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To the Anonymous Insider


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F2P is not an evolution. It is a cancerous tumour growing on the inside of a throat.

I do a agree 110% but I'm pretty sure all the kids 18 and under would disagree cause they can't seem to pump out the dough from mommy and daddy for all the other games they "have" to play. I think most mmo's now a days are now made for kids/children more so then young adults-adults. :confused:

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Why would anyone want this to be a "lone-wolf" game? Who would pay a monthly subscription to a single-player game? The only way that would make sense is if they did it like Blizzard did Diablo 3. But even Bliz isn't charing a monthly sub for it.


I've been playing this game for a while and enjoying the story-lines and game-play. Honestly I think this game would have been more successful as a single-player game. It would have been one of the most epic single-player games out there. It would have even rivaled Skyrim.

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Good old anonymous insiders, got about as much credibility as my pet dog. Wouldn't surprise me if it's some imbecile from 4chan.


Nice to know we've got people taking it seriously though.


Remember when that Former EA employee said the game wouldn't come out until December?


Remember Daniel Erickson denied that Cyborgs weren't going to be in the final release when that PC Gamer article came out?


Remember how people have said that employee and PC Gamer was wrong. Look what happened?


So yeah, to completely dismiss it as false would be ill advisable.

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Games, like everything else, are evolving. The reason the community is so "vile" and torn is precisely because different factions want the world of gaming to move in different directions. Everyone has an opinion because everyone has a deep relationship to gaming. But all the argument are an illusion, because where it is moving is pretty much inevitable. One of those inevitabilities, I think, is free2play. Pay2play is too 20th century in its outlook. And therein lies the problem with SWTOR, it is a new game following old models, most likely because a huge budget creates conservative thinking.


Yes I know ... "MMOs are all going to be F2P soon."




What proof do you have of this again? GW and a handful of failed games that settled for it? Or is it the bunch of other no name f2p MMOs out there begging players to buy new shoes for their avatar? Even guaranteed pieces of crap like TSW are releasing as pay to play to this day. When top of the line, quality MMOs like this one, WoW, etc start releasing as f2p ... then maybe ill worry about it.


Until then its all just b/s being spread by wannabe writers (like those in MMORPG.com) who make Fox News look like a respectable news source that doesnt get its "facts" from whoever pays them the most (look at their ads!).


The only gaming predicition based on factual evidence so far is the doom of the retailers, and the DLC for consoles getting bigger than ever. MMO's though have hardly changed ... if you can hold the right population then subscription remains the most profitable.


At most, the DLC crap will bleed into the MMO world where, like WoW, they add extra fluff at small shop. But as of yet, paying a sub to access an MMO and to expect constant "free" updates from it shows no signs of changing what so ever .


We'll see what happens with the upcoming 40k, Elder Scroll MMO, or even Titan, but in light of the on going trend, its still much more likely theyll be sub based ... at least until/if they bomb.

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I decided to do some googling around to check out the validity of some of the OPs claims. I found an article with the CEO of EA to their shareholders about their stock price decline and he very pointedly put the blame on Sony and Microsoft for their lack of next-gen consoles. He mentioned nothing about SWTOR at all. This was 3 days ago, btw.


Then I found another article from Feb where EA indicated that they only needed to maintain a subscription base of 500k to keep SWTOR profitable. As of a few weeks ago an EA press release but their active subs at 1.3 million.


So if both of those items are true then the people being fired from Bioware Austin had little to do with SWTOR are more to do with the over-all health of EA which is poor right now because of a lack of next-gen gaming consoles.


As a comparison, Vivendi one of EA's biggest competitors and the owner of World of Warcraft, is also experiencing historically low stock prices. So low that they are trying to off-load Blizzard/Activision. In fact the stocks of most of the major gaming publishers have been in the tank as well. And I don't think you can blame all that on SWTOR.

Edited by JetAten
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$500 million production cost? The official forums didn't open til September 2011? Whoever wrote that article didn't do any research at all, just took hearsay from badly informed gamers at face value without any investigation. And the anonymous insider is a hoax. If anything he says regarding free to play comes to pass, it is purely coincidental, because he's no game designer and certainly not one who worked for Bioware.
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“EA blames us and to some extent they’re right to. But it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow,” he stated mentioning that gamers actually wanted SWTOR to be more like Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), a single player role playing game by Bioware before it was acquired by EA, rather than World of Warcraft (WoW).


