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GA Event = Amateurish Design


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Lacks an interesting story? At first it seems kinda bleh and basic. But once you get to the twist, most people are left wanting more (basing that on server chat).


And you're complaing about standing around waiting for something to spawn or for your turn to come up? Really? It's a *********** race, dude. And you're sharing the servers with other players.




DUDE if this was a race there would be 1 winner. Since everyone that does it will "win the race", its not a really race. I would love to know what chat you are reading? Maybe the one in your head since what I see is people complaining about people playing ninja on items and crappy spawn rates.

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Could you imagine the QQ then.


Well it would get some of the snarl ups moving a bit quicker. :)


It's a bit like a traffic jam, if everyone tries to go at once, no one gets anywhere, but form an orderly queue and everyone gets through in the end.

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Well it would get some of the snarl ups moving a bit quicker. :)


It's a bit like a traffic jam, if everyone tries to go at once, no one gets anywhere, but form an orderly queue and everyone gets through in the end.


Hmmm perhaps you are on to something. If swtor players can "trade wins" in PvP, surely they can line up for this event. :D

Edited by Urael
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BioWare is damned if they do damned if they don't with people i swear


first people wanted a longer event that will take more effort than the Rakghoul Plague event on Tatooine that is also multi world and they wanted a notification before it happened so they can manage their time accordingly


So what does BioWare do? They are making a longer event, a scavenger hunt, which is a multi world event and even gave people notice before it happened so people could set up and some are STILL complaining?! wow...just...wow....

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BioWare is damned if they do damned if they don't with people i swear


first people wanted a longer event that will take more effort than the Rakghoul Plague event on Tatooine that is also multi world and they wanted a notification before it happened so they can manage their time accordingly


So what does BioWare do? They are making a longer event, a scavenger hunt, which is a multi world event and even gave people notice before it happened so people could set up and some are STILL complaining?! wow...just...wow....


We don't know the duration yet. Could still only be a week.

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Would it been that hard to instance a lot of this so i didn't have to wait 45 minutes to do several of these, expecially the laser ?


One of the points of the events is to get players to interact more....team up, PVP, etc. If they instanced everything, that would sort of defeat the point of the event.

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No where near enough smuggler crates on Nar Shaddaa.


I didn't have much problem finding them in some areas. I don't know if the republic side was out in greater force than the imperial side, or if there was some uneven spawn point distribution, but I got most of my crates deep in imperial territory.

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BioWare is damned if they do damned if they don't with people i swear


first people wanted a longer event that will take more effort than the Rakghoul Plague event on Tatooine that is also multi world and they wanted a notification before it happened so they can manage their time accordingly


So what does BioWare do? They are making a longer event, a scavenger hunt, which is a multi world event and even gave people notice before it happened so people could set up and some are STILL complaining?! wow...just...wow....


It takes longer...but that's not because it has more content. It's because they implemented an artificial grind with these boxes which is horribly frustrating and not fun.

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One of the points of the events is to get players to interact more....team up, PVP, etc. If they instanced everything, that would sort of defeat the point of the event.


I agree, however making a non-instanced puzzle that anyone can mess with (as mentioned) is just daft (and annoying).


Without this this event would be quite good, not up to the level of the Rak event maybe, but still pretty decent.

Edited by Goretzu
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If it's a race, or a competition like some people seem to want to throw in the faces of anybody with a criticism, why then are there (effectively) infinte respawns of the items, and why does everybody get the exact same thing?


A race or competition, by nature, implies limited prizes and only a small number of actual winners. Everybody else loses and leaves empty handed. The argument of "suck it up, it's a competition" is flawed and boorish. It's not a race - or if it is, it is a very, very poorly designed one. I would liken it more to standing in a crowd of fifty people at the deli counter in your local supermarket, waiting for a roast chicken that they cook one at a time, but have an endless supply of... Okay, next ticket please.


Competition in an MMO is counterproductive and fail, and it breeds rude, selfish d-bags who will slit your throat as soon as look at you, just so they can get in first. It's a poor model, period. There is no benefit to forcing this kind of grind competition in a game, ever. Hence that may be why some other games (including one very soon to be released one) remove competition by giving collective credit for kills and quests/events and by giving individual resource nodes. I think it's a very good move on their part.


This event could have been done sooo much better.


For a start, all they had to do was put items inside story areas or instances where each person can access them individually without competition... There are enough existing story areas and group/heroic areas.


Why limit the items to 2 planets? For the number of items they could have spread them out across the galaxy, and give us a reason to go back to those lower level rat-maze planets.


Groups, groups, groups... Where is the group work? How in any way does this event encourage people to team up and help each other? The only time I saw any teamwork was in places where the item spawned mobs, and usually it was a case of burning down the mobs so the next person could loot the item... Lame. Very lame. And no - it is not a contradiction to the first point about instanced areas IF Bioware was smart and set up the items in the instances to require teamwork in some form.


