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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

MMO Report on "Transfers"


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so...being featured in the number 1 mmo web page..and from one of the top gaming tv channels in the world isnt enough?...if u dont knwo him ur the one being OFF lol


Number 1 MMO fan page? Really? I don't think so. And G4? Again, big whoop. Opinions are just that, opinions. Not fact. Fox News says a lot of stuff, but it is biased towards a certain slant...just like this guy, MMOChamp and G4.


Lets be honest, if it isn't sandbox, MMOChamp doesn't like it. If it isn't Console gaming, G4 doesn't like it.


The ultimate truth is, if you like it, play it. If you don't, leave. No one is forcing you to stick around.


And yeah, if you are going to slam something you should probably slam it with facts and not talk about wandering a world that doesn't yet exist in game...

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


Jock hang much kid?

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This right here is a point I believe many people are glossing over.


It doesn't matter what you think of Casey Schreiner. It doesn't matter how truthful you believe he is. It doesn't matter how professional you think he is. But other people do take his reports as fact. It doesn't matter if you like that or not. These people are usually the ones in a position to get new players to the game. Such as the Best Buy rep in the quote.


I'm going to be honest here, and I don't care how large of a douche it makes me appear. If you're getting your gaming advice from the rep at Best Buy, I don't want you playing this game. Not unless you can make the solemn vow that you will never make any suggestions, requests, or demands of the devs.

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I'm going to be honest here, and I don't care how large of a douche it makes me appear. If you're getting your gaming advice from the rep at Best Buy, I don't want you playing this game. Not unless you can make the solemn vow that you will never make any suggestions, requests, or demands of the devs.


I was surprised someone still shopped at BB TBH.

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Casey Schriener - The Face of the Industry...


Hang on here it comes:






Oh yes, his show is *very* serious.

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


I disgree with everything you just said. G4 use to be a gaming channel, now its just junk. Stupid shows with bais reviews on tech stuff.


And I'm sorry but casey feeds off ratings on the show and for years he just says **** to stir up the pot. Mmo champion is basically a wow fansite, not a mmo lead all.


I'm a big time gamer and none of the reason you mentioned hold any weight for me. More like candy for forum trolls.

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The game should have launched as B2P with a cash shop.


Subscription's are harder to justify than the initial purchase or shiny mounts.


I am starting to think so too. In fact, maybe even launched as B2P (no sub) and initially only allow humans as your race and only one advanced class for each base class. Also, maybe just non-mod-able gear and only one companion. Then sold the extra advanced class, all other races, mod-able/orange gear. the rest of the companions, etc. in the cash shop. Normally, I don't go for this sort of thing, but if it meant many more companions, gear-skins, and races for us too choose from I would be all about it.

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I am starting to think so too. In fact, maybe even launched as B2P (no sub) and initially only allow humans as your race and only one advanced class for each base class. Also, maybe just non-mod-able gear and only one companion. Then sold the extra advanced class, all other races, mod-able/orange gear. the rest of the companions, etc. in the cash shop. Normally, I don't go for this sort of thing, but if it meant many more companions, gear-skins, and races for us too choose from I would be all about it.


The way I see it...


5 million would have been playing it cause it was free.


If those 5 million spend, on average 3 dollars a month on the cash shop... Bioware would be making as much money as they do now but each server would have a lively population and people would be saying "Finally, a AAA B2P MMO that is amazingly fun and has an amazing plot! Woo!"


It would have been heralded as a turning point in the industry.




Opportunity missed.


Next best thing is to switch to F2P with cash shop and B2P chapter / raids.


And expand space dramatically.


Also, anyone who thinks swtor is in trouble needs to get over it. Most MMOs have around 300-500k subs. That's normal. Eve has 360k and its amazing, constantly pumping out content, and is coming out with a fantastic free shooter called dust 514 for the PS3 that takes place in Eves world. I highly suggest everyone look at it.


I digress.


