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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare, communicate, please?


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I disagree, ive been looking at the forums over the past couple of weeks. Older post included and posting history. We have a large vocal minority who will jump on anything to complain about. It seems to me many of these people spend more time typeing up post and trolling the forums then they do actually playing the game. Nothing wrong with that persay, however, asking for things that you potentially wont even use very much is selfish and wasteful to those who actually play the game.


I hope we dont hear anything from anyone about anything till they have some clear cut goals to work towards. With a new operation and companions already announced, im really only looking for another warzone. Fluff content will not keep subscriber's around. Its replay value and actual intial entertainment value is very low. It is, fluff content.


If you havent "specialized" and experienced the game to its highest level of competition or difficulty i challenge you to go for it. Bioware's first teir of raiding content is very basic and easy to complete if you are willing to figure out and put in a couple of attempts.


Again, id like to reiterate, unless bioware has some info about content updates or actual gameplay footage, its wasted breath and effort.

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I hope we dont hear anything from anyone about anything till they have some clear cut goals to work towards.


Again, id like to reiterate, unless bioware has some info about content updates or actual gameplay footage, its wasted breath and effort.


I happen to like this game, so I honestly hope you don't your wish. Your "wish" is for people to be frustrated, angry and quit, which isn't healthy for this game, nor any future development of it. What you consider "wasted breath", I consider to be VITAL to generating hope. Hope and excitement do marvels for peoples attitudes.


If Bioware doesn't have any "clear cut goals" at this point, they're doing it wrong. They goals BETTER be in place by now. Development and timelines are badly needed.


We're customers and we deserve to be treated as such. Bioware needs to sell me on the sub fees I pay or they'll simply stop receiving them. They've had time, they've been given a break...now they need to get their rears in gear, layoffs or not, and sell me on my future sub fees.

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What would you like them to say? That they have a new companion coming soon.... oh wait. How about a new playable species.... hmmm. I know, you want to know if we are getting a new planet with content....well.
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I have been an avid supporter of this game since way way back in October 2008, when you opened these forums.


But I am starting to see more and more of a lack of communication and even less announcements.


Do you still care? do you still want this to be successful? you have passed most of the Quality of Life issues with this game, you've stabilized the body, now revitalize it and give it some air to breathe, don't just post a weekly Q&A, post two or three, make more videos, do some behind the scenes developer stuff, show people some future content, you don't need to give release dates, just hope for the game.


I am getting to the point where I am doubting what BioWare's intentions for this game are, sure you have had layoffs, but don't tell me, well that's it, pack up bags.


Get this moving and quickly, start the ball rolling, the sooner 1.4 comes the better, please give this game a ray of hope and pump out more content.


But more than anything: COMMUNICATE with your playerbase.


QFT. This is pretty much what everyone has been telling you guys to do, and you're not doing it.

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So you want the developers to spend more time on the forums reading threads, and give feedback? Surely they can work twice as many hours per day so they can spend both time on the forums and hit their deadlines with their tasks.


This is why they have a community team. Its THEIR job to reply, feedback etc and thus far its been an extremely poor show - not just recently but since day #1 and I have been here since day #1

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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What would you like them to say? That they have a new companion coming soon.... oh wait. How about a new playable species.... hmmm. I know, you want to know if we are getting a new planet with content....well.


I'd like them to say "Here's an outline of what we have planned for the rest of 2012". A road map of their upcoming plans is certainly not too much to ask.

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I'd like them to say "Here's an outline of what we have planned for the rest of 2012". A road map of their upcoming plans is certainly not too much to ask.


I am pretty sure they have no idea what is coming in 2012 either.

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What would you like them to say? That they have a new companion coming soon.... oh wait. How about a new playable species.... hmmm. I know, you want to know if we are getting a new planet with content....well.


No, people have a ton of questions, people want to be able to hear from the Devs and actively chat with them, just like any other community team, they need to do their job and get us involved.

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Want want want, gimme gimme gimme. The mating call of the QQ Bird. What do you wantthem to say. The same things over and over again? Trust me, get off the forums and play the game. If your not having fun then quit and play the next under developed game that comes out where you can be equally unhappy.


PS Let me know when they release a game with all the content and features of a game that has been out for 10 years.

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I'm getting the impression that this is a game at the end of it's run... Not the very beginning. I hope I'm wrong and there's more TOR to look forward to.


I love playing the game, but my time and monetary investment must be met by the devs in kind. I won't keep paying to play this game if the devs stand pat on content, and EA recoups their initial investment.


I'm not sure how much more time I can invest at this point. Seems there's nothing but HK to look forward to, and I'm not sure that will keep me.

