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Group Finder Finding Jerks


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What, even more?????


Yes. Is not one major issue with the time waiting in que with any LFG tool is the lack of tanks and healers to do them? Nerf them and you only discourage players to roll a tank or healer. Buff them and you encourage them to want to que as one. Very simple logic if you stop and think about it. :cool:

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True, rudeness seems to be the norm these days. I can still remember when people were actually polite in MMO's.


There have always been rude people in MMO's. And I still find MOST people polite. MOST people are receptive (and often grateful) for the occasionaly kind suggestion.

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Yes. Is not one major issue with the time waiting in que with any LFG tool is the lack of tanks and healers to do them? Nerf them and you only discourage players to roll a tank or healer. Buff them and you encourage them to want to que as one. Very simple logic if you stop and think about it. :cool:

Not really. If a person doesn't want to play a tank, he won't play one even if you buff the threat by 1000 times. This game is already too easy, dumbing it down more won't do it any good. Besides, i see no problem if overgeared dps will hold back a bit at least in the first 30 seconds of boss fight. I played a hunter (ranged DPS) in LotRO MoM, and aggro management was a big part of the game for me. It made it interesting.

Edited by EternalChild
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The Jerk is a breed of Gamer we're going to be dealing with, and have been dealing with, for a very long time. These are the people who think they are l337 and Uber, as are all of their comrades, and everyone else should vie to achieve their level of mastery.

They are on a very different quest...They seek the glorious E-Peen, and woe to those who stand in their way.

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You are doing it wrong and lending to what will eventually be a tank shortage as less and less tanks chose to deal with this type of behavior. Rationalizing it in a logical manner does not change that. If you are in a group, you are in a group, not individuals doing their own thing and expecting others to "deal with it".


What you see as just ok to do is ruining their good time, especially the tank that has to endure the frustration of your behavior. Join the group, follow protocols, work as a team. Not rocket science people.


I'm sorry, but to be frank you are completely wrong. There are some trash pulls where it is impossible for the tank to carry all of the aggro 100% of the time. FE comes to mind, as does Kaon. If the tank doesn't have them and I only focus on the tanks target (which should be the strongest mob in the group) then the healer gets killed. By picking off the normal mobs, then the strongs, then the elites, then champions I am giving the tank plenty of time to build aggro on those strong+ mobs and keeping the healer alive.


What people fail to understand and it is very apparent who these people are in this thread is that this is not WoW where every mob needs to be tanked a certain way and most of the mobs are elites. HM's in SWTOR do not require a tank for every single mob. Most mobs in HM FP's are strongs and normals. Very few are elites, and even less are champions. These are the same normal and strong mobs I deal with when I run my dailies - these aren't buffed normal/strong mobs who do twice as much damage. Even the heroic dailies I can solo on my sorcerer (minus the Torvix daily). So why wouldn't I take pressure off the tank by telling him not to worry so much about the normal mobs? Why is it wrong to do this?

Edited by whyzerman
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And people want cross server group finder?


Every time i posted why that was a bad idea i would get flamed,but right here is a perfect example on why cross server group finder would be terrorible,this issue would go up ten fold,mark my words.

Edited by Sathid
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Not really. If a person doesn't want to play a tank, he won't play one even if you buff the threat by 1000 times. This game is already too easy, dumbing it down more won't do it any good. Besides, i see no problem if overgeared dps will hold back a bit at least in the first 30 seconds of boss fight. I played a hunter (ranged DPS) in LotRO MoM, and aggro management was a big part of the game for me. It made it interesting.


The issue here is tanking or healing for pugs. While watching your aggro is a challenge and interesting to you, it can be flustrating for a tank trying to hold threat all the time due to dps who donot watch thier aggro. Same goes for healing. All I know is it helped to lower the que times in WoW after they buffed the tank's threat and healer's heals and mana issues. And it lowered the que wait times even more so than it did after they had added the reward bags for queing in a pug run as healer or tank.

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The issue here is tanking or healing for pugs. While watching your aggro is a challenge and interesting to you, it can be flustrating for a tank trying to hold threat all the time due to dps who donot watch thier aggro. Same goes for healing. All I know is it helped to lower the que times in WoW after they buffed the tank's threat and healer's heals and mana issues. And it lowered the que wait times even more so than it did after they had added the reward bags for queing in a pug run as healer or tank.

I know the better solution. Lets populate hard mode FPs with lvl40 mobs, so there would be zero chance for a PUG to fail. Certainly it should reduce waiting times? Seriously, with so many overgeared people HM FPs are extremely boring. Whenever i queue, i dream about getting a couple of 12k players in my group or Leeroy Jenkins wannabe to have some fun.

