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Hey 1st i want to let you all know my MMO history I have played Everquest1/2,SWG,WOW,DCUO,Aion,Star trek Online,LOTRO,and SWTOR. been playin mmos for about 12 years now since i was 17. I play a avarage for 5hours or more a day. I looked forward to SWTOR launch was so hyped thinkin it would be the best mmo to data and the 100% "WoW killer" about it quit WoW 2yrs ago waiting for SWTOR. I wasn't able to get SWTOR untill April 2nd cause of Basic Training. And boy did I love it for about a Month it was one of the biggest Disappointments in my gaming life. I got the game April 2nd and got 50 on the 12th (and I did every Quest on every planet) that was 1day and 13hours played time. Was way fast hoped for it to take a lil longer. Now that was 10 days in so I started on Alts while I and played my Assassion just a lil bit. Now while I was Lvlin yeah i hated the fact of same side quest over and over but loved the game other then that got my Jugg to 50 then decided on focusing on endgame content. PvE mostly I got in Full Rakata on my Assassion in less then a week. and full Columi on my Jugg in the same time period. Cleared HM EV,KP without even doin Story Mode(LFR). Then I raided puggin HM EV/KP for about 2 weeks then cleared KM EV 1st time i tried and It was a pug i was leader of and I found it very easy wiped only 1time that same week did KM KP. Now I only play to Tank for my Cusins guild cause they can't find a tank.


Now I go back to playing WoW most the time. Don't think I am a Troll WoW fan boy cause i still find the game fun jsut not enuff fun to hold me for a long time. If anything I am a Bioware fan boy LOVED Kotor1/2,Mass effect, and Jade empire some of my fav games. I'm goin to list the Good and Bad of both games tell me what you think about them and what you like that i didn't.



1. Graphics. they are to much on graphic card I dont' have probs with mine but a few friends can't play casue of it.

2. Not open to Mac. Again some friend IRL can't play cause of this

3. Companions. I hate them more every day. Feels like my Sith Lord can't do nothing by himself

4. easy to progress and gear up. Makes it to where i don't need to log on anymore

5. Simple to learn Classes. it was like 5mins and i knew how to heal on my friend Sorc we cleared KM EV 1st time I ever healed in this game.

6. Flashpoints story. Yeah im all for the story in them but not EVERY time i go in i should have the option to skip it if everyone in the party has done it before

7. Long Load screens. This is cause a bad engines

8. Simple boss fights. I have never found any boss fight other then Last boss HM Lost Island to be any kind of hard in this game. Some raid bosses has same mechanics as a Heroic in WoW

9. Slow Combat. Due to no Auto Swing

10. NO ADDONS! ! !

11. Item Mods. I don't like this idea at all.

12. changing how you look from changeing item Mods.

13. Gear with Agument on it. They was put in game as a small way to better your self now they are a MUST have.

14. Legacy system, Casue when i ask ppl why the like the game they always say this and WoW has 95% of the stuff you can get from legacy just not in same way such as Portable Mailbox, Repair Bot, Respec anywhere(duel Spec),ROcket boots, and increase XP gain(heirlooms) I can't think of the other but I there was a few more.

15. Both Factions Fleet looks the same.

16. They say they have 8 Classes with 16 Advance classes but rly they have 4 Classes with 8 advance classes. Cause Sith Warrior is same as Jedi Knight and So on. . .

17. Dark side/Good Side. IT DOSE NOT EVEN ****IN MATTER after they made it where dark side can use lightside color lightsabers. Why would I go lightside? go dark get the darkside look i can turn off and the same crystal color.

17. Lastly I hate the UI. I know you can change it but it is still bad and Ugly

There is a few other lil things like everyone haveing the same /Dance emote and other LiL things like that but overall the main things I do not like it that.


SWTOR goods

1. Story in quest, give me a feeling like I am doin stuff for a reason


3. Conversation. I can talk to NPC and pick what i say is cool

4. Character customization lot to do with and like it alot

5. Bonus/Area quest means I might only have 2 quest ot do over here and end up doin 4 its nice

6. Huttball, Love it easy one of the best WZ in game.

7. Animations, I love the Animations in this game. (But playing MoP beta Monks have better)

That is all I can think of that i Like about this game.


