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Legacy Perks in Game Update 1.3


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Am I the only one who assumed when they first heard about legacy levels, that you would gain legacy skill points as you gained legacy levels?


Seriously, I don't have the cash to buy all these perks on my alts, what with having to remod all my PvE and PvP gear.

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I'm not saying people will feel that they need every perk, but certainly enough of them to make it unnecessarily expensive. Forget about the non-essential stuff like fast-travel or field mailbox. Realistically, I can't see anyone playing a new character from 1 to 50 without the following minimum perks:


At least two sets of XP boosts for their two favorite types of gameplay:

~500,000 credits

Speeder perks:

~450,000 credits


That's almost 1 million credits already.


For someone who's in it for the story, which is the main reason many people play alts, they will probably also want the companion affection bonuses to help with getting all of the companion story-lines. That's another 500,000 credits. People who are heavily into crafting will want the crafting perks for another 350,000.


Multiply all of this by however many alts a person may be playing, and you could be talking in the ballpark of 10 million credits or more. That's in addition to skill training, speeder training, crafting costs, gear, repairs, etc. It's insane! I've never seen such massive overbearing money sinks, even in the most hardcore Asian grinding MMORPGs.


I read somewhere that less than 10% of the population in SWTOR has less than 1 million credits, and less than 1% has 10 million credits. No idea how accurate that is, but I do know that I have way less than 1 million credits. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels completely priced out of Legacy system.


Yeah, I'd love to have some of these perks, but it would absolutely bankrupt me to get them on one toon - let alone all of my alts that would make use of them. If they were account wide, I would make it a priority, but as it stands, it's just another poorly implemented feature. With an XP gain of a measley 30%, it would take me as long or longer to save up the credits to buy the perks as it would to just play the game without the XP bonus. I'm seriously starting to think that whoever makes the decisions at BioWare loves to pick decisions out of a hat while drinking on a Thursday morning.

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The bonuses are just a bit week for how much you have to play. I would like to see some better bonuses in 1.4.



Some examples...

