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Here's a customer Bioware has kept with F2P (we are the 40 percent?)


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But I'll be playing much less of a game than you. You pay less for less service.


So I should buy a dozen burgers. I eat 10 and give you 2?


But it's doubtful you'll be playing less of the game than I as I won't be playing at all thanks to this (and some other EA history).

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$180 dollars a year is nothing.. If you can't afford that then you shouldn't own a computer, let alone pay for internet access.. $180 dollars a year doesn't even get you McDonald's for the family each week let alone twice a month.. No Starbucks coffee everyday either.. Not to mention you are probably eating meals that come strictly out of a box.. Just a side note.. If you sub for the 6mo. package it is a lot cheaper..


There are no ops in the F2P model.. So if you go F2P you can kiss your operations goodbye.. You will also have limited acces to warzones..


See for yourself..


It has also been confirmed that F2P people won't be able to post in the forums.. Just saying...


No.. If you stay subbed, then you do not lose anything.. The people that will lose are the ones that will cancel.. F2P has never meant free in any game.. There are always restrictions..


Reading comprehension is important. 180 bucks a year CAN be something if your budget is tight because you are an adult raising a family. Don't forget you also need an internet connection (240 bucks a year minimum, probably closer to 450 bucks a year) and a computer with hardware good enough to run a newer MMO without choking to death on particle effects. You also need time which working family types find to be more scarce than money some weeks...


People who feel the crunch because of real life aren't going to McDonalds twice a week or buying overpriced swill at Starbucks. When money becomes an issue, you start cutting ALL unnecessary costs and regardless of what some people think...MMO's aren't a necessity.

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It's not even an issue of affordability. Its just that being a casual gamer and not having the time to participate in operations or ranked warzones, I didn't feel I was getting good value for the subscription.


To put it another way:

Netflix streaming = $8/month. I use this service at least twice as much as I use SWTOR, for just over half the price.

NYTimes Online Access = $15/month. I read the whole paper nearly every day, and this actually benefits me instead of turning my brain into mush. :p

Xbox Live = $5/month. I get about as much use out of this as I do my SWTOR account, but for a third of the price.


Let's say, hypothetically, that in my free time I could choose to watch a movie, read the paper, play some CoD, or play SWTOR. Lets say I have an hour to relax; I can watch a movie, read the paper, play some CoD, or do a flashpoint. If I enjoy all these things roughly the same amount, why would I keep paying for the option that costs so much more than the others?


I know this is a good deal of analysis for these forums, but if some of these posters think people aren't doing this in the real world, they're deluding themselves. Say what you want about EA/Bioware but they had the sense to realize their game exists in a competitive environment, and it's better to get less profit from folks like me than none at all.


I completely understand where you are coming from.


These people don't understand that most adults have a budget on all forms of entertainment and that budget is dependent on how much time they can spend on a little bit of R&R.


EDIT: For those who don't understand...a guy who has two hours a day of free time is going to likely spend less on entertainment than a guy with five hours a day.


Also that F2P opens your game up to MORE players. Period. That is always a good thing, having more people play your game is always a good thing. Now it is up to EA/Bioware to not screw it up.

Edited by Crash-X
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So I should buy a dozen burgers. I eat 10 and give you 2?


But it's doubtful you'll be playing less of the game than I as I won't be playing at all thanks to this (and some other EA history).


No. You eat your dozen burgers. I'll buy two, because I only want two. I'll eat those. That's how the system is going to work.


I could argue that, because I was paying the same subscription fee but using the game much less I was actually helping to pay for your gaming.


F2P isn't some sinister attempt by the Soviets to socialize your MMO. :p

Edited by announcerharris
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So you'll play the game without paying anything while the subscribers pay EA to keep the servers running for themselves and... you.


Seems like another failing system we have somewhere...


How much do you really think it costs to maintain the servers?? He pays his box fee and has to shell out for any future content updates. Just because you don't agree with the business model (which is a smart one, regardless of what forums posters think), doesn't mean you should attack people for taking advantage of it.

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He pays his box fee and has to shell out for any future content updates. Just because you don't agree with the business model (which is a smart one, regardless of what forums posters think), doesn't mean you should attack people for taking advantage of it.


If this game came out as F2P I wouldn't have bothered with it. If someone told me in 8 months down the road it'd be done... I wouldn't have bothered with it. I don't care if it's a smart business model. Content and development of it in this game is sub-par.


