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After being gone for 6 months, I'm back, and


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There such a thing as having an opinion...man people on these boards are crazy sometimes.


Personally transfers was great and 1.3 brought some very needed and appreciated things, mostly Ranked WZ and Group Finder. The legacy perks are nice such as mail and repair droid, as well as lvling my Marauder in WZs a bit quicker.


Overall it was a good patch that was needed but we definitely want some content soonish, like within a month :p. To quote someone else "1.2 was great, 1.3 allows us to actually play it" or something like that.


Anywhoo I am glad you are enjoying the game. Truth is a lot of people, they get bored and then they come back. I did the same with WoW over several years. It's a very slowly improving game and I can see myself sticking with it for a while. And to anyone who says wait till ES:O or Titan....well yeah...I'll wait and see :p maybe they'll be amazing and I'll likely try them out. But until then, I'm happily playing swtor ^^

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Damn reality, always sneaking up on you when you least expect or want it, right?


Sorry for bursting everyone out of their euphoric haze, but somebody had to do it.


Careful now, your hubris is showing.


It is important to remember that reality is in the perception of the beholder.


For instance, you see yourself as the person who delivers the truth and seem to revel in, and I quote, "bursting everyone out of their euphoric haze," while in reality, other people might see you as the guy who just enjoys taking a dump in the punch bowl.


One of those guys gets invited to parties, the other...not-so-much.

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Great post OP! I'm really enjoying the game as well, overhyped or not.


I'm another one that likes the legacy perks. I've bought the level 10 speeder for 4 alts already. I like playing my Sorc and using his buff, which, as a result of my lvl 50 Jugg, also includes the Warrior buff. Looking forward to getting an Agent and BH to 50 for those buffs as well.


I like being able to zone directly into Black Hole on my Jugg. I like the legacy gear that I can buy (only the first level for now, since I'm only legacy 12) and wear all the way to 50 and beyond, including belts and bracers. I agree that the prices are a bit steep for some of the perks, but that doesn't mean that overall, the perks aren't useful or worthwhile.


And I like the adaptive armor set up. I can now put whatever social gear I want on any of my characters and change up my look. Slave gear on my female Marauder? Voss Mystic robes on my Jugg? All possible now, without losing out on armor rating. And believe it or not, there is a huge game and tons to do leading up to 50. It's not all about getting the top gear so I can raid all day and all night. So, yes, the adaptive gear is a great addition!


Does it suck that the set bonuses for Tionese/Columi/Rakata are tied to the shells? Yeah, it does. But that doesn't mean that the adaptive gear isn't a wonderful and helpful addition to the game. And if you're that stressed about the set bonuses and adding augments, just push through to the Black Hole and Campaign gear, and then choose whatever look you want. And THEN add the augment slots.


Bottom line is just because YOU don't like or use the legacy perks and adaptive gear, doesn't mean that EVERYONE hates them. And, honestly, they aren't forcing them on you, so why get mad about something that is a bonus and that others enjoy?

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It was marketed to be a good game, and I find that to be true for me.


That is your opinion and whether true for you or not, expectations haven't been met in a lot of areas for what this game was supposed to deliver. There is such a thing as too much hype when people begin to realize that their expectations haven't been met, and for a large number of people, that is the case with this game.


The fact still remains that 1.3 isn't going to cause an influx of players to come back to the game eager to try out the group finder. As I said, the hype ship has sailed for this game, and most people with an interest in it have tried it out and either stayed with it or (mostly) moved on. It's been half a year, and they have been handing out free trials like hot cakes, if you think there is some hidden patch of closet SWToR lovers out there who simply haven't had the chance to try the game, I think you're probably fooling yourself.


For me, the best thing that can be said about SWToR currently is that with the release of 1.3, the game is almost ready to launch now. :)

Edited by Celebrus
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For me, the best thing that can be said about SWToR currently, is that with the release of 1.3, the game is almost ready to launch now. :)


Then it's a perfect time to delete your 50s and start over (save 1 for the legacy). Take advantage of all the new features on the way to 50. Enjoy the ride, don't just fight through to get to the end so you can complain about how there is no new content.

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Didn't take long for the first Eeyore to show up.


I was just thinking the same thing. Somebody always has to rain on the parade. Anyway to the OP, awesome to see your back and enjoying the game. The game has been a lot of fun for me since I took a break after a couple months.

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I think a big problem is the very few naysayers on here are the most vocal of the player group.


SW:ToR is actually a lot of fun, has a ton of uniqueness to it, and has a lot of replayability baked into the content with very little repetition in the mix.


