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Expanded storyline's not coming until "next year or so"?:(


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Flashpoint and ops story is pointless therefore i couldn't care less about those, you get no recognition from other npc for completing those, also one minute you kill the guy the next he sends you on the mission....


Yeah, absolutely. Its nice that they gave a story context to that content, but they always seem to be like a self-contained story not really part of an arc or anything.


I remember I did false emperor before even doing the Ilum planetary quest or the battle of Ilum and I didnt even understand what the heck was going on, and since nobody warned the content was supposed to be played on a specific order it ended up ruining the story experience for me, all for the sake of the raiders.

Edited by ChazDoit
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So we shouldn't be allowed to have what we want, because you don't want to take part? this game is for everyone, not a 'me, me, me.' contest.


That's funny. Sounds exactly what you're doing. Let's recap your post.


Already done all of the ones I care for, the thing that annoys me, is that this sounds like SGRAs won't be coming for another year, greatly dampening my thoughts on my future with this game.


Yeah... Rather they work on class stories that every one can enjoy. Scrap plans for SGRAs that only a few will enjoy.


K thx.

Edited by Azure_Prower
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For all the fuss they made about story being the linchpin of what makes this game special that seems like a fairly long time to have to wait.


About a year for new story is perfectly reasonable. Writing, editing, recording, programming...ect. Plus, they certainly would have wanted to get a read on what players wanted to see more of. I think BW is doing a great job on this front.

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About a year for new story is perfectly reasonable. Writing, editing, recording, programming...ect. Plus, they certainly would have wanted to get a read on what players wanted to see more of. I think BW is doing a great job on this front.


I recall them boasting about how they had the voice overs done for some of the future story content before launch, so that just leaves the programming...

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You are right providing excuses to BioWare because at this point they really need people to help them saying it's not their fault if the content isn't coming fast enough and the game lacks standard features found in others AAA MMO.


They certainly did not have enough time nor budget.


what a dull negative life you must lead...


you are probably one of those habitual complainers.

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what a dull negative life you must lead...


you are probably one of those habitual complainers.


I have been playing this game since launch and I don't post heaps, but even I am very disappointed that the story line won't be increasing. Also it really doesn't sound like they are announcing much at Comicon. I also don't like the saying in a year or so. It gives me the impression that it really isn't were the game is heading and well we will be lucky if we see it.

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That's funny. Sounds exactly what you're doing. Let's recap your post.

Yeah... Rather they work on class stories that every one can enjoy. Scrap plans for SGRAs that only a few will enjoy.


K thx.


I'd have NO issues with SGRA missing, if there were no OGRA either. however, there ARE those in game, so I want the others aswell.


and as I said, they still haven't given me a reasonable explanation why that situation is the case to begin with. it was a HUGE slap in the face at release - and now it's 7 months later and they still keep us hanging, while pointing out how they do it in other games. oh yeah. d'oh. I know that. I've been a Bioware fangirl for almost as long as I remember playing games and i'm at a point with this company where I expect some things from them... one being not feeling left out, and corso can only entertain my smuggler for so long, when the real candy (Risha) is right next to her all the time

Edited by amnie
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Twas illusionary to expect a full expansion before next year. And obviously next chapter won't be part of a mere patch.



All in all I can't belive people would be out of story stuff already. I've been hitting the game pretty religiously and I'm only on my 2nd imp toon after doing all 4 pubs. The xp bonuses are gonna help speed the grind up some but still, checking out all the class stories already in is gonna take me a cool year. If you're faster share your secret with me lol.

Edited by aeterno
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Hmm yeah it would be nice if they stepped it up a little. Mini games, events, additional companion interaction must be pretty simple to implement. How much effort could it be to send a message from your companions every week or so. Id prefer interaction but I understand that VO is more tricky.


The rakghoul event was brilliant but don't let it be a one time thing. Come on BW, you can do better, be creative.

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Twas illusionary to expect a full expansion before next year. And obviously next chapter won't be part of a mere patch.



All in all I can't belive people would be out of story stuff already. I've been hitting the game pretty religiously and I'm only on my 2nd imp toon after doing all 4 pubs. The xp bonuses are gonna help speed the grind up some but still, checking out all the class stories already in is gonna take me a cool year. If you're faster share your secret with me lol.


It's not that people are out of story already, they are out of story on at least their 1st character. The biggest issue is that there was an announcement of a level cap increase and as story is the levelling experience level cap increase should come hand in hand with new story content.

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I can stomach waiting until next year for additional story; there is enough existing story to carry us through.


All I can say is that if I gotta wait until next year for the Same Gender Relations that they promised this year, all that extra time they have to work on them better include making them compatible for existing character instead of this:




Quote: Originally Posted by Stephen Reid

We can't guarantee that a character you play at launch would have romance options 'unlocked' for an existing companion. It's something that will be taken into consideration when making design decisions. Not a promise it'll happen, but we'll take that feedback and relay it through to design.




If I end up playing this game (and paying a subscription) for 18 months before I get a same-sex option, exhaust my way through all 8 class missions (also maxing out the number of characters I'm allowed in the process) and then get told that the only way I can participate in the same-sex relations will be to delete a level 50 character and start over from scratch, or abandon my Legacy and friends to (yet again) move to a differant server, I am going to start punching babies. Seriously, Bioware, and you will have that on your conscience.


If you are going to make us wait even longer, then we the 'Chiefly Storyline' players that you supposedly designed this game for are going to end up fully exhausting every option. We will not be able to hold certain classes in reserve for later, because now we've got another six months to kill. In this case, it absolutely must be retroactive that we be allowed to romance those existing same-sex companions.

