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Character slots from dev blog March 30th


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Aymi: You guys are including a whole bunch of things to motivate us to reroll and unlock stuff through Legacy, but if I’m playing on one server because the community is great, I’ll be limited to eight characters. You said during the Guild Summit you were going to think about it at some point, any update on that?


Daniel Erickson: We are 100% committed to providing more character slots per server in the future but unfortunately we’re not ready to talk about how that will work.


Clocks ticking down on automated transfers. Any word yet on the extra slots? This is coming well ahead of the cash shop, and I have a guildmaster holding down the fort on the origin server (33 powertech) that I can't transfer without /gdisbanding and I don't want to yet as the guild message of the day directs people who might return to a new vent server. I also now have 8 slots filled on my new home. Help?

Edited by VulcanLogic
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Clocks ticking down on automated transfers. Any word yet on the extra slots? This is coming well ahead of the cash shop, and I have a guildmaster holding down the fort on the origin server (33 powertech) that I can't transfer without /gdisbanding and I don't want to yet as the guild message of the day directs people who might return to a new vent server. I also now have 8 slots filled on my new home. Help?


Cartel Coins? :eek:

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We don't have any new information yet, but we are still planning on offering more character slots per server in the future. We know this is important to many of our players who have lots of alts (and want more!), and we'll let you know when more info is ready!


Will the info or the slots be available before or after we get information about the super secret space project?

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I always liked how they addressed this issue in Champions Online. There upon getting a character to max level you are awarded a new character slot.


It's a nice simple solution that encourages players to do all the leveling content and not stagnate with multiple alts all stuck at mid-level and rewards playing with the opportunity for more playing! Great way to do it IMHO.

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We don't have any new information yet, but we are still planning on offering more character slots per server in the future. We know this is important to many of our players who have lots of alts (and want more!), and we'll let you know when more info is ready!


Good to know that's still the plan at least, but like I said, clock is ticking. Hope to hear something soon.

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I never understood this... I'm not berating, but trying to understand. There are only 8 advanced classes, why would you want to roll 2 or more of the same advanced class? If it's a respec issue, why not swap out a couple of enhancements on your gear, and respec? Just curious. I know it costs credits to buy alt gear / respec / pull enhancements... which sucks, and think that's a major design flaw & should be changed. But I'd favor that before leveling a whole other character.


Like I said, the automated transfers are coming BEFORE the cartel coins make it into the game. We need something done now.
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I never understood this... I'm not berating, but trying to understand. There are only 8 advanced classes, why would you want to roll 2 or more of the same advanced class? If it's a respec issue, why not swap out a couple of enhancements on your gear, and respec? Just curious. I know it costs credits to buy alt gear / respec / pull enhancements... which sucks, and think that's a major design flaw & should be changed. But I'd favor that before leveling a whole other character.


16 advanced classes.

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I always liked how they addressed this issue in Champions Online. There upon getting a character to max level you are awarded a new character slot.


It's a nice simple solution that encourages players to do all the leveling content and not stagnate with multiple alts all stuck at mid-level and rewards playing with the opportunity for more playing! Great way to do it IMHO.


^^ this


I would add that what "Catsmeat" is suggesting should be the way to go forward from now on and allow the customers who have multiple alts on origin servers to be able to transfer to destination servers so they dont lose their characters. Yes this will mean some players will have more than 8 alts on a server but this is the only fair way as at the time of creating their characters they did not know that the server would be "discontinued".


I very much like the idea of starting users off with say 4 (or 8) character slots, as they hit 50 a new slot is opened. This will give more incentive to play through all the content

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I never understood this... I'm not berating, but trying to understand. There are only 8 advanced classes, why would you want to roll 2 or more of the same advanced class? If it's a respec issue, why not swap out a couple of enhancements on your gear, and respec? Just curious. I know it costs credits to buy alt gear / respec / pull enhancements... which sucks, and think that's a major design flaw & should be changed. But I'd favor that before leveling a whole other character.


I have 3 level 50 trooper Vanguards. They are redundant from a pragmatic viewpoint I'll admit. I don't play video games for pragmatic reasons. I play for fun. Two are tanks and one is DPS but the motivation isn't for one of each talent tree, although to be honest that is why I started them.


The reason is of all the classes I liked the vanguard the most. I'm not big on FPs and OPs as all my friends and most guildmates have dried up. I get the biggest kick in this game leveling vanguards with Snipers as my next favorite.


I have a few more vanguards on the way up now, I've suspended playing them until they are moved from my now dead server to one that is viable for teaming (Destination server is full).


Whats wrong with leveling multiples if you enjoy the trip?

