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Advance Class Respec


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Being able to change advanced class would bring alot of life into the game, loads of people coming back to play their mains on the other class. I would totally change my sorc into assassin and enjoy the game again, not to mention being able to tank in flashpoints and operations
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Why? Even if you could just flip a switch and be a completely different class, you think you'd just have all your gear change too? Be instantly optimized for the new role?


Why not just reroll.. takes 4 days to get to 50... another week to fill up on leftover op gear, and you're good to go.


Sounds to me like, especially from the people saying they'd pay for it, is that you want to be able to buy a fully ready to go max level, equally geared toon. Oh, except it has the same name and looks as the toon you had before, despite being different in every other possible way.


You know there are sites where you can buy accounts. And with the pay $ for a name change / hairstylist option coming soon to a cartel shop near you, you basically have your class switch right there.

Edited by Polebreaker
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Why? Even if you could just flip a switch and be a completely different class, you think you'd just have all your gear change too? Be instantly optimized for the new role?


Why not just reroll.. takes 4 days to get to 50... another week to fill up on leftover op gear, and you're good to go.


Sounds to me like, especially from the people saying they'd pay for it, is that you want to be able to buy a fully ready to go max level, equally geared toon..

Who has mentioned a gear 'conversion' at all? While I am sure there is one person out there who would threaten to quit if they couldn't trade in their blaster rifle for a sniper rifle, I don't see that being expected by anyone who has been talking about it here. Also, the fact you think it take 4 days to get to 50 might be where you are missing the point. Not everyone can get to 50 in 4 days, or even 4 months. So what is it to you if that person, instead of going through the same exact class story again, can just switch their AC, which in this game is effectively little more than switching specs.
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Changing class to me would Ranger to Paladin since Assassin is still a rogue so really it's the same class as Dirge etc.


A Dirge is a bard, not a rogue. It has a vastly different role than an Assassin. No matter how you all want to massage it, the EQ2 system is directly analogous here.



You have to consider the multi-function classes like Smuggle and Consular who can be tanks/healers and how it would effect gameplay balance.


Since you can already switch between a dedicated DPS and a tank/healer for free once a week, I do not agree there is a material difference between moving from an advanced class that has OPTIONS to play a tank to an advanced class that has OPTIONS to play a healer.

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Who has mentioned a gear 'conversion' at all? While I am sure there is one person out there who would threaten to quit if they couldn't trade in their blaster rifle for a sniper rifle, I don't see that being expected by anyone who has been talking about it here. Also, the fact you think it take 4 days to get to 50 might be where you are missing the point. Not everyone can get to 50 in 4 days, or even 4 months. So what is it to you if that person, instead of going through the same exact class story again, can just switch their AC, which in this game is effectively little more than switching specs.


The guy right above my previous post implied it by jumping right into ops/fp's... as is everyone else who seems to think it's some sort of time saver.


And if you think switching AC's is little more than switching specs, then I'm afraid I'm not the one that's missed the point.


Now to be sure, I dont really give a rat's behind what someone does with their toon, but I dont understand all this hand-wringing about needing an AC change option. Not only is levelling up quick, but you actually get to learn the class... and make no bones about it, the AC's are different classes. Playing a sorc to 50 gives you absosmurfly no skill at suddenly playing an assassin. I think if someone *did* do that and start jumping in the gfinder que, I'd prefer their name to have a large asterisk beside their group role choice...

Edited by Polebreaker
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Playing a sorc to 50 gives you absosmurfly no skill at suddenly playing an assassin. I think if someone *did* do that and start jumping in the gfinder que, I'd prefer their name to have a large asterisk beside their group role choice...
The same goes for most of the DPS vs Tank/Healer specs. I leveled up healing operative and the couple times I have tried a conceal or lethality spec has been a complete failure. Plenty of people get to 50 without really understanding everything their class can do, or can't do, in WZs and FP/Ops. Most people who become really good at their class these days do so because they either understand the game mechanics and picking up a new class/spec is not hard or they read up on the internet and will read up again. The people who are these apparent horrible lazy players who would switch to a completely unrelated spec/class without proper gear or knowledge would be the same people to race to 50 with whatever is the easiest leveling route and then hit end game with no real knowledge about their class.
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this is not a game for people who care for it anymore so no worries - it will be in the cash shop eventually (just as any other pay-to-win **** people are willing to pay for). After all the AC switch and dancing Jawa crap are easier to do than proper space combat and Nightmare Mode for your several month old raiding content. Way to go. Edited by vandana_
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Being able to change advanced class would bring alot of life into the game, loads of people coming back to play their mains on the other class. I would totally change my sorc into assassin and enjoy the game again, not to mention being able to tank in flashpoints and operations


While I think your right.


I bet any AC change cash option would be a one time thing unless you bought another AC change.


So there would be no option to change it an unlimited number of times like a respec of talent points.


So I could be Ok with a one time paid AC change and if you happen to not like it. To bad, you'll have to pay again to swap back.

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The only reason BioWare didn't want to do Advanced Class respecs is because their original endgame plan was alts. Leveling alts means people stay subbed longer.