The truth is , the forums were made for bioware to communicate with it's fans.


The truth is, other companies hired call centers full of people to throw garbage and make generally ridiculous suggestions in an attempt to sabotage the competition. And to some degree it worked.


the Truth is , SWTOR comes off as very plain vanilla. My biggest griefs are the equipment is nothing but statistics. No special abilites, no powers, no boostes to existing powers. It just adds to stats , it does nothing else. It's like the player vs player combat guys won the battle and the story guys got shoved in a corner and told to shut up and quit complaining.

Come on , what the heck is wrong with equipment having certain powers that don't work in duels and war zones ? Open world combat ? So what ? So you have two stealth ratings, one against npc's , and one against players, because you got a special belt of +2 stealth... whats so hard about that ?


The Truth is , I miss being able to build a special vibrosword that does massive damage against droids but pretty mediocre against anyone else. I miss having to swtich weapons . Instead, I'm stuck with my one weapon that works generally ok against everything. Even wow had it's elementals that were all but immune to fire attacks forcing you to switch gears.


The Truth is I miss having my Jedi Consular pull out a blast rifle and shoot at stuff far away. I admit , for play balance reasons, it should just do basic weapon damage, half your damage boosting abilities should not affect it ,but still , it's pretty cool.


The Truth is , I miss being able to pick locks. Or having a half strength stealth to sneak past npc's , even if it might never work on any pc's even close to my level. I mean , come on, picking locks doesn't even involve any animation other than the one they already have of you bending over and working on something. How difficult would it have been to make a door that you either pick (+100xp) or kick open (zero xp) to get to the rest of an instance ?


But we're not going to get any of that now. Because you'd have to totally re-work the game mechanics, and then rework half the worlds completely to give you opportunities to use those new game mechanics. We are locked on this path now , and I don't see anything but a few bandaids comeing out.

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Thats false, infact swg was a themepark game with sandbox elements, if you cant see that then you do not understand what themepark or sandbox are. The loudest were the ones calling for addons, recount and a content level equal to wow, arenas etc etc etc.


Infact the only difference is that swgs 4th pillar was sandbox elements.


Those are lies. The poster you quoted is correct. Also, SWG was a sandbox game pre NGE.

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I'm responding to the more like KOTOR.


This can mean many things. Instead of MMO vs. single player, maybe they are addressing the originality of the content in KOTOR vs. SWTOR. What I wish it could mean, is that we can explore new worlds with new cultures that are surprises, as this you did in KOTOR.


We are just getting what I feel seems like watered-down ersatz versions of Clone Troopers and Imperials genre copied from the moviews, while the KOTOR has truly unique and different feel of the Sith.


When I played KOTOR, I was enthralled by the different armor/costumes of the Sith. I was so excited to solve some ancient mystery, discover some ancient races, explore new planets and cultures that had significant importance in the plot, and also explore very unique original content, such as secret assassin society, Czerka Corporation, etc.


When I showed the trailers to SWTOR to friends, they also felt that the material was not all that original, as it looks like Clone Troopers vs. Imperials.

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As a comparison, Vivendi one of EA's biggest competitors and the owner of World of Warcraft, is also experiencing historically low stock prices. So low that they are trying to off-load Blizzard/Activision. In fact the stocks of most of the major gaming publishers have been in the tank as well. And I don't think you can blame all that on SWTOR.


Im not much of Blizzard product consumer so to speak, hardly touched WoW, but i did bought Diablo 3. In my gaming experience i have never seen online game plummet so fast. I think it will go into history with alot copys sold online game that lost its majority players withing just month or little more.


I agree there are hard time for online games currently and all have to really push alot work into their products to keep their playerbase or even grow. GW2 is one of exception trying to sell it without subscription based online game.

SWTOR will have really hit or miss timezone near end of this year. It will be one chance only to stay alive. Reason is simple, in all the MMO history (except WoW) if you loose alot subscribers withing short amount of time and having P2P model then gaining back subscribers or let alone new players is dead impossible.