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Not sure what the solution is. I'm not a game designer but it seems that when a game moves to providing raid gear from daily tokens they, in fact, create the situation by having higher geared players still dipping into low end content as a matter of necessity. This is why I've always been against dailies and the token grind for raid gear. It is why I've always been in favor of both high and low gear checks for group content.


This is exactly the problem I'm having at the moment with my shadow tank.


I'm not geared up yet, but I am in a mix of orange gear with purple 22 modifications and some Xenotech / Tionese, which should be good enough for most hard mode Flashpoints. They drop Columi, so you shouldn't need Columi to attempt them.


I'm sick to the death of overgeared players wanting to do speed runs that I simply can't keep up with and skip bosses I desperately need the drops from, running ahead and letting me die and then insulting me when I can't do my job because they don't let me set the pace and control aggro.


It's got to the stage where I actually have more fun running lower level players through Red Reaper or Battle of Ilum on story mode than I do playing the content I'm geared for.

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This is exactly the problem I'm having at the moment with my shadow tank.


I'm not geared up yet, but I am in a mix of orange gear with purple 22 modifications and some Xenotech / Tionese, which should be good enough for most hard mode Flashpoints. They drop Columi, so you shouldn't need Columi to attempt them.


I'm sick to the death of overgeared players wanting to do speed runs that I simply can't keep up with and skip bosses I desperately need the drops from, running ahead and letting me die and then insulting me when I can't do my job because they don't let me set the pace and control aggro.


It's got to the stage where I actually have more fun running lower level players through Red Reaper or Battle of Ilum on story mode than I do playing the content I'm geared for.


I understand your frustration, however there is something you need to realize as well. Those bonus bosses you desperately need gear from are rarely ever done. When they are done, you have about a 50/50 chance of wiping on that boss because of the fact that so many people have gotten used to skipping them that they don't know the fights. Another thing you should realize is that some bonus bosses (check HM BT) are a pain in the backside for a new tank to try out. Add to that the fact that what they drop isn't usually worth the hassle and you will see what I mean. As for the other bosses that are skippable, just don't skip em. While the dps is busy fighting the mob before the boss, run ahead and pull it (just make sure your healer knows what you are planning). Just make sure you know how the fight mechanics work if you plan on pulling a boss you haven't tanked yet.


As far as people running ahead and letting you die, there is an easy way to handle that. Let them go ahead of you. Don't fret if they call you a bad tank, because lets face it - comparatively you ARE a bad tank (keep reading, that isn't meant as an insult). Its not that you don't know what buttons to press, but your gear level is so much lower then theirs trying to hold aggro off of them on trash is going to be next to impossible until you improve your gear. Don't base your tanking skill on trash pulls - base it on boss fights. If those same people are pulling aggro from you during a boss fight, and you have them guarded, then you are likely doing something wrong. Some bosses have aggro drops (first boss in BP, Last boss in Foundry) but as long as you are holding aggro the majority of the time and not having to spam taunt on CD and not getting tore up like a clothie you really have nothing to worry about. If a campaign geared DPS thinks its cool to call a tank in tionese or less gear a bad tank then that person is no better then a senior in HS bullying on a freshman.

Edited by whyzerman
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I noticed people in random groups on the imp side are a lot more immature. I had an alt that went LS and won and the others were dark and got all pissy about it. Then they all needed on my weapon that dropped that they couldnt even use...
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Oooook, so why do I keep running into trolls and players who keep harassing me? Seriously, it's discouraging me from even using the GF. Some of them will happen to vote to kick you when they're the ones that starting QQing and you'll get kicked near the end of the mission, or they happen to quit during the middle of the mission and take any of guildies with them.


I've had to report like... probably 4 or 5 players already.


One of the players was even getting butthurt over my Jedi Guardian DPS build. It was sad. He told me to go to the forums to read about better builds, but in the end, isn't it what we are comfortable with that makes us the best players with the builds we create? :o



Did you cause group wipes by having low DPS inadequate for killing bosses before enrage timer ? If so, then they have legitimate gripes. Maybe you need to run some lower tier stuff first ?

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The Jerk is a breed of Gamer we're going to be dealing with, and have been dealing with, for a very long time. These are the people who think they are l337 and Uber, as are all of their comrades, and everyone else should vie to achieve their level of mastery.

They are on a very different quest...They seek the glorious E-Peen, and woe to those who stand in their way.


Makes more sense to just broaden the team but guess it depends on how excited someone is

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I'm sick to the death of overgeared players wanting to do speed runs that I simply can't keep up with and skip bosses I desperately need the drops from, running ahead and letting me die and then insulting me when I can't do my job because they don't let me set the pace and control aggro.

