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Your experience with the group finder?


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The tool is amazing -- the people on the other hand.....not so much.


Without exception, I queue up, then after about 20 minutes of waiting the queue pops but only 3 out of 4 people click "ready". If it was a DPS that didn't ready-up, then we're ok -- queue pops again almost instantly. If it was the tank or a healer, then the wait gets much much longer.


Then, we get into the FP and somebody disconnects ... and we have to wait again. After their spot is finally filled, at least one of the people in the group will refuse to skip through the dialogue... happens every time.... expect it.


Moral of the story: I'm glad I joined a guild. PUGs are for thugs.


Yes, what kind of a horrible person would want to enjoy part of the content in a flashpoint. He mustve been abused as a child to feel no remorse for taking a grand total of 5 minutes from your life.


If it were up to me, id make the dialogue unskippable for FPs.

Edited by MasterKayote
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Yes, what kind of a horrible person would want to enjoy part of the content in a flashpoint. He mustve been abused as a child to feel no remorse for taking a grand total of 5 minutes from your life.


If it were up to me, id make the dialogue unskippable for FPs.

I am happy that the option exists to skip it. However, I am not opposed to folks watching it, if I notice that is happening I just tab out for a min or so each time.

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I think the system is working great. I have completed more HM flashpoints (5) in 2 days then in the previous month. Took less than 5 min to get a group each time and the groups were all good with the exception of one tool that we promplty kicked. A replacement only took a few minutes for the system to find. I think this is a great success...
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Actually I think what happens is that there can actually be CONSEQUENCES for ninja'ing when the tool is only per server, not that it never happens. The guy will get a reputation for ninja-looting, get vote-kicked, and have to live with it.


I doubt it, although it would be nice. The days of everquest server policing are largely over. They should have just gone cross server from the beginning and been done with it.

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Well, the Group Finder supposedly won't hook you up with anyone on your ignore list, so hopefully people that ninja will end up ignored and unable to find anyone to group with. Bring on being able to ignore someone's whole account and I'd be even happier =)
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I believe that it is awesome, combined with frustration. It is an easy way to PUG, as that is what it was designed for (random pick up groups). I came from a dead server, almost had to be in a guild to do a flashpoint that wasn't level 10. Group finder allowed me to do them. I did all story mode 50 fps day 1. It was great, 70% of the people that I was paired with did the same thing. It was good, all I had was daily mods. Server transfers allowed that (couldn' solo illum heroic). I found the wait times for story mode fps as a tank to range from 10 to 70 mins. So, next day I have mechanics down & start hard modes. 1st one was of course black talon. It was easier than I thought. I thought it was going to be hard. Yep, I had 3 people : oh, 5 bh comms for a random flashpoint. Vertex nice pug, queue time: rotating my eyes 60°. I did that a couple of times to get a feel, all just as easy. Queue times <1 sec. Of course I had to queue up for other hard mode fps! Queue time never lasted more than 10 sec. Was put into groups with people that were clueless about the mission, but most were cordial. Guess what I am saying is that the lfm tool is awesome. Does what it is supposed to do: create a random pick up group.
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ok so the results of Day 3.

Started by doing probably 6-7 HM FP's on multiple toons. Did not win anything. It was still fun as I did a few I had not done before.


And then did EV story mode. 8 person op.


WAY TOO EASY (but still fun) and I now want to see more ops in the group finder with higher difficulties. btw this was my first EV run also..... Who knew.. lol

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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had very positive results for hm.


instant groups for my healer. 10-30 min for my dps.


found only one bad group. a tank that wanted to race through the place while being under geared to handle the 8-10 mobs he would always pull. he rage quit after one of the dps told him we need to cc some of the encounters as he was under geared as well as the other dps.


no ninja looters yet. most people have been nice. i quickly look at the group composition and the persons gear that ill be rolling against to see what they need. that way i can just pass on stuff for them to have if i don't need it and they do. people have done the same thing to me as well.


for fp i never used it. i just don't do them. i think a lot of people don't do them either which might be why people cant get groups for them.


if you cant get a hm group you might want to ask yourself if you have been a idiot in general chat where people put you on ignore. you reap what you sow and is why it isnt cross server people. oh ya:D

