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I will NEVER be bored with SWTOR!


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Because I love the storylines, and with 8 character classes to choose,

it takes me quite a while to level thru the entirety of the content to experience the storylines,

and after i get a toon to 50 i "retire" it (I don't delete it, i just mothball it temporarily and don't play it)

and level the others.


I have no interest in end game, pvp, flashpoints - I just love the storylines - I loved bioware's

Baldur's gate series, and the RP elements of those, adn to me SWTOR is just the logical evoluation

of awesome storytelling, it is sweet.

And after a brief stint playing some other games, I realized that SWTOR will always be one of my core games,

becasue of this reason.

and with the level cap increase approaching, i will always have something more to do and content/story to explore with my characters. I think

it's great.


keep up the good work bioware - i underestimated how fun this is - i am back to stay :)

(ps - even though i DO wish you wouldn't force me off my old low-pop server, but hey, i can deal).


Edited by sithrommie
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I feel the same way as you and would like to stay on and play all the class story lines myself, but since Bioware is dragging their feet on adding the alternate romances options, i am canceling my account until they do.
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Hmmm dont you think the problem is that you paying 15dollares month to play single player?

This game has more stuff in it for mmos than a lot of mmos out there. The group conversation thing is a great example of that. The problem isn't the game doesnt have mmo stuff. the problem is the PEOPLE don't want to group.

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I never said the game is single player or is low in group content. I am just saying OP is paying for sp experience.

Yap :) He sure is.


You can play TOR solo. No doubts there. But it has both types if you want. If you don't want to group you don't HAVE to. That's the beauty of it. An mmo is simply playing with a lot of people together online at the same time. That's it :) Consider it a....hybrid. Grouped content, if you want. Solo, if you want :)


and you just contradicted yourself :confused::confused: "I never said the game is single player. I am just saying he is paying for a single player experience." Sorry to tell you, but that's saying the same thing as you thought you didn't say in the first post you made.

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So, what happens when all your toons are 50? LOL. I'll tell you what happens: you quit. Because, there's nothing to do.

Takes a LONG time for you to actually experience and immerse yourself in the game. This game isn't all about level cap buddy. It's the wrong game for that. It's about making alts, getting legacy stuff, trying out new ways to make your choices than last time. Sometimes even in the third go arounds you realize you missed a lot of stuff of the things the people say. You realize more things.

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This game has more stuff in it for mmos than a lot of mmos out there. The group conversation thing is a great example of that. The problem isn't the game doesnt have mmo stuff. the problem is the PEOPLE don't want to group.


No, it does not.

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This game has more stuff in it for mmos than a lot of mmos out there. The group conversation thing is a great example of that. The problem isn't the game doesnt have mmo stuff. the problem is the PEOPLE don't want to group.


No it doesnt and your last statement is simply untrue. Just because YOU may not want to group and maybe the OP does not want to group... does not make your statement true.

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I feel the same way as you and would like to stay on and play all the class story lines myself, but since Bioware is dragging their feet on adding the alternate romances options, i am canceling my account until they do.


Canceling your account is the worst thing you could do! A drop in subscrips just means that EA will be giving less resources to Bioware, the X properly don't even look into why the subs are dropping.

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Because I love the storylines, and with 8 character classes to choose,

it takes me quite a while to level thru the entirety of the content to experience the storylines,

and after i get a toon to 50 i "retire" it (I don't delete it, i just mothball it temporarily and don't play it)

and level the others.


I have no interest in end game, pvp, flashpoints - I just love the storylines - I loved bioware's

Baldur's gate series, and the RP elements of those, adn to me SWTOR is just the logical evoluation

of awesome storytelling, it is sweet.

And after a brief stint playing some other games, I realized that SWTOR will always be one of my core games,

becasue of this reason.

and with the level cap increase approaching, i will always have something more to do and content/story to explore with my characters. I think

it's great.


keep up the good work bioware - i underestimated how fun this is - i am back to stay :)

(ps - even though i DO wish you wouldn't force me off my old low-pop server, but hey, i can deal).



You realize you said you'll never be bored of TOR yet at the same time said it takes a while to do all 8 storylines? There will come to a point where you have nothing else to do. And some storylines are in flashpoints if you aren't doing FPs like The Foundry then you aren't a fan of story at all.

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I totally agree, OP. I find myself gaining about 3-4 levels per week. I have six toons that I really like playing, so I figure it will probably take me a year or two to finish the game. By then, they'll hopefully have all new stuff to do.


And like the OP, I only do PVE. It's not the same thing as a single player RPG. It just isn't. Others may not feel that way, and that's fine, but many people play solo PVE and love it.


And as for what I'll do when I'm done - I don't care. If I actually do end up getting multiple toons to 50, and play for a year or two, it will be more than I've ever played a video game in my life. Probably more than all the games I've ever played combined.


And as for what I'm paying for - I'm paying $15 a month to play a video game. I don't care what genre it is, or how much other games cost. I like this one, and I'm getting my money's worth.

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I don't know myself, none of my 5 toons are 50 and honestly I'm in no hurry since I hear endgame is a grind and sucks. Just like that other game. I wish companies would divert from that grind.