They have ruined open world pvp.


They pulled the plug on ranked warzones a day before 1.2 hit.


They took way too long letting people sit on dead servers before they merged them.


The most recent things they've put any effort into developing is Legacy and this F2P Model. Both of which are insulting to players who want meaningful endgame content.

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EDIT: Oh, and it's worth to note that Lord of the Rings Online had an increased player influx and increased revenue when switching to the same model as SW:TOR is now switching to. That bodes well.


LOTRO had a brief increase in revenue with the first three months selling extra stuff to people already subbed. Hasn't been that way since, nor have they made the claims it has (Full disclosure: I am a long-time TW shareholder so I've seen how well it's working in reality). Turbine has tried to milk more and more money from an ever dwindling paying customer base - thus their recent expansion being one of the most expensive ever released with content that is nothing more than a quest pack called an expansion.


To that, let's not forget that their business practices have become so shady that they have violated consumer protection laws not once, but twice, with both of their so called "expansions".

Edited by Wayshuba
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It's not even an issue of affordability. Its just that being a casual gamer and not having the time to participate in operations or ranked warzones, I didn't feel I was getting good value for the subscription.


To put it another way:

Netflix streaming = $8/month. I use this service at least twice as much as I use SWTOR, for just over half the price.

NYTimes Online Access = $15/month. I read the whole paper nearly every day, and this actually benefits me instead of turning my brain into mush. :p

Xbox Live = $5/month. I get about as much use out of this as I do my SWTOR account, but for a third of the price.


Let's say I have an hour to relax; I can watch a movie, read the paper, play some CoD, or do a flashpoint. If I enjoy all these things roughly the same amount, why would I keep paying for the option that costs so much more than the others?


I know this is a good deal of analysis for these forums, but if some of these posters think people aren't doing this in the real world, they're deluding themselves. Say what you want about EA/Bioware but they had the sense to realize their game exists in a competitive environment, and it's better to get less profit from folks like me than none at all.


Your post is excellent because this is what I think is the problem in general - most sub-based MMOs aren't turning out enough content to justify $15/month. Perhaps, before jumping on F2P they should consider making subs $5/month to see if it changes anything. F2P is simply about finding a way to milk more money from the already paying customer base (ala LOTRO), make no mistake about it.


Maybe another model to consider is that like Diablo I. Let players get online free. Charge them for initial box and release content expansions every 6 months to a year and charge for that box. Now players are always getting something for their money besides "access".


Also, in general, people should read Mark Pincus's recent revelations about gamers become fed up with ad spam and nickel-and-diming in games and thus why Zynga is tanking so fast. The model is old and tired.

Edited by Wayshuba
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While this change [f2p] is certainly welcomed by casual guys, it does nothing to solve the problem the game has: Nothing to offer to "hardcore" gamers.


This means the players who are / were leaving because of lack of content [nothing to do] will keep leaving. The new players will level to 50 [for free] and will either find out that the game has nothing to offer to subscribers really, or they will sub and after a month, or two, they will find out that the game has nothing to offer to subscribers, and will quit.


This will lead to EA getting even less money than before and will eventually lead to this game dying.


What EA [or whoever is in charge] fails to realize is most of the people who left have not quit because this game sucks [aka grindy quests, lags, you get the picture], or because the monthly fee is too high, but because there is nothing to do after you level your char and do some ops. And instead of fixing this they add the f2p option and do not even mention when/if is the new content coming. Not a good move imho


I agree with this.

Also to the OP I'm not sure of your live style or anything, but I have a wife an kids myself an still have plenty of time to play 20+ hours during the week an maybe 16 on the weekend. An that includes cooking for my kids cleaning an all that other stuff that comes as a home owner and farther.

I personally find your excuse to be sad an lame. Thus from a reading stand point of view an not knowing you personally. However if that's how you feel, that is fine it's your right. No bashing or down grading you I'm just expressing from what I read.

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Please please please don't use Turbine if you want to make F2P more appealing. Yes, I know these aren't with F2P specifically, but it isn't helping your case:







Edited by Thondan
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I could be wrong on this but the basic reason for the sub loss, and the reason they are going f2p is because a rather large percentage of players don't want to pay for a sub.

By going f2p they want to get those players back in.


Could it be perhaps that those players don't want to pay for a sub cause the game is not good enough to warrant a sub?

That's my take on it.