Since subs are only part of the equation now, I can guarantee you Advanced Class respecs are back on the table. They'll probably only be available in the store, and maybe not at launch, since what companies do is introduce basic stuff when the f2p store opens and then gradually widen the window of what is acceptable, but they will be there eventually.


Everyone still arguing in this thread should read the post quoted above. This is the end of the argument. It doen't matter what side you are on. They will make a lot more cash and end up keeping paid subscriptions with selling AC respecs simply beacuse the end game is set up for subscriptions and guess what, an AC respec means I can re-run the end game for different Raid gear, PvP gear, etc.


Just for the record, I could care less about either side. But the fact is, EA isn't running a charity MMO, they want profits and will pretty much do anything they can and when they see that an AC respec makes a profit, it will be sold in the cash store.

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Everyone still arguing in this thread should read the post quoted above. This is the end of the argument. It doen't matter what side you are on. They will make a lot more cash and end up keeping paid subscriptions with selling AC respecs simply beacuse the end game is set up for subscriptions and guess what, an AC respec means I can re-run the end game for different Raid gear, PvP gear, etc.


Just for the record, I could care less about either side. But the fact is, EA isn't running a charity MMO, they want profits and will pretty much do anything they can and when they see that an AC respec makes a profit, it will be sold in the cash store.


No, it's not the end of the argument, even though said argument is moronic. You, nor any other poster here knows what EA or Bioware is going to do. That's the only REAL fact in this entire thread. All of you guys can continue to go back and forth on it and neither side will be totally wrong and vice versa, but at the end of the day, nobody will know until the people in charge let us know.


That said, switching ACs would be the most horribly stupid thing ever. It's pretty much the worst thing they could do after going F2P. Buncha gimme gimmes around here. At least y'all are better than the GW2 crowd..they remind me a lot of the BDF back during beta for this game.

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Everyone still arguing in this thread should read the post quoted above. This is the end of the argument. It doen't matter what side you are on. They will make a lot more cash and end up keeping paid subscriptions with selling AC respecs simply beacuse the end game is set up for subscriptions and guess what, an AC respec means I can re-run the end game for different Raid gear, PvP gear, etc.


Just for the record, I could care less about either side. But the fact is, EA isn't running a charity MMO, they want profits and will pretty much do anything they can and when they see that an AC respec makes a profit, it will be sold in the cash store.


No, it's not the end of the argument. There's a lot more going on here than "some people will pay for an AC switch, so they'll add it". There are quite a few people, as stated in the thread, who will leave. Not just rage quitters, but people who will have played two advanced classes without having to first spend the time to level one of them, allowing them to unsub more quickly. Then there are actual development costs for implementing such a system, and they have to weigh the whole thing--lost subscription money and development costs over the potential gain from allowing paid AC switches. I couldn't tell you what comes out on top, but I'm pretty sure whatever net gain from paid AC switches might be out there isn't enough to justify the feature.

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Bioware claims they are and that is all that matters.. Bioware is the only one with the authority to make any kind of determination on what is or isn't a class..


Since there is no specific standard that can be applied to multiple games, what a class is or isn't is defined by the gaming company.. Not the gamers..


They are classes and you have no logical reason to say they are not classes.. Just the simple fact that you are not comfortable with the idea that you are actually asking for a class change.. Which flies against the idea of classes in the first place..


I doesn't matter how many times people claim they are not classes.. Bioware has said they are and that is all there is to it.. All you have to do is learn to live with it..


So by that logic everyone using the excuse of 'what other game lets you change classes?' is simply babbling since each company decides what classes are, right?


Actually I would prefer a free-form game rather than the shoehorned classes of most MMOs-why can't a bounty hunter pick a rifle, or an agent a pistol? Why do Jedi never learn the rudiments of ranged combat-apparently charging into a group of combatants swinging a glowstick is the preferable method-and these are the wise guardians of the galaxy? Hell realistically Jedi should gain dark side points every time they attack someone- " A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."


If they are not classes, why do I choose a something at character creation, stumble around for 10 levels, then finally get to choose my class? What was I from 1-10?

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No, it's not the end of the argument. There's a lot more going on here than "some people will pay for an AC switch, so they'll add it". There are quite a few people, as stated in the thread, who will leave. Not just rage quitters, but people who will have played two advanced classes without having to first spend the time to level one of them, allowing them to unsub more quickly. Then there are actual development costs for implementing such a system, and they have to weigh the whole thing--lost subscription money and development costs over the potential gain from allowing paid AC switches. I couldn't tell you what comes out on top, but I'm pretty sure whatever net gain from paid AC switches might be out there isn't enough to justify the feature.


So a few dozen forum ragers leave-that's like noticing a few raindrops amongst the flood.


One person says leveling to 50 takes less than a week-you say people will unsub quicker due to not being forced to grind a second spec-which is it?


Development costs? Fair point for a company that can't figure out automated transfers and cross server matching.


Feel free to feel special because you played out the consular story twice-I'm sure playing as a shadow was totally different from the sage version.