Man, why is it MMO's before endgame are so much fun..oh well..

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Canceling your account is the worst thing you could do! A drop in subscrips just means that EA will be giving less resources to Bioware, the X properly don't even look into why the subs are dropping.


If more people would only understand this.

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I don't know myself, none of my 5 toons are 50 and honestly I'm in no hurry since I hear endgame is a grind and sucks. Just like that other game. I wish companies would divert from that grind.


Man, why is it MMO's before endgame are so much fun..oh well..


Gear treadmill. That's why. No creativity in endgame design. Continued cut and paste of standard mmo design. They add huge time sinks into getting things you want out of the game and then continually shift the goal line. You are constantly chasing something you will never catch. And paying for the right to do it.

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Yap :) He sure is.


You can play TOR solo. No doubts there. But it has both types if you want. If you don't want to group you don't HAVE to. That's the beauty of it. An mmo is simply playing with a lot of people together online at the same time. That's it :) Consider it a....hybrid. Grouped content, if you want. Solo, if you want :)


This game has two things.

Story / Voiceacting - This is where most of those millions went. They did a good job on it. Sadly it gets old mashing spacebar. I'm the type of person that rarely watches a movie twice. I'd love an option to skip the choices and automaticly pick the dark side one. This can force me to not get any bonus social points or companion points. I'm perfectly fine with that. To me after I've already seen it, all it does is take me out of the experience. Out of the environment.


Gearing System - It's unique. And I love it. Gearing is less about getting that lucky drop and more about managing your options. They still have choices in drops, but it is not the end all of gearing.

Now the down side. Most of the gear really isn't creative. There should be some "classic" looks out there. Why do I feel like my Marauder wishes he was a Cyborg? Why do I have to dress like Vader? This is mostly my opinion though. The rest is how we get those gearing items. With this system they have in the game, why are we buying gear? Why am I not spending 25-30 comms for a mod instead of 50 for an armor to spend 30k to pull one mod out, then to sell the armor back for ~10k? Change it so we buy the mods, and bosses drop double the comms, but these comms instead buy mods over gear(2/3 of what you normally get). They could easily balance the cost so that it doesn't make gearing too much easier, just less annoying. Then throw a credit cost to the mods to balance the loss of removing them. (10k for example, as not everyone removes their mods).


To me those are the strong points of this game. And they are not taking full advantage of making the experience more enjoyable. I could of course continue, but it would just turn into me complaining about how they are just not using the tools they gave themselves.


and you just contradicted yourself :confused::confused: "I never said the game is single player. I am just saying he is paying for a single player experience." Sorry to tell you, but that's saying the same thing as you thought you didn't say in the first post you made.


He's saying that he's not using the full $15 a month he's paying for if he is only playing for the single players. Not the same thing.


Takes a LONG time for you to actually experience and immerse yourself in the game. This game isn't all about level cap buddy. It's the wrong game for that. It's about making alts, getting legacy stuff, trying out new ways to make your choices than last time. Sometimes even in the third go arounds you realize you missed a lot of stuff of the things the people say. You realize more things.


This is a MMO. It is overall a WoW clone type MMO. The idea behind it is to cater to multiple people's way of playing. This is not The Sims: Star Wars edition. This is the game that's supposed to feel like the KOTOR universe. You found what you wanted to do. I am happy to hear that. They got that part of the game right.


So then:

Leveling system: Great

PvP: OK, gear dependent(expertise) and some classes still need things balanced properly(dps sorcs)

Raiding: Still doing those same 4 bosses. 1 more if you include Nightmare Pilgrim. They said they wanted to push content out faster than this. They really have not delivered. I've had a few guildies quit because they were so bored of it. Either needed more bosses or sooner updates. I play for the epic battles. Completing that challenge.


Also the legacy system is put in horribly. If they wanted more credit sinks, give us something fun to buy. More gadgets, more speeders, more toys, mini pets or something pricy but worth it through crafting. Then put a cap on the # of dailies you can do. Or better yet, make them all weeklies, then put a cap on weeklies.

Legacy system = Rewards you for playing by letting you play more to buy perks to play more.

Edited by Cindikle
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If more people would only understand this.




Are you saying that people leaving a game that they feel are not giving them their money's worth is due to a lack of understanding? Now, if BW spent all the resources they had left on same-sex romances do you think that would be a good thing for the game? Really?


(If the different-sex romances are any indication... I'd rather that they didn't bother tbh)

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Are you saying that people leaving a game that they feel are not giving them their money's worth is due to a lack of understanding? Now, if BW spent all the resources they had left on same-sex romances do you think that would be a good thing for the game? Really?


(If the different-sex romances are any indication... I'd rather that they didn't bother tbh)


I didnt really mean it in the context of the person I quoted. What I mean is people dont understand that less subscription means less content (in a nutshell).


And hell no spending all their resources on same sex romance is not good for the game. Im sure there are lots that want it but in the grand scheme of things its such a small thing that it should be backburnered IMO. I mean its just a "hey wanna go back there? yeah lets go! <black screen> That was amazing"

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