Time will tell soon.

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Yes I know ... "MMOs are all going to be F2P soon."




What proof do you have of this again? GW and a handful of failed games that settled for it? Or is it the bunch of other no name f2p MMOs out there begging players to buy new shoes for their avatar?


Hehe. Three years from now when all the MMOs are f2play you'll say . . . "well, he made a lucky guess."


You guys who think free2play is a cancer are just old farts.

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I'm going to make that comment my sig. When this game goes free to play, I'll be sure to look you up for an apology.


I am sad to inform you after Aug 17th, you will no longer be able to look me up for a apology. So they better go FTP before then. lol! :D

Some will however be glad I am not around. I do wish them a fun time playing TOR and hope it continues to give them enjoyment. :)

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Hehe. Three years from now when all the MMOs are f2play you'll say . . . "well, he made a lucky guess."


You guys who think free2play is a cancer are just old farts.


Hey!! I am a old fart and I donot think FTP is a cancer. So watch who you are associating the "old farts" with. :p


I am not convinced TOR will go FTP ..esp anytime soon. And I am not interested in that model at this time myself. But it is not a dumb idea and some MMO's have done very well with it. Depending on what type of FTP model it is, I may come back if it was offered. *shrugs. :)

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Hey dude I respect that fact that you were civil and my intent is to be so below, it is a pretty cool conversation were having, I like to know who is actually enjoying the game and why, anyways here is my response, cheers.


Everyone has there opinions of course but it really comes down to how people say things as to if your stating it or making assumptions about what everyone else, or a huge number of people, believe.


Fact is SWTOR failed for many more reasons than I mentioned. 400,000 people have their own story of how SWTOR failed. They tried to be everything to everyone while not listening to anything they had to say, until they started to leave en masse that is.


They were trying to please the SWG guys, the WoW guys the KOTOR guys and the Veteran MMO guys(EQ UO DAOC) ALL while telling us they weren't going to be like WoW and telling the press that they were going to be like WoW.


I know 7 people that got to end game, saw that BioWare was not going to address their concerns anytime soon and promptly left. As GM of a WoW guild I had 20 people that weren't playing with me, that I raid lead in WoW, waiting to see if I was building a guild, if SWTOR was worth it. That is my sampling size. 7 out of 27? So 25%? 25% of WoW players I know tried SWTOR and left because it is a single player game, the developers refuse to even talk about issues let alone address them, there was nothing to do, PVP was and still is a stunned mess. And to drive the point home, they polished a turd with voice acting.


Ive played a large number of MMO's for years now, including the god-king WoW, and although the choice was there to perhaps move to a different local to quest in reality if you just followed along from one quest hub to the next you pretty much followed a linear route. Town 1-do quests-1 leads to the next area-move on. I do agree the option to move on was nice, but I don't see that as some make-or-break option.


What are you talking about? We had specific planets for leveling from 20 - 25...35-40...etc. You telling me me you could avoid Balmora or the most boring planet ever, alderan? You cant and, for the most part, it was linear. The Class quests are linear, the Bonus quests are linear, you do them and then discover, hey I have to do the side quests to level up enough to the next planet. I remember grinding out levels. We couldn't do dungeons because they required that you have quests and you couldn't repeat them and we still had trouble getting everyone to the same instance because it was still buggy.



Playing ToR at no point have i ever felt the need to go to a different quest hub just so i could quest there as opposed to where i was. The fact that i did get to choose my responses, even though most really meant nothing to actual outcomes of quests or stories, it made me feel much more ingrained in the story over WoW where i always found myself just clicking the accept button then running off to the map location and back without any concept of what i was doing except grinding XP as fast as possible.


Exactly, you got to RP, bully for you, terrible for my space bar. There is a REASON that in WoW only 23(1%) of their 237 servers are RP, most people are not there to RP. They are there to be on a team and or socialize.


Well again i disagree. I can read, and like to, and i can see... and like to i guess. So overall when the choice to click the button and race off to get xp is faster, i enjoy watching the scenes, answering in whatever way i see my character doing so, not as a RP'er, but just because i feel its more engaging and draws me more into the story and why I'm doing what I'm doing. As far as making them into your own character, your still doing that, just because you would choose a voice in your head that might not be the one they chose for your character is again not make or break for me.


