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Class Race Recognition


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When creating new characters, I like to make them races that get treated specifically and uniquely in their class and/or faction stories.


This is hard to know ahead of time, though. So I've started doing research. Here's a list.

I'm sure there's other people interested in this, especially for the sake of immersion. It's fair to assume that the race/class/faction combinations unavailable before legacy probably don't have lines.

This is what I think/know/suspect so far from what I've read on the forums (or played), feel free to lend your knowledge and correct where applicable:



Republic Quests & Classes: N/A

Imperial Quests: Yes, as a Chiss Imperial Agent during one Balmorra quest at least. Chiss Bouty Hunters don't seem to get it.

Bounty Hunter, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior, : N/A

Imperial Agent: Recognized during a conversation with Kaliyo and Hoth class quests.



Republic Quests: ???

Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight: N/A

Smuggler: ???

Trooper: Recognized, not sure where.



Republic Quests: ???

Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight: ???

Smuggler, Trooper: N/A

Imperial Quests and Classes: N/A



Republic Quests & Classes: ???

Imperial Quests and Classes: N/A



Republic Quests & Classes: N/A

Imperial Quests: ???

Bounty Hunter: ???

Imperial Agent, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior: N/A



Republic Quests & Classes: N/A

Imperial Quests: Recognized, during the Korriban quests for Sith Warriors and Inquisitors only.

Sith Warrior: N/A

Sith Inquisitor: Recognized during the prologue text screen at least. Possibly during the conversation with Revel about how the Inquisitor became a slave.

Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent: N/A



Republic Quests: ???

Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight: N/A

Smuggler: ???

Trooper: N/A

Imperial Quests: ???

Imperial Classes: N/A



Republic Quests & Classes: ???

Imperial Quests and Classes: ???

Edited by Ohmygah
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Handy idea for a list!


Let's see, my experience:


Miraluka Jedi Consular (lvl 50): I can't ever recall his race being referred to specifically. On occassion it was acknowledged that he was an alien, but in the Republic it's not a big deal so I can see why it wouldn't be mentioned much.


Miraluka Sith Warrior (lvl 26): race has never been specifically mentioned, of course, though he is clearly identified as an alien (not in a positive way) and gets a fair number of conversation options that reflect this.


I guess for the most part they just set your character as a certain race "type", with most races being lumped in with others and not mentioned specifically.


I am curious how Chiss are treated though -- they seem to be a fairly respectable race in the Empire. Do they get human/pureblood type of treatment in conversations with NPC's, or are they lumped in with "alien scum" such as Twi'leks and Miraluka?

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Handy idea for a list!


I am curious how Chiss are treated though -- they seem to be a fairly respectable race in the Empire. Do they get human/pureblood type of treatment in conversations with NPC's, or are they lumped in with "alien scum" such as Twi'leks and Miraluka?


they are treated good by many as an agent but a tad few will be insulted by your alien status

as a bh thougth its very different you are treaterd as alien scum just as much as any other alien.


so far the only class ive played that focues on your species is the chiss agent it deff get the most convos about it, even more than pureblood sith.

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If you unlock Sith pureblood via legacy, you seem to get treated as a Human with zero mentions of being an Alien.


Although I only finished Tython as a Consular and started Belsavis as an Agent (Sith purebloods).


I actually found it very odd... I would imagine a Sith pureblood not being force sensitive would be a talking point... and a Sith training to be a Jedi of any type would be a huge noticable thing.

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Technically one of the Trooper's early conversations with Aric recognizes which of the default Trooper species you are playing as..... however unless you are really familiar with some of the stuff that was changed from early beta there is a good choice that you will not realize that your species is being recognized.


Basically in early beta there was a step in character creation where you got a bqackstory. I wasn't actually in the ebta so I don't know how exactly it worked, but what I know is that your background and race were tied together so that for example every Zabrak Trooper led a group of guerilla fighters before joining the army. The backgrounds were scrapped as part of character creation, but there are a couple of points in the game where these backgrounds are referenced. Only ones I can think of off the top of my head are the Aric conversation where he did some digging on you and the IA Temple of Healing conversation which I believe was already mentioned for the Chiss.

