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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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Am i the only one who wants to play as a Weequay? I mean they're force sensitive, as well as being notorious scoundrals, so we can have smugglers and BH... shall i keep dreaming? :(

I also like the Weequey and would like to see them eventually as playable species, but I guess not many people like them so they are pretty low priority.

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First of, don't present these races as if it is universally decided that these races are better than Cathar. Moreover you did not even specify why they are better.


Second, you might want to consider what implementing certain races would mean for gameplay.

*Some might find wookiee romancing to be quite disturbing

*non-basic speaking races would be far less easy to relate to and require far more reading, while the quality of this game is VO

*it would not make sense for some of the races to join both factions

*for smaller races all camera angles have to be changed and BW would have to make sure they are equally easy to select in PvP.

*for some races all the gear would have to be changed


Im sure its tempting to jump on the QQ bandwagon and claim to speak for the masses, but I suggest thinking things through better and/or making valid suggestions...


EDIT: I personally do not understand why half those races would be any better than Cathar. The less human races look, the less easy it is to relate to them and to connect with them.

Edited by Gokkus
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I've explained this in other threads so I'll make it brief:

The Devs obviously want (need?) to recycle the SAME rigging/animations, so that throws out all the weird "too tall/too short" races. And we also need ones that show enough emotion to work in cutscenes (though they did let us have Miraluka, so who knows...).


Also there will always be the people who QQ about wanting helmets to work right on their race (just look at Twi'leks).


As awesome as I think Transdoshans are (and I'd gladly play one), it's likely the devs would just not let headgear be displayed on them at all because it would be too much work to recreate every piece of gear to fit the head shape.


You'll notice that even on the NPC's, all they're wearing is some kinda headband. Unless they make up a lore reason for no helmets, it's going to frustrate players.


And I don't even think I need to explain the voice acting constrictions for races!




That said, from the preview, the Cathar smuggler didn't even LOOK Cathar, as those I've seen before have wide, flat noses. His nose just looked... human. And the hair was the same recycled haircut... what about the kind of "mane" hair I've seen on Cathar NPC's? Pretty disappointing there. They should at LEAST work with what they have (face design).

Edited by Stenrik
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*non-basic speaking races would be far less easy to relate to and require far more reading, while the quality of this game is VO


Plus, the non-basic speaking ones only speak few lines recycled again and again according to the length of the phrase that it is supposed to be. Hearing the same lines again and again when playing the class is something that everybody will notice and would make these species pretty boring to play.

Edited by Altheran
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cathar are a **** choise for species. we allready have purely human looking humanoids as playable species.


heck, in fact ALL of them are human looking humanoids, there is nothing exotic or special in the selection, and then they come up with thunder *** cats go! instead of a cool race.


apparently they are still trying to make kotor3 inside swtor, adding the cat ***** cause it was in kotor, retarded.

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Togruta !!!!


One of the most beautiful species ever created :csw_destroyer:


I would pay 50 euros to unlock that, perhaps even more


I agree with you. Most of all I would love to see the togruta race made available. I have a feeling that I read somewhere that they would put out more races IF Cathar succeeds...although they could have put out something better in my opinion. In the video the Cathar looked like a Voss wannabe...

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No the talking thing is a cop out excuse, especially when translator droids are such a valid and realistic part of the star wars universe, doesnt even have to be protocol, a severed protocol droid head or a small remote sized droid would work just fine for any non-common speaking race.
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Sorry bro, you can't get upset with Cathar if half of your list is incredibly lame and the other half wouldn't happen in a million years.


Droids, Wookiees, Jawas, Ewoks - NEVER going to happen. Get used to it.


Were there better choices? Sure. Togruta, Nautolan, Kel Dor, Kaleesh, Nikto, Weequay, the list goes on and on.


Am I upset? Hell no. Totally excited to roll a Cathar BH.

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Am I the only one not surprised they went with Cathar as the first new race?

I mean, you rarely ever see a Trandoshan...You rarely see a Duros that's not some civilian NPC...You hardly ever see a Kel Dor...

But by the Maker, you see Cathar. It's like, "Hey these are Cathar, look at the Cathar. Did you see the Cathar?"