See the answer above. BioWare just totally missed the team and socialization point of an MMO, so hard.


OK agreed it took development time away from quests for everyone, but i think and have read a good deal of posts saying the class quests were peoples favorite quests, so it seems that perhaps it was a good choice for them to use that time that way. Personally again, i never felt the desire to drop a story quest to move on, where as i would occasionally like to be done with some other quests to move on and continue my class quest.


Dude dont even consider what I said about this, consider instead the tremendous amount of wasted money on voice acting that could ahve been used to develop the game, have balanced finished Ilum and PVP. More gear models for us to choose from, more everything, things to do at end game, mini games etc. SOOO much money wasted on the GIMMICK of voice acting. besides, we will never know will we, those other quests were never made.


I leveled 5 characters to 50 so far, my first one i skipped 2 entire planets and did no bonus series because i intentionally chose to leave them for my next character, and i was never more than 1 level lower that the planet or quests i was on. All i did feel is that when i was a little bit short of xp to level or something, grinding mobs was not as productive as some games.


Oh so you had to grind mobs too.


Well when i hit max level on WoW my "story' pretty much ended, sure there were lots of raids and dungeons, daily and weekly quests but (while not as many yet) I've been doing the same things in ToR. From your other points though you seem to think story is less important than other content? so why would you want more story at max level over FPs and Ops and such. I very much liked the story-lines for my characters but unlike WoW where i got my main to max and never wanted to ever even consider leveling another character, i finished my first in ToR and immediately made another, then a third fourth and fifth, and i have others already made and waiting to go.


I DID NOT want more story. Story is ALL SWTOR HAS. PERIOD. The mod system was broke, they were insisting that their artists feelings didn't get hurt so we were forced to have the good ole clown look know for far too long in every MMO ever, PVP was broken and unbalanced. All there WAS to do was reroll and hope things got fixed.


Only now am i starting to actually build my main in ToR and have begun doing the Ops and FPs and i am continuing now to see my characters story progress as he fights the bad guys out there for a variety of reasons. These things are pretty much open story for everyone instead of class only.


It is great that you stand behind their thought process. See I didn't want to level every class in the game and then work on a main. I knew what my main class was going to be. I even leveled a Sin to 48. I gave it a LOT more of a chance than most games. And hey, I hate to admit it but I LOVED DA2... I am , or was, an avid BioWare FAN! BG to NWN to DAO to ME, ME3, DA2...man let me tell you that bar was set high, I understand how investors or EA just let them do whatever, but man oh man, the bigger they are... (I DO NOT blame EA for this failure by the way.)


Agreed for those who want 1 main and don't want to level more characters you do miss a lot of content in the game do to development time being spread around, so that point i understand.


As it happens my BH (now 50, my third character) leveled the entire planet of Taris in a group, and a random group at that. I was looking to do the group quests for the set of mod-able armor that comes from the rewards. I agree that class quests are sometimes a pain in groups since you either cant help on some part and others you need to do them more than once, but overall i found it much more fun than other planets i did more by myself.


So i see your point here and agree that part of class stories could use some help, grouping to help with them can be a little bit of a PITA.




And them my wrap-up. While i can see your points from your point of view, sadly that's all it is. Some, even many, may agree with yours, but i do not, and hopefully many others don't as well. Everyone has there opinions and can freely state them.


Mine is that i very much enjoy the game, and i see that it has a lot of good parts to it and a huge amount of enjoyment for me. I believe if the game manages to continue it has the chance to grow and become even better.


I really wish those people who are enjoying the game would post more often, all anyone sees when they read these forums are those people who have issues with the game. While they can certainly speak out on those issues, overall it gives a game a bad appearance for new people thinking of joining.


See, but most others DO agree with me, in their own way, SWTOR failed to keep them interested. SWTOR is going to be a small niche MMO that is F2P and you will probably have pay to win. Me and my ilk saw this comming once we got to end game and there wasnt anything there and the developers refused to even have a discussion about it, let alone when they totally shat on the raiders, but that is a whole other thread about how they lost the majority of the WoW playerbase that they drew.