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Well, on one hand, I think maybe it's best to leave backstories to the player's imagination. I'm ok with little hints about it, but I don't necessarily want to be told straight up everything about my character's past. However, I really do wish all species were recognized. I think I particularly enjoyed that aspect of playing a Chiss Agent. Edited by chuixupu
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There is a very early conversation with Kaliyo as a Chiss IA that your character says he was raised in the Chiss Ascendancy. I have to imagine that other species don't mention being raised in the Chiss Ascendancy. But that isn't an NPC reacting to you being Chiss, rather you mentioning it.
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In the Chiss IA line, on Hoth there is specific dialogue recognizing other Chiss, and there is a specific Chiss Ascendency base for the IA's. All sorts of recognition for being a Chiss there.


If my Agent didn't retire to Voss, she would have gone back to Hoth, to that base, and taken up with man in charge there.

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There is a very early conversation with Kaliyo as a Chiss IA that your character says he was raised in the Chiss Ascendancy. I have to imagine that other species don't mention being raised in the Chiss Ascendancy. But that isn't an NPC reacting to you being Chiss, rather you mentioning it.


There npcs that react to you being Chiss without you mentioning it. As some mentioned, in Hoth this happens quite a bit. But there's other random ones, like when you run into that lady in Hutta that sends you to your first trainer, she says "Hello my Chiss friend!" to greet you. Also there's a conversation you walk in on Corellia where some military people are unhappy that they've brought a Chiss in (meaning you, of course)

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  • 4 years later...

Bumping this thread...


Miraluka Jedi Knight says at some point in chapter one (I think it is on Alderaan or mission after it) that their eyes are the Force, when fighting one Sith who is hiding in shadows.


Sith Pureblood Warrior has many recognition, even in some flashpoints (Red Reaper and Foundry).

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I really believe Smuggler is being called out as a Mirialan. It's one of the only ways the one quest where you get the option to say you're a Chiss to an Imperial makes since.


"I'm the Chiss." "Oh! Wait a minute. I thought Chiss were blue."


Also, male, because we know they had to shoe horn Corso into a female romance.

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Two that springs to mind:

A Zabrak Inquisitor is recognized as such in a class quest (when you pick up Kalligs countenance).

An Imperial Cathar on Makeb can refer to Captain Hanthor as a fellow Cathar (as opposed to "your people") in a side quest.

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This is actually a fascinating thread. There's a lot more references than I thought. Even after all these years, that's something new to learn.


I've been trying to look up conversations with Jorgan. He mentions humans made an impression at the Academy, Cyborgs fought in the Outer Rim, and then for Mirialans, Cather and Legacy Pureblood he seems to mention "that guerrilla mentality." I can't remember what he would have said for my Zabrak.

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I've been trying to look up conversations with Jorgan. He mentions humans made an impression at the Academy, Cyborgs fought in the Outer Rim, and then for Mirialans, Cather and Legacy Pureblood he seems to mention "that guerrilla mentality." I can't remember what he would have said for my Zabrak.


Jorgan mentioned that my zabrak trooper had been "fighting the Imps since [he] was old enough to hold a gun." ...well, that raises some rather horrifying implications.


I'm surprised that a twi'lek Jedi Knight has no special dialogue dealing with the twi'lek pilgrims on Tython...or, if they do, I never noticed it. (My own twi'lek knight never flirted with Ranna, so if there's any dialogue indicating that they're the same race in there, I wouldn't have seen it.)

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Jorgan mentioned that my zabrak trooper had been "fighting the Imps since [he] was old enough to hold a gun." ...well, that raises some rather horrifying implications.


I'm surprised that a twi'lek Jedi Knight has no special dialogue dealing with the twi'lek pilgrims on Tython...or, if they do, I never noticed it. (My own twi'lek knight never flirted with Ranna, so if there's any dialogue indicating that they're the same race in there, I wouldn't have seen it.)


