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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

See the future of The Old Republic!


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Seriously? Chat bubbles are the one thing that this game needs to keep you happy?


I like the game. I like it a LOT. It's a great game in and of its own right. But I have a list of stuff I still want to see.


1. If there's a strong/champion/elite by a lootable chest, then please fix it so someone doesn't click it while I'm fighting that champion. Nothing makes me want to leave the game more than rewarding the bad in people.

2. Give me more character slots. I can't play a guardian because I have a sentinel. You gave me a reason to play both Empire and Republic on the same server, now you're giving me a new playable race, too? 8 character slots is simply not enough. I'm not going to delete an existing character to play this new race.

3. Give my guild some identity. The bank is nice, but how about the equivalent of a guild hall? How about the equivalent of a guild cape?


I know there's a suggestion box, and I've made all these suggestions there. I just use them to illustrate my point that chat bubbles simply won't cut it.


And while they are at it. How about fixing some of the more simple bugs like light sabers floating in mid air after you dismiss a companion. Seriously, how long will it take to get rid of some of these bugs? Are they even trying?

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MY GOD, do you people ever stop whining? "What about this? What about that? I want this. I want that." Maintain some semblance of a social life and maybe these virtual fixations won't determine your happiness.


I'm sorry that I requested a video game that I paid for to actually have it's bugs fixed. LOL. Someday game companies will realize that "Hey World of Warcraft is popular because Blizzard actually fixes it's bugs."

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I'm sorry that I requested a video game that I paid for to actually have it's bugs fixed. LOL. Someday game companies will realize that "Hey World of Warcraft is popular because Blizzard actually fixes it's bugs."


Water under the bridge, bud. Play another MMO for a while or take up badminton. And stop kidding yourself — World of WarCraft's success formula is a lot more complicated than just 'hey, we fix bugs.'

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if you haven't heard the news already!!! Guild wars 2 is coming out soon!!! At least they gave a date!!! Oh and if you haven't heard already, you're losing a chunk of customers!!! Good job on free to play! Because you will not make any profit from existent customers who are actually wanting to pay your gosh darn asses to make up something for the future.


First I did not want to believe your post, but since you wrote it in bold and big font, I totally agree with you now.

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To be frank, the video doesn't strike me a all that hot for existing players. The space sequence looks like the same tired station assault/defence with More Floating Boxes™, the Cathar are just another 6' tall biped with a furry face that won't bring anything really new to the table (it'd take a new class to do that), and warzones stay "fresh" for around a week.


The operation… gotta see if I can be coaxed into grinding the gear required for that at some point.


Makeb may be interesting, IFF it's both big and diverse enough to offer more than a few days to go through.


I had hoped to hear about the big secret space project, or how the plans for bringing PvP to the game are developing, but for now I guess more of the same will have to do :(


To quote one of my guildmates about the little "speech" at Gamescom, "I've seen more emotional presentations on mechanical cleaning products!", and that video matches the enthusiasm.

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I'm sorry that I requested a video game that I paid for to actually have it's bugs fixed. LOL. Someday game companies will realize that "Hey World of Warcraft is popular because Blizzard actually fixes it's bugs."


One word about WoW 'fixing bugs'




nuff said.

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Well that video was a huge disappointment. I can already guess Cathar is just a reskin of a Zabrak.


I would love if they expanded and open up the current planets more! I'm tired of playing in boxed-in selected regions with no day or night cycles. I feel like i'm on a movie set piece.


Seriously, I didn't see one new thing in that video that they already announced ages ago. Bioware still doesn't get it. :(

Edited by DuckKing
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I would love if they expanded and open up the current planets more! I'm tired of playing in boxed-in selected regions with no day or night cycles. I feel like i'm on a movie set piece.


I second that.


Also, having "endgame-grade" content on every planet would liven up the world a lot. One easymode approach to that would surely be "hard mode" versions of instanced heroic quests, since there's some damn sweet content in there already, that, when blown up to a difficulty level compared to the Lost Island flashpoint and itemised accordingly, would make very viable entertainment.


Putting some new content into "smaller" worlds should also be feasible. I don't think worlds like Hoth or Corellia that already take an eternity to load could take much more greebles (the Blackhole was already put into a segregated expansion of the latter), but there'd be some room for expansion on the starter worlds, or even the capital worlds to put some cool endgame content in viewing range of new players.

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Water under the bridge, bud. Play another MMO for a while or take up badminton. And stop kidding yourself — World of WarCraft's success formula is a lot more complicated than just 'hey, we fix bugs.'




WoWs success has nothing to do with complicated reasons and everything to do with a very simple one, its a phenomenon and is popular by virtue of being popular, exactly like Facebook. It doesn't do anything better than a lot of companies it just caught the luck and became a snowball.


Success "formula".....lol

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I don't see why you guys are complaining. You're all a bunch of pessimists. I mean, new Warzone, new Operation and a new PLAYABLE SPECIES! I mean, if they're doing that, then they're gonna make more species which will make the game more fun because you can vary even more!
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a new PLAYABLE SPECIES! I mean, if they're doing that, then they're gonna make more species which will make the game more fun because you can vary even more!


