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Everything posted by ShadowOfSonic

  1. This is true. Even so, nearly all Empire-born Children would likely have a void in their mind where Vitiate used to reside, and I can definitely see the more fanatic ones (i.e. all of them but Kira) wanting revenge for the death of their Father. I mean, we only know of four Empire-born Children total (Kira, Valis, Suri, and Tannac); who knows how many more are out there?
  2. If you stop and think about it, both Valkorion's mother and stepfather HAD to have been Sith, since we know that he himself was one. The stepfather didn't realize that Tenebrae wasn't his until his power in the Force manifested when he was six. If he (and his wife) had been human, shouldn't he have realized the truth the moment Tenebrae was born?
  3. I mean he doesn't believe in light or dark anymore. He says as much throughout KotFE. I just re-read a few parts of Lost Tribe of the Sith (which has some information about Sadow's rule) and there WERE humans in the Sith Empire by that time; it doesn't say when they arrived, but the fact that Ragnos was half-human implies that they were there before he was born. (I actually didn't know that Ragnos wasn't a pure Sith; thanks for that tidbit). However, that does not mean that Vitiate was half-human as well. As for Bane, he still called himself Sith. He taught his apprentice in the ways of the Sith. The Rule of Two was his vision for the Sith Order. Valkorion, after abandoning the Sith Empire, completely forsook the Sith way and embraced a new perspective. I am not denying that as Vitiate/the Sith Emperor, he was a Sith; he most certainly was. However, when he became Valkorion, he ceased to become Sith and became something different entirely.
  4. Vitiate was born nearly a full century before the Sith Empire truly intermingled with humans. And there was always Force-blind (or just really weak) Sith in the Empire; someone had to do manual labour before they had alien slaves, after all. And on the topic of whether Valkorion is Sith or not, he is NOT Sith! 1. He does not follow the Sith Code 2. He does not wield the Dark Side exclusively 3. He created the Eternal Empire because he was dissatisfied with the Sith way 4. He sees the Sith (and Jedi) as inferior to Zakuul and its Knights If he was truly Sith, he wouldn't have abandoned his first Empire, would he?
  5. I imagine that it'll affect the Empire-born Children differently from the Republic-born ones. in all likelyhood, for the Republic-born Children they'll just carry on their lives as normal, as only their Child persona would be affected (and the Child persona would probably be wiped out), but for Empire-born ones... well, anyone who's done Kira's final companion mission knows how merely killing the Voice affected Suri; she was nearly driven insane by that alone. If there are any Empire-born Children still alive though.... they could make an excellent enemy in a future expansion (coming after the Outlander to avenge their 'Father'....)
  6. I agree with this, as it will definitely make GC less painful, Besides, the reasoning for why set bonuses were locked to a particular gear slot is obsolete now that gear doesn't drop in Operations.
  7. She's a Jedi... why would she EVER wear Sith gear? If it really matters, you can always equip her with Sith-y Cartel Market gear. If we'd gotten Hexid, she most certainly would've worn the Empire gear version. Side note, EVERY vanilla companion uses the gear versions of the faction they were originally apart of. For example, on my Smuggler, I can't equip Smuggler gear on Vette because it'll be Agent gear. It's not a big deal, though.
  8. Having gone through KotET with a character who used Valkorion's power in KotFE (didn't kneel, though), I can most assuredly tell you that you can still recruit Arcann and Senya even if you use his power. The only thing that blocks you from recruiting Arcann and Senya is sending your troops after them in KotET Chapter 1 and killing Senya. (You can't get only one; you kill Senya, you have to kill Arcann)
  9. Good thing neither Valkorion nor Vaylin are Sith (not anymore at least in the case of Valkorion).
  10. Except for Dramath, but he's only there if you don't free him in Chapter 7.
  11. I would like to point out that Ashara does, in fact, approve of quite a few Dark Side options down the road. Particularly on Voss; she really does not seem to like the Voss at all. In her companion convos, manipulative Inquisitors can even get her to the point where she is, in effect, a Sith, albeit one who hasn't admitted it to herself yet. Kreia from KotOR II has a line that sums Ashara up perfectly; "It is such a quiet thing, to fall. Yet far more terrible to admit." Did I mention that she approves of killing Voss?
  12. To me, it looked very similar to the technoliths you find on Iokath. My best guess is that the monolith in the Dark Sancuary is an older-generation technolith. I mean, the Gravestone was away from Iokath for how long? ARIES undoubtedly upgraded everything on the planet over the course of that few thousand years.