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I could be wrong on this but the basic reason for the sub loss, and the reason they are going f2p is because a rather large percentage of players don't want to pay for a sub.

By going f2p they want to get those players back in.


Could it be perhaps that those players don't want to pay for a sub cause the game is not good enough to warrant a sub?

That's my take on it.


As they probably don't really enjoy the game (otherwise thay would stay paying as they purchased the box as subscribtion based MMO), why anyone expect them to come back? If I don't like something, I don't like it. No matter if it is free or payed...

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I could be wrong on this but the basic reason for the sub loss, and the reason they are going f2p is because a rather large percentage of players don't want to pay for a sub.

By going f2p they want to get those players back in.


Could it be perhaps that those players don't want to pay for a sub cause the game is not good enough to warrant a sub?

That's my take on it.


My guess is people click threw to be done with the game an didn't care about what they picked

Some perhaps picked it because it's the truth.

While those that did unsub complained about lack of content an game mechanic not being fixed. An among other stuff


Today the game still has a lack of content and the game engine is still not fixed. By now they should of the game at least like a hot knife threw butter. The game as of right now has many issues from major to minor. Are they fixed yet? Have they pumped out content yet like they claim they can do? Does everyone play the game with out any serious issues? I fail to see this stuff happening when f2p happens.

Adding more content to the game will cause it to suffer more issues. If they can't correct the current ones, f2p most certainly won't fix it and apparently BW/ea won't either

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Both me and my gf will stay as active subscribers to the game, and probably use the item shop a bit as well. Love being able to get cosmetic stuff, personally, and quite frankly - if they offer xp pots I'll take it. I have a hard time having patience for leveling. ;)


EDIT: Oh, and it's worth to note that Lord of the Rings Online had an increased player influx and increased revenue when switching to the same model as SW:TOR is now switching to. That bodes well.


What people like you don't get it is while the number of people increases the quality of people joining decreases. As does the quality of the content that gets released. Yeah everything looks bright sunshiny and peachy for a few months but you quickly realize if you look at it objectively that the quality is sadly lacking after that point. I lived it with both Dungeons and Dragons Online and LOTRO. It sucked! No it doesn't bode well, at least if you are someone who wants and was hoping for quality content and a quality community because as soon as those F2P gates open be prepared to be flooded by every inane, petulant, entitlement minded, and a myriad of other adjectives buffoon out there. And while you may gain a small few decent members to the community the sad conclusion is those few quality (by that I mean quality of character not player ability) people will be drowned out by every idiotic Chuck Norris and your mamma jokes mixed in with people flooding general chat with begging for those "last few credits" to buy a speeder or whining about how WoW is so much better and every other idiotic meme of the day.


No this doesn't bode well. This is going to drive off the quality players and in general decent people because they will get fed up with the freeloading crowd. Iv'e seen it several times now and I'm going to assume that this will be no different. And as for the content releases, well I'll use the analogy I used in another thread. Ask any smoker you pay more in the long run when you buy a carton of smokes 1 pack at a time vs the whole carton at once. Well Bioware won't be releasing more content, they will be releasing smaller bits of content more often. You end up at the same place but it costs you more in the long run. And the quality of the content will be even more rushed then people feel it is/was already. No,F2P is the proverbial death Nell for people who want and expect a good quality game with a good quality community. Hate to burst the bubble there but that's just simply what it is.

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I agree with this.

Also to the OP I'm not sure of your live style or anything, but I have a wife an kids myself an still have plenty of time to play 20+ hours during the week an maybe 16 on the weekend. An that includes cooking for my kids cleaning an all that other stuff that comes as a home owner and farther.

I personally find your excuse to be sad an lame. Thus from a reading stand point of view an not knowing you personally. However if that's how you feel, that is fine it's your right. No bashing or down grading you I'm just expressing from what I read.


Farther? I'm just saying....

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Not exactly it.


lets say the 40% of people is equal to 200k subs. Thats $3 million a month. They left. How much money does EA get? 0 dollars. they are gone.


F2P launches. the 40% come back. Combined, lets say they spend in a month $1 million. Sure, thats less than the $3 million for subs, but those people left anyway, so thats an extra $1 million a month EA now has that they otherwise wouldn't have had.


THAT is how F2P works, and it allows the buyer the flexibility of buying things when they have the disposable income, and not having to buy anything when they don't.