While the Knight may have been a Twi'lek, it could be possible the other Twi'lek don't see him as one, as he was raised by the Jedi, if one sticks to the class story (which is what it seems to be).

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Aren't the Twi'leks on Tython just one particular religious sect of Twi'leks?


Not sure if they're "religious," per se - they made a fuss about other twi'leks on Ryloth not respecting "their ways"...which was pretty vague, and nothing more was explained about that. Even Kolovish doesn't explain very much. Then again... (warning: spoilers for the Imperial Agent story ahead)


...Kolovish is a member of the Star Cabal, assigned to keep an eye on the initiates and Padawans that come to Tython. It's likely she moved the Kalikori twi'leks to Tython for just that purpose, giving some vague answer about their move to disguise her real goals.



As for the twi'leks not thinking the twi'lek knight "one of them" and therefore just ignoring the fact that they're the same species... huh. That's probable. Never thought of it that way before.

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Rattataki Imperial Agents have the opposite problem, in that the dialogues only recognise them being aliens.


That includes the ones that say "The Rattataki must wait outside" and similar. The line does not refer to the Agent, of course, but to Kaliyo, but when the Agent is also Rattataki, it is a strange thing for someone to say. And Kaliyo herself doesn't seem to recognise that the Agent is also a Rattataki, as she, um, reminisces (if you can call it that) about her early life on Rattatak, and talks about it as if the Agent wouldn't know.


But there are some grand lines that you can deliver as an "alien" in Imp storylines. Major Bessiker's son is revealed as a bigoted (...) who is unable to his tongue on a leash when someone comes to rescue him. And General wossname (in the Imp base near the Dynamet hospital) on Imp Taris makes snarky remarks about aliens, and you get the chance to say "3. Watch it, human!"


And then there is the line for alien Jedi on Tython when talking to Master Till'in, where he expresses wonder at the human propensity to shoot first and think afterwards:

Wheel: 3. Humans are strange.

VA: Who knows why humans do anything?


And I've found numerous instances of Miraluka Jedi saying that they have or will keep "both eyes open".

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  • 3 weeks later...
Off the top of my head: My Twi'lek Sith inquisitor was referenced by the guy holding Kalligs countenance as a "Twi'lek slave" and by Talos on hoth when he says "I've been searching tombs since I was old enough to tell a Twi'lek from a tukata". If you're twi'lek he'll follow up with a "No offense".
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Rattataki Imperial Agents have the opposite problem, in that the dialogues only recognise them being aliens.


That includes the ones that say "The Rattataki must wait outside" and similar. The line does not refer to the Agent, of course, but to Kaliyo, but when the Agent is also Rattataki, it is a strange thing for someone to say. And Kaliyo herself doesn't seem to recognise that the Agent is also a Rattataki, as she, um, reminisces (if you can call it that) about her early life on Rattatak, and talks about it as if the Agent wouldn't know.


I recently made a Rattataki agent and noticed this too. I thought it was strange not to adjust at least the companion conversation, especially since Rattataki is one of the original races in the game. Later additions I could see being only labeled as "alien", but I could see some interesting dialogue in a Kaliyo romance with the Rattataki connection. (Kindred spirits and all!)

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Oh and a cyborg sith inquisitor is referenced during the quest for that cyborg shut down device. My cyborg inquisitor had a special line to ask if it would harm her too.


Which is kinda weird, seeing as Inquisitors can't be Cyborgs without a legacy unlock, though I think this changed when the game went F2P since Cyborg is one of the only three species available to F2Pers. Maybe it was possible back in beta but swapped it out for Pureblood? I'd heard some time ago that Inquisitors couldn't be Purebloods back in beta and it was changed because people complained.


Side note, Korriban makes little sense with a Zabrak Warrior (or any race besides Human, Cyborg, and Pureblood for that matter). Tremel makes a big deal of how Vemrin can't advance because he's mixed blood, yet an alien Warrior is mixed blood at best themselves, possibly even fully alien. How Tremel can promote a non-Human, non-Pureblood Warrior over Vemrin (when Vemrin is at least fully human) is beyond me.

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