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This is why GW2 will take most of your subscribers away


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Funny how CC in GW is no different in SWTOR.. Actually, being chain CC'ied in that game is a lot worse, since one 3 sec stun is more then enough time to take half your opponents HP.



Also... how the hell can you complain about Marauder when GW2 Warriors have Ravage, on 10 sec cooldown, that hits like 3x as hard..



GW2 is a good game but the points you brought up are bad... I think GW2 CC is even worse then SWTOR atm, lol.





If anyone thinks otherwise, go ahead and do a 5v5 tournament and play against somewhat decent opposition... The game is nothing but a stun fest when people are focusing targets.. and it ain't no different then SWTOR.

Edited by Balmuck
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I don't know about most of the subscribers, although I reckon a large percentage of PVPers will be playing GW2 (if the number of players who seemed to be away from SWTOR playing the GW2 beta this weekend is anything to go by).


Spent a few hours in GW2 Friday/Saturday and I was impressed. If nothing else these guys know how to choose an engine for an MMO, everything at max and my screen full of players, AOE, skill effects and god knows what else and no slowdown whatsoever. Those of us who miss DAoC (and to a lesser extent WAR) will feel right at home in RvR combat again.


Those of you who want to sit back and win because of GEAR and not SKILL are welcome to SWTOR. I hope playing the same old WZs week after week doesn't get old too quickly :)


No doubt a lot of us old time PVPers will drop in now and again when SWTOR inevitably becomes F2P.

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Hmmmmm so which toon should i play today well i have 6 so far and i have room for 2 more alts, lets check the forums to see which class is being QQ'd about today....


MARAS, well well well i just happen to have a LvL50 full BM (<--professh) i'll go a swing my lightsabers and make a bunch of ppl unsub.




Buh bye, can i have yr stuff

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so gw2 found the magic wand that will just touch you and make all the your mmo troubles go away? oh poor baby i am so happy you are living in your fantasy world


I give you 3 weeks tops from the start and all you gw2 fans will be copy/pasting your QQ in the GW2 forums

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I'm on SW from the start, but 1 week at GW2 was enough to realise HOW POOR your pvp is!


Chain CC's , PVE cc's on PVP, this is not a game of skill is a game for " push all your cc's and try to burn the other player down." ah and Marauders, then you have marauders...


almost 7 months of SW and you guys seems that you didn't learn nothing from your mistakes.




Niche audiences can kill a game? Oh wait I forgot its full of elitists who bash on everything not GW <---- reason why i quit.

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Niche audiences can kill a game? Oh wait I forgot its full of elitists who bash on everything not GW <---- reason why i quit.


Every game has fanboys and elitist, and if you quit because of that, well I don't know what to tell you.


Play things on their own merits and personal experience; ignore the bias and oft misinformed posts about a game, in this case GW2. I know, it's hard to like multiple games at once (especially on these forums), but some people can do this.

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Anyone who's been reading the gw2 forums knows those who claim to have played, and enjoyed, WvW on GW2 this weekend is full of crap. They had legendary lag + queues + bugs all weekend. We are talking 8-15s delays on all actions, 12 hour queues to get in (except those mashing 'f' as an exploit), and maps limited to a few dozen players.


The feedback in their discussion form from the weekend was overwhelmingly negative. And, frankly, I'm just not going to enjoy playing a version of pvp that involves using 5+a couple buttons. Too simplistic.

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I'm on SW from the start, but 1 week at GW2 was enough to realise HOW POOR your pvp is!


Chain CC's , PVE cc's on PVP, this is not a game of skill is a game for " push all your cc's and try to burn the other player down." ah and Marauders, then you have marauders...


almost 7 months of SW and you guys seems that you didn't learn nothing from your mistakes.




lmao and when you get bored because nothing you can do gives you an advantage over anyone you will spend endless hours selling dyes in chat

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The feedback in their discussion form from the weekend was overwhelmingly negative. And, frankly, I'm just not going to enjoy playing a version of pvp that involves using 5+a couple buttons. Too simplistic.


Too simplistic? As opposed to pressing 5 buttons in any game and killing someone? You can do that in this game, as well as many other MMOs. I really do not see why people say this.


If you weapon swap like you are supposed to, that is 10 skills, then you have 3 skills you get to change around depending on what you want to do, then you have heal, then you have elite, and also dodge; which makes things way more interesting. That is 16 standard, and it's even more for some classes with forms they can shift into or they have multiple stances like Elementalist, which gives them even more. It is no less/more simplistic than any other mmo.

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I am still playing TOR due to being the GM of a decently sized guild that runs both PvP premades and farming EC.

I am about to hit 50 on my 5th 50 toon which is a gunslinger (after sorc/PT/Mara/Operative).

If the trend continues it will only keep me interested AT MOST after I have played all 8 theoretic classes.