  13. Vitiate was always a Pureblood at birth. The Human fought in JK Chapter 3 was a Voice of the Emperor (aka not his real body). The Voice in JK Chapter 2 is the Voss voice that Warriors free on Voss (you don't see this Voice's face as it would be very confusing as to why he's a Voss in Chapter 2 and a human in Chapter 3, and knowledge of the Voice of the Emperor was Warrior-exclusive at the time)
  14. And there's also the line in my sig from KotFE Ch2 that says quite a bit about the Agent's mental state Reference in case I change my sig in the future:
  15. I skipped Chapters 6-16 on my Juggernaut solely to get access to the companion terminal to bring back Jaesa (I regret starting KotFE on him...) and I've got the same problem - albeit significantly more... interesting. - I chose LS in Chapter 3 (didn't let the reactor explode), and the interactions list still says Koth abandoned the Alliance and stole the Gravestone. Here's the kicker: he's still available to summon as if he never left. - HK-55 is still available to summon. This isn't a big deal as I have access to his alert, but it's still odd. - Senya is nowhere to be found in the list. Not kidding. - When I went to the terminal to resummon Jaesa, Vette was still in the list as an option. I chose her (after bringing back Jaesa, of course) and lo and behold, I now have two Vettes available to summon; one is my class story Vette and retains her influence, equipment, customization, etc. The other is KotFE Vette, who is Influence 1 and has her default gear. Best guess is, because I skipped, the game didn't replace Class Story Vette with KotFE Vette like it's supposed to. (This is one case where I wish I could have two companions out... I'd run around with both Vettes just for the heck of it) I've also seen people saying that they don't lose their class story comps now when they complete KotFE Chapter 1. Seems to be a majorly wide-spread bug.
  16. As far as the story goes? Yes, they should absolutely stay dead. Just like everyone else who has died over the course of the story (whether their deaths were due to player decision or otherwise). However, what about people who had Vette or Torian at Influence 50? Remember when Koth left in Ch11? People were upset because [some of them] had him at Influence 50. Same with SCORPIO and Senya. With no way to predict who will die in the story (and not enough non-story comps like HK-51 and Nico to fill all 8 crew skill slots). Like with KotFE, any companions who die or are lost MUST be available at the Odessen terminal for gameplay purposes. TL;DR: Story-wise? They must stay dead. Gameplay-wise? They need to be an option at the Odessen terminal.
  17. No. The best way to troll Saresh is to make her work with a Sith.
  18. Literally everyone you listed here actually CAN be killed.
  19. This is actually my first time commenting on a story I've read here, and I've been reading these forums for nearly four years. Yes, it took Vitiate appearing to make me comment. (Valkorion is my favorite character in all of Star Wars) The False Sith and The False Empire actually rank very, VERY high on my list of favorite fanfics on these forums, and there's a LOT of great stories here. Your characters are amazing, you take what little we know of Ziost and expand upon it incredibly, and I haven't seen a single one of your plot twists coming, in either this or False Sith (I'll be honest, I thought Sierra was Nox ). The Vitiate reveal at the end was great and is the perfect lead-in to the in-game events on Ziost. I have a handful of stories I'm working on (one of which I've literally been working on for years) and authors like you and Lunafox have been a tremendous, if indirect, help in my stories' improvements over the years. I should probably start posting it before I start changing things (again). And I totally called that Part 3 would be called The False Emperor
  20. You still get the lightsaber and the abilities on Force-blind classes like Gunslinger. And I didn't catch that the saber I was using was Satele's! Thanks for that tidbit. Also, the Light Transformation abilities are actual abilities used by Telekinesis Sages and function the exact same (except a lot more powerful). I wouldn't be surprised if Dark Transformation granted abilities used by Juggernauts, Marauders, Sorcerers, and/or Assassins.
  21. We already know what Nadia's been up to, from two different sources. If you romanced Nadia, her KotFE letter tells you that she can still feel your presence and is gathering your allies to find you. This is backed up when you recruit Ranos, who basically tells you the same thing.
  22. You use the Holocron in the boss fight; IIRC it stuns him and slowly drains his health. Valkorion breaks the Holocron in the cutscene after you get him to 50%. Side note, but does anyone know if the Dark/Light Transformations are tied to your alignment? On my Gunslinger I only needed to use Light Transformation.
  23. Aside from the obvious references to the Smuggler's former occupation - Valkorion even brings it up explicitly to mock you in Chapter 9 - the class story gets a brief mention in Chapter 1, where Valkorion says "You dared the Long Shadow and did not flinch as you stared into the void." I haven't seen this myself, but I heard that Chapter 9 also explains where the Inquisitor's ghosts went. Can't confirm 100% though.
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