  • Legacy of Travel
  • Instant teleport to any planet(after all class quest complete)
  • Instant Taxis(just teleport between taxi locations)
  • instant travel (no cool down for quicktravel)
  • Instant teleport to Illum and Tattoine open world pvp areas.
  • instant fleet pass
  • Legacy Speeder Speed Increase - Mount speed increased by 10%, 20%, 30%
  • Convenience Travel - "Board Ship" and "Home Point" bind options for quick travel ability
  • Summon Guildmate - to non - pvp area(cannot be used in combat)
  • Faster Quicktravel cooldown
  • Faster Fleetpass cooldown
  • Legacy Taxi Unlocks - once taxi's unlocked for one character, unlock them for all characters.
    Legacy of Sharing
  • Shared Legacy Social Level
  • Shared Legacy Valor(since it is now purely cosmetic and has no impact on stats)
  • Shared Legacy Titles
  • Shared Legacy Credits
  • Shared Legacy Achievements
  • Shared Legacy Companions - use all companions across all lvl 50 characters
  • Shared Legacy Bank - A bank tab that is shared by all characters
  • Shared Legacy Commendations
  • Shared Legacy Achievements
  • Shared Legacy Crew Skills - Send other character companions on crafting missions
  • Shared Legacy Ships - Borrow other character ships
  • Shared Legacy Mailbox - Check Mail on Other Characters
    Economic Legacy
  • Discount to unlocking legacy items - 10%,20%, 30%(maybe for higher legacy levels)
  • Discount for changing out mod's in armor - 25%,50%, 75%
  • Toggled Auction Houses - Switch between Neutral, Empire, Republic AH
  • Increase Days For Listing Auction House Items - 5 days, 7 days, 10 days
  • Increase Max number of Items for sale by 25, 50, and 100 per character
  • Discount for Credit Deposit on Item Sale - 10%, 20%, and 30%
    Family's Legacy(RP Stuff)
  • Legacy Storys/Missions - (ex. Rival Mission - Quest to fight other characters in legacy)
  • Character Heros - Summons alt character as a companion for 1 fight(maybe with a long cool down?)
  • Summon All Companions and/or Characters to Pose At Once(not for combat)
  • visible family trees on startship
  • Inspect people's Legacy Tree
  • More link options in family tree(master, apprentice, romance, married, adopted, sibling, slave, twin)
  • Legacy Storyboard - Ability to add story's about your legacy family to a story board for others to see
  • More companion RP abilities - (ex. /companion_hug /companion_high_five /companion_fist_bump)
  • Use alts for 4 man heroics(cant imagine the programming on this one, sounds tough lol)
  • Legacy Connections - Connect Family Tree to Other Characters family tree
  • Textbox to change character relationships(I can say my characters have whatever relationship i want)
    General Legacy Improvements
  • Legacy Character Slots unlocked as you reach lvl 50 on each character
  • Unlocked better appearance modifications(shader changers?)
  • Legacy Advanced Class - Level 1 advance class on character creation
  • More ship droid items being sold
  • Current Legacy Items Cost too much
  • Instant Companion Gifts(i know its already fast, but instant for certain legacy lvl)
  • Multi-Pet - Some people are just animal hoarders. Bring out more than 1 pet at a time.
  • Instant Light/Dark Side Switches(it can happen in real star wars) maybe restrictive to lvl 50 characters?
  • Move Character from Imperial Side of Server to Republic Side if class quest finished(could help to balance servers)
  • Change All Items from "bound" to "bound to legacy"
  • Legacy Rename
  • New Playable Species(WOOKIE)
    Other Suggestions
  • Companion Show Helm
  • Better looking armor
  • More efficient way to change out armor mods to change appearance and keep stats.
  • More modable bracers and belts
  • Ability to change moddable armor to medium or heavy armor
  • Ability to change appearance of armor - ie an appearance slot(just like armor, mods, enhancements)
  • Ability to add augment slots to any orange gear
  • Dual Specs
  • PVP Space Combat
  • Guild Capital Ships
  • Cross-server pvp/pve raiding/flashpoints/heroics
  • Way to Change Orange Moddable gear to "Heavy" or "Medium" Type armor from "Light"
  • Micro Companion Skill Trees

Good stuff here.


Parsing your ideas in the legacy compendium topic. (Link in my sig)

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These things having a high cost is a good thing.


A high cost directly fights mmo inflation. I'd rather they start high and lower as needed then end up with starter crafting mats selling in the GTN for thousands of credits.


Credit sinks are important, certainly. But they should be aimed towards players who have credits. What a concept! Players who mainly play their level 50 characters, doing Operations, Flashpoints, Dailys and PvP are probably loaded. But they're not going to be very interested in the Legacy perks and unlocks. Not a single one of them provides an advantage in any endgame scenario.


Legacy is a credit sink specifically targeting players who don't have any credits.


The only way a character can afford this is if it is an alt and a main account is funding it.


What about new players that have yet to make it to end game? How do they buy these perks?


I disagree with you here. I don't think the perks should be affordable a brand new player. In fact, I think they could even lock the perks until you have one level 50 in your Legacy. The whole point of the Legacy perks, as I see it, is to make subsequent trips through the content less tedious by allowing you to skip content that you did before and don't want to do again. You can focus instead on just doing the things you like to do, whether it be PvP, Flashpoints or Story Missions. The first time through you should experience everything.


As someone who only plays for the story, I'd have to disagree with your assumption of what is needed.


I only see the use in the perks for story mode and the first speeder, as well as a companion story perk. I don't do flashpoints or pvp, and even if I did, two perks aren't really necessary, as someone who tested them in this thread has said. I craft, and would like the crit perk, but not all my alts need it, and certainly not right away. The only ones I would like right from the start are the story mode ones and the first speeder, all the rest can wait.


You're still going to spend over half a million for that (~250k for story mode perks, ~350k for companion perks, 40k first speeder). If you have just two alts, you're well over a million. You will have to be among the top 10% richest in the game (according to some reports) to afford that. And IMO your example is a very conservative use of the Legacy perks.

