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Advance Class Respec


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I personally would be for an AC respec option. I leveled as a sage and then made an assassin on the imp side. I have to say I like assassin/shadow as an AC more than Sage. If given the option I would gladly reclass my sage to a shadow. That being said I think it should really be a one time only thing and I'd even be ok with them requiring a max level of the opposite spec to do so. Will it happen, not likely, but I would still like to see it personally and if it never does I still love my sage.
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Four words.


Champions Online Retcon Token.


AC switching I guarantee you is going to happen and will probably require a large, but reasonable, amount of Cartel Coins. EA would but fools to not squeeze the dollars out of this.


That is all.

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If you want to switch advanced class, then reroll. And quit saying, "But I put so much time into this character already!"

That's just being lazy, so quit yer ************ already.


If you want to change your spec then reroll, Quit being lazy and level a healer from 1 to 50, don't just flip-flop between dps and heals.

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Those opposed would not be forced to USE the option to change AC's, but we would all be forced to deal with those who are too lazy to actually level and learn a new class. I guess we have to hand them everything they want because their time is more valuable than mine and that of everyone else.


So only team with guild members that meet your standards of hard work? "Hey Ratajack I powerleveled my sage from 1 to 50 and don't really know how to heal in ops, but at least I'm not of THOSE people that was a shadow last week."

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If you want to change your spec then reroll, Quit being lazy and level a healer from 1 to 50, don't just flip-flop between dps and heals.


why is it so bad to want to be able to experience a different play style without having to grind through all the same content again, when you ought to be able to earn appropriate gear through in game action?


if you change careers, do you have to go through puberty all over again and re-learn who you are as a person? why should respecs be any different?

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IMO they'll never allow AC respecs, because they (correctly) state that ACs are classes. Most ACs play totally different from each other. Besides...maybe they'll magically figure out a how to code dual specs in time for the cash shop, but so far they can't even figure *that* out, and you're asking for a class respec? lol




No they didn't. They said *dual specs* would be added. They've adamantly been against AC respecs since forever.


By that logic talent trees are classes too-I don't have to pick an advanced spec at all. How does that fit into your assumption?

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Once again.


Aurozia: Will there be a dual specialization system in the future? Will there be a possibility of changing advance classes as well?


Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.




From the Feb 10th Q&A post, found right here on the SWTOR.com site.


That would be AFTER launch, if I'm correct. I guess they made their decision, although apparently not everyone is happy with the decision they made.


So are healing sages and dps sages fundamentally different as well? They must be, given the number of talent points dedicated to each role.


As for coming soon, 6 months later and no dual spec-guess BW doesn't see that happening either,

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Let me ask this:


What MMO lets you change classes?


AC is YOUR CLASS. The "class" only exists for the STORY. THE ADVANCED CLASS is your ACTUAL CLASS.


um, but (for example) a sorc and an assassin have the same class quests ... you just approach the quests with different strategies.

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Try not to take something out of context.. Bioware has always reserved the right to change their mind on anything.. That doesn't mean they will.. But the answer you quoted is the most diplomatic response they can give.. Sadly, that isn't the answer we got during the beta when this issue came up..


There will be no AC respeccing..


Bioware revamped the entire AC selection system to make it easier and more informed.. The fact that you can see the talent trees to both AC's before selection, is a product of those talks and Bioware's effort to avoid AC switching.. Not to mention adding some more dialogue boxes and generally making the entire process as easy as possible.. The addition of the codex for each AC was also added for this reason.. There were a lot of things added during the beta to avoid AC switching..


As for the community being evenly divided on this issue?? Don't kid yourself.. Many of us are just tired of beating a dead horse and despite what some others say.. The facts of this issue haven't changed, yet they are ignored.. So why bother??


In this thread I linked another thread on this issue.. Over 100 pages long and that wasn't even the first thread.. That thread maxed out and was recreated at least 3 times.. Go read it yourself.. Most people by a large margin do not want AC switching..


Bioware will most likely never give a concrete 'no' to many things.. But that shouldn't be taken as a 'yes' or even a 'possible yes'.. Answers like this are meant to appease everyone.. They are not a definite no, but they are most certainly not a 'yes' either.. :)


Oh yes-a consular gets so much information, given how often you use 30m Force attacks and stealth on Tython. That's really informed all right... almost as good as the smuggler (again, no stealth on Ord Mantell at all). Troopers? Do you like spamming Stockstrike or spamming Hammer Shot? That will determine which advanced spec you should choose.


So they refuse to be honest-no surprise given the last 8 months or so.

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I don't think it's possible because of the FOTM factor. Every time there is a nerf or buff, massive amounts of people would be respeccing classes. I'd bet after 1.3 about 90% of Guardians would have respecced to Sentinels if they could.


So BW could stop nerfing the hell out of classes and avoid this.

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why is it so bad to want to be able to experience a different play style without having to grind through all the same content again, when you ought to be able to earn appropriate gear through in game action?


if you change careers, do you have to go through puberty all over again and re-learn who you are as a person? why should respecs be any different?


I'm just pointing out that advanced spec switching and talent spec switching are the same thing. People against going from Sage to Shadow should also be against going from dps to heals.

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You mean the spec that you don't have to choose at all?


I mean the advanced CLASS that you do not have to choose, although not choosing one of the two AC's as your CLASS would limit the number of abilities you have, therefore limiting your effectiveness in either PVP or PVE. Do a /who. How many Bounty Hunter-mercenaries or Bounty Hunter-powertechs do you see? ZERO. You will see Bounty Hunter, Mercenary or Powertech. This is because they are all three DIFFERENT classes, although the latter two develop from the first one.