Since were dealing in speculation , lets say currently there are 600,000 still playing paying subscribers, lets say 1/4 quit due to F2P that 150,000 x15.00=2,250,000 -1,000,000 (your number) that leaves a shortfall of 1,250,000. thats how math works it is not flexible and does not care about your disposable income.

From an investor stand point, who in their right mind is going to invest money in a company that chases customers that might/maybe spend 5.00 a month who already left the game at the expence of exsisting 15.00 a month customers who are going to take their money elseware. This move is a downward spiral and i'm going to pay the 15.00 to watch the show, (sing along) cause thats entertainment.

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I work full time, I'm married, and I'm raising a family. I can squeeze in about an hour a day of game time if I'm lucky; I'll hop on, shoot the poop with my buddies, do a flashpoint or a couple warzones, and then get back to real life.


I canceled my subscription last month because I felt I wasn't getting my money's worth - I simply can't block off several hours, even once a week, to run ops or rated warzones. When I canceled, I indeed marked the subscription as my reason why. I've seen many argue that "it's only 50 cents a day," but when you're raising a family, you tend to look at that as $180 a year. If that's chump change for you, then I'm happy for you.


This is a personal anecdote, but I'm not the only gamer who fits this mold - just one of the 40% of Bioware's lost subscribers who had no qualms with the game itself, but just felt that, given the time we had to play, the subscription was not worth it.


Had the game maintained a subscription-only model, it's unlikely Bioware would have seen another cent of my money after August. However, I certainly plan to take advantage of the free account; I can see myself dropping a few dollars a month to buy stuff from the cash shop. From the perspective of the 40%, this is a smart business decision that allows us to keep playing a game we enjoy and keeps us as paying customers.


PS - had Blizzard told me, at any point over the last 4 years (I quit after finishing college in 2008), that I could play WoW for free but not have access to raids or arenas, I'd have jumped at the chance. Hell, they could have offered me that option for $5 a month and I'd have taken it. Instead, they have gotten none of my money since then.


There are allot of folks out there like you, another huge untapped market much like the casual market pre-wow, I can understand it, you play at your pace, instead of paying 15.00 bucks a month, when you get to a new area you buy it and play it at your own pace, it's great, I sub and play at my pace, some folks just play the freebie, it gives allot of people with different lifestyles a way to have some gaming fun with out dishing out money or feeling pressured to play. Ther are always downsides to everything, and those get blown way out the door by allot of people, I have played several f2p with a model like this and I have always had fun and no issues. I have no doubt that allot of people will return with this model..

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$180 dollars a year is nothing.. If you can't afford that then you shouldn't own a computer, let alone pay for internet access.. $180 dollars a year doesn't even get you McDonald's for the family each week let alone twice a month.. No Starbucks coffee everyday either.. Not to mention you are probably eating meals that come strictly out of a box.. Just a side note.. If you sub for the 6mo. package it is a lot cheaper..


There are no ops in the F2P model.. So if you go F2P you can kiss your operations goodbye.. You will also have limited acces to warzones..


See for yourself..


It has also been confirmed that F2P people won't be able to post in the forums.. Just saying...


No.. If you stay subbed, then you do not lose anything.. The people that will lose are the ones that will cancel.. F2P has never meant free in any game.. There are always restrictions..


I plan on staying sub , but i'll put this out there anyways as i understand the situation.


If you had a family (i have 6 kids , wife , 2 dogs and a cat) then you'd understand how $180 a yr. is alot. That $15 a month can be used in so many ways. In todays age , you need internet access for more than just games...its just got to stay. Thats $40 a month , $480 a yr....cell phones..$25 a month times 8 = $200 a month or $2400 a yr...groceries , bills , school , doctors , clothes...and the list goes on. Your always looking for a way to cut and save just $180 a yr or more for the next vacation. If you have 6 kids (or even 2) your always straped for cash and time. 3 hrs a day on the comp where your attention is completely needed every second just won't do. You can get more done by turning on NetFlix and getting a movie going , and once the kids are into it , you can start about doing the things that need to be done but you couldn't get done because the kids were fighting. But once you turn on that comp. the kids just know and start fighting. Then it becomes a game of "Just give me one second and i'll be right there" *tells the group to hold on a second , kid problems*...second turns into a 1 hr speech of how the only daughter out of 6 kids can't throw a football at the boys and once that one is in the air and the boy has his eyes and attention on that one , she can't throw a second one at their mid-section and think its funny when they double over in *groin-pain*...only to go back to the game , see thats its kicked you offline and everyone you were grouped with has gone offline , all your work has gone down the tube. With situations like this , $15 a month just isn't worth it.