Now im goin give you Goods/bads of WoW I am goin by Vanilla WoW-MoP Beta

WoW Bads

1. LFG/LFR (Both games have this and I hate it i love looking for groups in chat)

2. Lil to no Trash in raids, Me, I love doin trash then fighting the boss.

3. Textures, need upgraded Bad but other then that graphics are pretty good in WoW

4. IlVL/GearScore

5. DKs. . .

That is all I could think of and I spent about a hour plz name more if you can. No stupid **** lol.


WoW Goods

1. Engaging boss fights, Even in heroics you have some fights that are nice and Engaging

2. Arena, This is just fun nothing about it is bad

3. More to do when you are gear capp/done raiding for weeks such as Darkmoon fair, Pet battles, and Farm Mats for Crafting

4. Duel Spec, So i don't have to spend all my money switching specs

5. Unique mounts, Such as the ashes of al'ar and the Riding yak

6. Immersive world, The world is jsut so beautiful

7. Easy to use Interface on everything from AH,Bank,Bags,Reforge,Glyphs,Gems,and Transmog

8. Transmog, a Much better way to change how some gear looks with keepin stats

9. Gems/Glyphs/Reforge, Mainly in MoP you have alot more options in Optimizing your character then jsut geting Augments and Modifications

10. Talents in MoP, The best system in any MMO to date period.

11. Panda/Monks, Showing that Blizz can and are makin improvement to the Animations of classes cause most of the Pandas and monks is better then any in SWTOR

12. Takes time to get gear. do the math it takes 10 weeks to get full COnquest gear. Takes 7 weeks to get full VP gear if you buy Boot/Bracers. Then you rely on Drops/ Heroic progression to gear up. In SWTOR it take a week to get full Rakata gear

13. Auto Swing, makes combat feels faster and Fluid

14. You can't jsut jump on a new class to you and in 5mins Heal/Tank/DPS Heroic DS jsut can't do it

15. best thing about this game is the Easly handled Graphics. It takes nothing to run it so more people can play without spending a ton on a new graphic card.


Now that is my opinion on this game and WoW. Now i got some questions to ask you guys.

1.What made you want to play SWTOR in the 1st place? (my answers-Love Star Wars and Bioware games)

2.and Did it live up to the Expectation you had for it or was it a small/huge let down? (my answers- Not even Close)

3.Why do you still play SWTOR? (My answer-To raid with Family and friends)

and was the Game worth the $60/$80/$120 you spent on it? (My answer-Yes 100% yes the time i did play i had some fun)


Now to take this to a end this is not to hate on SWTOR i like the game but its just not fun for me. it was one of the biggest gaming disappointmetns in my life. I think it is a fun game but its just not as good as some other games out atm and facts say Im not the only one who feel this way it only having 1.3mil subs and dropin before the release of stuff like Diablo 3 that had a huge impact on the population that i saw. And GW2 is comeing along with MoP in a few months I don't see the game being above 1mil after all that but unless patch 1.3 solves that but I don't think it will cause I didn't like 1.3.


THANK YOU FOR READING. Plz Post your opinion and try to keep it Clean no trolling or stuff like "AH **** you WoW sucks SWTOR is good". The game is fun and great to yall who still play Good luck in w/e your doin

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I bought TOR because I play most mainstream MMOPRG's that release. While I ended up waiting until a couple months ago to buy it because beta testing it left me unimpressed. Although they've polished a lot of things that made it more pelasing the seconde tiem around.


I think it lived up to expectations. It's a basic MMORPG type game that tells great stories. I don't feel that it's lacking in any dept right now. It may be missing some things you might be used to in other games but it's makes up for it in other areas or it's not enough to effect gameplay.


It was well worth the money I paid for it and the sub fees that followed and I don't see myself cancelling anytime soon.


