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Got brand new laptop to play SWTOR, but doesn't play the game well enough !!!!


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Asus makes far better products then Dell.



The biggest difference? Asus is made with Asus parts....Alienware is made of generic Foxconn parts.


I was referring to the quoted laptop, not a high end model......and Foxconn does not exist any more. Also, are you saying this quoted laptop is equal to or above an Alienware gaming laptop? You are joking right?

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I was referring to the quoted laptop, not a high end model......and Foxconn does not exist any more. Also, are you saying this quoted laptop is equal to or above an Alienware gaming laptop? You are joking right?


Hmmm....well, Foxconn does still exist, but to your point, I don't even think newer Dell's do use Foxconn....just some no--name generic.


As far as the OP's computer compared to Alienware? At the same price point, yes...that is exactly what I'm saying.


The Asus is a much better computer.


Here's the same computer, except from Alienware. It is $400 more, has a smaller, but faster, HD, and uses less quality parts: (edit:You have to build it apparently, it doesn't link the final build.)



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Another thing is, i was reading that alot of people are having framerate spikes since 1.3 came out, could that be a possible issue im having? I wouldn't know because i only started using this PC on this game after 1.3


I have to agree somewhat that things has changed with the 1.3 patch. I don't have spikes, but the fps meter that the game has isn't very reliable if you ask me. (CTRL+SHIFT+F)

I used to have around 60fps on average and all GREEN letters, but since 1.3 according to the ingame fps meter I average at mid 20s and it's all RED letters.


Something is definitely going on with that thing.


Just my thoughts...

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25-30 fps in densely populated areas is playable. I am sure you could buy a laptop that performs better but I have heard that the lifespan for laptops that perform that well is short. Heat becomes a major problem in them. One guy told me that he went through three gaming laptops before he swore them off forever and just stuck with his desktop for gaming. That is just his horror story though. Others may have had better experiences. I still plan on buying one. Most of my gaming will still be done on my desktop, but I need one for school and travel.


I guess my advice is to get a desktop for most of your gaming and only get a laptop for the times you have to be away from your desktop. Don't rely on the laptop for all of your gaming.

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Very nice Gaming Laptop!

Detailed Specs from ASUS --> G75VW Gaming Laptop :The Ultimate Fighting Machine


With that said, the GPU unit inside the G75VW is a GeForce GTX 660M.


Unfortunately, the GTX 660M is equivalent to the Desktop GPU GeForce GT 640, which is a Low-end GPU. :(

See the specs at Nvidia

--> GeForce GTX 660M (Mobile GPU)

--> GeForce GT 640 (Desktop GPU)


I've got a MSI GT70 Gaming Laptop , which has the same CPU, but a better GPU, runs smoothly on High-mid settings with Shadows on Low and Bloom turned off.


I usually play Swtor on a Desktop (in my signature) at everything on high, 60+ fps on Fleet and in warzones, although using SLI, you need to tweak the SLI profiles a bit :p


To tweak your Gmaing Laptop to run this MMO at the best, follow this post (on this forum) --> How to streamline your system ready for SWTOR. by renegadeimp

Edited by nattodaisuki
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It's typically beleived that its SWTOR's engine that is the problem. It, for whatever reason, handles really badly when around lots of people. I have a great computer like you do but when 25+ people are around it starts stuttering. Also do not get a SSD. It's just more money and will only improve performance in certain areas (like loading.) It will NOT improve your FPS around groups of people and will just cost you a lot of money.






these people build good laptops. I shopped around a lot and they offered the most bang for my buck. Deffinetly do not go with Alienware. Desktops do get you the most bang I should note. Laptops always cost more.


if you want performance, you go desktop, not laptop. thats the first issue right there. my machine uses less and gets more with a much cheaper sticker tag.


a mobile i7 running at 2.3 ghz will get smoked by a i5 2500k in performance. not to mention my gtx 460 overclocked is pumping out an impressive 100 fps in most areas, 60fps in fp and 8 man ops. mobile is never the way to go, if you are looking for performance. remeber that at the end of the day, the number 1 feature of a laptop is mobility and not performance.

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Very nice Gaming Laptop!

