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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gimmick spammers I hate you.


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I like to ruin powertechs and assassins fun by pulling my teammates right back out of the fire pits. Come on, pvp in this game would be pretty boring if it wasn't for all of the pushes, pulls, and knockbacks. The traps and the z-axis play is what makes huttball fun.
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I like to ruin powertechs and assassins fun by pulling my teammates right back out of the fire pits. Come on, pvp in this game would be pretty boring if it wasn't for all of the pushes, pulls, and knockbacks. The traps and the z-axis play is what makes huttball fun.


That is you! Stop ruining my fun at the start of matches!


I like to open huttball with an acid bath for someone. Your ruining the first kill!


I am falling to see some trend. I like free rides across the fire trap. Sprint and cc breaker with a kb and your usually scoring.


I've yet to experience the death by massive fire trappers.

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Re: Huttball


Gimmicks are cheap. You wanna stand up there and spam the fire trap? Time to stop confusing gimmicks with skill. Bring three healers so no one can die then spam the same tricks over and over? You're not playing Huttball you're playing "fire trap".


Maybe they should make a new warzone called fire trap where the whole objective is to see how many people you can pull into the fire. You can spam but you can't play Huttball.


Take away the immorto-heals and you lose 0-6. Take away the random extra healer in your que and you've got no game. Because you can spam all you want but you have no idea how to play the dynamic game of Huttball.


To me a game based on gimmicks is no game at all. A strategy based on gimmicks is no strategy at all. A win based on gimmicks is no win at all.


I hate spawning into your gimmick team and I hate seeing what crap you turn this game into from either side.


You ruin my game, I'll ruin your game. I'll pick out which one of you I hate the most and make your game a living hell. But you deserve worse.




It's not a gimmick to use the environment to your advantage, it's strategy.


On my Shadow I was once attacked by 2 much higher level characters near a fire trap in a Huttball match. I used my knockback and threw them both into the fire trap, I then proceeded to kill them both as they came out, and chuckled to myself at my luck, or their lack thereof.


Granted some people have mentioned when someone used bad strategy, such as pulling a healer into a fire trap while the Ball carrier scores. But over all it isn't bad to use the environment to your best advantage. Would you be in here QQing if someone was LOSing your PT or would you just get closer and prevent that from being an issue?

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Fun or not, intended or not, none of that changes the fact that it is, in fact, lame. You can't dispute that at all. The people saying that it is fun are proving that it is lame. And the people that camp the traps just to pull people in it for a quick easy kill are proving that it is lame.


But you know what else is lame in HB? Marauders/Sents popping Undying Rage so that they can run through it. Or Inqs/Consulars Force Speeding through the fire to minimize the damage received or Force Speeding + jumping off the top rafter to avoid it at all. Or Juggs/Guardians doing the jump+push+jump for an easy score.


Here is the kicker, though: while some (or all) of that may not have been intended, after 8 months of release, it apparently isn't against BW's idea of fair or fun. That doesn't make it right but it certainly doesn't make any use of those abilities wrong. As an Operative, I don't like it because hey, I can't do any of that. And yes, it pisses me off when I get pulled into the fire. But people get pissed at me for Crouch+capping in CW, NC, and VS because you can't pull or jump to me to stop it. Tactics, cheap or otherwise, win games.

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So as an Operative Healer, if I'm following you and right when you hit the fire trap I drop Flashbang, would that be considered 'gimmicky'? And if you broke out of that, and I hit you with Debilitate and the flames take you, would that be gimmicky?


No. It's playing smarter, not harder. As many said in this thread, it's using the environment to your advantage.



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Gimmick spam is the refuge of the unskilled ball player.


This is where you lost credibility....


I'm not saying it's smart play to wait around a fire pit to bring another player into it... but if there is an acid pit or a fire trap anywhere near me, I'm looking for a way to get an enemy player into it. If I'm looking for a quick way to take a player down... why ignore the tools that are standing in front of me? Should I ignore the massive pit of fire and my ability to grapple? Should I burst you down in 10-15 seconds on my own? Or should I grapple you into the fire, laugh as you burn and move onto my next target as I've killed you within 3-4 seconds and I now have one less obstacle in my way?


It's a tool... a tool that skilled players take advantage of. Simple as that....


Yes it's annoying to be on the other end of it... We all hate being pushed and pulled into the fire. However that does not warrant a QQ thread about it. Get used to it... Bioware is not nerfing fire for you.

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The complaint is regarding gimmick players on gimmick teams. On such a team you never leave your perch you just lean back on the immorto-heals and spam the fire trap for most of the game. It's not annoying because it's used, it's annoying because it's spammed. It's also cheap. Player teams who resort to this usually do so because shoot'em up cap map WZ are all they understand and it's too bad they can't just choose to que out of Huttball altogether.


What they want is a game where by team class composition and gimmicks they have a chance of defeating the mechanics of the sport itself. They don't want to get good at Huttball, they want to break it. Instead of having the guts to try their best and fail, they're just trying to find ways to win without ever actually having to play the game. I hate players like that.


IMO, they're better off struggling with their personal insecurities on their own time. I don't care whether they lose or not, but I do love Huttball. And I prefer to play it.