I doubt that after the 6 month subscribers unsub that they have 250,000 subs.


It is OBVIOUS that this game started out as KOTOR 3 and was shoehorned into an MMO. If I am wrong about its inception then I can tell you that I felt like I was playing KOTOR/Dragon Age/ME2 the whole time, as should be expected from KOTOR 3. But it was just the wrong move.


World of Warcraft (almost) learned in WotLK that players get very tired of RP, so much so that they had to go back and include a clicky in ToC and other raids so we could get attempts in. Now, and I am blaming this on SWTOR, they have a 3 minute RP session before we pull Ultraxion and a 4 minute RP session before we pull Deathwing(not counting the cinematics that we are luckily able to have not play via the addon BigWigs). It is annoying. It works in a single player because you play it once and move on.


That kinda sums up a lot of what went wrong, "It works in single player, not in an MMO".

Edited by Dejoblue
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If anything will bury this game its EA's greed. Right after launch they started that survey asking people how much they would pay for DLC. They only 4 months after launch they start talking about going F2P, really? Did they expect to get 10 millions subs at launch or something? It took WoW years to get where it is, not an over night success some people think.


They need to hire some new bean counters over at EA who understand short term and long term investments. Square Enix said Final Fantasy XI is the most profitable game they have ever released. Not because they have sold millions of copies but because they have kept the server going for 10 years. MMO's are all about the long term.


EQ2 tried DLC, it didn't work because then you have multiple DLCs and players simply cant play with each other becasue this player doenst have DLC X etc etc. They thought it would force others to buy DLC instead people simply didnt buy it and complained about waiting for an xpac or unsubbed.


It just baffles me, they do not get it, SOE and Blizzard have been there and done that and here we are with retard executives that think they are slick and can con players into a F2P scam or DLC scam. And that is what they are, scams, they are....I wont get into how F2P is a scam akin to ponzi schemes and how micro-transactions should be illegal...thats another thread.

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Any game dev that makes a game acording to their fanboys wishes are idiots.


The second i heard that the devs refused to add a combat window to the game i knew they had no idea what they were doing and unless they were replaced the game was in serious trouble.


That thought was later confirmed when they denounced dual specs, lfg tools and cross server tech.




I dunno, I don't think their vision was the issue, no addons for example is wonderful IF the UI works well enough.


The problem to me was more that there were weaknesses in the release game that such things might have covered..... but in all honestly probably not, and either way a better solution would have been to have directly strenghtened the weaknesses.

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The leveling exp can be as lonely or mini-game filled a mess as anyone can make but an mmo thrives on it's end game, it's the lure and the staying power that defines the bigger mmo's maybe when bioware fully realizes that they can start climbing again. Reaching the level cap shouldn't be the end of an mmo, and with it's current set of content and the tools to access it that's just what reaching the level cap is for most players. The end.
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The leveling exp can be as lonely or mini-game filled a mess as anyone can make but an mmo thrives on it's end game, it's the lure and the staying power that defines the bigger mmo's maybe when bioware fully realizes that they can start climbing again. Reaching the level cap shouldn't be the end of an mmo, and with it's current set of content and the tools to access it that's just what reaching the level cap is for most players. The end.

Very well said. SWtOR has minimal content when you reach end game. So minimal that when you hit 50 BW might as well have popped up a big splash screen saying "Sorry, we ran out of game here. If you want, you can do the same few things every day as long as you continue to pay us.."

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Fans have called him out and claim that Bioware is just pointing fingers for their own failure as they opened the official forums on September 12, 2011 where as the game came out three months later on December 20, 2011. It is hard to believe that three months worth of fan feedback could influence the game that was in development since 2006.



No, the forums have been up since 2008 and I've been on them since May 2009 racking up over 5k posts before the reset. Most of the concerns were about the MMO aspects or lack of, not that the game wasn't enough like KotOR. I never even played that game.

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I've noticed lately that the everyday F2P doom and gloom threads have included a few articles quoting a real BW insider. He reveals the game will be going F2P, Cathar will need to be purchased, fans ruined the games, and SWTOR killed SWG. All very revealing--and very troll worthy, stuff. Here's links to two of the articles:





Crazy stuff eh? Almost so crazy that you wonder: Is it a pile of BS? To figure that out you need to go to the source:




Scroll down to the comment below the article to see the original comment that has warranted at least two articles on gaming sites. Now before I post the actual comments, and before you defend their content, I would like you to answer a single questions about them.