Detailed Specs from ASUS --> G75VW Gaming Laptop :The Ultimate Fighting Machine


With that said, the GPU unit inside the G75VW is a GeForce GTX 660M.


Unfortunately, the GTX 660M is equivalent to the Desktop GPU GeForce GT 640, which is a Low-end GPU. :(

See the specs at Nvidia

--> GeForce GTX 660M (Mobile GPU)

--> GeForce GT 640 (Desktop GPU)


I've got a MSI GT70 Gaming Laptop , which has the same CPU, but a better GPU, runs smoothly on High-mid settings with Shadows on Low and Bloom turned off.


I usually play Swtor on a Desktop (in my signature) at everything on high, 60+ fps on Fleet and in warzones, although using SLI, you need to tweak the SLI profiles a bit :p


To tweak your Gmaing Laptop to run this MMO at the best, follow this post (on this forum) --> How to streamline your system ready for SWTOR. by renegadeimp


GTX 660M is not equivalent to The GeForce GT 640 (Desktop)


GTX 660M is considered upper middle range for a Mobile video card



Edited by LogunOne
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Well, the first thing I noticed when I checked the specs on the laptop, is that, while it has a dedicated card, Im not seeing how much memory the card has. Checking a couple websites has given me two different numbers...so its possible that the card doesn't have enough memory to really run flat-out. If turning down (or off) some of the detail improves your performance, that makes me suspect your card isn't gutsy enough to give you the detail and framerates you want. The the processor speed is also barely adequate to do the job. I realize that procs and video cards dont often have much to do with each other, but its something that could/would force your system to work just a bit harder to run the game.


That having been said, with the populations on some servers going up through transfers, you're bound to get some lag. I have a PC with lots of memory, a solid video card, display settings not maxed out, and a dedicated gaming NIC, and even my systems has to 'hustle' when Im on Fleet.

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Hmmm....well, Foxconn does still exist, but to your point, I don't even think newer Dell's do use Foxconn....just some no--name generic.


As far as the OP's computer compared to Alienware? At the same price point, yes...that is exactly what I'm saying.


The Asus is a much better computer.


Here's the same computer, except from Alienware. It is $400 more, has a smaller, but faster, HD, and uses less quality parts: (edit:You have to build it apparently, it doesn't link the final build.)




Stop moving the goalposts :) In regards to Foxxconn I was referring to the fact they do not trade to domestic customers any more, at least not here, for a few years. Second, That Asus laptop is nowhere near a gaming laptop spec, and should not be treated as such. IF you wanna game get a desktop OR an Xbox, leave the laptops at the office.

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I don't know what's with this whole anti-laptop gaming meme. I have a desktop replacement laptop (VAIO VPC-F115FM) and I've been 'high-setting" gaming on it for two years now. I just need to clean the dust out periodically.
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Hi OP I have the same laptop but an older model with the 560 nvidia card and it has been playing TOR wonderfully. I didnt read all the posts so I'm not sure what you mean by not playing well but it could just be low framerate due to lag.
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If you wanna insist on playing on a laptop don't go for Alienware use Asus G5 xxx series or something like that way better and cheaper you don't have to pay extra 100-300 euroes on just design and overclocked hardware.


Laptops are made for media and working with that's what i do with my HP it's not made for gaming.


My gaming rig is a beast that i spent about 2000 euros on includes x2 Samsung 24" LED monitors Mionix Gaming mouse and a G19 Keyboard rest is hardware i singlepicked together with a Tower so you see you can get a very good PC for a reasonble amount of money & obviously youc an spend less but still get a decent PC that still overperforms a Laptop that costs the same with **** pre installed software in it.


You are always better of with a proper built desktop PC for obvious reasons you can upgrade it you can downgrade it you can tweak with cooling etc, on a laptop you can change RAM and buy a coolingpad to have underneath it that's it.


Since you don't know what an SSD is nor how to increase the CPU usage on SWTOR i'd recomend you just buy a decent desktop PC and have their guys build and install it then you can move along play whatever you wanna play.


Oh and by the way don't increase CPU usage on the swtor client it wont do you any good at all.