And also for a MMORPG vet I'm finding you thinking games from other genres are a threat to TOR is a bit weird. I think you find most people playing these games play MMORG's pretty much exlusively and the next FPS clone to roll off the assembly line won't matter. Just like D3 was supposed to finish the game off and for those that did quit for it it held their attention span for about 5 mins.

Edited by sumuji
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How can you really compare a game like WOW that has been online for many years to one that has been online less than 6 months? WOW has been refining their game over time, as BW is still working on expanding theirs. I find it funny how people calling themselves MMO vets expect every new MMO to be as vast as WOW... Edited by Timores
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A lot of the stuff you list as things you hate are actually ones that I think are great. (Item mods, lack of auto-attacks, reasonable learning curve, casual-friendly levelling/progression). I too have been playing MMO's for a long time, starting with EverQuest in May '99.


And, a lot of the stuff you're saying is great in WoW is actually in an expansion that isn't released yet, and probably won't be till the autumn.


So, I disagree, and I'll leave it at that.

Edited by Ancaglon
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I stopped reading at ....SWTOR Bad.


Why cant people be happy and enjoy the good with the games. Some like this some like that, it will never change. The sooner this is accepted the faster we can move on and enjoy life :csw_jabbapet:

Edited by Icestar
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a) if you only got the game in APRIL why are you complaining? these things were definitely known before realise, but april gave you more than enough time to get more info on the game you apparenly waited for so long...


b) what's with people saying stuff like 'this game is new'? half of the stuff he complains about I HATE in other games and make me not play them at all. so this has got nothing to do with the game's age and everything to do with personal preferences.


c) to the OP: I sincerely hope you one day find the game you were looking for, but if you play 5 hours every day and yet claim you don't even like all these games enough to stick with them for long, then maybe MMOs are really not your thing at all and you play just for the sake of playing :/



edit: anyway, I'll be answering your questions now


1) bioware doing a star wars mmo - with the promise of putting more 'single player rpg elements' into the 'typcial mmo experience' sounded like exactly my kind of game

2) yes, absolutely. the game is exactly what they claimed it would be. the only thing I'm missing is minor details that are usually found in Bioware games, such as SGRA. if these aren't in-game by the end of the year I am not too sure I will actually keep playing, but that's still some time to go

3) I still play because I'm having immense fun, and yes I totally got my money's worth (and that's about $230 for the CE as I'm in Europe, my upgraded computer parts which I got just for this game and 4 extra months of subscription... basically about $450-500 in total so far)

Edited by amnie
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1 day 13 hours of playtime to go 1-50? Something about that number seems suspect to me. Even if you space bar for all quest text in game you should need double that for 1-50. Seems like you just want WoW with a SW skin, and you came in here with a notion of it it wasn't that you weren't going to be happy. As it is obviously not that, you're looking for reasons to justify your disappointment. Not every game is for every person, but I think if you take a bit of a more objective look you will see a game far more polished at 6 months than any prior MMO at the same point, WoW included.
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I never had big expectations about SWTOR. I folowed it since it was announced its development, and it was clear from the beggining (it's my personal opinion) that was going to be a huge disappointmen to many, many, many people, specially those we quit SWG at NGE release, precisely because SWTOR it was going to be SWG-NGE 2, but worse because of rail space; at least SWG-NGE had free flight space content (old JTL) .

Why I bought it? Because, like you, I'm a Star Wars fan and I was waiting for a SW MMO since SOE killed SWG with its NGE, and I grew up with the movies and playing all SW games for PC, so I decided give the game a chance.

Why I still play it? because there's no MMO out there, yet, that interests me enough, and to support my guild which is small and we've got problems to assamble an 8 man team to do a weekly OP..

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How can you really compare a game like WOW that has been online for many years to one that has been online less than 6 months? WOW has been refining their game over time, as BW is still working on expanding theirs. I find it funny how people calling themselves MMO vets expect every new MMO to be as vast as WOW...


because new mmorpgs have to meet certain expectations and standards set by the industry. it doesn't matter how old mmos are. cool logic, eh?

Edited by Rikeryo
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Honestly, this reads as if it were written by a 12 year old rather then a 29 year old. The arguments put forth are not at all well thought out and very superficial (light sabers and addons), or indicative of a desire for a wow clone in space mentality.