I just kind of assumed we would get them as a race. And they are probably going to stick to their guns by this.

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any race that doesn't speak bassic is a dtupid idea


any race that doesn't show the armor its wearing is a stupid idea


jawa is a doubly stupid idea, bet your a PVP player that wants the advantage of a tiny toon that is hard to see


Dude take it easy, some people really like Jawa's. How is it stupid to have a preference? Were all star wars fans here. As for the pvp thing, anything is balancable, if it turns out Jawas get an unfair advantage due to there size im sure theyl figure out a way to even it out.

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First of, don't present these races as if it is universally decided that these races are better than Cathar. Moreover you did not even specify why they are better.


Second, you might want to consider what implementing certain races would mean for gameplay.

*Some might find wookiee romancing to be quite disturbing

*non-basic speaking races would be far less easy to relate to and require far more reading, while the quality of this game is VO

*it would not make sense for some of the races to join both factions

*for smaller races all camera angles have to be changed and BW would have to make sure they are equally easy to select in PvP.

*for some races all the gear would have to be changed


Im sure its tempting to jump on the QQ bandwagon and claim to speak for the masses, but I suggest thinking things through better and/or making valid suggestions...


EDIT: I personally do not understand why half those races would be any better than Cathar. The less human races look, the less easy it is to relate to them and to connect with them.


i covered this man see


I understand that itd b tough, am just illustrating that there are alot of other choices that would have been better, especially considering the fact that fans that remain loyal to the game are more star wars fans than mmo fans, they need to keep that in mind by involving races that are acually portarayed as cool in the more popular novels and original trilogy, oversized pussycats? cmon man, they gotta try harder than that.

I still have yet to hear what it is about the Cathar that makes them cool enough to merit it being the 1st new species added?

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Cathar are my #1 choice for a new playable race, I can't wait for them to be added. :)


Why, you ask?


I like to play characters that can be beautiful and/or cute. I am sure I am not alone in this.


Clipping drives me nuts. I hate it. And I don't currently have faith that Bioware could/would implement a more "difficult" species such as Togruta without having massive clipping issues.


Also, cats are spiffy.


I remember that giant poll thread that others have mentioned; and while I don't recall their exact rank, I'm pretty sure Cathar were either the most requested or in the top 3. People that want to play more "alien" races are understandably disappointed. But even putting aside the romance issue, there are many more barriers to implementing species such as Wookies and Trandoshans, and even Togruta, to a lesser extent. IMHO Bioware chose the race that would give them the most bang for their development buck, and I can understand this (at least, for the first new race).


I still hope they someday release Togruta and Nautolans and Mon Cal and other requested races, though. If they are smart they will realize they could make a lot of money selling them in the cash shop!

Edited by Gwena
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I want the ithorians, rodians, transdoshans and Natulons, those races make star wars different, wookies would be cool but I understand the dialogue issue


Look at my earlier posts man, translator droids, maybe add an extra bonus n let paid players select there translators voice.

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Cathar are my #1 choice for a new playable race, I can't wait for them to be added. :)


Why, you ask?


I like to play characters that can be beautiful and/or cute. I am sure I am not alone in this.


Clipping drives me nuts. I hate it. And I don't currently have faith that Bioware could/would implement a more "difficult" species such as Togruta without having massive clipping issues.


Also, cats are spiffy.


I remember that giant poll thread that others have mentioned; and while I don't recall their exact rank, I'm pretty sure Cathar were either the most requested or in the top 3. People that want to play more "alien" races are understandably disappointed. But even putting aside the romance issue, there are many more barriers to implementing species such as Wookies and Trandoshans, and even Togruta, to a lesser extent. IMHO Bioware chose the race that would give them the most bang for their development buck, and I can understand this (at least, for the first new race).


I still hope they someday release Togruta and Nautolans and Mon Cal and other requested races, though. If they are smart they will realize they could make a lot of money selling them in the cash shop!


Well im glad someone likes it and has a reason that makes sense, that defintly helps make me less angry, and less concerned that there wont b more species added, its good to kno at least some fans wanted it and why, it also comforts me to kno that there are those who will play it, and hopefully as a result it wont fail. Thank you.

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