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Operatives, Powetechs and marauders


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Pretty sure I didn't say I dominated all of them. I said MOST.


Never said that everyone who plays these classes isnt good or great.Out of the 3 Mara is hardest IMO. I have a Bm operative and even pugging without guard i do very well. I'm being as objective as I can on a game forum...


My sarcasm was to a guy who agreed with me so why would u be so upset about it? Sorry if u thought it was aimed at u.


We will just have to see. Knowing Bioware all 3 will be nerfed in some silly way and that is not what I want. Buffs and nerfs are part of this genre. I can roll with it. But I have the right to state my opinion especially since this game still feels like a beta at times...

Edited by Pizzel
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All classes in the game are face to keyboard easy. People need to stop pretending marauder/sentinel takes some sort of skill.


And healing operatives are so easy to kill it isn't funny. Especially if you have a marauder or Pyro on them... Even with guard. Marauders and Pyrotechs are insanely powerful though.

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Maybe taunts need to be only available in tank stance. That issue has been brought up before just another reason a P tech is performing better than most dps sorcs.


But then less taunts agains the p techs will have them at more dps uptime. Can't have that. Lol


Taunts are off GCD so you can switch targets, taunt and get back on target without missing any damage.


I understand why losing taunts would help balance Assault/Pyro, but it would take a lot of the challenge/interest away from playing a spec that is stupid easy if you just dps.

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Oh noes, its totally unfair:


in huttball the other team had shadows, guardians, sages and sentinels to just speed/charge/pull us to death.

in voidstar the other team had guardians to slow every one down and sentinels for transcendence to just run and cap it through.

the other team had stealthers in civil war to delay our cap for minutes and they had HEALERS and TANKS to hold mid node forever.

the other team just used their effing brains and cced everone at the same time in novare coast and capped it.


Oh noes the other team just focused their targets.


We had so many different setups since 1.3, we won with every setup. i lost two games, both against good players, not op classes.


Its about playing the WZs right, not about classes being OP. Only bads complain about class balance.

The only class u really kinda always need is Marauders/Sents for their superb group buffs.

And guess what, EVERYONE can have one in their team, just recruit them or level one yourself.

Anything else is replaceable.

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Im sorry but i think we arent playing the same class, my assault vanguard has no survivability whatsoever unless you are talking about that shield that has a 3min cd. Now i will admit that our damage is great but thats what assault is for, burst damage. If you take that from us might as well delete the tree.


lol i just rolled a powertech for the merc buff, and my main is a rank 90 sorc.


first wz at lvl 10, with greens and half my gear slots empty - 200k damage.


The class is stupid easy to play.

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our guys do understand your on here screaming nerfs for PT and Mara(yes i have a PT i tank Pve and DPS pyro as pvp) but if and when you guys get your nerfs on these classes you do understand that healers are going to rule pvp because there will be no more classes with burst... then it'll be snipers and op healers need nerfs so on and so fourth.. imo if you cant beat them reroll and join the ranks
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lol i just rolled a powertech for the merc buff, and my main is a rank 90 sorc.


first wz at lvl 10, with greens and half my gear slots empty - 200k damage.


The class is stupid easy to play.


Congratulations, you benefited from something called bolster.


Great post @floegrens.

Edited by Twor
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Op healers are probably the most balanced class in game atm. Their other specs need to be buffed or tweaked, but not at the cost of a nerf to their healing. Sage/Sorc needs to be brough up to their level, either by resource or defensively. They still perform though, and very well if played by people who know what they are doing.


Only PTs ive seen in RWZs (1900+) seem to do insane dmg in PVE gear, but go down like sacks of ****. Fair enough imo. Not met a PT that hasnt died in seconds yet.


Marauders, well, their defense is just stupid. Best defense in game for a DPS class? Aye... well played there like. How they made live game like this ill never know. They need to have a dmg nerf when using defensive CDs or something. Having said that, id much prefer to see adjustments/down tuning to Juggernaughts before anything is done with Marauders. I can get past the CC Immune, taunts, charge/intercepts with roots, 6k+ AoE crits etc, but the spamable AoE snare, in any spec they play, is just ridonculous!!


Aint QQing, adjust/adapt/counter etc. Just my 2 cents

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hybrids and tanks will most likely be the only ones with this. the talent is second tier in tank tree to make this free.


I figured it was a talent to make it free, its still a class wide ability though right? Sins/Shadows have to spec for their AoE slow, as do PT/VGs i believe?


In any WZ save for HB, this ability is cripplingly OP. Its still pretty shockig in HB as well

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That guy above kinda nailed it. Even a group like this that's average is deadly. I mean we went 2-1 against them but the games shouldn't have been close. Those guys were nothing special. Had steamrolled them before in 4 mans.