How people, even after 6 months of hearing it, cannot get their heads around the understanding that this is a MMORPG, not an MMO shooter, and that Wow went astray when it attempted to become more a shooter is beyond me.


This is an MMORPG. Overly complicated boss fight mechanics, addons, twitch reflex abilities are not at all primary aspects of this game or this genre and I wish these people would stop trying to turn my game into a meaningless, silly, shooter for kids.

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because new mmorpgs have to meet certain expectations and standards set by the industry. it doesn't matter how old mmos are. cool logic, eh?

By your logic, there can be no new MMORPGs that are not 100% WoW clones, which I think proves your logic is neither cool nor logical (reductio ad absurdium).

Edited by Ancaglon
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because new mmorpgs have to meet certain expectations and standards set by the industry. it doesn't matter how old mmos are. cool logic, eh?


It is actually as flawed a logical analysis as I've ever seen. You are attempting to standardize, out of the gate, a living and breathing world that is, by its very nature, and entity that evolves over the course of 5 to 10 years. By arguing as you are doing you are, in fact, creating a logical fallacy.


In order to qualify the comparison of two evolving entities one must compare such entities at equal times in their evolution, not the date on a calendar.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Blackardin
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Hey 1st i want to let you all know my MMO history I have played Everquest1/2,SWG,WOW,DCUO,Aion,Star trek Online,LOTRO,and SWTOR. been playin mmos for about 12 years now since i was 17. I play a avarage for 5hours or more a day. I looked forward to SWTOR launch was so hyped thinkin it would be the best mmo to data and the 100% "WoW killer" about it quit WoW 2yrs ago waiting for SWTOR. I wasn't able to get SWTOR untill April 2nd cause of Basic Training. And boy did I love it for about a Month it was one of the biggest Disappointments in my gaming life. I got the game April 2nd and got 50 on the 12th (and I did every Quest on every planet) that was 1day and 13hours played time. Was way fast hoped for it to take a lil longer. Now that was 10 days in so I started on Alts while I and played my Assassion just a lil bit. Now while I was Lvlin yeah i hated the fact of same side quest over and over but loved the game other then that got my Jugg to 50 then decided on focusing on endgame content. PvE mostly I got in Full Rakata on my Assassion in less then a week. and full Columi on my Jugg in the same time period. Cleared HM EV,KP without even doin Story Mode(LFR). Then I raided puggin HM EV/KP for about 2 weeks then cleared KM EV 1st time i tried and It was a pug i was leader of and I found it very easy wiped only 1time that same week did KM KP. Now I only play to Tank for my Cusins guild cause they can't find a tank.


Now I go back to playing WoW most the time. Don't think I am a Troll WoW fan boy cause i still find the game fun jsut not enuff fun to hold me for a long time. If anything I am a Bioware fan boy LOVED Kotor1/2,Mass effect, and Jade empire some of my fav games. I'm goin to list the Good and Bad of both games tell me what you think about them and what you like that i didn't.



1. Graphics. they are to much on graphic card I dont' have probs with mine but a few friends can't play casue of it.

2. Not open to Mac. Again some friend IRL can't play cause of this

3. Companions. I hate them more every day. Feels like my Sith Lord can't do nothing by himself

4. easy to progress and gear up. Makes it to where i don't need to log on anymore

5. Simple to learn Classes. it was like 5mins and i knew how to heal on my friend Sorc we cleared KM EV 1st time I ever healed in this game.

6. Flashpoints story. Yeah im all for the story in them but not EVERY time i go in i should have the option to skip it if everyone in the party has done it before

7. Long Load screens. This is cause a bad engines

8. Simple boss fights. I have never found any boss fight other then Last boss HM Lost Island to be any kind of hard in this game. Some raid bosses has same mechanics as a Heroic in WoW

9. Slow Combat. Due to no Auto Swing

10. NO ADDONS! ! !

11. Item Mods. I don't like this idea at all.

12. changing how you look from changeing item Mods.

