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Why are people like this??


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Hey alll,


Totally agree that BW/EA can help addreess this issue by reducing the respwn time on objectives to be quicker the the nearby mobs.... but you are missing the point!!!!


What if the only way to cap an objective was to engage a mob... and while that is happening some low-life scum sucker caps the objectives.... before the fight is even over the objective has respawned....


so does that make being a complate A-Hole any less of a problem...??

NO!!!! it makes it more of a problem...


at the end of the day.... waiting 5 secons, 25 seconds, 125 seconds is NOT the problem..

the PROBLEM is that their are cumplete degenerates who think capping an objective while someone else engages the thre is acceptable!


its NOT, and it NEVER will be...

you are the scum of society... and you are the REASON people leave MMOs..



F2P is a knee jerk reaction.... the did NOT need to be made..

what needed to be done, was address the player issues... which included the thieveing insentive, a-holes wow-playing jerks that pissed everyone off@!!!!



so congratulations again... you low life excuses for humans and yet again ****ed up evverything for the rest of us.... you parthetic degenerites!!!!

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it's not a SWTOR issue.. it's an MMO issue. it's just the way it is. SWTOR actually has fixed this issue in a number of locations.. ie instead of spawn timers for some of the quest-kill mobs, there's now a clickable terminal or item that spawns the mob so you don't have a scenario where you clear all the way to the mob, only to have some douche run in and 'steal' the mob you just cleared an entire complex to get to as you clear the last of the trash away. between this and much of the class quest actually phased / instanced... SWTOR actually does a bit better at this than most games i've played
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I just follow said a**-hat round the zone for a while doing the same to them, whenever they have to fight to get to a node I steal it.


Followed one guy for the whole quest and I got a message calling me some rather unsavoury things. To which I replied...not nice is it. Think next time before stealing something from someone.


I have however had people stand and wait to see if I was getting the node before taking it, and I always shoot them a /hug afterwards :)

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This is a problem with the design of the game not people. No one wants to wait 5 minutes to get an objective just because you happened to engage the npc 2 seconds before he could.


More modern MMO's like GW2 solved this problem by giving everyone who helps credit, but SWTOR went with the 10 year old make everything a pain and a grind model.

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This is a game/Bioware issue. They need to cut the spawn time of clickables in half. I made a thread about this 2 weeks ago. BH dailies are the worst


For the record, Im one of those players who steals clickables. I dont give a ****!


That's because you're an aspy douche and because online when you behave that way you don't get punched in the mouth like you would in RL. ;)

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Am I a douwshbag if I want to get the dailies done as fast as possible because they're not fun and I have other things to do? If you want the objective then you take it, its just a shame that the bad design makes it like a race. Its not that I don't care about others, just that they are foolish enough not to take the objective. Also note that if you don't press it and I don't, someone else will so me waiting is pointless because its your loss whatever happens.


So tips:

  • Take the objective asap, its a race.
  • Don't hate on us for wanting to do it as fast as we can!
  • Best idea ever - don't decline my group invites then complain when I take your objectives. Groups are the ultimate solution!


Are you some how under the impression that aholes are people who only do rude things that they don't want to do or for something other than selfish reasons?


If you do something rude because you want to make things faster, easier, more convienent, etc for yourself then yes that makes you the text book definition fo a doush.

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This is a problem with the design of the game not people. No one wants to wait 5 minutes to get an objective just because you happened to engage the npc 2 seconds before he could.


More modern MMO's like GW2 solved this problem by giving everyone who helps credit, but SWTOR went with the 10 year old make everything a pain and a grind model.


No it's a problem with the people. It doesn't matter how much it slows a person down, or how inconvienent it is, if they do something rude out of selfishness then they are an a-hole. There is not BUT BUT BUTs about it.

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Am I a douwshbag if I want to get the dailies done as fast as possible because they're not fun and I have other things to do?




If you want the objective then you take it, its just a shame that the bad design makes it like a race. Its not that I don't care about others, just that they are foolish enough not to take the objective.


What wonderful sociopath logic you have there. "If you want to actually take the groceries you bought home, put them in your car faster. It's just a shame that bad design makes it like a race. It's not that I don't care about others, just that they're foolish enough not to sprint to their vehicle and dump the cart into their trunk before I run by and lift their Cheerios-and-cookies bag."