Edited by Comfterbilly
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Fun or not, intended or not, none of that changes the fact that it is, in fact, lame. You can't dispute that at all. The people saying that it is fun are proving that it is lame. And the people that camp the traps just to pull people in it for a quick easy kill are proving that it is lame.[/u][/b]


Really? We can't dispute it? Because i'm pretty sure people have BEEN disputing it since you first typed it out.


You see, nothing you said is actually factual information, it's all just one long mean spirited opinion, and opinions by definition cannot be right or wrong..So yeah.

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I'm fairly certain that Einstein said that the definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result.


I'd like to add that the definition of stupidity is knowing the result will be bad but doing it anyway.


If you know that the puller is perched and waiting for you to walk near, then YOU have the tactical advantage. The smart person would avoid said perch, set up a feignt to cause an early pull, run a distraction, stun the percher, kill the percher or a vast bevy of other rational tactics that are all available as a result of you knowing that he is there waiting to spam his "gimmick". If you choose to ignore your tactical advantage and run headlong into pulling range with the Huttball... well let's just say it may be related to the same thing that causes you to need help tying your shoes.

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i'm pretty sure you can punt any class that has a pull/grapple. all the healers in the world aren't going to change that. you can punt the healers too. just because you can't dps them out of position doesn't mean you can't move them. change your tactics. any team that I know exactly what they're going to do, I can counter. you should be able to as well. I'm no einstein.
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On my shadow ill yank ball carriers, healers, PT's, Maras/juggs into fire and acid at every available opportunity. sometimes if I time it right i can yank a ball carrier onto a fire pit for an easy score, i dont care if you lot think its gimmick play or makes me a "bad" player, if it results in me or my team scoring or preventing a score then it makes me a "good" player.


What do you think people should try and do? Try an kill the guarded and healed WH augged Jugg using normal methods when i can just pull em and yoink the ball.


When I am on any of my other 50's and i know there is a puller on the enemy team, i position myself so i am not an easy target to pull or so i cannot be pulled at all, its quite easy to counter.

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Re: Huttball


Gimmicks are cheap. You wanna stand up there and spam the fire trap? Time to stop confusing gimmicks with skill. Bring three healers so no one can die then spam the same tricks over and over? You're not playing Huttball you're playing "fire trap".


Maybe they should make a new warzone called fire trap where the whole objective is to see how many people you can pull into the fire. You can spam but you can't play Huttball.


Take away the immorto-heals and you lose 0-6. Take away the random extra healer in your que and you've got no game. Because you can spam all you want but you have no idea how to play the dynamic game of Huttball.


To me a game based on gimmicks is no game at all. A strategy based on gimmicks is no strategy at all. A win based on gimmicks is no win at all.


I hate spawning into your gimmick team and I hate seeing what crap you turn this game into from either side.


You ruin my game, I'll ruin your game. I'll pick out which one of you I hate the most and make your game a living hell. But you deserve worse.




Holy jesus this is the most crying about something fun ive EVER seen. LESS QQ MORE PEW PEW

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Well this is one of about 97 reasons why players that want real competitive PvP in an MMO will choose GW2 and this game will continue to fail. I don't think free to play will do anything except give Bioware an excuse to say, "don't complain it's free!"


really? people using environment to their advantage makes games fail? Are you seriously that bad or are you running out of other excuses?

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really? people using environment to their advantage makes games fail? Are you seriously that bad or are you running out of other excuses?


Like I said, the concept of "skill-based competitive PvP" to those people, is simply; "a fight/game which makes me the winner, where none of the enemies can stun or mez me, none of them outgear me, none of them can exploit any terrain features, none of them use damage so high that hurt me, none of them can heal themselves to withstand my attacks, none of them use classes that seems stronger than mine, none of them use team composition that I hate."

Edited by kweassa
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Like I said, the concept of "skill-based competitive PvP" to those people, is simply; "a fight/game which makes me the winner, where none of the enemies can stun or mez me, none of them outgear me, none of them can exploit any terrain features, none of them use damage so high that hurt me, none of them can heal themselves to withstand my attacks, none of them use classes that seems stronger than mine, none of them use team composition that I hate."


Sounds like you enjoy bowling with the bumper guard up. I personally enjoy the pvp.

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The complaint is regarding gimmick players on gimmick teams. On such a team you never leave your perch you just lean back on the immorto-heals and spam the fire trap for most of the game. It's not annoying because it's used, it's annoying because it's spammed. It's also cheap. Player teams who resort to this usually do so because shoot'em up cap map WZ are all they understand and it's too bad they can't just choose to que out of Huttball altogether.


What they want is a game where by team class composition and gimmicks they have a chance of defeating the mechanics of the sport itself. They don't want to get good at Huttball, they want to break it. Instead of having the guts to try their best and fail, they're just trying to find ways to win without ever actually having to play the game. I hate players like that.


IMO, they're better off struggling with their personal insecurities on their own time. I don't care whether they lose or not, but I do love Huttball. And I prefer to play it.


you act like the art of 'cheesing' is new and has never been done before. this is just as bad as the 'gimme a refund for you doing maintenance' threads


the sky is blue too

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