13. Gear with Agument on it. They was put in game as a small way to better your self now they are a MUST have.

14. Legacy system, Casue when i ask ppl why the like the game they always say this and WoW has 95% of the stuff you can get from legacy just not in same way such as Portable Mailbox, Repair Bot, Respec anywhere(duel Spec),ROcket boots, and increase XP gain(heirlooms) I can't think of the other but I there was a few more.

15. Both Factions Fleet looks the same.

16. They say they have 8 Classes with 16 Advance classes but rly they have 4 Classes with 8 advance classes. Cause Sith Warrior is same as Jedi Knight and So on. . .

17. Dark side/Good Side. IT DOSE NOT EVEN ****IN MATTER after they made it where dark side can use lightside color lightsabers. Why would I go lightside? go dark get the darkside look i can turn off and the same crystal color.

17. Lastly I hate the UI. I know you can change it but it is still bad and Ugly

There is a few other lil things like everyone haveing the same /Dance emote and other LiL things like that but overall the main things I do not like it that.


SWTOR goods

1. Story in quest, give me a feeling like I am doin stuff for a reason


3. Conversation. I can talk to NPC and pick what i say is cool

4. Character customization lot to do with and like it alot

5. Bonus/Area quest means I might only have 2 quest ot do over here and end up doin 4 its nice

6. Huttball, Love it easy one of the best WZ in game.

7. Animations, I love the Animations in this game. (But playing MoP beta Monks have better)

That is all I can think of that i Like about this game.


Now im goin give you Goods/bads of WoW I am goin by Vanilla WoW-MoP Beta

WoW Bads

1. LFG/LFR (Both games have this and I hate it i love looking for groups in chat)

2. Lil to no Trash in raids, Me, I love doin trash then fighting the boss.

3. Textures, need upgraded Bad but other then that graphics are pretty good in WoW

4. IlVL/GearScore

5. DKs. . .

That is all I could think of and I spent about a hour plz name more if you can. No stupid **** lol.


WoW Goods

1. Engaging boss fights, Even in heroics you have some fights that are nice and Engaging

2. Arena, This is just fun nothing about it is bad

3. More to do when you are gear capp/done raiding for weeks such as Darkmoon fair, Pet battles, and Farm Mats for Crafting

4. Duel Spec, So i don't have to spend all my money switching specs

5. Unique mounts, Such as the ashes of al'ar and the Riding yak

6. Immersive world, The world is jsut so beautiful

7. Easy to use Interface on everything from AH,Bank,Bags,Reforge,Glyphs,Gems,and Transmog

8. Transmog, a Much better way to change how some gear looks with keepin stats

9. Gems/Glyphs/Reforge, Mainly in MoP you have alot more options in Optimizing your character then jsut geting Augments and Modifications

10. Talents in MoP, The best system in any MMO to date period.

11. Panda/Monks, Showing that Blizz can and are makin improvement to the Animations of classes cause most of the Pandas and monks is better then any in SWTOR

12. Takes time to get gear. do the math it takes 10 weeks to get full COnquest gear. Takes 7 weeks to get full VP gear if you buy Boot/Bracers. Then you rely on Drops/ Heroic progression to gear up. In SWTOR it take a week to get full Rakata gear

13. Auto Swing, makes combat feels faster and Fluid

14. You can't jsut jump on a new class to you and in 5mins Heal/Tank/DPS Heroic DS jsut can't do it

15. best thing about this game is the Easly handled Graphics. It takes nothing to run it so more people can play without spending a ton on a new graphic card.


Now that is my opinion on this game and WoW. Now i got some questions to ask you guys.

1.What made you want to play SWTOR in the 1st place? (my answers-Love Star Wars and Bioware games)

2.and Did it live up to the Expectation you had for it or was it a small/huge let down? (my answers- Not even Close)

3.Why do you still play SWTOR? (My answer-To raid with Family and friends)

and was the Game worth the $60/$80/$120 you spent on it? (My answer-Yes 100% yes the time i did play i had some fun)


Now to take this to a end this is not to hate on SWTOR i like the game but its just not fun for me. it was one of the biggest gaming disappointmetns in my life. I think it is a fun game but its just not as good as some other games out atm and facts say Im not the only one who feel this way it only having 1.3mil subs and dropin before the release of stuff like Diablo 3 that had a huge impact on the population that i saw. And GW2 is comeing along with MoP in a few months I don't see the game being above 1mil after all that but unless patch 1.3 solves that but I don't think it will cause I didn't like 1.3.