If they had done something that's not a reskinned standard humanoid, maybe (think GW's Charr, which would have been a direction for the Cathar, but a nightmare with the armor system already being strained to the breaking point by pointy ears). The way it is, what was running around in the video looked disturbingly like it was taken from

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If you haven’t heard the news already, there are many exciting new developments coming up for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, new Operations, new Warzones, new custom items, and new ways to play the game. Plus, Game Updates will be coming more frequently.


Watch Now


No offense but what about those of us who aren't into group content?

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The way it is, what was running around in the video looked disturbingly like it was taken from


Honestly, I agree with that. But that's only that one Cathar. There are lots of other kind of looks for Cathar. Also, who knows, Thundercats might have gotten the look from Cathar.

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Saga never ends? Really? Am pretty certain the saga of every of my toons pretty much ended when they finished chapter 3... So much for story driven MMO not a single story update in 9 months....


I so totally agree. Throwing an ugly (not even close on my 'cool species list') cat person into the mix doesn't progress our current toon personal class stories/romances AnY story line. I hate to say this but it feels like WoW when they got desperate and started throwing xpacks into the mix a lot.


F2P is such a goofy move, some say it will may you money. Well, not opening your yap to announce the game was coming four (4) years before you could get close to beta would have helped...it's like that Christmas you spent with your single parent after a divorce...all that hype and no deliverables. A real let down.

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I believe it is EA who doesn't get it, not BW. Players leaving in droves, and we get the *soon auto-reply.


Tis' sad.


Yes. My whole guild left yesterday for GW2 and that is really sad...true only about 68 people in the guild but they are now gone due to lack of interest by EA.


I also noticed a really huge drop the last two days in fleet traffic...I'm not talking 50 or 60 what I've been watching is from 257 to 56. The traffic does pick up later at night, but makes me wonder if a lot of other people are like me 'sick of being pregnant' bring on the 'HOT NEW' fix your issues and let's birth this baby...or quit and I'll go somewhere the company really values it's customers, where they realize we know more about gaming - most likely - than they do ... and actually fix issues, listen to the paying customer, awe .... I'm just bored now.

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I Love this game, I really do, star wars has always been a big influence on me, so I think this game is exactly what star wars fans need.. but at the same time i have yet to see one reply form an admin or moderator answering the many asked questions in this thread, all we want to know is when is this coming out or when the HK droid is available. The many planets being open areas was a great idea, the crafting FANTASTIC, classes are all star wars oriented and great to play with, so instead of adding more of what we already have why not go through these forums, see what your gaming community wants, then meet those needs and expand the population! I could never get into world of Warcraft, to me this game is better then WoW, but blizzard listens to their players and meets their needs. No one cares about the overall vision you people have, we want an original and fun game, but it can only go so far before its just to pathetically overwhelming. Free to play will still diminish your game, over a few years this game will die, you people want to save this game then look at all the ideas people have and act on them, the players who play your game everyday and love it for what it is, will always have ideas to throw around, just saying, sometimes its good to listen to other people and act on those ideas.


They don't care. It took me a while to realize that one simple fact. They do not care what we think, what we need, what we want etc...Sad but true and the truth is in the forums. Look way back and see we've been asking for items, fixes etc since beta. We get 'COMING SOON' honestly, they think we're stupid and don't understand games and MMO's when the actual fact is we probably know more about mmo's than they do...

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I'm quite disapointed about the cathar, sure its a great looking race and all but one would believe the Togruta would come first since they're a race much more seen in the movies and series and all. so yea cool new update, still no togruta and yes the question remains "when". btw they said updates will come more frequently as in 4 months instead of 5 ?
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The cathar as a playable character sound cool which is for the republic, so I wonder if the empire will also get a new one also, and will they be giving us more character slots on each server?


I really want to go to naboo, mustafar, the transoshan planet, the wookie home planet,geonosis, and would even pay for more companion races like a gungan warrior companion.


And you WILL pay for new companions...because thats how they will be implemented...they just need more money from subscribers to make their free2pay game...all is coming...in the cash-shop...

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Where was HK?


Also why cathar and not togrutas?


The one thing those cat people are good for is:

Target practice on my BH :D


Actually cathar will be good for PVP since i can enjoy frying the kitties :D


Agreed here, why Cathar when we're missing so many of the essential species from the Star Wars universe?

Firstly, a Cathar over Wookies as the first playable species introduced after launch!? Get real.

Where are the Rodians, Mon Calamarians, Trandoshans, Sullustans, or any others that are easily recognizable and have existing character models within the game?

Secondly, there's absolutely no benefit, besides the aesthetic, to creating alts of different species.

How about starting polls for the inclusion of content like this?

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I think people should stop blaming EA for what Bioware does.

It were Bioware devs hyping us up with lies before game released.

It were Bioware devs promising us to deliver content fast so we will feel like we're getting our moneys worth.

It's Bioware trying to string us along with "comming soons".

It's Bioware who took 6 months to prepare server transfers.

It's Bioware devs who are unable to release single patch without adding more bugs.

It's Bioware who were so full of themselves when releasing DA2 and right after when disregarding concerns of their fans.

It's Bioware witch decided to sell to EA.

What Bioware does is Biowares fault. None of it is fault of EA.

Painfull truth is they turned from awesome company which brand was a guarantee of an awesome game, into company that releases mediocre games barely worth the time. Even small polish studio like CDProjekt Red with it's Witcher 2 managed to leave all Bioware games past DA:O FAR behind.

Edited by Lucyfer_Infinity
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