It would have been nice to see events that required 2 or more people in a group to coordinate to solve a puzzle or something. So far everything I've done has been completely solo. No help needed, and apart from the mob swarms, no help given.


As for me, while I appreciate the gesture by BW, I do not find this event to be to my liking. More grind, more competition, more frustration waiting for the sniffer droid to finish his cup of coffee and donut and be ready to help me... Sorry guys, but at the end of the day I'm going to have to call fail. Nice idea, horrific implementation.


I'm going to come out and say this, but if this is BW's vision for SWTOR... we're in a lot of trouble. You guys need to really take stock and look at the game, and ask yourselves "Is this really what we want?" If it is, let me know - sooner rather than later. I have a prepurchase I'm waiting on to go live, and I just want to know now if I can expect you to actually do something to make this game innovative (rather than some thinly disguised WoW themepark clone with lightsabers and cut-scenes), or if I'm wasting my time.


Your call BW...

Edited by Sethmartin
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This event has finally made me realise - the development process going into this game is absolutely terrible! How long did it take me to work that out, how embarrassing.


Events should involve everyone and make a noticeable change to the environment and people there, causing change and forcing people to group up building communities, not just make people run about all over the place pressing stuff.

Edited by omNOMNOMinator
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Exactly this. It is a race, after all. Haven't you noticed all the little NPCs pretty much killing each other (or at least arguing) over this Event. Makes perfect sense to me.


Also, I haven't experienced a whole lot of waiting. There were a couple of quests where I had to wait my turn, but it wasn't so bad. If everyone starts grouping up the whole thing goes much faster.


Save your breath, your dealing with a bunch of "I want it right now" people..... If they can't isntantly get what they want they QQ about it endlessly on the forums...


If the event is like the last one you will have several days to do it, you don't have to do it the moment it comes out..


Reminds me of when a new Xbox or PlayStation comes out, people camp outside 5 days in advance to buy it and then someone who's patient walks in the next day and buys it over the counter....

Edited by Monoth
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This event has finally made me realise - the development process going into this game is absolutely terrible! How long did it take me to work that out, how embarrassing.


Events should involve everyone and make a noticeable change to the environment and people there, causing change and forcing people to group up building communities, not just make people run about all over the place pressing stuff.



Show me any MMO that does that... oh you cant.... It's a freakin treasure hunt, I'm not sure what you guys were expecting.... Not to mention this has been a 100% theme park MMO from day one.... Your delusional if you think it's going to change into a sandbox MMO..... Most other MMO Live events consist of a Dev spawning mobs in one spot all day.....

Edited by Monoth
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Ahahaha - those of you who are still white-knighting Bioware really crack me up.


This event is the type of content you can expect from now on, cheaply made stuff that anyone who understands their quest editor can put together in an afternoon. If some kids had made this for a highschool project I could understand, but they actually want money for this.


2 rounds of layoffs mean that hardly anyone who is talented is still around. The skilled guys have realized that the boat is sinking fast and are probably looking for new jobs or are already gone. The expensive contractors have been fired and left are those who don't cost too much and go with the corporate vision.


Didn't you learn anything from Zeschuk leaving Austin and going back to Edmonton ? You can bet that he did it because he no longer wants anything to do with this game and because it makes him look bad as a designer.


A world event reproducing mistakes in quest design on a scale that we haven't seen since the days of early Everquest - way to go Bioware.

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So, all 3 missions (items) on DK require waiting on the off chance that you can activate item fast enough while 20+ other players are doing same.


No where near enough smuggler crates on Nar Shaddaa.


Fallaxen mechanics are so FUBAR, I don't know where to begin.


It completely boggles the mind that this made it to live without someone recognizing the potenial fail inherit in the design.


Would it been that hard to instance a lot of this so i didn't have to wait 45 minutes to do several of these, expecially the laser ?


I didn't really feel like reading this entire thread, but there are 6 missions that are available right now ( items). So maybe you should play the other 3 and then make your decision.

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My job. :/


Yeah..some seem to forget not everyone is still at home , out for summer break from schools. :p And some have no concept of having family or job obligations. Whenever any designers do these events, they need to take into consideration how much more of a hassle they may be during prime time. :cool:

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I was 6/6 on the fragments so it was a quick process. Is it possible to pick up the boxes after you've finished the mission, for extra comms?




The boxes also have a chance of dropping the pet you can buy on the vendor too.

Edited by Ashania
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wow...people have 0 patience anymore.


Hey you know what they should do next? Make a bunch of shiny guns or lightsabers to collect right in front of your character and the more you collect the more credits you can get cause you can sell them and and..every one of them will be moddable and and...every single one will be epic...and and...you won't even have to move to them! you can teleport! hehe

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