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Group Finder Finding Jerks


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I have been doing a lot of random HM FP healing on my alt. There is one thing I have noticed. I wouldn't say these people are jerks, but they are in such a hurry that they won't wait for the tank/healer. Soo many times dps have run off without the group, attacking the next mob, out of my healing range. Causing a healing nightmare for me when I do catch up to them (with the mobs running wild) or getting themselves killed.


Patience guys, Bosses have enrage timers not flashpoints lol


You can't do your job as a healer if people race on ahead, especially if you come out of a fight with your energy down and they race off before you can rest for 10 seconds to replenish it.


It's their fault if they wipe at the next pile of trash because the healer's resting and they whizz off on their rocket boost or force speed and don't let them catch up, or go out of line of sight.


It's also their fault if they whizz off ahead on a mob-skipping route, someone gets left behind or lost, pulls by accident and dies and then everyone has to wait for them to come back in. Groups should stay together. I always keep an eye on the mini map. "More haste, less speed" as they say.

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I just want to add to the post above, that is one of my pet peeves. I guess some tanks have no clue what it's like to be a healer when they rush ahead constantly and don't stop when you have zero force left. Though I tend to always be able to keep up, I still hate it. It wont kill them to stop for two seconds so that everyone on the team can heal/charge up to make sure we aren't going to wipe.
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I just want to add to the post above, that is one of my pet peeves. I guess some tanks have no clue what it's like to be a healer when they rush ahead constantly and don't stop when you have zero force left. Though I tend to always be able to keep up, I still hate it. It wont kill them to stop for two seconds so that everyone on the team can heal/charge up to make sure we aren't going to wipe.


It's especially good when it can be seen that you are replenishing your health and energy/ force etc and they still run off :(


Back in the days of wow you wouldn't make a move unless the healer was on your tail lol

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Do you know why they are short of Tanks and healers?


In regards to the lack of tanks, the better question is why are they are short of tanks who are geared but in dps stance. Because that seems to be the new "thing", like sniper in pvp, I have forgotten how many times I'v been qued with a tank who is in dps stance.

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In regards to the lack of tanks, the better question is why are they are short of tanks who are geared but in dps stance. Because that seems to be the new "thing", like sniper in pvp, I have forgotten how many times I'v been qued with a tank who is in dps stance.


But guys... MOAR DEEPS MEANS MOAR THREATS RIGHT?!!?1?!//!!?one!


I think I needed to work in a few more 3s and l33ts but otherwise that would be the rough train of thought.

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Ever noticed how the 'jerk' is always somebody else?


The FP-finder is everything we hoped and feared it to be.


The problem is that people in general and MMO-gamers in particular are, well, kinda stupid (from your own small, insignificant and personal point of view).


Deal with it....


LIES, I have been a "Jerk" quite a few times. Mostly when I was group in a GF like thing on another MMO as a Healer, and people where QQing about bad heals when they died b/c they where stupid. Just wish I had Legacy there so I could have taken aggro and then sent it all at them.

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Had a tank join that couldn't grasp the concept that, even though we weren't 50 and he was, we actually knew how to play the game. He would tell the healer to heal him (ofcourse master of the obvious) before he charged away. He would only focus on one mob, allowing every other mob to join the gangrape on said healer and the dps (tried to get them off the healer, but being squishy...). Anyway, in the end I checked his gear and, what do ya know, full pvp gear and no fricking shield either. Direct Vote-Kick for me there.


In general: If you sign for a role in a group finder, then have the *********** gear and specc to fulfill that role. I can take people not knowing tactics, I can take people not being the best, I can also take people not having perfect speccs (however if you sign as a tank you should be focused on the tanking specc in your AC trees), all these can be amended or worked around. But if your a moron and aren't even using items in some slots then its byebye, get gear, get the correct gear, get it in all the slots you can fill.