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Hey Reva, good call on keeping your thumb on people. You guys keep waiting for this magical "REBALANCE" and its not gonna happen. They have bigger fish to fry, like keeping their jobs as opposed to worrying about whether Power #1 does "x" amount of damage. Advance class respec, (one that stays within the character) isnt gonna blow up anything other than their profit margin.
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Development costs? Fair point for a company that can't figure out automated transfers and cross server matching.



They'd have to sell thousands of these AC switches for profitability, while at the same time not lose subs from people who don't find a game with 4 classes all that interesting. It's a tougher decision than you're willing to admit. There is some demand, certainly, but enough to surpass the negative consequences? I am unconvinced.

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Yeah hurry up and add this please.


So all the Mercs can respec to powertechs, and all the Juggs can respec to Marauders.


Worst idea ever.


Why? What's the downside? If you grouped with, say, a guardian-turned-sentinel, how would you even know?

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They won't because they will lose more if they do.. Breaking the game is not a good way to make money.. The advent of the cash shops doesn't mean they are going to change fundemental mechanics of the game..


You all can believe what you want.. Reducing the number of clssses by half will kill the game..


As I have said.. This issue has been discussed countless times.. It is a dead horse at this point.. It isn't going to happen.. Cash store or not.. Allowing AC respecs will truely kill the game.. They will lose money if they allow it..


Um being a former SWG player which had only 10 classes ( This one has 8 main and a total of 16) allowing people who get bored to switch classes to have a new experience for mind you free was not game breaking at all. Now If you take this game I rolled as a sage and I am sick and tired of it I want to be a shadow but I can't be unless I reroll a completely new consular and go through that boring storyline again? Seems pointless, honestly if they make between classes switching a possibility I can see problems because of the fact of different storylines. I see no problem in allowing people to switch AC gives them possibilities. What changes besides abilities and armor style? please tell me because if that's what is holding the idea back it's a horrible excuse.

Edited by xovofactor
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Your AC is your CLASS. A mercenary is not a powertech. They are different classes. This is why you can respec within a given AC, but not switch AC's. Paying for a class change does not make it any less of a change in class.


If advance classes are so different why do most of them share one tree. I don't see a mage and rogue sharing a tree. In addition, why are 50 percent of base skills the same the buff they provide the same. Even the first 10 levels is the same. No to mention all the story and the type of gear they wear. Just because a jedi guardian single weilds a weapon while the other duel wields doesn't make it a different class it make it a different spec. They just wanted to add more classes without doing more work thus they created advance class. Also, BW did say they will offer advance class repecs shortly after luanch but then decided against it later. The Jedi Guardian is made to be a tank and can't really dps no mather the spec while the juggernut is mad to dps and can't really tank. I been helping my wife out with her jaggernut on how to spec and dps and all I played is a Guardian. Both classes feel the same one just can burn targets down a lot faster. I have 10 level 85 character in WoW one of each class but I only have one 50 in swtor because i can't stomach the grind again to level the same class to 50 bc of no advance class so I choose not to play at all. I think the whole reason why they lost so many subs is because of no advance class respec, x-server lfg, and no addons and macros.

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Um being a former SWG player which had only 10 classes ( This one has 8 main and a total of 16) allowing people who get bored to switch classes to have a new experience for mind you free was not game breaking at all. Now If you take this game I rolled as a sage and I am sick and tired of it I want to be a shadow but I can't be unless I reroll a completely new consular and go through that boring storyline again? Seems pointless, honestly if they make between classes switching a possibility I can see problems because of the fact of different story lines. I see no problem in allowing people to switch AC gives them possibilities. What changes besides abilities and armor style? please tell me because if that's what is holding the idea back it's a horrible excuse.


armor and most abilities don't even change. You still wear the same armor type most of the time and you value the same primary stats. Its almost no different than switching specs in other games.

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Personally, I think having AC respec is a bad idea. It leads to FOTM and homogeny. However, if it keeps players from leaving or helps bring in new and old players then it should probably be considered. IF they do have AC respec, it should be a 20mill+ credit sink, or $50+ real money with a 6-12 month respec timer. Charging real money would help the game keep afloat, while having a credit sink and a timer would give people pause before making the final decision.


People who think ACs playing style are the same are idiots or haven't tried the other AC. Speaking from someone who has level 50 jugg, mara, sorc, and assassin, the playing styles of the mirror class are completely different when you spec for efficiency for pvp or pve. Just because a jugg and mara share a tree doesn't mean you are going to spec both ACs into that tree. Example: when I play my jugg, I spec Vengeance for pve and Rage for pvp, while I spec Annihilation for both pvp and pve on my mara. I guess I could spec my mara into Rage for pvp but it does less damage than Annihilate so why would I want to do that?


Although I don't like the idea of changing ACs, I won't quit the game if they do put the option in. However, I do think a severe penalty is in order if they allow that option. In the end, I'll agree with what ever helps the game stay afloat. People who say mirror ACs are the same, they aren't so stop saying that.

Edited by Yrneh
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