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Official Q&A Thread for July 13th Blog Post

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Question: Is there a Cap of 1900 on each main stat like str,end,will ect....... if so what is the cap limit and is there a cap on the other sub stats too? Edited by burnsyy
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From what I've been able to uncover, planet titles, and codex entries for Races in particular have been removed since Beta, but the codex never reflected the change. Is there any plan in place, for either re-implementing the removed entries and titles (preferable) or removing them entirely from the codex, so people like myself are not ripping our our hair?


Yes, the community has literally asked this question for the past 3 weeks (and longer for sure). When can we have an answer as to why these entries were removed and why bugged codex entries have not been fixed? Are there any plans to fix them or to at least update the codex list and remove them? How will existing characters be granted the missing codex entries if they have already completed the requirements?


The completionist in me hates the fact that I have I several items on each planet that are unobtainable.


Would really like to see these questions answered in next week's Q&A...

Edited by smithre
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Have you considered further developing more gear color customization? For instance adding color slots to the items, so that if I for instance wanted to wear the sith warrior War Hero chest, but wanted to be all black, I could?
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There are currently a lot of clipping issues with clothing that can really take you out of the game. Is there a way we can make sure the team is made aware of them and do they plan on addressing this in the future?
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In terms of future content, can we expect to see just the smaller content patches, or could we expect to see full expansions down the road? We know we get the level cap raise later this year, a new species and a question that's been raised in-game is weather or not we'll see large scale content added in the form of a full expansion pack?
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Why were Cathar picked as the species on which it will be judged if more species will be added?


Cathar are primarily a republic species and while popular and a move in the right direction, if you are going to judge whether to add more species in the future something given the number of posts on the subject a desire by many of the community. Would it not have benefit the choice to have discussed this with the player base and to then offer an Imperial and a Republic species. As it stands the hopes of seeing more alien species as playable is reliant upon enough people wanting to play cat people which may not necessarily be one of the species desired by the community.

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Q1:- Will We see PVP Flash points, where an imperial team, and a republic team will battle through the flash point on there own path's ultimately leading to a PVP battle, along the way players could perform certain actions to hinder the opposing side?.OR Possible Co-op Flash points where Imperials fight side by side with Republic players?
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Q: Is there going to be another round of free server transfers to allow us to transfer characters from a low pop server to a different high pop server?



Background: I had 6 Republic characters on Khoonda Militia and 6 Empire characters on Fort Garnik. Both servers are set to transfer to Jedi Covenant. I transferred my Republic characters to Jedi Covenant. Now I'd like to be able to transfer my Empire characters to a different server that's not dead. A lot of other players appear to have this problem as well.

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Related to the above question, will transfers be allowed between types of severs (either as free or paid)? My main (50 sentinel) was on Hyperspace Cannon and I moved them to Drooga's Pleasure Barge. However, I had already moved to a RP-PVE server (Ebon Hawk) rather than continue playing on just a PVE server. I'd love to be able to move my old 50 to Ebon Hawk as well to continue playing them.


If this is being planned, is there a timeframe on it (month, 6 months, year or more?)

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Not to monopolize the Q&A, but I have another followup question. :) It was mentioned last week that the selection of forthcoming playable species would be opened up to the community as a whole, listing clear positives and negatives for each. I am curious as to how this process will take place. In-game polls, akin to beta reports? A splash page on the launcher leading to a poll here on the forums? How are you going to ensure that as many players as possible are involved in the selection process?
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Would you be willing to explain those pets that transfers will get. Currently I have a few characters that started on Canderous Ordo but i still have one on an origin server that I left behind due to being unable to transfer to CO. If i want my origin server character to get the pets should i just have him transfer to a DS and then WHEN (:p) paid transfers come i will be able to transfer him to Canderous ordo
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Question: Are you currently working to improve the efficiency and performance of SWTOR? This is in reference to fps issues on high-end systems, very widely discussed within the support forums, all to no avail.


This is not a support request - This is a widely known problem with your game engine, which is driving people away from your otherwise great game. I won't be sticking around much longer. I have done a survey amongst our guild and others, all high-end systems with graphics settings on low, or full; experience the exact same fps bottle-necking when character numbers within an area increase - Even with just 16 people in a warzone, frame rate can drop to as low as 20 at times (Worst case scenario).


It is totally reasonable to expect 60fps constantly within this game. Some stuttering is acceptable (It's an MMO) - But as low as 25-30fps on an i7, 16gb ram, SSD's and a GTX 680 (And higher spec'd systems) is simply unacceptable when rendering a game that is obviously horribly optimized in regards to texture loading and seamless loading of character data and their textures - These should be priorities when designing an MMO... There are countless threads within both support and general forum, all which have died due to nothing but pre-written responses from support staff, none of which go beyond suggesting to update drivers, a basic and obvious task. This is simply avoiding fixing the real issue here - Your game engine.


I and much of the SW community would appreciate as much information as possible on this, I'd love to continue playing this game, but unless I can enjoy it, I'll simply play something else. Please give me a reason to wait!

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Why do y'all keep taking stuff away from us only to have to buy it back with Legacy, calling it new content? Examples: Warzone XP and the abilities Unity and Sacrifice. Edited by Parali
removed reference to earlier deleted post (removed under no multiple questions rule)
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My question is about the mobile app that was talked about in the past. Is there any timeline we can look forward to on this. I know for myself, and many of my fellow guildmates this is a major feature that we are looking forward to. The ability to interact with the game while we are active in our interests outside the game is a significant feature that will keep us hooked for a long time, and I am sure will bring in a major amount of new interest in SWTOR as well. Can we get some sort of indication as to what kind of priority this is being given? Thank you. Edited by Etapi
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This may have been answered before but I didn't see it:


When can we expect character transfers to specific servers (as opposed to predecided ones)? I have a character on one server, but would like to transfer it to a specific one that is not the free destination transfer (ie, where he should go is not where the majority of my characters, and legacy, are).



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