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Do lots of players actually do space missions?


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Space is for leveling only imo. At 50, it's a worthless waste of time.


Gotta disagree. You can add 100k in credits and a pair of daily comms to your wallet for a full run of the dailies. This is especially good for the times when you want to build your credit stores.

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In a recent interview, Jeff Hickman said that there is an entire bioware team working on Hard Mode space missions. I don't know about everyone else, but I rarely ever do space missions. I might spend less than 1% of my time doing them, if that. Does bioware have data that shows players spending a lot of time doing the space missions? Does bioware think that by making them harder that it will get more people to play them on a regular basis? What is the justification for expanding this part of the game verses some other part of the game? Could development time and money be better spent on something else? I am not trying to troll here, and I think these are legitimate questions.


What do you think?


I think you raise a good question actually. I don't run space missions at all anymore. I did on my first toon, but stopped well before I capped. In fact, I don't even think I broach 1% of time on space missions.


The only thing that makes sense to me is if these new HM space missions are not on rails and grouped events. That would breath life back into space so to speak.

Edited by Rafaman
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I play them a lot...until level 40. Those 40+ missions are far too difficult to complete so I don't even bother trying anymore. Many others aside from myself have asked for nerfs (especially Sullust Interception! level 3 upgrades recommended my arse!) for existing 40+ missions, and they want to add HARD MODES?!


Seriously? Development time spent on the least used part of the game that many complain about being too hard at the higher levels and you geniuses waste time and resources to make Hard Modes?!


Wow guys, you are so freaking clueless.

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The higher level Space Missions are too hard for me unless i have my ship tricked out in BIS purples. Then they are a fun challenge.


Aaaaand, the elephant in the room:


Agree. It's a channel of activity some people enjoy and take advantage of. Bioware has good analytics in this game, so they know how much, and even who.


To those of you who are "inexplicably" running space missions all day long and/or all night long, Bioware knows who you are. :rolleyes:

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I play them a lot...until level 40. Those 40+ missions are far too difficult to complete so I don't even bother trying anymore. Many others aside from myself have asked for nerfs (especially Sullust Interception! level 3 upgrades recommended my arse!) for existing 40+ missions, and they want to add HARD MODES?!


Seriously? Development time spent on the least used part of the game that many complain about being too hard at the higher levels and you geniuses waste time and resources to make Hard Modes?!


Wow guys, you are so freaking clueless.



You are doing something wrong or need to practice, no offense meant.


Please Bioware...listen to my suggestion from BETA when you nerfed space the first time because of people like this poster who are not as good at them. Please add a difficulty slider that alters the reward amount so then people who want harder missions can make them harder and get say double the reward and people who don't take to this kind of gameplay as well can lower it and get say half the reward (or hell you can even nerf the 'normal' then as long as the 'hardest' is more difficult than it is now).


In beta before they tiered space I could do the first 6 missions with nothing on my ship and people complaining about difficulty got it nerfed and although I enjoy space missions it is far less enjoyable now than it was before. Albeit I can purposely add challenge by removing stuff, but that's lazy development when people have to do that instead of playing it as intended imop.

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Actually, I level up now just doing cllass quests and space dailies. Everytime I venture into the world now I cringe from having to spend hours just running back and forth from 2 points fighting the same humanoid mobs over and over for little to no reward.


I do enjoy the story line in the class quests but the work vs reward tips to the work side for me.


Whats the difference between the space missions and normal missions?


space missions are instant reward. The most time it takes is about 6.5min for a good chunk of experience and credits.

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You are doing something wrong or need to practice, no offense meant.


Please Bioware...listen to my suggestion from BETA when you nerfed space the first time because of people like this poster who are not as good at them. Please add a difficulty slider that alters the reward amount so then people who want harder missions can make them harder and get say double the reward and people who don't take to this kind of gameplay as well can lower it and get say half the reward (or hell you can even nerf the 'normal' then as long as the 'hardest' is more difficult than it is now).