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I've been in queue for a few hours total so far for regular level 47-50 missions (even though my character has almost full wh I figured I would get to know the instances before running heroics). I've had two pops - one I had to decline because I was in a wz with people that were trying but needed my help (we won barely), and the other that put me in Kaon Under Siege which, I think, only one other person in my party had been in. That person called us idiots for following the leader who made 2 wrong turns and then disconnected half-way through. Instead of waiting for replacement members the other two people in my party quit. No one in the group had come close to death at that point; it wasn't a ragequit issue except maybe for the person that didn't like being in a party with people that knew less about an instance than he did.


Based on the time-to-q, on Jung Ma, I'm not happy with the Group Finder so far.

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The group finder stinks, but during prime time it seems like you can get a decent group together because there are decent enough players that want the daily comm bonus for their alts.


Generally though, since they aren't bribing tanks/healers and still refuse to put dual spec in the game as anything other than a fairly inaccessible legacy perk for 50s, I haven't had a great experience with it. Of course, I wouldn't use LFG on my 50s, so maybe it works for the people that like the end game content.

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So far, I'm two-for-two: Last night did Kaon Under Siege, and tonight did The Red Reaper. Both times completed successfully, and both were a lot of fun with talkative groups and players that were willing to teach the n00bs what to do for each stage of the Flashpoint. And across the two FPs, only one guy that was demanding conversation spacebars. He actually DC'd at one point (or sure, maybe quit), and the LFG tool quickly gave us a replacement healer who was even better. Now, if I could only get the dang FPs to start dropping some useful Smuggler gear....


10/10 for me so far...though I know I'm due for a lousy PUG any day now. Oh well...such is MMOs.

Edited by MarvelZombie
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Thus far I've only been using it with some alts I've been leveling, not with my 50's. So, with that preface in mind....


Short version: It is poorly implemented. I do not like it, and I'm being nice.


Long Version:

For planet grouping (heroics), it is essentially useless. Joining a planet queue didn't seem to offer any differentiation between grouping for specific heroics or general questing (or even planetary PVP where available). At times, when I tried to queue for planetary stuff (for Coruscant in one case), it a) didn't let me choose which heroics I was looking for, and b) then didn't let me queue at all, even though I was on the planet and in the right level range.


For flashpoints, some of the uses seem a little arcane. How you flag your group as doing a specific fp, other than by having the mission, isn't clear (or isn't possible).

What happens when you are in the right level range for and have the missions for multiple flashpoints (but perhaps not all group members, or potentials have all the flashpoints? could that lack of matching missions account for some of the seeming excessive queue times?

Either it has a default group composition (1 tank, 1 heal/combo), 2 dps?), or there wasn't any apparent way to set what you were looking for (as a group leader).

In one case, I had the Hammer fp mission, yet it would not let me join the queue (picked up the mission from the droid on Coruscant, within listed level range (17 at that time), but could not join the queue.


I do give props for the option to instantly transport to the flashpoint from wherever you might be when you accept the group. I frown that it puts you back on the fleet upon completion, rather than returning you from whence you came.


Another factor that is unclear is when the queue actually starts putting people together. Is it simply enough people (of the right composition?) being on the list, or does someone have to actually start the group manually? I think the former, but my experience thus far has not led me to a concrete conclusion.

Does someone actually need to manually enter the fp instance to trigger things?


As it is presently implemented, honestly, I'd rather not use it. I probably will, but I will grumble and hope improvements and/or explanations are planned.


As a side note, the fps REALLY need a med station at the start of each fp map, as in inside the instance (and possibly periodically throughout), so you don't have to load back into the fleet if/when you die without somebody to rez you. (And droid, where working, is on long cd)

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Maybe this is only a problem with the English European servers, but I've had a number of issues with players that join via group finder, that don't seem to be able to understand a word of what's being said, and didn't say a word, and one other that said about 5 words total.


In one case, on Hammer Station, both DPS were totally silent, even to "do you understand english?" and instructions to use line of sight, requests not to use AE damage so as not to break CC, etc. -- but thanks to a good healer we were able to finish it without too much trouble. Both went on the /ignore list.