Try to grow a thicker skin. Also don't forget that DPS are expendable, even if they are in full Campaign gear. Tanks are not (usually). So if someone starts to flame you, don't hesitate to ask to kick that player. Threaten to leave the group if they don't want to do it. Remind them that you will find new group in seconds, and they will wait half an hour for the next tank.

Edited by EternalChild
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I noticed that many people invest too heavy into primary stat, and totally forget about such important stat as patience. Was doing Kaon today with my healer. Tank started all fights by jumping to mobs on sight, without waiting for CC. OK, fine, i even like it. The problem was, no one bothered to interrupt or CC mercs, and i can't heal when stunned by them :( So we wiped on trash. Tank and 1 dps blamed me and immediately left. I and remaining DPS shrugged, summoned our companions and finished the instance without any sweat. Edited by EternalChild
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The trick is this-- if you are new/unsure/whatever say so. People are infinitely more forgiving when they know what they're getting into going in. And then of course actually pay attention and try to do your job.
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O.o from the lack of response to my post,and reading multiple pages on here..i can verily assume that most people involved in this mess are afraid to go kamikaze


and its amazing that some of you play imperial,sith even...your doing yourselves a dis service by not obeying the sith code


you should abandon the jedi dogma thats been floating around for ages..and give in to your hate,and bask in the warmth of the hate of you and your freinds

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Oooook, so why do I keep running into trolls and players who keep harassing me? Seriously, it's discouraging me from even using the GF. Some of them will happen to vote to kick you when they're the ones that starting QQing and you'll get kicked near the end of the mission, or they happen to quit during the middle of the mission and take any of guildies with them.


I've had to report like... probably 4 or 5 players already.


One of the players was even getting butthurt over my Jedi Guardian DPS build. It was sad. He told me to go to the forums to read about better builds, but in the end, isn't it what we are comfortable with that makes us the best players with the builds we create? :o

every adult beside of kids should know that MMO r full of jerks,

is that ur 1st day on internet?

go outside, leave MMO, if they r not nerds, they will already go outside with their GFs instead of being a jerk in MMO.

Edited by oakamp
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I'm sick to the death of overgeared players wanting to do speed runs that I simply can't keep up with and skip bosses I desperately need the drops from, running ahead and letting me die and then insulting me when I can't do my job because they don't let me set the pace and control aggro.


This. I like to tank, but not for PUGs.

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I'm sick to the death of overgeared players wanting to do speed runs that I simply can't keep up with and skip bosses I desperately need the drops from, running ahead and letting me die and then insulting me when I can't do my job because they don't let me set the pace and control aggro.


This. I like to tank, but not for PUGs.


I only tank (now). I AM over geared for HM FPs and I WILL skip as much of the content as I can UNLESS I am gearing up a guildy, I which case we are probably just going to run an Op anyway. I do queue for HM FPs for BH Comms but thats it, nothing else is useful to me. If I get a group that doesn't want to speed run I will drop group (or ask to be vote-kicked) and find a new one pretty quick so it doesn't bother me.


But you guys need to remember: Tanks and Healers are much rare in LFG. Keep them happy and take what you can get. If you want to wait 20 minutes for the next queue pop go for it, but we could (nearly) have finished a speed run by then and you could queue again with a shiny new Columi piece. I have a guild and I don't NEED to use LFG to get into FPs, I do it to help people out and meet (sometimes recruit) new people.


That said, I talk to my group at the start and they are usually cool with it I have only had one bad run where a DPS decided he wanted to run in tank stance. So I told him he was now tanking, changed to DPS and ignored him. He then wiped on the boss, released, I stepped in and he missed out on loot/mission completion.

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I have been doing a lot of random HM FP healing on my alt. There is one thing I have noticed. I wouldn't say these people are jerks, but they are in such a hurry that they won't wait for the tank/healer. Soo many times dps have run off without the group, attacking the next mob, out of my healing range. Causing a healing nightmare for me when I do catch up to them (with the mobs running wild) or getting themselves killed.


Patience guys, Bosses have enrage timers not flashpoints lol

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Some people really do need to grow thicker skin.


Today I got into another Lost Island team and one of our DPS' had almost all blue and green gear. I pointed that out. Someone on the team got super pissed and acted as if I was a snob. I'm sorry but there are logical limitations to what people can do with their gear. Granted, most people have way too high standards for gear. And like I've said, it's possible to make it through Lost Island even with some Tionese, but what this player was wearing meant there was zero way we could get enough DPS before a boss enrages.


It seems there's two types of extreme personalities in MMOs; snobs that demand the best, and overly sensitive players who can not logically contribute to the team but demand to be accepted.

Edited by Radzkie
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