Yes I refuse the play a class if I already have its mirror at 50.


Raiding was OK, PvP is OK, but I love playing all different classes to experience different playstyle (which every MMO can offer).


TBH GW2 is very attractive after I found out I can play an engineer since I was super burned out on fantasy MMOs. RvR stuff is new to me and it sure looks interesting.


I really wish swtor can be more to me (I played Ultima Online for 9 years, WoW for 2 years, Rift for 1 year) its a shame SWTOR was my most anticipated MMO that I waited for years it will be a shame if I leave before its 1st anniversary.

Edited by warultima
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swtor is not a pvp game, so comparing it to gw2 is not fair. also swtor is on the ropes no matter how big a fan boy you are. merges 6 months in and none of the original staff left says volumes in comparison to any other mmo launched in the last 10 years. bioware is no longer hiding that there are major issues with the game and its future. 400,000 subscriptions cancelled during a two month stretch and 150,000 last month means people are getting fired in austin this month. Its only a matter of time until swtor goes free to play and subscription numbers balance out and it becomes a niche game. 5+ years from now there will be no other way of describing swtor other than a failure. the money made will not change the amount of money that could have been made. thats just the facts.


What you say is mostly true however, were did you get 150K this last month? New numbers have not been released so this is just an out of the air number. Also Other games in the last 10 years that have done the same is Global Agenda, Champions online, Star Trek online, Warhammer online, Tubula Rose, ect.... EA is looking at F2p but it also said it only needs 500k to be profitable and we are far above that. Will this be a fail? Maybe, will it just go down as too ambitious? More likely.


Also games like SWG were niche games with only 40k in subs at the end. This game probably wont ever go that low. The devs probably played WOW too often before making this game, that formula was working well when they were developing this so its no suprise that the two are very similar. Also, the layoffs are just an EA classic, that is all they do because EA is utter S**T!

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so gw2 found the magic wand that will just touch you and make all the your mmo troubles go away? oh poor baby i am so happy you are living in your fantasy world


I give you 3 weeks tops from the start and all you gw2 fans will be copy/pasting your QQ in the GW2 forums


This!!! This!!!! This!!! Go to any MMO website and go to the PVP forum and you will find the same crying in all the post! You may even find your posting doppelganger! Is SWTOR pvp awesome...not by far but I'm not going to stomp my feet and hope some other mmo will make me feel better. Hell I am willing to bet that you felt the same way about SWTOR when you left your other MMO.

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Swtor pvp is only good for the chosen few classes that are op @ the moment but the nerf cycle will change the direction just like the wind does and that's why i have nearly 5 50,s as it will be my turn once again praying for

merc to get boosted on topic i will play both games :)

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I agree with alot of people in here saying give it a few weeks and alot of those yo yo's that been saying gw2 this gw2 that are gonna have the same thing as they do here .

For one, once people figure classes out poof cry babies everywhere for some one is going to have all there classes nailed down and cookie cut it just as they do in every mmo, wow,aoc,rift,swtor,war,and the slew of others dont fool yourselves too much. If they say its skill based lol ya ever hear of programable keyboards and mouses and game pads? with macors that are not part of the game ? ya we shall see how skill bassed that goes. Its the same here with those items that people use and do.


Now dont get me wrong if they have fun let em have fun but for the all that is holy stop saying that everybody is going to go to gw2 because of there pvp, didnt tera just come out ? didnt the tsw just come out? and now gw2? ya good thing I just breathed right there.

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GW2;pvp requires no leveling or character progression ... that's going to overtake swtor;pvp? Keep dreaming because as much as you hate the twinkie that sob tastes great.


Actually you do gain experience during PvP and pick up tokens (in World v World) that can be exchanged for weapons or blueprints for defence structures.


The one thing that seperates SWTOR pvp from GW2 pvp is the word FUN. Because of Biowares outdated cloning facilities on the planet Blizzard, PvP is such a grind fest and thats the reason why its littered with quitters. GW2 has put the fun back in PvP - no coms to collect, no stupid gear grind - FUN. It reminds me of Star Wars Galaxies PvP at launch.

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So... What you are saying is... if you replace the commendations with tokens... . the gear grind is gone! Magic. I wonder how BW could not figure this out... huh.. go figure...


No. GW 2 pvp requires zero gear grind. The tokens can be exchanged for blue prints for Arrow carts, and other defences. They also can be purchased for small amounts of cash instead.


Believe it or not, there was a time that people would pvp just for the FUN of it, without a requirement to be given something in return.

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If what I heard is true about GW2 there will be no gear grinding and PvP will be strictly skill based. I would go there in an eye-blink if it was not an idiotic cartoon style MMO, but our PvP rejects will be back in a week.


That'll keep 99% of mmo pvp'ers away real damn fast.

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