In beta before they tiered space I could do the first 6 missions with nothing on my ship and people complaining about difficulty got it nerfed and although I enjoy space missions it is far less enjoyable now than it was before. Albeit I can purposely add challenge by removing stuff, but that's lazy development when people have to do that instead of playing it as intended imop.

I'm a stroke victim (had my stroke mid twenties) and my reflexes aren't what they were. Forgive me for wanting a tiny part of the game I enjoyed from the time I get my ship to level 40 to keep being enjoyable instead of something I no longer even do.


It is a friggin mini game. They aren't supposed to be difficult. Challenging maybe (that's what bonus objectives are for, the hard stuff), but doable by the majority of players that want to do them.


By all means, feel free to say "L2P n00b" just like most who have no difficulty with those mission do. I've heard it plenty of times before now. I've been playing PC games longer than a lot of you twitchy hyped up kiddies have been alive. You'll be hearing the same thing when you are unable to do something that overcaffinated sugar rushing brats say is easy. But you'll have long forgotten how "superior" you are at killing pixel ships compared to me by then.


And yes I do take offense.

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I do them all the time. It's a nice change of pace from the ground game. They're a great source of income as well. I like to change up the dailies that I do. One day I'll do the Black Hole, one day I'll do Belsavis, one day I'll do Ilum and one day I'll do the space missions. Sure it nets me much fewer credits and daily commendations, but it helps me keep my sanity which can oft times be difficult in an MMO:D
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I'm a stroke victim (had my stroke mid twenties) and my reflexes aren't what they were. Forgive me for wanting a tiny part of the game I enjoyed from the time I get my ship to level 40 to keep being enjoyable instead of something I no longer even do.


It is a friggin mini game. They aren't supposed to be difficult. Challenging maybe (that's what bonus objectives are for, the hard stuff), but doable by the majority of players that want to do them.


By all means, feel free to say "L2P n00b" just like most who have no difficulty with those mission do. I've heard it plenty of times before now. I've been playing PC games longer than a lot of you twitchy hyped up kiddies have been alive. You'll be hearing the same thing when you are unable to do something that overcaffinated sugar rushing brats say is easy. But you'll have long forgotten how "superior" you are at killing pixel ships compared to me by then.


And yes I do take offense.


You are taking what he/she said a little too defensive and throwing out a wasted guilt trip on top of that.....I'm sure this poster, as I am, are sorry for your situation. However, your nerfed versions are already in place and adding more difficult ones is the thing to do for other players out there who can complete them. For the record, I'm not an overcaffinated sugar rushing brat but even if I was what does it matter to you? Get over yourself....


If they are difficult for you then I would advise you not do them. If you have done the first set of the missions, the super duper freaking easy ones, you should be told that the later ones have the exact same skin applied to them yet their difficulty increases. If you can not do the later levels, don't do them and while not doing them don't get upset because others can and you can't due to an unfortunate happening in your life. I believe adding Hard Mode to them is a nice change up for those of us who can complete them and do find them easy.


You have your option to do the ones you are able to do whereas we have the option to complete them all. I know that stings, according to your reaction, but it's a game and some of us embrace this challenge of even a "mini" game. Taking them down some would be counter productive in that they already have the easy versions available at the beginning. You aren't missing anything by completing the hard ones if you truly enjoy the missions themselves. The fleet comms yes, but if you truly enjoy them then why does it matter if you can do the "Hard" versions when the easy ones are there for you?


If you are offended by reading and people posting in the forums, perhaps you should stay out of them. Not to discourage you from posting but your response has been the most immature one posted in this thread :rolleyes:

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Space Missions are really a hate it or love it type thing. I personally hate them and find them to be boring.



I didn't agree to play a new "Star Wars Fox"-type of thing. I wanted an off-the-rails, Battlefront II-type of space combat with the MMO improving it till it can't be improved any longer since it would be that good! :D


I only ever play the first mission for the "Flyboy" title but after that, nope because I just don't like it. I don't want SWF, I want space combat like the BFII but on a bigger scale!

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I'm a stroke victim (had my stroke mid twenties) and my reflexes aren't what they were. Forgive me for wanting a tiny part of the game I enjoyed from the time I get my ship to level 40 to keep being enjoyable instead of something I no longer even do.