For me , its a bit easier , but i could understand the situation. I'm a disabled vet/stay at home dad. My wife won't even let me consider letting the sub pass because she knows its my only conection to a outside world while i stay at home 24/7 and take care of the kids. I play when they sleep and sleep when they are at school or during the summer , while they are out at friends or summer camps.(together , never alone and thats another way i saved money. Took out 3 of the phones on the system so the kids have to go out in pairs so everyone has a phone near them , thus saving money and ensuring that a older child is with a younger child to keep them out of trouble)


The point is this. I can see where a F2P can/will come into play and be more of an advantage for others. People keep talking about a "store" but i've never seen a post about one.


Take the guy that talked about just a few hours a week to play. He does the F2P and does well , gets just enough time in each week to get WZ geared up. Then things change for him and he has more time on his hands. He subs and he's already set to play ranked WZ's and he's not a nub anymore with crap gear. Thats 20% of the F2P'ers out there. At some point they are gonna end up subing for 3-5 months. If the F2P wasn't there , they wouldn't even sub at all.


I also meet 3 people yesterday who were only playing the free trial. They said time constraints wouldn't allow them to play more than 3hrs a day , but once the free trial runs out , its over for them. Too bad they said , cause they love the game. Turns out , it was 3 Vets over in Afghanastan. In 6 months they get to come home and would have loved to play more , but the free trial was over for them. Told them about the F2P and they said that would be awesome. It would allow them to keep playing , get their toon lvl'ed up and geared out for when they can pay $15 a month and sub.


Bottom line there is these guys will play for 6 months as F2P and then go to sub. If it wasn't for the F2P idea , thats 3 subs we wouldn't have in the system and 3 subs that wouldn't be paying in to get better content. How many more are out there?

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What people like you don't get it is while the number of people increases the quality of people joining decreases. As does the quality of the content that gets released. Yeah everything looks bright sunshiny and peachy for a few months but you quickly realize if you look at it objectively that the quality is sadly lacking after that point. I lived it with both Dungeons and Dragons Online and LOTRO. It sucked! No it doesn't bode well, at least if you are someone who wants and was hoping for quality content and a quality community because as soon as those F2P gates open be prepared to be flooded by every inane, petulant, entitlement minded, and a myriad of other adjectives buffoon out there. And while you may gain a small few decent members to the community the sad conclusion is those few quality (by that I mean quality of character not player ability) people will be drowned out by every idiotic Chuck Norris and your mamma jokes mixed in with people flooding general chat with begging for those "last few credits" to buy a speeder or whining about how WoW is so much better and every other idiotic meme of the day.


No this doesn't bode well. This is going to drive off the quality players and in general decent people because they will get fed up with the freeloading crowd. Iv'e seen it several times now and I'm going to assume that this will be no different. And as for the content releases, well I'll use the analogy I used in another thread. Ask any smoker you pay more in the long run when you buy a carton of smokes 1 pack at a time vs the whole carton at once. Well Bioware won't be releasing more content, they will be releasing smaller bits of content more often. You end up at the same place but it costs you more in the long run. And the quality of the content will be even more rushed then people feel it is/was already. No,F2P is the proverbial death Nell for people who want and expect a good quality game with a good quality community. Hate to burst the bubble there but that's just simply what it is.


How is that any worse than now. Take WZ's for example. Every lvl 50 hero downs anyone that doesn't have hero gear or a nwe player who just hit 45 and doesn't have ANY WZ gear as a joke in a WZ. Fleet chat is always full of Jawa this and Jawa that and be damned if a player asks a real question or needs help. I saw a guy ask if there were helmets for a lvl 15 player in the game. As i was telling him to check the GTN , 10 others told him to shut up and L2P and that he didn't need a helm. at 15 and that if he just got back to playing he'd get one. I sent him a /w and told him i'd get him one. Took him to BT and ran it 3 times till we got one for him. All the while pees who were 50's WZ heroes are sitting around the PVP bounty boards and saying stuff like "where is that dumbarse who asked for a helm. Bet he's just looking for a hand out." It was a 15yr old kid and TBH , i'd rather spend 18hrs a day helping that kid , who was considerate , respectfull , kind and helpfull , than to spend 1 min in any WZ , FP or OP's with any of those lvl 50's.