THANK YOU FOR READING. Plz Post your opinion and try to keep it Clean no trolling or stuff like "AH **** you WoW sucks SWTOR is good". The game is fun and great to yall who still play Good luck in w/e your doin

If you think WoW is challenging, then you most go to the doctor im afraid, I got Full Honor gear After like 2 days at lvl 80, even tho i suck at mmos. The bosses arent challenging at all, hell some early bosses can be killed with auto attack.

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Thanks OP.


I enjoyed your read, while I am enjoying swtor at the moment I know how you feel.


I left DAOC because an expansion changed game direction. Daoc had a great feel to it, lvl specific warzones, great RvR and engaging yet challenging play, I loved it pre expansion.


I shifted to Wow, there were no add ins, pathetically easy quest series, a really bad barrens area chat and mobs of glitches.


I took a few weeks and was finished, max level, done all the raids and pretty much bored shipless....


Left WoW, and headed off, I wonder how the game developed after that, oh well never mind , at least I got to look at Horizons.......

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I just watched a video of the new animations for the panda race coming in WOW that you mentioned and Im not impressed at all. I never played wow but now that I am super into pvp from this game I try to go look at arena games of WOW and just have no idea whats going on. I just really dont like how any of the fighting looks, guess its part the animations and the art style.


And I kinda have a theory that these games dont start out super huge, just the acceptable size for launch and then tons of stuff is added later. I mean there must be like a certain amount of content that is acceptable at release, and this game is really gonna make its mark after a few more big patches.

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I get where you're coming from when you say this game has been one of the bigger disappointments you've had gaming (the expectations many of us had being for something like a KOTOR 3 meets WoW) and yet still feel like you got some value out of it.


My sub ends in 6 days and although I don't really play anymore, I got the game for a $20 discount, a free month, a free Taun-Taun that will be frozen in virtual space forever :) and I think I only ended up paying for an extra 2 months? And though I think the developers botched a potentially great game, I'd say I got a fair value, really.


And yet I still feel disappointed and passionate about that disappointment because this is going to be the only Star Wars MMO and maybe the only big budget space MMO for several years. It's tough to explain the disappointment even if you think the value was OK - kind of about the lost potential. But hey, there are other games. Hope you find another good one.

Edited by jgelling
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Some food for thought with SWTOR and/or WoW. This is not a bash or praise for any game...just a few points that occurred to me. Viewer discretion advised, void where prohibited, rated M for Mature, not valid with any other thoughts, your mileage may vary....

These are only my pointless thoughts...agree or not, whatever Disturbs your Force. :cool:


1. Graphics. Whenever a company releases a new game/program, they tend to assume that you are upgrading your system, and keeping it up to date. Time and progress march on. Inevitably, no matter what you play, you will have to get a new card.

2. Not available for Mac. Apple is notorious for ensuring that only THEIR stuff runs on THEIR systems. If it wasn't created by Apple, or vetted by Apple, you're out of luck. Your friend could run BootCamp...but really, if you're going to do that, just get a PC.

3. Companions. Dood...even Jesus had disciples. :D

4. Easy to Progress/Gear up. Lots of MMORPGs are doing this. Heck, one or two practically GIVE you a max level, fully geared character just for signing in.

5. Classes. Ive played some MMORPGs in the past where you spend hours, if not days, figuring out what your class does, and how to do it best. Kids don't have that kind of attention span, these days.

6. Story time. Spacebar = Fast Forward.

7. Load screens. A couple of the other MMO's I play have long loading times. Even WoW can drag on.

8. Simple Bosses. I've heard several Hardmode and Nightmare bosses called several things. "Simple" isn't usually one of them. ;)

9. Auto Swing. Auto-swing = Auto-pilot. If you're using it, I dont want to be in your Ops group...i like my Ops groupies to be awake at the keyboard.