Best idea ever - don't decline my group invites then complain when I take your objectives. Groups are the ultimate solution!


Yeeaaah, 'cause no one's ever doing quests while in a queue of some kind that makes it so they may have to leave at any second.



Anyway, OP and others, I suggest public shaming. Someone ninjas your node? Tell everyone in General about it. The ninja will either be shameful and silent, argue and prove themselves to be jerks to everyone in General, or send you hilarious, butthurt pms that you can block when you get bored.

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This is a problem with the design of the game not people. No one wants to wait 5 minutes to get an objective just because you happened to engage the npc 2 seconds before he could.


More modern MMO's like GW2 solved this problem by giving everyone who helps credit, but SWTOR went with the 10 year old make everything a pain and a grind model.


Yes. GW2 has solved that issue. There are no mob stealing in GW2. And they have area effect quest sharing. A quest item should not despawn once it is clicked on. Problem solved. Not saying GW2 is going to rock, but they sure have made some great changes to the way MMO's are designed.

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BW has half a solution in place: when the mobs are being killed quickly (or possibly, based on the number of player characters in the area), they also start respawning quickly. Unfortunately, they haven't applied this logic to the destroyable/lootable objects.
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How are people suppose to know if you need the boxes or not. You need to grab them first and then fight. If you are so weak that you are dieing while trying to loot the boxes then you need to do some more Belsavis dailies before doing Black hole. To many time I've let a player finish fighting the mobs only to see him run off without grabbing the boxes.


Grab the object first then fight, people can't tell if you need it yet or not.

Edited by Sunglare
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I have no doubt this has been raised many times, but its just happened to me... AGAIN!


Doing my dailies... quest object has elite standing next to it.

Engage elite, and someone else comes in and grabs objective.

Elite respawns before the object does - ***!!!



it so sad, that we still have people out there which have zero regard to their fellow players...



Well congratulations for being such a postive part of the world!!!

People are like that because there's no community in this game. Bioware has done NOTHING to help foster any sense of community, nothing at all. They've **edit**ed up on respawn timers, they make grouping anonymous, looting random and abusable.


The guy was still a d-bag, but I blame Bioware for providing him the opportunities to act like he does.

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How are people suppose to know if you need the boxes or not. You need to grab them first and then fight. If you are so weak that you are dieing while trying to loot the boxes then you need to do some more Belsavis dailies before doing Black hole. To many time I've let a player finish fighting the mobs only to see him run off without grabbing the boxes.


Grab the object first then fight, people can't tell if you need it yet or not.


easy... as you said... if they fight the mob/s and loot... they needed it.

if they fight the mob/s and run off... then at least they cleared the the area for you.



its not just about if you CAN handle the mobs... i have 100% +61 enchamentsto my gear.... i am essentiall ops 16 gear.... but i still cause aggro when i get near some objectives... sure i can cap it... and then run off.. causes them mobs to bug and run back.... back thats not the point


i am not a *****... i sont stealth and sneak and all that ****.. if their is an elite / champion on an objective, i fight it, loot it, then cap the objective


the point is... if the objective is bloody close to the mob... its 99.99% i want that objective.. so stop being a complete **** head and just chill...


and for the poster above... was you life ruined to wait 5 minutes only to release it was a free cap for you?

no!!!! of course it wasnt!


so there is no excuse for being a complete ****!



Edited by AurakaSith
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I love when this comes up because people whine and complain but don't stop to think. Maybe the guy who "stole" your node thought you weren't on the quest. The quest is a multi-part chain. Someone can be on part 1 - just killing - and not be eligible to click. If you are on part 2, you can click WHILE IN COMBAT. So engage, then click. Don't whine in general chat or on the forums. Don't expect a dev to fix something that is clearly a comprehension issue. Figure out how the mechanics in the game work and use them.


The only valid argument would be for quest objectives that are unclickable during combat (which are thankfully few) and harvesting nodes. Harvesting nodes has been a non-issue since late July when they patched in the ability to allow you to harvest while in combat.


Don't whine. Don't cry. Just F'in play.