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Having a few pieces of pvp gear on is ok, if you're just starting out. I get a little bit nervous as a healer when they are in full pvp. It suggests (in my mind) that, say for example, a tank doesn't really have any experience tanking HM FP's. :eek:
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I haven't used the group finder alot yet but, When I do use it the results are fairly good. Most people I find are decent enough and most of the time respectable. However, last night I was playing Hammer Station using groupfinder and everything was fine and we were at the about to fight the Mechanical Spider ( I was the Tank) then, without any reason at all the entire group voted to kick-me!:eek:. I didn't understand at all and when I tried to ask them WHAT THE HELL THEY DID THAT FOR , THEY IGNORED ME. WHAT-THE-F:mad:
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And people want cross server group finder?


Every time i posted why that was a bad idea i would get flamed,but right here is a perfect example on why cross server group finder would be terrorible,this issue would go up ten fold,mark my words.


You're ignoring the fact that all of the bad behavior described in this thread existed in MMO's long before WoW developed its x-server tool and it existed in this game long before the current same server tool. In fact, I've seen more of this type of behavior in the general chat spam groups then I've seen since the group finder came out (and people claim self policing on same server prevents this type of behavior...LMAO!). Were there bad groups in WoW? Yes, but most were good. I can say the same of the same server groups too. If you have a problem with the tool, simply don't use it and only group with firends...problem solved.

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Nobody ever wants to hear this, but every "jerk" group you're in has one thing in common. Can you figure out what it is?


When I use group finders in MMOs, I generally have very positive experiences.


It's posts like this by Caelrie that make me wish we had a thumbs-up button to click on.

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One of the players was even getting butthurt over my Jedi Guardian DPS build. It was sad. He told me to go to the forums to read about better builds, but in the end, isn't it what we are comfortable with that makes us the best players with the builds we create? :o


No. This game is like WoW in that there are basically cookie cutter builds that work. Mish-mash hybrids that you facerolled your keyboard to come up with are not viable. Sorry.

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I've had better experiance here than in WoW but finally had a group of d-bag's in the same guild kick my agent because i needed on something thier agent wanted and won.


Wont be the 1st time though i know.


Sore loser lol were you the healer?

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No. This game is like WoW in that there are basically cookie cutter builds that work. Mish-mash hybrids that you facerolled your keyboard to come up with are not viable. Sorry.


Whilst that's broadly true, there is some wiggle room, more for some classes / roles than others. As long as someone's put the vast majority of their points into a single skill tree instead of some absurd hybrid (which only works at lower levels and becomes completely unviable about level 35-40) I don't have a problem with it. For example, my Sorcerer healer has 3 skills in Corruption I haven't put points into because I found I don't use the relevant abilities in combat; better to put those points into other trees for stat buffs instead.

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I've had mixed experiences with Group Finder. Some groups are great fun, with people who are genuinely friendly and don't get upset when times get difficult. Then there's been other times where people have thrown their toys out of the cot because of wipeouts or that they just didn't like someone elses playing style.


Ultimately, it's symptamatic of the attitudes of what I hope is a minority in the SWTOR and wider MMO community. They appear to lack any basic social skills or empathy for other people. Now yes, I can understand a bit of frustration if someone isn't the brightest crayon in the box, but that doesn't excuse people being downright nasty towards them. There are perfectly civilized ways to voice your concern/opinion, yet these people seem devoid of any knowledge on how to.


I had one incident last night where the Healer was dishing out advice to everyone, which was ironic given that he wasn't actually doing much healing at all. I bit my tongue and politely acknowledged his feedback, but then later he throw a hissy fit at our DPS and stormed off, leaving our group stranded at the last part of the flashpoint. I toyed with the idea of naming and shaming him when I returned to the fleet, but thought better of it, as it wasn't going to achieve anything other than venting my spleen.


My personal approach to flashpoints is that I'm more than happy to help anyone complete them. If someone is having difficulty understanding what to do, I give them the benefit of the doubt and grin and bear it until they get the hang of things - which usually isn't too long. On the one occasion when I have had to leave, I made a point of politely apologising to the group and trying to part on reasonable terms, rather than getting nasty and personal about their inabiilty to play the game.

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