Seriously? You beat them 2-1 and are complaining because you believe that they are a average team vs your superior team and so you come to the forums to complain?


God people like you are the reason many MMO's suck....... YOU WON **** and move on jesus.


That is like saying the worst team in NFL football ALMOST beat your beloved Patriots so they need to be nerfed grow up

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I figured it was a talent to make it free, its still a class wide ability though right? Sins/Shadows have to spec for their AoE slow, as do PT/VGs i believe?


In any WZ save for HB, this ability is cripplingly OP. Its still pretty shockig in HB as well


yep, you're right, all 3 jugg trees can use it. but it is truly ridiculous to have specced it free. you can spam it all day then.

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lol i just rolled a powertech for the merc buff, and my main is a rank 90 sorc.


first wz at lvl 10, with greens and half my gear slots empty - 200k damage.


The class is stupid easy to play.


When have i said anything about us having low damage output? Nor about the difficulty of the class? I just answered someone whom i quoted because he was using wrong data when he said that pts/vanguards have a great survivability and i just wanted to know where is it.


Now please before making a fool of yourself , learn to read before posting.

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To the OP...


Replace 1 Pyrotech with a 1 Sniper... And congrats on finding a good setup. :rolleyes:


It's hard to imagine that some setups are going to be better than others... and that might even change under different situations. I mean... is it possible that another team could even roll a setup that COUNTERS that team? Impossible!


Or maybe that is the best team ever... and maybe it'll suck after 1.4. And maybe these posts are a gigantic waste of time because there will be an everlasting minor imbalance in the game that may or may not favor certain classes and team setups. And maybe I want to shoot my face off for even responding to another one of these ridiculous posts that flood the entire PvP page. If you want balance... Try MW3, or checkers... maybe tic-tac-toe. But then whoever starts first has an advantage... damn!!! Nerf tic!!! Tac and toe are fine.


Give it another week or so until people are complaining about snipers and gunslingers... guess what? They hit really... really hard after 1.3. There might be a new flavor this month if people are paying attention. We should start complaining about that immediately. :rolleyes:

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I see a lot of you don't really get it.


Pyrotech's are fine, and so are Marauders. Defensive abilities are the issue right now, and dmg management. As it stands at this moment, PT's can apply DoT's on you that can be CLEANSED. These DoT's are the biggest issue at the moment. 1 PT in a group is perfectly balanced.. It's when you get 3 or even 4 PT's on one group that make it a poop storm.


If they would either allow Cleanse to make you immune to those DoT's after it's applied for a short duration then the insane burst DPS that drops people so suddenly wouldn't be an issue.


Solution 2 : Make it so PT's can't stack these DoT's on targets. They issue we are having at the moment is Cleanse for a Sage for example is on a 5 second cooldown. If you are fighting 2 PT's... They can constantly apply those critical DoT's making cleanse useless.


It's a bunch of jibber jabber really because I honestly don't have a excellent response to multiple PT's in the same group, but that's the best I can come up with.

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To the OP...


Replace 1 Pyrotech with a 1 Sniper... And congrats on finding a good setup. :rolleyes:


It's hard to imagine that some setups are going to be better than others... and that might even change under different situations. I mean... is it possible that another team could even roll a setup that COUNTERS that team? Impossible!


Or maybe that is the best team ever... and maybe it'll suck after 1.4. And maybe these posts are a gigantic waste of time because there will be an everlasting minor imbalance in the game that may or may not favor certain classes and team setups. And maybe I want to shoot my face off for even responding to another one of these ridiculous posts that flood the entire PvP page. If you want balance... Try MW3, or checkers... maybe tic-tac-toe. But then whoever starts first has an advantage... damn!!! Nerf tic!!! Tac and toe are fine.


Give it another week or so until people are complaining about snipers and gunslingers... guess what? They hit really... really hard after 1.3. There might be a new flavor this month if people are paying attention. We should start complaining about that immediately. :rolleyes:


You are always going to have one setup that is better then others and until the perfect setup is one of each AC then there is going to be complaining.


This will likely never happen. However denying the fact that some classes are far stronger then others is akin to sticking your head in the sand.


PS - Snipers do hit really really hard now but they die fast if you can get close. They actually are one of the most balanced classes. Hard hitting, no silly defensive cooldowns <clears throat> like UR and stealth, but die fast.

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You are always going to have one setup that is better then others and until the perfect setup is one of each AC then there is going to be complaining.