10. No addons? See #9, above, for this one.

11. Item Mods. Some like it, some dont. If you dont like it, dont use it.

12. Changing Items with Mods. You dont like mods, but you go hog wild for transmog? Ill take the mods, thanks...theyre more useful than a new coat of paint on the body armor.

13. Gear Augments. Because every little edge in the Nightmare modes helps....kind of like enchantments in That Other Popular MMO.

14. Legacy bonuses. Because I want a bonus unique to me and mine. If you dont like it, dont use it.

15. The Fleets look the same. ......seriously? :rolleyes:

16. Classes/Advanced Classes. Yep...becasue an Alliance Marksman Hunter is VASTLY different than a Horde Marksman Hunter.

17. Light and Dark. Yep...because a blue light side fortitude crystal was radically different than a red dark side fortitude crystal. See #16.



The Other Game

1. Engaging Boss Fights. Try some of the Nightmare Boss fights. And before you say "They're too hard!", no...they're engaging. :D

2. Arenas. Okay, this one i havent had much experience with, so I'll leave it alone.

3. More to do when 'capped'. And eventually, you will tire of those, too. Its the nature of the beast.

4. Dual Spec. Done right, you can switch specs without spending to much. And I can switch my spec in the field, too.

5. Unique mounts. You mean like the mount I got off a HM Ops boss...kind of like how your ashes of al'ar drop from a boss?

6. Immersive World. I have several immersive worlds...Tatooine, Taris, Balmorra.... You have....?

7. Easy Interface. Drag and drop on my AH, too...and my bank...and my guild bank...same as you.

8. Transmog. Again...a fresh coat of paint does what better than a mod?

9. Gemming, Glyphing, reforging.... Yep, because my lightsaber crystals arent gems at all. Nope. And Enhancements aren't anything like enchantments...no way. Legacy perks? Like Glyphs? Nahhh.....nosirre.... :D

10. Talents. I prefer to have choices. 40 choices over a level 50 character, to be precise. MoP will have how many over a level 90 character?

11. Pandas/Monks. Okay, Ill grant you that the Monks could be pretty impressive. But...teddy bears? They went from the Lich King and Deathwing to....teddy bears, as their next Big Thing.

12. Time and Gear. It takes me a while to get fully geared, but thats because Life keeps me away from the game, sometimes...and not every drop is something I can use.

13. Auto Swing. See Auto Pilot, above.

14. Jumping into new classes. It comes down to learning curves....The Other Game gives you a bunny slope of 90 levels and nerfed bosses. This game has a learning wall....fewer levels, and tougher boss fights.

15. Easy Graphics. See Graphics, above. The Other Game is older, so it will run on older cards. Even a Model T can manage the 25mph residential speeds.


Again, this is not meant to be a support or attack on one game or another. This is just my silly random thoughts that came to me as I read the original posts. Your mileage may vary. If you don't agree with me, Cool! If you do, Just as Cool!



I wanted to play the game because I knew someone who was beta testing it. I was starting to get bored with some of the other games out there, and wanted something less fantasy, and more sci-fi. This fit the bill perfectly.


It has lived up to the expectations I had. Even the glitches and hiccups that first bedeviled it. Not to sound like a total dweeb, but I understood and accepted that a new game was going to have errors, no matter how much or how long they beta tested it. For the most part, I think BW has done a good job of ironing out the worst of the bugs, and adding on to the play at the same time.


Its been worth the money, and I keep playing because, as I said earlier, its something other than high fantasy. I can play a class that doesn't rely on a +2 Mace of Disruption, or a +4 Buckler of Swashing, or an Unnatural Axe. Its new, its different enough to be refreshing, and its still in the Vanilla stage. Its going to be fun to see what the first official expansion is.

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How can you really compare a game like WOW that has been online for many years to one that has been online less than 6 months? WOW has been refining their game over time, as BW is still working on expanding theirs. I find it funny how people calling themselves MMO vets expect every new MMO to be as vast as WOW...