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I never understood this... I'm not berating, but trying to understand. There are only 8 advanced classes, why would you want to roll 2 or more of the same advanced class? If it's a respec issue, why not swap out a couple of enhancements on your gear, and respec? Just curious. I know it costs credits to buy alt gear / respec / pull enhancements... which sucks, and think that's a major design flaw & should be changed. But I'd favor that before leveling a whole other character.


Because I have friends on both sides.

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This seems to be a common theme around here, despite the appearance of communication.


Allison, can you tell us WHAT information you do have, since it seems there isn't much?


The information they have is that they do not have any information. :)

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16 advanced classes.


Come on now... not 16, but I'll concede. I'm currently trying to stagger my classes. Operative / Gunslinger, Sorcerer/Shadow, Marauder/Guardian... to keep the story line interesting. Personally, I wouldn't create two characters that do the exact same thing... But that's me :) I see your point.

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We don't have any new information yet, but we are still planning on offering more character slots per server in the future. We know this is important to many of our players who have lots of alts (and want more!), and we'll let you know when more info is ready!


To translate this for the players.


We have no idea what to do about this situation so we are saying we plan on offering more slots in the future so that it will buy us more time so hopefully everyone will jsut forget about it and then we wont have to do anything.

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I staggered as well. Sniper and a Scoundrel. Marauder and a Gaurdian. But I would like to play a light side inquisitor or a dark side gaurdian. Also; I did not have enough slots for all the races.


A little off topic but what the hell. I seriously tried really hard to create a character that wasn't Human. I think Bioware failed at making the other races look decent. Almost ALL of my characters are Human, I do have a Zabrak. Come on, a green guy, handicap dudes with hankerchiefs covering their eyes, cyborgs with NOT awesome cyborg parts (seriously, most look like they use an oxygen cannula, like my grandmother)... I could go on.

Edited by BlackSpin
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I never understood this... I'm not berating, but trying to understand. There are only 8 advanced classes, why would you want to roll 2 or more of the same advanced class? If it's a respec issue, why not swap out a couple of enhancements on your gear, and respec? Just curious. I know it costs credits to buy alt gear / respec / pull enhancements... which sucks, and think that's a major design flaw & should be changed. But I'd favor that before leveling a whole other character.


While I do not think many people would fill out the full 16 slots it'd be very nice to have a solid 12 to work from.


This makes sense because it allows you the freedom to make and work on all 8 classes within whichever faction you most identify with (usually even those that play both sides lean to one or the other) while giving you four slots to see the storyline content on the opposite faction without having to roll them on an entirely new server/legacy.


I know right now my primary server is full with 6 republic characters (Sentinel, Commando, Vanguard, Shadow, Scoundrel, Sage) and 2 Imperial (Sniper, Jugg). When paid transfers open up I'd love to move my 50 Sorc. over to this same server as well as roll a Bounty hunter of some kind just to see the story. So for me I'd like at least 10 slots to be able to feel like I don't have to delete characters to get what I wish out of it.

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Seems to be SOP. Not sure which is worse...no response from devs or having no answer when they do bother to respond.


Ya I think probably everything is up in the air so they cant really say whats going on. You can bet your bottom character slots will be available for coins. They will find a way just not till November.

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Too late for my agent. Needed a slot and had no interest in leveling to 50 to run in circles with a knife so off he went. He LOOKED cool though. :cool:


I was tired of waiting for some magical AC Respec that will never come for my socerer, who is basically worthless compared to my new Assasin (unless you like healing and doing lightning storm at level 50). So glad I picked that AC back in December. :rolleyes: Ty 1.2


Regardless, we need 2-4 more slots per server for issues like this, any new races, or if you nerf(ruin) any of our current classes), or paid transfers.


Btw, will you ever fix the midget smuggler character selection screen issue?



Still lovin' the game anyway.

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We don't have any new information yet, but we are still planning on offering more character slots per server in the future.

Quite interesting choice of words.

So, you still do not know what to do with excess characters once you start the forced transfers in late summer. Well, I am confident that you will be offering a pausible solution (for a reasonable price, that is).

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Quite interesting choice of words.

So, you still do not know what to do with excess characters once you start the forced transfers in late summer. Well, I am confident that you will be offering a pausible solution (for a reasonable price, that is).


Personally I think they will take your characters and move them to any destination server available. First they will try the one with the most characters on it. If space is not available then the next one same type (pve/pvp) and same time zone. Surely people do not have 8 characters on all the destination servers. So you wont lose your characters but they may be split up a bit.


This is all simply conjecture on my part tho. I am just assuming they will not simply delete characters which do not fit on the designated destination server.

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