That kid will probably be 50% of the model that will come with F2P , and TBH , i'd rather have him than half the 50's out there.

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While this change [f2p] is certainly welcomed by casual guys, it does nothing to solve the problem the game has: Nothing to offer to "hardcore" gamers.


This means the players who are / were leaving because of lack of content [nothing to do] will keep leaving. The new players will level to 50 [for free] and will either find out that the game has nothing to offer to subscribers really, or they will sub and after a month, or two, they will find out that the game has nothing to offer to subscribers, and will quit.


This will lead to EA getting even less money than before and will eventually lead to this game dying.


What EA [or whoever is in charge] fails to realize is most of the people who left have not quit because this game sucks [aka grindy quests, lags, you get the picture], or because the monthly fee is too high, but because there is nothing to do after you level your char and do some ops. And instead of fixing this they add the f2p option and do not even mention when/if is the new content coming. Not a good move imho


The reason there is nothing to do after 50 is because they haven't explored all of the content. I've got 5 50's , all pvp geared and i've done all OP's and FP's at least once on each toon. What keeps me here. I make my own content , just like we did in SWG. Todays players want a reward for ANYTHING they do and expect everything to be handed to them. If they'd get out of the fleet , they'd find tons of things to do. Craft one of EVERYTHING in the game and with a aug slot if it can have one. Make open world pvp happen (and not just were world boss's are) Earn every speeder in the game , every pet in the game. Help a new person from lvl 1 to lvl 50 and beyond (be a mentor) Beat every world boss in the game. Beat every mission in the game , including space , class , side quests , bonus quests , heroics and so on , with at least 1 toon (i know some lvl 50 WZ fully decked out heros that haven't done a single side quest or heroic on more than 3 planets , usually Hoth , Belsavis and Corellia)


People complain of no open world pvp. Well here's a challenge....make some and not near world bosses. Don't wait for a reward to be handed out for it. You don't need a token or comm for a kill. Start a trend , get some pvp going and get out there and start a planet wide war that gets people off the fleet.


Most the players on fleet won't get out and help another cause they get nothing in return for it. They won't leave fleet cause they don't get comms for pvp'ing in the open or they get nothing at all for them by helping a lvl 15 get some xp and get through BT.

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If you can't afford $180 a year.. Why do you have internet access?? $15.00 dollars a month isn't even a tank of gas.. It isn't even a trip to McDonald's for a typical family..


No.. I won't pay your subscriptions.. Seriously.. If you all are QQ about $15 dollars a month for hours of entertainment.. I guess it is safe to say that you haven't gone to the movies in years?? $40 bucks for a typical family of 4 for 2 hours of entertainment in a single night.. How about some perspective here..


He never said he couldn't afford it. He said he could find better ways to spend it. Big difference.


And not sure where you live , but $40 won't get 4 people into the movies where i live , let alone popcorn , drinks and such. If you had kids , you'd know there is no going to the movies and not getting popcorn and a drink (or at least a drink) or you'd find yourself going to the water fountain 5 times during the movie and then no one enjoys it , not even the kids.


$15 a month is a tank of gas for my wife to get back and forth to work for 2 weeks. $15 each month is what it takes per kid each month for school supplies. $15 a month is lunch per child at school each month. $15 a month is summer sports practice per child each month. $15 a month is Netflix per account in my household....and no , for me and my family , we haven't been to the movies in well over 6 years..for us it takes well over $150 a movie and we can find better ways to spend $150 a month....thus why we pay $15 a month for Netflix.....

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It's not that people can't afford it - clearly, we bought the game and have subbed. The $40 I spent on the initial box was good value for me. It's that some of us are just more inclined to look at that monthly cost and think we're better off saving it. Being smart with your money means that just because you can afford something, doesn't mean should be buying it.


PS - you should really stop eating at McDonald's, that stuff is terrible for you :p


Man , i like your thinking. 2 of a kind you and I. Not sure what server your on , but if you ever make a toon on Prophacy of The Five , look me up , Sniperrecon and i'll run missions with you and help you gear out.


I can tell your a family man and have the right idea. While i'll still be subing , i hope the F2P works well for you. I plan on buying 2 more games and letting my kids play F2P (another good thing about F2P , i don't have to buy 9 accounts and find out my kids don't like it as much and then get stuck running 20 some odd toons like i did in SWG)


My kids can F2P and if they want to sub , they can use their own money for the sub , another life lesson for them in finiances. Balancing a budget...

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