In another, on Athiss, a Sorcerer that was the only possible healer in the group (PT tank, Sniper, Marauder), simply ran around DPSing, and I didn't realise until the second pack of mobs that he wasn't healing. When asked why he wasn't healing, he said "Im dps". So I told him that if he wouldn't heal, we'd have to kick him. He seemed to agree to heal after that. He never CC'd anything I asked for (on Athiss, only he could CC most of the stuff past the initial area). We had some very close fights, but we eventually got to the Prophet. (Along the way, he Needed on, and won, a blue sniper rifle that the sniper in the group had also Needed on). We got the boss down to 50% or so when we got the message that he had died. We wiped with the boss at 10%. We tried again, and this time I watched as he stood in the balls of flame that were tracking him, until his bubble popped, then he burned up and died, despite all 3 other players telling him to move. He got vote-kicked while I was trying to ask him whether he even knew what he was doing wrong, and we queued again. Since we didn't get a replacement after nearly 10 minutes, the marauder hauled out his healer companion (Malavi Quinn) and we beat the boss down with ease.


Am I being unrealistic in expecting that people should have some basic level of communication available if they expect to do a flashpoint without being "carried"? (Sorcerer also added to ignore list... I'm slightly concerned that in just 2 days I've added 3 people to my previously empty ignore lists, any idea if there's a limit to that?)

Edited by Ancaglon
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aye ive ahd the same experience with dps signing up as tank. im healing on my char and the dps health disappears and then complain to me that im not healing enough (even though ive never had complaints before LFG came out .. not once) and the dps whinging that the tank isnt holding aggro and theyre dying ........ well if the tank had a tank spec and gear, maybe he would have held aggro and not died for having 5k health when the healer had 10k.


there is issues with politeness too, with LFG .. but that was known months before the tool was instigated.


yes, ninjaing was also known to be a problem.


the LFG needs to vet peoples spec before allowing them to queue as dps/heal/tank ... that is the most important thing.

i dont mind them not being vetted for standard of gear, just the spec would be nice.


as we all know, gear is generally quite tightly allocated to certain classes ... i dont really see why loot cant be limited to certain classes during a fight. if someone needs an item for their pet whilst someone else needs it for their char ... is there anything more annoying than that. Specially when they then refuse to give the item to the char.


but all of these issues were known and were guaranteed to happen if LFG came in ... but peopleare just blind to the truth of human nature.

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it didn`t work out well for me.first time did hard mode fp,got black hole comms was all alright.2nd time did normal mode fp,was supposed to get 5 daily comm,but didn`t get them.3rd time queued up for KP story mode...completed it and i did not get those 5 black hole comms either,while my friend and probably the rest of the squad got them.i did submit a ticket and now waiting for a reply.:mad:
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i dont even know how to use it or where its at and i have no interest in going out of my way to figure it out. i have guild that does stuff so its all whatever.


Your missing out on 5 black hole comms per day if you dont do it. You can even set up a full guild group, select the tier you want to do then hit random. Just dont select 1 fp, if you do you wont get the comms

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Am I being unrealistic in expecting that people should have some basic level of communication available if they expect to do a flashpoint without being "carried"? (Sorcerer also added to ignore list... I'm slightly concerned that in just 2 days I've added 3 people to my previously empty ignore lists, any idea if there's a limit to that?)


I think it's purely luck of the draw at this point. I too was scared of grouping with horrible players like the one you just described, especially since so many of these bad players plague my pug'ed wz's. I've only done a few group finders missions so far, but they have all been pretty smooth so far. Of course, I ended up with some newbies who were under-geared, but since most of the group knew all the fights, we were able to run everything pretty smoothly.


I'm dreading the day where I group up with Mr. break CC/ninja looter.

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So far, I've had nothing but positive experiences with it, despite the lingering AoE threat problems that Guardians have at low levels.


Haven't done it more than once or twice on my Sorceror, so I can't speak for level 50 dungeons.


Then again, I moved to a much higher pop realm...Tarro Blood had 10 Imperials logged in at prime-time. :(


not a horrible idea, needs dual spec to be long term viable in small servers.

Needs dual-spec period.

Edited by Thorkir
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