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Want want want, gimme gimme gimme. The mating call of the QQ Bird. What do you wantthem to say. The same things over and over again? Trust me, get off the forums and play the game. If your not having fun then quit and play the next under developed game that comes out where you can be equally unhappy.


PS Let me know when they release a game with all the content and features of a game that has been out for 10 years.


I love this game far far far more than you do kid, I've been into this series since KotOR's release date, so stop the biodrone typical assumptions and realise that the Dev statements and community moderation has been completely silent for a long while now.

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I'm getting the impression that this is a game at the end of it's run... Not the very beginning. I hope I'm wrong and there's more TOR to look forward to.


There is no such thing as an end nowadays in terms of MMOs. Even though it may be the end as an AAA title.

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There is no such thing as an end nowadays in terms of MMOs. Even though it may be the end as an AAA title.


You're absolutely right, MMOs die a slow and painful death over the course of many years. What I was talking about is my feeling that serious development is behind it now.

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Communicate? BW? Really? Let's get them to moderate the forums first.


The fact that this thread exists and these:


Did they just...stop caring or something?




thanks 4 ignoring your players bioware


Biggest fail ever


shows that there is nolonger anyone at the helm. The ship has no rudder. We are FUBAR.


GJ BW .... GJ ...:rolleyes:

Edited by Urael
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Communicate? BW? Really? Let's get them to moderate the forums first.


The fact that this thread exists and these:


Did they just...stop caring or something?




thanks 4 ignoring your players bioware


shows that there is nolonger anyone at the helm. The ship has no rudder. We are FUBAR.


GJ BW .... GJ ...:rolleyes:


Ah well, atleast earlier they were very fast closing extras and leaving just one thread for discussion. Maybe they... umm... released all those people that were supposed to work this part of summer while the rest are on vacation.

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No, people have a ton of questions, people want to be able to hear from the Devs and actively chat with them, just like any other community team, they need to do their job and get us involved.


You do know that there is a WEEKLY Q&A here on these forums where the DEVS do answer questions don't you?

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You do know that there is a WEEKLY Q&A here on these forums where the DEVS do answer questions don't you?


They answer stupid questions with vague answers of soon. And not just any stupid questions, the same stupid questions every week.

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They answer stupid questions with vague answers of soon. And not just any stupid questions, the same stupid questions every week.


You mean they took a page out of Blizzard's book?


Really people, this game is 9 months old. Nine...months...old. Please note:

  • WoW was released on November 23, 2004.
  • The Burning Crusade, was released on January 16, 2007.
  • Wrath of the Lich King, was released on November 13, 2008.
  • Cataclysm, was released on December 7, 2010.

WoW (the 800lbs Gorilla of MMOs with scads of money) hasn't had a content update since 4.3 November 29, 2011, just to put things in perspective for you.


I've seen this kind of crying on every MMO I've played, try going outside more or something.

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You mean they took a page out of Blizzard's book?


Really people, this game is 9 months old. Nine...months...old. Please note:

  • WoW was released on November 23, 2004.
  • The Burning Crusade, was released on January 16, 2007.
  • Wrath of the Lich King, was released on November 13, 2008.
  • Cataclysm, was released on December 7, 2010.

WoW (the 800lbs Gorilla of MMOs with scads of money) hasn't had a content update since 4.3 November 29, 2011, just to put things in perspective for you.


I've seen this kind of crying on every MMO I've played, try going outside more or something.


I don't care about what WoW did or does. All I care about is what BioWare is planning to do with SW:tOR.

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I am not really for QQing ... but in this case "a communication disruption can mean only one thing ..."


Seriously, it is time for an update on the state of 1.4. I don't think people want a date they just want to know what's coming in 1.4 and how far along is it. I am staying because I am SW / Sci-fi fan and can't stand fantasy MMOs. But for many other people this is not the case.


I don't want to see the servers emptying out again!

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I don't care about what WoW did or does. All I care about is what BioWare is planning to do with SW:tOR.


Well lets look at some facts, as soon as the uproar happened with ranked being pulled from 1.2-1.3 i do not blame them one bit for now saying we now have makeb coming out soon, hk coming out soon, a social patch coming out soon, assention or whatever its called coming out soon and a space update coming out soon. If they put an exact time date and patch something is coming people fly off the handle that that one thing might be pulled to another patch and totally ignore everything else that came in the patch.


Bliz learned this soon and just stamped soon tm on everything or didnt tell us anything at all, basically the 1st time you hear anything about there its either datamined or hits the ptr or the beta build.

Edited by Shingara
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