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Am I a douwshbag if I want to get the dailies done as fast as possible because they're not fun and I have other things to do? If you want the objective then you take it, its just a shame that the bad design makes it like a race. Its not that I don't care about others, just that they are foolish enough not to take the objective. Also note that if you don't press it and I don't, someone else will so me waiting is pointless because its your loss whatever happens.


So tips:

  • Take the objective asap, its a race.
  • Don't hate on us for wanting to do it as fast as we can!
  • Best idea ever - don't decline my group invites then complain when I take your objectives. Groups are the ultimate solution!


Sorry dude. But yea, ninja a respawn while another fights the mob guarding the object does make a douchebag. You should wait. The argument that if you don't others will is bs. It is a matter of common decency. Grinding dailies is no excuse either. We all grind dailies. I will agree that excepting group invites is a good solution. Speeds things up too.


I think it is all a matter of perspective though. If you don't care, well, you don't care. But you can expect some hate. BTW I don't blame the game mechanics at all. Players should play with some decorum, there are and should be some unwritten rules. The game should be what you and your community make it.

Edited by Rafaman
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The subject of this thread is why I only do that certain BH daily every other day- and only if I manage to wake up at about 7 am when the place is fairly empty.


It's not just BH, either. I've had the High Savant on Belsavis snagged away from me more than a few times thanks to groups of ***hats in land yacht speeders...they just drift up, a couple of them block him off (and block off my los), one hops out and commences to fight, they all get the bonus and I'm left to camp again. They've done this even though I've obviously been waiting for the respawn and even though I've already tagged him when he has respawned. That latter isn't supposed to happen (snagging after tagging) but it has, believe me it has. Something else for the fix list.


As for the post about just-wait-for-the-f2p-kiddies: they won't be able to do dailies, or so it seems at this point. Good gods I hope they won't be able to do dailies...:rolleyes:

Edited by thatghost
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And that's why you grab the objective at the start of the fight. You can both loot and destroy the respective weapons boxes in BH while in combat. And realease the little hobbits from their cells.


Opportunity makes a thief. Don't tempt people.


Protip right there.


AND, since you can do that, there really is no issue. Adapt your playstyle to the game mechanics, rather then complaining and demanding Bioware fix something that really is not broken.

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Protip right there.


AND, since you can do that, there really is no issue. Adapt your playstyle to the game mechanics, rather then complaining and demanding Bioware fix something that really is not broken.


Just because there's a workaround, doesn't mean it's not poor design. Bad design opens the floodgates for all sorts of potential problems, this is one. Only the person/group that initiates combat should have access to the box.

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Only the person/group that initiates combat should have access to the box.


I don't disagree with this as an approach, but the again.... people say they want challenge, yet when it comes, they complain and want an exclusivity clause for their play. If you want to foster competition, then a less casual approach keeps people on their toes in terms of what steps to take to get what you want without being interferred with.


MMOs should encourage players to adapt and perservere, not just walk up like they are ordering a Big Mac a the local McD's.

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Protip right there.


AND, since you can do that, there really is no issue. Adapt your playstyle to the game mechanics, rather then complaining and demanding Bioware fix something that really is not broken.


Yes, there is an issue. I wouldn't call it "broken" but it's certainly an issue and it's easily solved: hasten the respawns. I "adapted" long ago to cc mob-get objective-fight mob (or else get objective-fight mob, depending). Simple enough to do that. The issue is that the objectives are more elusive than the mobs guarding them, especially in BH.


The objectives in the Ilum (Imp) Talz daily respawn almost instantly. Not rocket science or anything to implement the same for BH.


Or else make BH pvp. Give us something to do while waiting for those bloody crates to reappear :rolleyes:


I jest. I'd never go back there if it became a pvp free-for-all.

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This has nothing to do with it being a bioware issue. This is simply a player issue. People need to stop being *****. Won't happen...especially on mmos.


It's an issue on both parts. Notice most of the threads pertaining to this matter appeared after server merges? If they'd adjusted the objective spawns to make them more reasonably-timed when the destination server populations drastically increased...


...we'd still have countless ******** playing ninja and displaying their stunning lack of common decency but at least we'd get things done quicker and not have to deal with them for longer than we absolutely must.

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