This. Start a free trial account for WoW. Compare what you can do in the free trial to SWtOR. That's a more fair comparison. I have gripes with the game too but it really is fun to play IMO. 5 years of development in WoW vs 5 months in TOR isn't even apples to oranges, it's more like apple seed to oranges.

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This. Start a free trial account for WoW. Compare what you can do in the free trial to SWtOR. That's a more fair comparison. I have gripes with the game too but it really is fun to play IMO. 5 years of development in WoW vs 5 months in TOR isn't even apples to oranges, it's more like apple seed to oranges.


Ford is 50 years older than Hyundai - that won't stop people comparing what each automaker has to offer on the showroom floor today. Capitalism is harsh - if two products cost $15 today no one in their right mind should choose the inferior one because it's being put out by a new, unestablished company.


If anything there's even more pressure on the new kid on the block to prove himself. If you can't compete, don't enter the market.


Coincidentally that's why WoW has basically hogged the MMO market for so long. They established a dominant position, no one's really been able to make much headway offering a competitive product, and consumers have stuck with what they know. But having been on top for so long, WoW has the disadvantage of being tied to a long series of game design choices.


But when WoW is toppled, it'll be by a better product that consumers can buy that day - not the promise of some future product that doesn't exist.

Edited by jgelling
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I played an still play EQ2 for now over seven years,i have belonged to most of the top end raiding guilds through the years and yes even the current top one Revelations for a spell,i have no want for this game to become like EQ2 and 90% of my guildmates that played both WoW and EQ2 do not wish to repeat that again.


We enjoy SWTOR for it's general even handedness,you make decisions in PvP or PVE not grinding with the best gear and the best macro's with the best AA setup,here you have choices and this is what makes this MMo shine imo.


OP if you did play EQ2 you recall how the Alchemists had the hold of every other class in crafting? if you did play EQ2 from the beginning you would know what im talking about,or sitting at crafting tables for hours and meanwhile you see a guy next to you blow up? and then the Night of the Longknive's when EQ2 banned over 30,000 accounts because of crafting botters,yah i played the game and yes i knew what it was like to be first to have my Prismatic in my hand before anyone else and my mount,but in the end anyone could get 80% of any of those things within time and that is the nature of MMO's.


Here in SWTOR the balance of hardcore and casual is best in any MMO i have ever seen whether it be PvP or PVE one can do far more than relying on a 24 man raid force to acquire something to be even viable in some heroic's like what happened with Drunder recently in EQ2.


Id suggest giving some thought and looking at the big picture and imo i think SWTOR is getting it right.

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I played an still play EQ2 for now over seven years,i have belonged to most of the top end raiding guilds through the years and yes even the current top one Revelations for a spell,i have no want for this game to become like EQ2 and 90% of my guildmates that played both WoW and EQ2 do not wish to repeat that again.


We enjoy SWTOR for it's general even handedness,you make decisions in PvP or PVE not grinding with the best gear and the best macro's with the best AA setup,here you have choices and this is what makes this MMo shine imo.

Honest question: What choices are those you talk about?

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WoW Goods

1. Engaging boss fights, Even in heroics you have some fights that are nice and Engaging


11. Panda/Monks, Showing that Blizz can and are makin improvement to the Animations of classes cause most of the Pandas and monks is better then any in SWTOR


Funny you mention these two (and several others, but I didn't want my reply to be TL;DR). These are the two main reasons I quit WoW. The heroics and raids are so completely dumbed down these days, it's a boring routine to run them. No challenges whatsoever, not even in hardmode.


And the idea of an expansion with pandas made sure I will not get back to WoW any time soon. Seriously, furry monks, wtf?

Edited by Sauska
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Guys let's be honest here. WoW is a rotation game. Other than raids (which I never do), I could memorize a rotation and not even look at the screen for hours while fighting and still win.


You know I would use ability X, then Y, then Z, then Y again, then X, and so on.


This games seems more engaging. I use my interrupts almost every time a bad guy is channeling a big ability.


Oh and no auto attack? Really? I thought that is what the companion was for?

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