If I was a brain surgeon but suddenly wanted to be a heart surgeon, why shouldn't I have the right to just change the sign on my door? Both surgeons have to go to medical school, both surgeons are doctors, both surgeons use a lot of the same skills-using a scalpel, suturing, cleaning etc. Oh, and I can just be a generic doctor, or a general practitioner. I never even have to choose to specialize in surgery, let alone a specific type of surgery.

Edited by Ratajack
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I mean the advanced CLASS that you do not have to choose, although not choosing one of the two AC's as your CLASS would limit the number of abilities you have, therefore limiting your effectiveness in either PVP or PVE. Do a /who. How many Bounty Hunter-mercenaries or Bounty Hunter-powertechs do you see? ZERO. You will see Bounty Hunter, Mercenary or Powertech. This is because they are all three DIFFERENT classes, although the latter two develop from the first one.


If I was a brain surgeon but suddenly wanted to be a heart surgeon, why shouldn't I have the right to just change the sign on my door? Both surgeons have to go to medical school, both surgeons are doctors, both surgeons use a lot of the same skills-using a scalpel, suturing, cleaning etc. Oh, and I can just be a generic doctor, or a general practitioner. I never even have to choose to specialize in surgery, let alone a specific type of surgery.


If brain surgery and heart surgery were as simple as having one or two pistols at the same time I would be either one of those.

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Wrong. Assassin have stealth, sorcs do not. Assassins are a melee oriented class while sorcs are ranged oriented. Marauders wear medium armor while juggernauts wear heavy. Operatives have stealth and snipers don't. Operatives, sorcs and mercenaries can heal, but snipers, assassins and powertechs can't. I can go on, but I doubt that would make any difference.


Quoted for truth..

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I mean the advanced CLASS that you do not have to choose, although not choosing one of the two AC's as your CLASS would limit the number of abilities you have, therefore limiting your effectiveness in either PVP or PVE. Do a /who. How many Bounty Hunter-mercenaries or Bounty Hunter-powertechs do you see? ZERO. You will see Bounty Hunter, Mercenary or Powertech. This is because they are all three DIFFERENT classes, although the latter two develop from the first one.


If I was a brain surgeon but suddenly wanted to be a heart surgeon, why shouldn't I have the right to just change the sign on my door? Both surgeons have to go to medical school, both surgeons are doctors, both surgeons use a lot of the same skills-using a scalpel, suturing, cleaning etc. Oh, and I can just be a generic doctor, or a general practitioner. I never even have to choose to specialize in surgery, let alone a specific type of surgery.


It's a specialization-aka a spec. Calling it a class doesn't make it so.


So you're against respecs too-since going from heals to dps or tanking to dps (or one branch of dps instead of another) fits your doctor analogy just as well. Or is it somehow different to go from being able to tank to suddenly pumping out dps compared to going from healing to being able to tank?


You're right-you wouldn't have to choose. Funny enough GPs that don't choose an advanced specialty are not magically less effective doctors, and if I did need a cardiologist I don't want one that trained as a proctologist than switched (aka respec).

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Sorry...totally apples and oranges.


How so? How is "I shoot healing bolts at you, now I shoot damage bolts at mobs' different from 'I tank mobs, now I shoot healing bolts at you'? Why is swtiching between 2 roles (or variations of one role) somehow ok but being able to choose from 3 roles game-breaking? If there was an advanced spec with all 3 roles would there be the same gnashing of teeth?

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Like it or not that is the way it is.. Sorry.. You can disagree all you want, but that isn't going to change anything..

Keep singing that song -- BW will be doing things that they weren't originally planning to, in order to keep the game active and profitable. If that happens to include a way to change to the "other" Advanced class, and it makes them money, they'll do it. Your repeated "Sorry, not going to happen" will not be treated as a veto by Bioware. :p


From a technical perspective, an advanced class change wouldn't affect any existing Story progress, or other Missions, or codex entries/titles etc., which a Faction change would do. Dialogue trees, responses etc. are coded for the base class, NOT the advanced class, so there is no work needed to change any of that.


For most characters, the mods in their gear can be moved to new shells and retain most of their existing power (secondary stats would change, but the primary stat and endurance will not). Some items would become unusable by the new class -- e.g. double-bladed light sabers, offhand weapons, or heavy armor -- but it would be up to the prospective AC switcher to deal with those details, not for Bioware.


At say $30 for such a switch, which could perhaps be done only once per 30 days, if could prove very popular and a good money-spinner.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Advanced Class Respec is bogus. You're able to re roll your spec from the advanced class you already are. Re distribute your talent points and quit crying over it. They warn you at least twice that the decision is final and permanent. If you really want to see the gameplay, roll another toon. No one forced you to level the one you were unhappy with to 50. sux2bu.
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How so? How is "I shoot healing bolts at you, now I shoot damage bolts at mobs' different from 'I tank mobs, now I shoot healing bolts at you'? Why is swtiching between 2 roles (or variations of one role) somehow ok but being able to choose from 3 roles game-breaking? If there was an advanced spec with all 3 roles would there be the same gnashing of teeth?


Forget it. When "changing class is like changing spec" gets an "apples and oranges!" response, but "changing ACs in a video game would be like changing surgery specialization irl" does not, you're not dealing with rational people.


They're against AC respecs because that's the current official line from BioWare. If BioWare had come out in favor of AC respecs, that would be their position as well. There's nothing to be gained from this. If BioWare can monetize AC respecs, they will. End of story.

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WZ will be so nice and colorful when all the Commandos and Mercs respec Assault VG and Pyrotech Powertech.

Especially when Eliminators set (the Commando/Merc DPS set) is pretty much BiS for Assault VG and Pyrotech PT.

Edited by warultima
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