It is a friggin mini game. They aren't supposed to be difficult. Challenging maybe (that's what bonus objectives are for, the hard stuff), but doable by the majority of players that want to do them.


By all means, feel free to say "L2P n00b" just like most who have no difficulty with those mission do. I've heard it plenty of times before now. I've been playing PC games longer than a lot of you twitchy hyped up kiddies have been alive. You'll be hearing the same thing when you are unable to do something that overcaffinated sugar rushing brats say is easy. But you'll have long forgotten how "superior" you are at killing pixel ships compared to me by then.


And yes I do take offense.



I'm 32, not some twitched hyped up kiddie. You don't have to be a jerk. There's no reason people who want a challenge shouldn't be able to have one same as you wanting an easier option to enjoy. My suggestion gives both of us what we want so I don't understand why you're flipping out on me.


Edit: While I appreciate Master Nate's coming to my defense and do agree that I am sorry for your situation, I don't agree you shouldn't be able to complete all of the missions. A difficulty slider solves this problem entirely for both end of the camps and I can't imagine would be that difficult to implement.


I understand being online posting in forums can put some people (most) on the defensive automatically and assume someone meant things harsher than they did so I forgive you. I am usually like that but have been trying to turn a new leaf when it comes to typed communication (at work too not just video game forums).


2nd Edit: I don't think this OP was intending to argue for free form space, he was just discussing the current space. I think all of us would like some free form space, personally I'd be happy with a PvP based free-form space only.

Edited by CabelHarn
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In a recent interview, Jeff Hickman said that there is an entire bioware team working on Hard Mode space missions. I don't know about everyone else, but I rarely ever do space missions. I might spend less than 1% of my time doing them, if that. Does bioware have data that shows players spending a lot of time doing the space missions? Does bioware think that by making them harder that it will get more people to play them on a regular basis? What is the justification for expanding this part of the game verses some other part of the game? Could development time and money be better spent on something else? I am not trying to troll here, and I think these are legitimate questions.


What do you think?


There are several space missions I really enjoy and do them as much as possible, the others I do for the comms and creds especially while comps are out on gathering missions.


A few of the missions are fairly difficult--for me at least--so I do the lower level ones to load up on comms, grab the emp generator then go back at it. Others have suggested the power conversion and warfare pods as well for use on the higher level runs

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No sea of text here or any revelations to present to you.


I do space missions at level 50 only for the Fleet Comms so I can get level 7 & 8 crafting boxes at the pilot vendor.

The missions are just so very boring and easy now that I know everything that is going to happen.

Ugh, it's just so very dull.


At least I can do them when I am not 100% awake but at the risk of falling asleep!

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From what I am seeing, very few players actually do the space missions, though I don't have any facts to support my claim. Just that it seems most people don't care for them. It seems a giant waste of developer resources to work on this when there is so much that could be done and fixed.


That is your opinion, personally I am looking forward to the new space missions. They are a great distraction from daily leveling, or getting BH comms. So what if it is on rails, it is still fun. When I see someone post something like: "well I won't even give it a chance cause it is on rails" shows me a pretty closed minded person.

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I'm 32, not some twitched hyped up kiddie. You don't have to be a jerk. There's no reason people who want a challenge shouldn't be able to have one same as you wanting an easier option to enjoy. My suggestion gives both of us what we want so I don't understand why you're flipping out on me.


Edit: While I appreciate Master Nate's coming to my defense and do agree that I am sorry for your situation, I don't agree you shouldn't be able to complete all of the missions. A difficulty slider solves this problem entirely for both end of the camps and I can't imagine would be that difficult to implement.


I understand being online posting in forums can put some people (most) on the defensive automatically and assume someone meant things harsher than they did so I forgive you. I am usually like that but have been trying to turn a new leaf when it comes to typed communication (at work too not just video game forums).


2nd Edit: I don't think this OP was intending to argue for free form space, he was just discussing the current space. I think all of us would like some free form space, personally I'd be happy with a PvP based free-form space only.