F2P is a better gaming model than subscription. >_>

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I don't know if I agree with everything he was saying. The Degabah thing was either a sarcastic joke or proof of total ignorance of the actual game. Being a fan of the show I would bet on sarcastic joke. In my personal opinion this game is in trouble. It needs something huge to save it. Yes transfers helped a lot. If you really think about it. Is this move going to bring new people to the game? The answer is probably not. I went to best buy yesterday and picked up a copy of SWTOR just to look at it. The Best Buy sales representative looked at me and said "you don't want to buy that, the game is dead". BioWare has put a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths. Word of mouth is probably one of the strongest marketing tools out there.


I'm completely bored of this game. 1.3's fluff with ranked WarZones are not enough to keep me playing. Once this sub runs out i'm probably done. I wish I could get my money back on everything because looking back it wasn't worth it. Another MMO with so much potential wasted.

News flash! Any real techie or gamer know not to listen to best buy. Those guys don't know anything. The most incompetent group of people I've ever seen lol

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I know the SWTOR devs have said they're listening to fans and hearing their feedback. But what people don't seem to realise is that with a game that has over a million players, it's going to be hard for a team which consists of less people than compared to the game's population to answer each individual response :rolleyes:


I'm just wondering what are these high expectations that people seem to have for SWTOR?

Is it more than what's printed on the game's box?

Is it more extravagant than what's detailed on the official website?

Is the game supposed to project these holograms off of the screen which you can actually touch and feel?

IMHO, these 'high expectations' seem like nothing but hallucinations coming from the side effects of sniffing paint.

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


With that kind of logic then I should start watching FOX news. People have bias opinions, nothing new. Do your own research and formulate your own opinion. My opinion of swtor is a decent one, still not the best it could be yet.

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Next best thing is to switch to F2P with cash shop and B2P chapter / raids.


No. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A THOUSAND TIMES NO. The day they start charging for new areas/worlds/raids/whatever DDO-style is the day I quit this game. If they want to go F2P with a cash shop, fine. But I am absolutely opposed to microtransactions for actual content.


Even if it ended up being cheaper than $15/month, I'm still opposed to it. Why? Because with a subscription fee, everybody playing the game has access to the same content. As soon as you start making people have to buy extra content, you run into issues with segregating the population into 'haves' and 'have-nots', and it makes grouping up to do stuff that much more of a pain in the ***. I don't want to have to be hassling my guild members to buy whatever new raid just released every time something comes out. That's not F2P, that's letting you demo a shell of a game and charging for everything that actually makes the game the game.



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No. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A THOUSAND TIMES NO. The day they start charging for new areas/worlds/raids/whatever DDO-style is the day I quit this game. If they want to go F2P with a cash shop, fine. But I am absolutely opposed to microtransactions for actual content.


Even if it ended up being cheaper than $15/month, I'm still opposed to it. Why? Because with a subscription fee, everybody playing the game has access to the same content. As soon as you start making people have to buy extra content, you run into issues with segregating the population into 'haves' and 'have-nots', and it makes grouping up to do stuff that much more of a pain in the ***. I don't want to have to be hassling my guild members to buy whatever new raid just released every time something comes out. That's not F2P, that's letting you demo a shell of a game and charging for everything that actually makes the game the game.




Okay. So. Here's the thing.


With B2P chapters/raids bioware would get direct feedback on what people WANT to play.


If they release a raid about helping jar jar binks great x150 grand father save nabuu by helping him impregnate a whale I will not buy it. And... hopefully neither will anyone else.


Bioware will go "jeez. No one bought that. What a waste of time and money. Lets not do that anymore"


If they continue with a subscription I will stay subbed and do pvp and just avoid that raid.


Bioware will think "well, we maintained our subscriptions. Good job peeps. Lets get working on a raid where you have to protect the baby whales from darth seagull. Lets make jar jars gdad the main character again."


Subscriptions are either all in or all out. Terrible for feedback and usually when someone reaches the "I have to quit now. I can't tale another jarjar patch" they arent coming back.

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Okay. So. Here's the thing.


With B2P chapters/raids bioware would get direct feedback on what people WANT to play.


If they release a raid about helping jar jar binks great x150 grand father save nabuu by helping him impregnate a whale I will not buy it. And... hopefully neither will anyone else.


