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    Bicycling, games, writing and reading
  1. You are right. The prices for things in Freemium stores are too high. That said, I would probably pay for things like an account wide bank, appearance tabs, legacy unlocks (after gaining the proper legacy level) etc. And I'd keep playing, at least until I finished all eight stories. But that's coming from someone with money to burn. For me, the bottom line is simple. I don't enjoy the game enough to pay $15 a month anymore. I do enjoy the game. But I'd rather pay $60 for GW2 and play it forever. Maybe shell out another $60 for an expansion a year later, if I feel like it.
  2. I've been thinking about what you said, FourTwent and I think you are right. Money sinks are necessary. However, I think the real problem isn't that money sinks exist, it's that there is only one way to grind credits right now: dailies. If flashpoints and PvP were a more viable way of making enough credits to pay for perks and such, then I would be as happy as a clam. I would guess that limiting the higher credit threshold to level 50 content would be a good diea. I'm not saying that PvP should give as many credits per hour as dailies. You are getting battle commendations, after all, which are more valuable than daily coms. But it should at least be enough to pay for the perks on my alts. So my request has changed. Bioware, please reverse some of the nerf you put on credits earned in 50 PvP. Also, please buff credits earned in hard mode flashpoints.
  3. I like the game a lot, too. I think I would have liked it even more if I had started playing it after 1.3 came out. This kind of makes me want to wait half a year after Guild Wars 2 comes out to start playing.
  4. That is also a good point. In other games I've played, people spend all their money on high end items. And the high end items end up being very, very expensive. But in this game, things that would normally be expensive in other games, like tier 6 mods, etc, aren't all that expensive. Frankly, I like it the other way better. Let me do pedestrian things, like changing mods or buying perks for my level 10 alt, for cheap, and let the prices of top tier items go up.
  5. I actually agree. It is very easy to make a large sum of credits in this game. Bioware solved this for levels 1-49 by making speeder and skill training very expensive. So, unless you find making money off the trading house fun, I'm sure 99% of people have very few credits when they hit level 50. As for level 50, well, they solved the problem mostly with the modification and legacy systems. I would be happy with making it harder to make money AND lowering the cost on the things most people seem unhappy about: mods and legacy.
  6. Let me start by saying that I love this game. I love: 1. Playing flashpoints. They are social and challenging. That's fun. 2. Playing PvP. Again, social and challenging. Fun! 3. Playing through the class story lines. Engaging and entertaining. Fun! 4. Getting fancy new gear. It makes me feel awesome. Fun! 5. RP. It challenges my imagination, is social, and involves me in the game world. Fun! But there are things I don't like: 1. Doing dailies. They aren't very social, they are repetitive, and they aren't challenging. Boring. 2. Repeating the world quests. Playing each set of world quests four times is not very social, repetitive, and not challenging. Boring. 3. Paying to switch into my fancy new gear. More on this later. There are things that I think would make this game more fun and more of a pleasure to play. 1. The EXP bonus perks so I can play the 8 story lines without grinding the world quests. But despite playing since launch and having two 50's, I can't afford them for my alts. Why? Because Bioware has this fixation on expensive money sinks. 2. A wardrobe tab so I can have the appearance I want and have the stats I've earned by getting high end gear. But I can't afford to do this as it can cost hundreds of thousands of credits. Before you flamers say the standard "Oh, look another instant gratification casual," I'm not against earning things in game as long as it is FUN to do it. I'm fine with earning 60 Black Hole Coms per piece of armor or thousands of PvP Coms because earning those things are FUN. Grinding credits and world quests are BORING. I don't enjoy playing the boring parts of a game, folks. And Bioware's fixation on expensive money sinks is increasingly forcing me to play boring parts of the game to get to the fun parts. Forcing people to do repetitive, non-challenging, unsocial things to get to the good content is bad game design in my book. Bioware, please rethink your strategy on money sinks. EDIT: some people brought up some very good points about how fragile the economy is. So I am changing my request from nerfing money sinks to buffing the money earned in 50 PvP and in Hard Mode Flashpoints. There should be more than one way to earn the money to buy legacy perks, etc.
