cutouts (space: heavy laser fire, BH tracer missiles, companion partial phrases, and at least a dozen other ability sounds that were replaced/droped to inaudible).


4.) Document changes/fixes better and acknoowledge confirmed bugs that consistently affect a portion (in all the above case LARGE portions) of your customers.

5.) add frequently requested features / new content (yes I know this happens in parallel with bug fixes, This is just my priority order)

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1. 4v4/3v3 PvP Warzones (One or two new smaller maps) + 16v16 good for NC and CW (not good for HB or VS)

2. Leaderboards and Game tracking (Warzone-players, best Ops-raiders and FP-players etc.)

3. SWTOR HOME-menus (Your SWTOR-profile, Friends profile pages, Achievements in-game etc.)


I sign on this as well, and add 16v16 WZ (ex HB and VS) but I think both CW and a lot more NC are good for this, to speak for current maps. This would also minimize concerns for WvW PvP.

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1. Full appearance customization (not this half-assed thing we got now). I am talking looks, weapons, gear and the ability to pick between animations from your actual class and your mirror class (So a Smuggler can run around with a knife and an agent with a shotgun, or a bounty hunter can use a rifle, or a juggernaut a double-bladed lightsaber).



I love this idea. I'd say in order to do it you have to have a maxed out toon of whatever you want to customize. (This way there some work invovled, and it'll bring more people to cross-faction. i.e. If you want to replace the Warrior's cheap choke interrupt with Knight's spin kick interrupt. (same ability, just an animation palette swap.) Or, replace Shock with Project.


That would be amazing.

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1. mouseover heals- saw this earlier, and this would greatly enhance gameplay efficiency

2. speeder speed bumped up- They just don't seem fast at all. Now they are better than walking but not by much.

3. 4 more character slots- I would like to have all 16 advanced classes located on one server under one legacy

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All 3 would need to be space combat related.

1. Space combat should involve a pvp war zone, this would help bring more subs.

2. Space combat doesn't need to have much of a story line, just make it free space and multi player.

3 . Plain and simple, make space more of an mmo because in its current state it has nothing to do with the Star Wars feel. Make it explorable, have the ability to use shields, multiple weapons and even scanning abilities.


This game needs an mmo space element bad. It will increase subs for sure.


Just my opinion.

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Top 3 Fixes:


1. Memory leaks

2. Character responsiveness issues (abilities not firing when they are supposed to)

3. PvP resolve-CC balance. I feel stun/blind times are still too long relative to what resolve can achieve.


Top 4 Additions

1. 3D space combat and associated content. This would be huge and attract a lot of player attention.

2. Additions to Legacy: Common Legacy bank. huge for all those with multiple alts

3. Improved character customization: Ability to change color, texture, gloss... etc of individual items via perhaps in-game items ( crafted/purchasable with CC). In addition, perhaps allow mods and/or enhancement the ability to alter the appearance of an item based on type.

4. . Features to reduce non-playing game time due to travel + loading screen time: faster speeders, some improvement to loading times, perhaps an ability to summon groups to instances, or additional travel passes to key locations( like the purchasable fleet pass)

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1. Ability delay and lag. This isn't an issue for me so much as it is a LOT of other people, so I have to put it number one (I personally get some ability delay, but no lag to speak of.)


2. More/better customization: of our armor/weapons, our character appearance (more playable races, and no, "Twi'lek cyborg" doesn't count) our ship interior/exterior, our companions (I'd personally like to be able to customize what abilities my companions learn, to an extent. Offer us the chance to train our comanions to use some abilities that are available to player classes, allow us to make them "our" companions.)


3. Improve space combat. Whether you take it off the rails or not, there's a lot that can be done to make it more than a glorified version of Duck Hunt. Add more advanced targeting, where you have to aim in front of the ship you are trying to hit (even Space Invaders had this basic concept.) Add in the ability to "angle the deflector shields." Things like that. And for the love of god, make it multiplayer. This is an MMO, right? "Massive multiplayer online" experience, right? Every aspect of an MMO should encourage meaningful player interaction.


* And a special shout out to multi-specs. They are already in the game, they are just a pain in the arse right now. We can already respec, even respec in the field through the legacy perk. All I want is to be able to save my talent build and ability bar layout so that, when I do respec, I don't have to reconfigure everything manually.



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1. Add a new class and make a 3rd faction:


Republic: Trooper, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Consular

Imperial: Imperial Agent, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor

Independent: Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, and Outlaw (with advanced classes of Crime Boss & Hitman)


Independent will keep their story missions unchanged but on worlds shared by Imperial and Republic they can group with either side.


2. Dialog Choices should match more closely to what will be actually said.


3. Permit Purple-bladed Lightsabers at least to Sith Characters from the start. Such as an artifice recipe that is restricted to Imperial players. Of course these will be scaled to level as other crystals. Other factions can get purple lightsabers the way already established.

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A few lists, I dunno.


1) Show us you care.

2) Bring the Moderators out of hiding.

3) If I am meant to feel like an epic Sith/ Jedi/ Trickshot, why am I, through levels 1-50, having my *** beaten down by thugs and gangsters? (In short, reduce the number of Strong enemies, and make the ones that remain? A challenge.


1) A 9 month waiting list on simple bug fixes is insulting.

2) Some developer content/ feedback.

3) Let us know you're actively working on something and intend to keep to your time scales.


1) Chat bubbles.

2) Sittable chairs.

3) Abort your "Human factor" claims to denying people the other iconic Star Wars races. We don't play a game filled with aliens to be "Humanised." I can be a human and take a crap, why force it in a game with a load of planets? Most of them are just re-meshes with active models anyway, so, hardly taxing.

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1 PvP - remove either interrupt or root on warriors charge

2 Space - Create a decent PvP environment for space combat

3 Adress some obviously broken classes, such as Mercs, and stop giving extra power to already Op classes, such as buffing rage spec

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1. Jump to Lightspeed in swtor.

I miss space and feel so grounded.

2. The ability for a raid group of players to raid a key enemy territory. Meaning a group of imperial players can raid Tython killing all flagged npcs and all players that decide to participate and flag themselves.

3. Beast mastery. Meaning being able to have a Rancor as a mount or pet/companion.

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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I agree with most here about the Jump to Lightspead, latency and server transfers... But, I also want to be a droid. They need to add droid as playable race. I don't care if someone will unlock it for force use. I've read some expanded universe stuff, and that's possible.... Droid me!
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1) F2P and preferred get 4 hotbars - anything less will keep me from returning

2) Ability to purchase extra character unlocks for CC


#1 gets me back. #2 keeps me longer.


3) massive multiplayer 3D space combat sim with flagships - ala XWing vs. Tie Fighter


#3 is the only thing I would subscribe for. If I want a gear treadmill for a sub, I'll play WOW.

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1. Free space. In that I mean the ability to fly where I want a la X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter/Jump to Lightspeed. With group and PvP options.

2. Neutral classes. Bounty Hunter and Smuggler should be among them with the ability to chose a side. Perhaps Imperial Agent can become just Agent and Trooper become neutral as well in some future expansion. Add in Force Adept for neutral Force users. The Baran Do, Matukai, Tyia, and Zeison Sha all existed during this time.

3. A sandbox. Give those who have attained level 50 the chance to create content with a standardized toolset that has generic VO responsses to enhance gameplay and extend the life of the game. This would be worthy of a subscription only feature.

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