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Any 2008'ers still loyal to the game?


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23.10.2008, is when I joined and I don't want to go until it ends.I like this game very much, with all his problems, small or large! I've waited too long to show the white feather, now, when it has not passed even one year after launch.

( Sorry for my bad English )

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They discourage individuality, on a side note if you scroll over the name of someone who posted their account number shows and that is what number user they were to join the forums, for reference 100,000 is from March 2009 as I joined in March 2009.


Yep, mine is 495, and that was within seconds of the site going live... so if someones is 1,000,234, they're lying lol

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i feel like this is an epeen thread on who's been around the longest and who is more faithful and who is more entitled.


its just a slight aura floating around, but around nonetheless.


let's keep things modest folks. no need to rub things in people's faces. we're all here and subbed and thats what truly counts, regardless of join date.

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I've been a fan since I learned of a leak on Ahazi server forums in 2007.


That's when I first learned details about the game like the legacy system and companion system.


I didn't join the SWTOR official forums until 2009 when I wanted to plug my podcast about TOR.

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Day 1 Forum account; still here and running out of character slots (I need more dangit!!)


Anyone got one lower that 161? Wjrasmussen appears to have the lowest account number thus far.


That's pretty awesome seeing we both had to deal with this website constantly crashing on 10/21/08...I think tried to register about 20 times before I finally got this account!! What a day that was...lol Launch was much smoother! :D

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I have followed this game since it was announced, which means i notice the stuff they promised, that never got into the game, like the lack of the trinity system, i guess instead of trying something new, they cowardly went the easier way and went with the trinity system, which i think should be thrown away and allow a full group of dps to do stuff, instead of NEEDing a tank and healer to do stuff, since tanks and healers are treated like royalty and dps are treated like trash.


Yesterday showed us what happens when someone tries something "new" in the mmo genre...

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I just want to say as someone who was NOT here early on, that I enjoyed reading this thread and seeing what people who were there at the beginning have to say. :) I don't see why anyone thinks this is a bout "e-peen".


Its not...for me its to show that even after reading hundreds of negative and non-constructive posts that their is still a lot of people that enjoy this game and will continue to do so.


Loyalty isn't about how long you've been following the game, its about devoting oneself to a game that you enjoy just like the rest of us. ;)

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