Edited by Denyus
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sorry your having such a hard time OP. there's a ton of great ideas on how to improve your performance. I'll add one of mine.


FIRST...if your laptop is new (HD has never been re-imaged or reformatted) you could probably do with removing some of the bloatware. Bloatware is programs or applicaitons that the comany installs to push products to you, or to advertise various aspects of their company. Some bloatware is beneficial (if you put it to use...I left a laptop manger app on my hp because it gave me a fast way to check for updates and to get system stats on my laptop, including serial/model# and such). But for the most part, bloatware takes up space, and unfortunately CPU cycles as well. You can most likely google yoru laptop and bloatware, and find a few forums with gutsy people who have gone through the process and removed it all. I know there are products that can remove it too, but you can do it yourself. took me about 20-30m initially to remove it all, and i never had to look back. saw an immediate performance increase on my brand new laptop.


SECONDLY - research your laptop model! after browsing many forums, I found out that my laptop had 2 different video memory sets...one was on the separate GPU (a nice one), the other was a slow, but efficient, set of memory on the motherboard. the slow set was for low power, low resource applications, and in sense was a good idea....


...except that the laptop was choosing the slow set by default for EVERYTHING! by manually going into the application and setting my games for the higher performance video card memory, I saw a huge improvement in both performance and efficiency. Now...I have no clue if your laptop has any of these kinds of apps, but with many of these "generic" brand name production line laptops, it pays to know what the company shoves into it's brains. it turned SWtOR from a unusuable hunk of lag to a well performing game. in other words....


DO YOUR RESEARCH. KNOW YOUR LAPTOP. and learn about computer techie basics (like how memory and Vid cards work, how to change system settings on your computer, etc). It will only help you in the long run.

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he has a 660m graphics card in it which is almost the latest and greatest tbh i the performance of this game sucks and whatever they did to it to today with the server restart made it worse and im not playing anymore until they fix the lag there is NO REASON for that laptop to have any lag what so ever when playing this game except the code is not done right
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I have the old version of that laptop (GTX560M) and the game runs fine, just turn off shadows and bloom, you can max everything else. Shadows really drag down performance, same with bloom. If you wanted to max every game you shouldn't have gotten a laptop. Overclock your card, you should be able to get at least a 10% performance boost with a good OC.

he has a 660m graphics card in it which is almost the latest and greatest tbh i the performance of this game sucks and whatever they did to it to today with the server restart made it worse and im not playing anymore until they fix the lag there is NO REASON for that laptop to have any lag what so ever when playing this game except the code is not done right

660M is nowhere near the latest and greatest. Sure it is kepler, but it is still weaker than the 670M which is a fermi rebrand. 660M is probably about half the performance of the 7970M/680M, which is about the range of a desktop 7850. Half the performance of a desktop 7850 which is a midrange priced card is nowhere near the greatest.

Edited by Draccman
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There is no reason that that laptop should have a problem with this game, I run it on an i7 1.73 GHz laptop with only 4GB RAM and a GForce GT445M mobile Graphics card and get 60 FPS with no lag at all (I do have an 120GBS internet connection though).
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Some general Lag-Reducing Tips:


  • If you are home, plug into the internet with a cable instead of wireless. It's faster.
  • Go to Blackviper.com and use the info there to pare down windows services you don't need.
  • If you are using any Norton or Mcaffe version of antivirus, find another that commits less resource hogging. I like Avast, but if the masses want to suggest others, feel free.

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Doesn't matter what kind of machine you use for swtor, you will always have a little stuttering effect when you have 200+ people on the fleets and move around.

It's they way the engine handles swapping from hhd to cache and the fact it throws up a huge (in network terms huge) stop sign whenever textures need to be loaded when a new toon comes into view.


Live with it.

And don't listen to people who state this problem can be solved with money, a new ISP ... or cooling pads under your laptop.



Edited by Dantharghan
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If WiFi, have you checked your router to make sure it's set for "ping." SWTOR used to have an post with the address to set your router to, You might call Tech Support for help. I simply set my ping and it got better. Also make sure your security software isn't interfering. Microsoft Essentials causes mine trouble. Have to disable it to watch video or play SWTOR.:mad:
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