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Fully voiced, I had these concerns in beta. I asked the question in beta, "How do you plan to add new content in a timely manner if everything is voiced?' They didn't have an answer for me then and it looks like they don't now. Its one of the biggest problems with theme parks. We would have a more robust game to play if the world opened up and the devs gave players the tools and environment to create their own content.


Story makes SWTOR it also kills it.

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I'd have NO issues with SGRA missing, if there were no OGRA either. however, there ARE those in game, so I want the others aswell.


and as I said, they still haven't given me a reasonable explanation why that situation is the case to begin with. it was a HUGE slap in the face at release - and now it's 7 months later and they still keep us hanging, while pointing out how they do it in other games. oh yeah. d'oh. I know that. I've been a Bioware fangirl for almost as long as I remember playing games and i'm at a point with this company where I expect some things from them... one being not feeling left out, and corso can only entertain my smuggler for so long, when the real candy (Risha) is right next to her all the time




How about BioWare takes out OGRAs and we're all happy. :rak_03:

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I understand what you say and am of the same opinion, I've levelled each of my characters using the class stories, they have set a precedence. What am I expected to do grind dailies to level the next 5 levels when they raise the cap? In my opinion (and yes it is only my opinion) 5 level cap increase equals an entire planetary arc, and a 20 hour long class story addition, it's what Bioware started with, it's their own precedent, it's their promise of no grinding for XP so I expect it to be upheld.


Planetary class stories are nowhere near 20 hours long.

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Yeah, absolutely. Its nice that they gave a story context to that content, but they always seem to be like a self-contained story not really part of an arc or anything.


I remember I did false emperor before even doing the Ilum planetary quest or the battle of Ilum and I didnt even understand what the heck was going on, and since nobody warned the content was supposed to be played on a specific order it ended up ruining the story experience for me, all for the sake of the raiders.


All for the sake of raiders? What does that even mean? I am a raider and I did everything in order.

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Twas illusionary to expect a full expansion before next year. And obviously next chapter won't be part of a mere patch.



All in all I can't belive people would be out of story stuff already. I've been hitting the game pretty religiously and I'm only on my 2nd imp toon after doing all 4 pubs. The xp bonuses are gonna help speed the grind up some but still, checking out all the class stories already in is gonna take me a cool year. If you're faster share your secret with me lol.


If 1 planet with a 5 level cap raise is considered a full expansion then this game is in serious trouble.

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  • Space missions: you are wasting my subscription income on that space turd.


No, they're utilizing mine. I realize that space is much less popular than (for instance) PvP, and it's very obvious that it gets much less developer time. But you could just as easily say that MY subscription dollars are being wasted on all things pvp, because I don't like it.


Get over yourself and realize that this is an MMO and people like a wide range of different things, and I, for one, am glad there will be more space and that they're working (hopefully still) on something completely new for space. I just hope it's not PvP.

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If 1 planet with a 5 level cap raise is considered a full expansion then this game is in serious trouble.


It's not, it's a regular game update. I suspect they're taking a more WoW like approach to expansions (every couple of years or so, if I'm not mistaken). And they're putting in additional content periodically. I just sorta wish they'd serialize the story updates too, just a bit more with each game update.

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That's funny. Sounds exactly what you're doing. Let's recap your post.




Yeah... Rather they work on class stories that every one can enjoy. Scrap plans for SGRAs that only a few will enjoy.


K thx.


Yeah I've heard from you before and know precisely what your 'thoughts' are on SGRAs, I won't be found arguing with the likes of you.

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Look, this game is WOW, with better stories.


Stories are Bioware's core competency (still, probably, although DA2 and ME3 throw that into question) and stories are all that distinguish SWTOR from other MMORPGs. If they can't get stories out in a timely fashion, then they are going to keep bleeding. Raiding, pvp and so on are done better in other games.


I am not a dev, but I have done business consulting. If they can't deliver on their unique value proposition, which is story, then so be it. As Captain Jack Sparrow once said, there's what a (company) can do and what a (company) can't do. If they can't figure out how to pipeline content, the consequences are close to automatic.


Personally, I'll finish all 8 stories, and then I'm gone. If they want to keep me, they're going to have to put in more story. I am far, far from the only one. They need to figure out how to streamline and systemize the process -- to move from writing, to VA, to putting together the in-game presentation, and doing so fast. I would be aiming for new story every 4 to 6 months, at the very outside. If that means heavy instancing and using already existing worlds, then do it.


TOR is not even a good copy of WoW. It is much better in some ways and much worse in others. Overall, everyone knows who is still the top dog on the MMO block.

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This may be a long-term event aimed at spanning seven to ten years, but you are greatly fooling yourself if you think the game has any chance of making it that long as it currently stands. This game is at a critical junction. Bioware has run out of time. It's been seven months since release, and it's only now that they have put in all of the "must haves" and are moving on to the "community driven" features. And in all that time, they've lost subs steadily. True, it hasn't been a torrent of people rushing for the unsub button, and it's even possible that they've slowed down that loss to a mere trickle.


This is one of my biggest beefs with the comments put forth on this board. You have not the expertise, experience, education, or information available to make such a claim or substantiate such predictions...yet people tend to just chatter away with conjecture after conjecture.


My other beef is in regard to the lack of understanding of how MMORPGs function. All MMORPGs are launched just as this game was, with a shell that is built upon over the expanding years, not as a complete game. Wow was no different then this and the complaints and projections were no less excessive with that game in the early years.


This game was, according to previous experts, going to be dead by now. According to others it was going to be free to play. Here we are, six months in, new features added and more on the way as it continues to grow and expand as a MMORPG does, should, and will.


But don't kid yourself into thinking that what this game has in it currently will be able to keep a sizable sub base.


I'm not kidding myself about anything, just pointing out the many logical fallacies and conjecture put forth by so many armchair developers and contradicting the veracity of such statement based on the facts that we do have.

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