The problem is that the whiny-boo-boos spend most of their day trolling various forums and complaining, while the happy successful players are busy in game.


I just hope people can see the overwhelming positivity in the game before they decide to judge what a small, isolated group of sourpants sally's are bbqqing about.

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SW:ToR is actually a lot of fun, has a ton of uniqueness to it, and has a lot of replayability baked into the content with very little repetition in the mix.



Yes, it is a lot of fun but to say it has very little repetition is just not true. Apart from the class stories you have to go through EXACTLY the same quests again for each zone. The replayability totally relies on making alts but you still have to level through the same content again.

Edited by Cordelia
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Yeah, I also feel like they should have waited until the game was at 1.3 to release. Right now, I feel like it is a complete game. Before this, I felt like it was too hard to enjoy PvE end game.


Also, I wonder when a game will launch that handles the initial server population surges correctly?

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Every mmo has repetition if you create more than 1 charactor.

swtor deviates from the repetition with different companions and class stories.

I liked createing a bunch of charactors in guildwars 1 even though it was the same exact path in game for every class.

I do agree quests repeat themselves but,In beta i had a bounty hunter, all my current are republic i cant wait to make my bounty hunter,different companions/personalities ect

I hated making 1 charactor in Wow uninstalled vanilla wow way back and forgot that headachey cartoon grind.

Rift had 2 starter areas but every class had the exact same path,quests ect per faction.no companions to interact with or companion quests or diologues.

you choose mmo-you choose class- and do exactly the same thing in other mmos ,swtor at least deviates from standard.

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an alt should be level to 50 at ONE or TWO hours,

because some class's spec is completely a joke.


i find it hard to believe that an alt could be at level 20 within 5-6 hours. some people are lucky to get off their starting planet in 3-4 hours.


why do you want an endgame alt within two hours? Didn't people rush through the leveling when the game was released and QQ about not having anything to do because they skipped the story?

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This is literally the same game you left 6 months ago. A handful of new bells and whistles isn't going to change that. It is still WoW in space, and until they remake the game from the ground up, that is never going to change, and the people that expected different from this game will never be fully satisfied, whether they stay or not.


To be honest, the game was misrepresented to the majority of people that purchased/pre-ordered it as something new that wasn't necessarily going to remake the genre, but that would at least bring something new to it, which it really hasn't. Story driven MMOs have been here before, and pretty much everything else that this game has done, WoW paved the way for, it has added nothing new to the genre, and thats what a lot of people expected.


I'm happy that we finally have the game they intended to give us at launch, 7 months after the fact, but most people that were even somewhat interested have given this game a shot already, the hype has already come and gone for this game, and it wont be back.


In short, the game will never reach the level of success that it was projected to reach pre-launch, and it's great that you're hopeful that people are going to start flooding back in after 1.3, but they wont, feature heavy patches don't really tend to draw eyes or reel in the subscriptions.



heyyooo, we have a buzzkill over here

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Please post what specifically it is about them that you like?


Also how do you feel about Adaptive gear? Using it? Liking it? Thought so.


Ya i know your just being felicitous.



NO ONE likes em, they are lame, per character and only meant as a credit sink,


Well there is always one. I mean one that likes what others dont' I guess. And in this case it would be me.


What do I like about the legacy perks? There are many things, but I won't bore you with things that may not mean that much to you. However, the xp character perks are really handy for alts you are trying to level fast. I have chosen the class quest xp perk for one alt and the flashpoint xp perk for another and I'm flying through content. What's great about it is that it allows me to just run through the story with minimal side quests. So everything stays fresh as it were.


There are a few other perks I really like but the buff perk is probably the best. Once you finish chapter 2 all of your characters get the buff from the character completing the chapter. So right now, all my charcters have 3 buffs. I think the only one I'm missing is lucky shots. Love those buffs, especially when running HMs.


And the last thing that has really helped is the companion perks. I have maxed affection on 4 different classes of companions and each gives separate bonuses for the class including a general increase in presence. Very nice perk that is global and helps all characters.


As for the adaptive gear? Well, can't say much good or bad to be honest. It is cool that I can now wear the social armor I acquired during the Rak event. It adapts to medium armor so it is useful at least. Added a few augs and it gives my Sent an interesting look. lol. However, I really only use it while I'm helping guildies out with lower lev stuff. Can't say that I would replace higher level gear with it at this point. But who knows. There may be some really cool looking gear dropping in the next event.


So there you go. A few reasons I like legacy and adaptive gear. It all works well for me at this point.

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