1) What makes comment A anymore authentic than comment B? Or even comment C?


Comment A




I know many won't believe me. but, I work at Bioware. best part for me is coming here to read fans replies. I won't tell you much and I don't care if you believe me. So here is "what's" going on were I work.


If you havent noticed the interviews we had given sometime back had been removed. mainly, the interviews that gave it "away" that we are looking at adding F2P model. we are indeed adding free to play to the game. now the best part for me is anonymity I have that allows me to be open.

We will have mainly have a "fluff" shop for the new direction with F2P. but much of the legacy system will have the option to purchase those "perk's" (the main reason credit cost are high to slow progression until we patch F2P) as well many parts of the game will have new content that requires you purchase are type of "coinage" from the cash shop so you can buy the access to "special" content/quest. now new companions will also be in the shop. but due to us getting down sized and the staff changes a small team is working on these F2P changes.

I don't want anyone to be upset by this. but many of these changes had been in the "planning stages" for many months since the sharp drop in subscribers. many parts of the game will cost money to access. for example you can unlock the new "cathar" race in your legacy. but buying the unlock, it will cost 10$ US


So we are all pretty upset here. we know Daniel and Jimmy many more are next round of layoffs. EA blames us and to some extent they're right to. but it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow. Also from what I have heard in the halls, Starwars Galaxies was shut down due to the fact are talks with LA,EA suits ecouraged the new guy at LA to increase the licensing fee at renewal time. it was a move to remove any direct competiton to TOR.


Sorry guys gotta go but be good to each other.

Comment B



Hey guys i'm a bioware employee and I don't expect anyone here to believe me but I just wanted to let you know all this doomsaying is just a load of bull.


The truth is there are no plans to go F2P anytime soon. Yes we have a contigincy plan if subs managed to drop well below 200k. But after looking at the trends there isn't any signs that will happen.

Our plans our to keep rolling out content with 1.4 planning to come out in late September and 1.5 in December. We still have more then enough developers to keep this game alive and well.


So fear not.

Comment C



Hi Guys,

An other Bioware developer here, just wanted to let you all know that the new super secret legacy companion is Mint-Berry Crunch, and he will cost $9.99 every time he is summoned.


Also, we are getting ready to fire Ray Muzyka tomorrow, because doctors have no business making games.


Like the other devs here I am not concerned about my strict NDA with a company that has a history of enforcing them harshly and has ties with the major gaming sites to prevent actual developers from posting. As such, I will continue to show no professional etiquette by continually leaking things to online gaming sites.


So fear not, this is all true!

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I dunno, Craig, auto's words ring rather hollow. He comments on a _wide_ variety of stuff and he shows his hand on a few things, like "We've been planning this for many months since the sharp drop of subs". The only sharp drop that was announced that scared EA Investors was only 3 months ago does that sound like many months to you? Before that, EA/Bio has been full of their bluster and chest-thumping, I doubt that if they had such an attitude, they've been planning it "for many months".


And again, I remind you of EA-history. While Rath1337 pointed out some of EA's f2p titles, those were a bit more "smaller games" that focus on stuff like FPS matches and short-game sessions. None of the big AAA titles have gone f2p including UO, DaoC, and even Warhammer. Mind you, not saying it could happen in this case, what with all the execs leaking stuff, but there is still no strong evidence other than it is water-cooler talk or a consideration that, again, I have to point out, has never been considered on their other titles as Warhammer.


Interestingly enough, Warhammer does have a small cash shop (along with the sub) but it does not charge for content.,,but now they are considering it for SWTOR? Again, there are holes in his story. He also seems like quite the office gadfly to be everywhere and comment/hear about everything.


I am open to it, but I am tending not to believe his post. At least I am carrying a large grain of salt in reading him. The later guy seems a bit more sincere/honest, but again, you got to be cautious about his statements, too.


This was a reply made to the original statements that people keep getting this F2P talk from.

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