This will likely never happen. However denying the fact that some classes are far stronger then others is akin to sticking your head in the sand.


PS - Snipers do hit really really hard now but they die fast if you can get close. They actually are one of the most balanced classes. Hard hitting, no silly defensive cooldowns <clears throat> like UR and stealth, but die fast.


I never denied that some classes are not stronger than others. I don't feel like it's as big if a deal as everyone makes it out to be though. These classes will very likely change on the next patch and there will be a new favorite flavor. Welcome to MMO gaming.


PS: You mean like Pyrotechs? ;)

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I never denied that some classes are not stronger than others. I don't feel like it's as big if a deal as everyone makes it out to be though. These classes will very likely change on the next patch and there will be a new favorite flavor. Welcome to MMO gaming.


PS: You mean like Pyrotechs? ;)


PTs are fine. I can see how stacking them could cause problems but as far their damage to surviability ratio they are inline.

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Today went up some new team with op healer, 2 powertechs, 2 marauders, jugg tank, assassin hybrid and sorc healer.


Pretty tough comp to deal with there. And honestly, replace the Sorc with another Op and the Assassin with another Jugg tank and it gets even worse if they are all good players that know their role.


Most of the time comp isn't that big of a deal out in the wild as long as a group isn't unreasonable (like only 1 healer) and plays as a team. But when both team's skill level start to get even somewhat close (everyone knows how to play) comp starts to take over and becomes a huge hurdle for the team on the wrong end of the equation. It's especially frustrating when you outskill the other group and still can't beat them bad enough to overcome the class difference. At that point, all you can do is roll more characters because you don't want to start ditching friends just to recruit fotm classes.

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What? Take a good look at what you wrote here, and ask yourself, Are you taking this video game a little to seriously?


I can't even... Really? nevermind...


5 pages in a little over 12 hours for this thread. Seems it gained some traction from multiple sides.


That is the kind of the point on forums to discuss all types of game information. I knew I would catch all kinds some heat for this thread. That's ok.


Comparing NFL football to this game isn't a good analogy. There is no physical, weather or coaching element to this game. There is only the group makeup,level, players and the roles they fill.


Belichek for being disliked is one of the greatest coaches of all time IMO. He rarely lets his team get complacent and lose to teams. So the Patriots have rarely lost to teams they were supposed to beat anyway.


Football is my favorite sport. I wish this game had the dynamics of football. Huttball is sort of like it.

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I see a lot of you don't really get it.


Pyrotech's are fine, and so are Marauders. Defensive abilities are the issue right now, and dmg management. As it stands at this moment, PT's can apply DoT's on you that can be CLEANSED. These DoT's are the biggest issue at the moment. 1 PT in a group is perfectly balanced.. It's when you get 3 or even 4 PT's on one group that make it a poop storm.


If they would either allow Cleanse to make you immune to those DoT's after it's applied for a short duration then the insane burst DPS that drops people so suddenly wouldn't be an issue.


Solution 2 : Make it so PT's can't stack these DoT's on targets. They issue we are having at the moment is Cleanse for a Sage for example is on a 5 second cooldown. If you are fighting 2 PT's... They can constantly apply those critical DoT's making cleanse useless.


It's a bunch of jibber jabber really because I honestly don't have a excellent response to multiple PT's in the same group, but that's the best I can come up with.


Sage/Sorc cleanse only cures force type Dots. For PT tech dots only a Scoundrel can cure them. If PTS are your problem then bring Scoundrel healers not Sages.

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I find that the hardest time I ever have in a WZ, is when there are multiple PT's.


As an operative, I can cleanse the DoT's, but most of the time I find that it's actually worse to do so, since you have to use a GCD for it, and they will just re-apply it anyways.


The combined DoTs and burst damage of multiple PT's, is just a nightmare amount of damage. And it requires the least amount of skill, of any class.

Edited by MobiusZero
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I find that the hardest time I ever have in a WZ, is when there are multiple PT's.


As an operative, I can cleanse the DoT's, but most of the time I find that it's actually worse to do so, since you have to use a GCD for it, and they will just re-apply it anyways.


The combined DoTs and burst damage of multiple PT's, is just a nightmare amount of damage. And it requires the least amount of skill, of any class.


yadda yadda yadda...


People said Commando was the easiest class, then they got nerfed and its someone really hard now even though no mechanics got changed, then it was maruaders whos mirculously made it past 1.2 and 1.3 unscathed. The nerfherders, discouraged at their lack of progress with the marauder how turned to the PT in as their new target... maybe just MAYBE, BW will ignore their metrics and nerf this class so that all the little boys and girls that dont like losing will be ok.

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