  7. I want to level up my alts and experience the story. I DON'T want to repeat the world quests so the experience legacy perks are a god send. Or they would be--if I could afford them. But I have to grind dailies on my level 50 for cash so I can enjoy legacy benefits on my alts... and the dailies bore me... so I return to grinding through the world quests for the third or fourth time... which makes me want to stop playing. Please, please institute a better sliding scale for costs on legacy perks. I really do want to play through the class stories. But as it is, I can't afford to do it in the way that would be fun for me. And I disagree with all the talk about having to work/earn these legacy perks in the game. I can understand work/earning high-end gear. Earning a playstyle where you don't have to grind through world quests on Quesh (again) isn't the same thing. I just want to have fun.
  8. The money sinks really hurt people who level a lot of characters because you really don't make money from level 1-49.
  9. Yeah, I also feel like they should have waited until the game was at 1.3 to release. Right now, I feel like it is a complete game. Before this, I felt like it was too hard to enjoy PvE end game. Also, I wonder when a game will launch that handles the initial server population surges correctly?
  10. I am giving them time. I'm canceling my subscription and I will wait and see if the changes I'm looking for are implemented. If they are, I will come back--in time. If not, so long and thanks for the good memories.
  11. I like the game. My favorite parts of the game are PvP, flashpoints, and the main story quests. I am the type of person who likes to roll lots of alts as opposed to grinding end game gear. I'm not a huge fan of the space combat (anymore, it was definitely fun for a while) and the shared world quests (though they were also fun the first two times through). Sadly, my server doesn't have the population to support PvP and gathering flashpoint groups at this point. And I'm tired of the shared world quests, so I'm going to unsub until I see it is easier to get PvP and flashpoint groups together. Great game, I'll be back when I can play the way I want to.
  12. Actually, this is the problem. For me, the only way to unlock legacy benefits is spending 100% of my time doing dailies on my level 50 character for most of a year. Or I can craft, but that requires an active GTN to do successfully--which doesn't exist on my server. So farming dailies over and over for a year is the only real option. As a person who enjoys new stories and leveling alts, that sounds boring as hell to me. Maybe grinding is something you like. But the real problem is grinding is the only option for some people right now. I'm not saying we should lower the price of legacy unlocks and be done with it. All I'm saying is there should be more than one way to unlock legacy benefits to match different play styles. Instead of just rewarding grinding, reward PvP, reward alt-oholics, reward raiders. Let me spend (a reasonable) amount of warzone commendations on unlocks, etc. I'm not saying we don't need to earn it. I'm saying there should be different ways of earning it to match different play styles. Right now, with my preferred play style (PvP and leveling alts), it is very difficult to unlock the legacy rewards because neither PvP nor the level 1-40 experience give a noticeable amount of credits.
  13. Not even reaching standard status... something must be done soon, or the remaining players on those servers will basically be playing a single player game.
  14. If I'm going to "grind" I want to grind through stories, which is what Bioware is good at. I don't want to grind dailies, PvP, or Flashpoints. If I wanted that... yeah, I'd go play another MMO. And to the OP, agreed, Inheritance and Birthright gear is a joke.
  15. I especially like the idea of having two ways to unlock a legacy reward: cash and a low legacy level or just a higher legacy level. In my opinion, the Legacy system is not performing its purpose. It is not encouraging me to play through new stories. The credit requirements are too high a barrier of entry for me. I assume that the goal of the high credit cost was getting players to play longer by encouraging them to grind credits on their level 50 characters. But that doesn't make sense for a player who likes to play a lot of characters. If I roll a new alt, for the first 40 levels, I'll be making a negligable amount of credits. So as a person who plays to level 50 and then makes a new character soon after, I will never have the credits necessary to enjoy the rewards of the Legacy system. I feel like I'm the kind of person the Legacy system was meant for--someone who enjoys leveling alts vs. someone who loves end game raiding or PvP--but I am not getting anything out of the Legacy system besides the buff unlocks.
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