Bioware will go "jeez. No one bought that. What a waste of time and money. Lets not do that anymore"


If they continue with a subscription I will stay subbed and do pvp and just avoid that raid.


Bioware will think "well, we maintained our subscriptions. Good job peeps. Lets get working on a raid where you have to protect the baby whales from darth seagull. Lets make jar jars gdad the main character again."


Subscriptions are either all in or all out. Terrible for feedback and usually when someone reaches the "I have to quit now. I can't tale another jarjar patch" they arent coming back.


Then they throw in a nice drop for nearly all classes, which this item is determinant on whether an operation group accepts you or not. That's how they fix quests that aren't taking too well with the customers. They make it so you kind of have to buy it and do it anyway.

Edited by monkgryphon
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heh casey is on drugs the only bad part about the transfers was waiting for your server to be selected...I was one of the last batches and went nuts waiting...but man am I loving it now. Groups for everything, people everywhere, the GTN is flourishing economy booming. Some of my friends who quit came back to play and now we have 1.3 on tuesday. So things are looking a lot better now than they were last month.
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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...


Venue does not = validity. It only means he applied and got the job, or got his video pushed. Nothing more nothing less. his opinion is no more valid than anyone else's in this discussion, and as someone pointed out he has an axe to grind atm. So he some definite bias.

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I bolded the important part. See those two things are just his opinion but he is presenting them as facts or news.


It's like a profesional CNN reporter talking about a murder suspect and saying he thinks he did it and should fry for it.


This does happen quite a bit in real news but it is something that is wrong and needs to stop. Another example is whenever there is a big disaster the news stations always try to go for the emotional angle and end up not actually reporting any informaion. They always ask the reporter to describe what he sees. Which is complete BS. They have a video camera there WE DON"T NEED YOU TO TELL US WHAT YOU SEE WE CAN SEE IT FOR OURSELVES.


Do some actual reporting and give us info like has this ever happened before? When did it happen before? How many people are affected? When might the problem get fixed and so on.




end rant.


Of Course, The WHOLE POINT of these things is to get there opions. Other wise there is no point to them. You can just read it off the website for the game.


The tell you what is going on then give there opinion one each topic. it's the whole reason people watch them.


No it's not like a CCN reporter. How can you compare real new media to a video game update and opinion segment???


At what point during the whole cast does he stop to act like a hard core new media ourlet who is not telling some jokes when he updates you on whats going ???

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Then they throw in a nice drop for nearly all classes, which this item is determinant on whether an operation group accepts you or not. That's how they fix quests that aren't taking too well with the customers. They make it so you kind of have to buy it and do it anyway.


Oh, yeah...That's another thing I didn't think of. At that point the game is basically pay to win, because if you want the best gear, it's going to be dropping in operations that you'd have to buy with microtransactions.


So let's tack another couple of NOs on there for good measure.

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Of Course, The WHOLE POINT of these things is to get there opions. Other wise there is no point to them. You can just read it off the website for the game.


The tell you what is going on then give there opinion one each topic. it's the whole reason people watch them.


No it's not like a CCN reporter. How can you compare real new media to a video game update and opinion segment???


At what point during the whole cast does he stop to act like a hard core new media ourlet who is not telling some jokes when he updates you on whats going ???


Like i pointed out in another post here he out right lies


He says some people "missed" their transfer. That never happened and is not possible with the system as right now you can transfer your characters. They have not shut down the character transfer service.


Remember he also does his whole little blog thing as if it is an actual news report. It's to give the illusion that he is actually giving news and not just his opinion. He even calls it the MMO report and not My MMO Opinion.

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so...being featured in the number 1 mmo web page..and from one of the top gaming tv channels in the world isnt enough?...if u dont knwo him ur the one being OFF lol


#1 webpage???


MMO champion, the unoffical world of warcraft webpage


this MMO report was bad, and peopel are right, he helped hype the game him self, watch the E3 videos before launch and watch him nerdgasme over the game, this wasnt what every one thinks, this was what he an ex player once fanboy who is now butt hurt, thinks

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