I agree that people should be able to complete all missions, but a difficulty slider is pretty unnecessary. Adding difficult bonus missions for those that are "better" are sufficient to be able to meet those needs imo.


And while I do appreciate that you weren't trying to be as harsh as you seemed (now), the majority of the responses I get are "Tough ****!" "L2P" and "So what if you aren't able to?" from adolescents who think themselves l33t (or whatever they call themselves now). So you can perhaps understand where I'm coming from. I get a bit knee jerk when I see someone call me out for not being as "good" or that I somehow diminished their fun due to my inability to be as good as they are. Reread your post, cause that's exactly what you said.


I think there are places for multiple difficulty levels, yet every time I (and others) hit a wall we are met with ridicule and mockery. It's not "catering" to attempt to make things accessible to varying levels of play. Yet everytime I wish to keep a small part of a game accessible to myself and others of a lower skill-set, I am accused of "wanting to dumb down the game" or "guilting".


Others are great at Space Combat? Grats. They want more difficulty? No problem. They want to make what is already next to impossible for me (and others) to complete harder to do so? Not fine at all.

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like most people, before launch i hated the idea of the rail game.


when the game launched, i was surprised how much i enjoyed it. Until you realise that the missions are just carbon copies of each other. pathetic, and it ruined the little hope i had for it.


If they make each of the missions unique, and offer a good reward, at a affordable price it could be fun.


but frankly, i think this 'team' can better have their time spent on something else....


and if this turns out to be the 'big plan' with space combat then jeeeeesus christ. it fails already.

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I have done all the space Missions, and have gotten all the extra ship parts for a couple of me toons. I very rarely run the space Quests though. They are fun to do for a change. Some of them were challenging.


I definatly have mixed feelings about the space content in this game. As I have previously said space is fun to do for a change.....but frankly Space as it, should have been left for a 1st person shooter.....not an MMO. I do hope "one Day" BW open space up, let us have control of our ships, and give us Open Space sectors to fly our ships around in.

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I dont because they are simply way too hard at lvl 50. I have all the best stuff (purples) for my ship and still get wiped out on them. I used to when I was lower level but the end game space missions are simply way too hard for too little gain.


Need to use the conversion kit to fire, then build shields back fast. The EMP generator and the warfare pod used at critical times will also make a huge difference. I find that most people having trouble with the end game space missions usually do not use them.

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Last time I checked you needed to do 100s of missions to get those items off the commendation vendor. So you are saying without them we are screwed but we need to do the missions to get them? What sense does that make?



By the time you are level 25, and can use the conversion module, you will have well more then 30 coms. once you buy that, the rest, up to the last three are pretty much cake. The module almost doubles your guns power and then allows you to switch back to shield and rebuild them in a matter of seconds.


By the time you get to a point where you can get the other com ship upgrades, you will have plenty. I think the last mission awards 20 just for that mission, others award 7 to 15. Only the low ones award 1 to 5.


Keep doing them, upgrade with the com items bought off the droid, Keep the crafted or vendor bought items upgraded and you will do well. I blast through the entire list in about an hour, make 132k, bunch of coms, 2 daily badges.

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I play them a lot...until level 40. Those 40+ missions are far too difficult to complete so I don't even bother trying anymore. Many others aside from myself have asked for nerfs (especially Sullust Interception! level 3 upgrades recommended my arse!) for existing 40+ missions, and they want to add HARD MODES?!


Seriously? Development time spent on the least used part of the game that many complain about being too hard at the higher levels and you geniuses waste time and resources to make Hard Modes?!


Wow guys, you are so freaking clueless.


Once again, I often find that the people that find them to be too hard are using bad strats and are not fully upgraded. Once that is done, they become alot easier.


You have a special situation, but I think, with some practice, upgrades, and a good strat for each (especially if you can do the lower ones) you will be able to get through them.


Here's a link, but check deeper into Dulfy's site. She has guides for just about everything in the game, including space missions.




Here's another with a list of hidden space mission bonuses (many uses for the proton torpedo upgrade)




G'luck. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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