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Instead of calling 1.3 "Allies" they should have called it "More Credits Sinks" :mad:


As other people have said the perks are far overpriced players that love and play many alts and does nothing to get rid of the glut of credits owned by players that play one maybe two chars and have zero crafting skills, they have no interest in alting so why would they buy it? Also why call it "legacy" when it's clearly NOT, why not call it what it is Character Perks.

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So Bioware, you completely ignored everyone on the PTS Forum asking you to change or tweak the new 1.3 legacy perks. The entire thread of "Are these perk costs a joke?" has been addressing the cost of these character specific perks and the point of legacy levels themselves.


I'm very disappointed that Bioware, again, completely ignores its playerbase giving them feedback from the pts and steering the legacy system deeper and deeper into nothing more then a credit sink and having zero to do with an actual Legacy

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Some of these perks look really nice, like the speeder at level 10, the 5 sec junk selling, and the travel to your capital world. I can see myself buying those for some of my characters.


The XP boosts look nice too, but they seem awfully expensive, unless I am severely underestimating the impact they will have on leveling speed, particularly level 40+. I can't decide if it is a better "value" to me to grind credits on my 50 to unlock the boosts, or to just grind all the side quests on my alt (which give rewards, even).


Also, one aspect of the "per character" thing that bugs me: to get the maximum benefit and best value from XP boosts, you should purchase them as soon as they will benefit your character, i.e. level 1. BUT, it may not be until I hit level 15 or 20 or even 30 that I decide whether or not I want to take that specific character to 50 and make the perks worth my while. I guess even if I was sold on the idea of perks, I don't know if I'd want to take that risk and buy them for a low level character.

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here is a scary thought, maybe the xp bonuses is because they are going to reduce xp gained on each planet/fp/wz. using rest and clearing all that you can on a planet you can eaisly get 2-3 lvls higher than the min for the planet before you get there.


ok i'll take off my tin hat now

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I think it would be useful if the field respec perk allowed you to save templates of specs too. You could still keep a cost for switching, but this would create a pseudo dual spec, and really help out in situations when your team needs a dps and not a tank sans the hassle of reallocating points each time.
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I don't see the prices as being a big deal. I play mostly for the story, I have 2 50's that I have done almost no end game stuff on and a 45 that once I get to 50 I plan on spending time with. I really want to level every character to 50, but I do realize I need to spend some time with one of the 50's to get the cash. But that's just it, it's do-able. Maybe not your first time through, but any character after this I can grind out the money I need for the perks I want before starting them and they will level as fast as I want. It's a mmo and I plan on playing it for a long time. It's good to have something to work on.
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WOW, William the fact that you still have a job amazes me.........the first people to 50 don't play on average cause of your job to keep this fun is a laughing stock. Plain and simple.
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Coming from a causal player I can't get these perks. They would be nice to get since I do want to see the different class stories but I cannot afford them


One, the credit cost is too much. Two, the legacy level is the real killer for me and I would think most people who would want to level alts in general in their own way.


Since I only have time during the weekend to play, 2 or 3 hours, getting the legacy level that high is the PITA part for me. Maybe a legacy unlock to gain legacy XP faster would do the trick. :p Honestly though for casuals, people that don't have a lot of time to play, this whole legacy thing blows.


Having to spend so much time doing boring crap to finally be able to unlock ways to cut the fat from leveling is stupid. Just increase the XP for doing class quests, PvP, and ship missions and be done with it. Or just lower the XP required to level. The only reason I can think of having XP boosts inside the legacy system is this will be the setup for MT down the road.

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so much fail with the legacy system....


There was a glimmer of hope when i first heard that,

1. you could spend creds or gain legacy levels to gain this stuff.... WRONG!

2. There would actually be a point in gaining legacy levels.....WRONG


I am legacy level 50 and what do I get for it? Not a darn thing once your past leg 32 (i think that's the highest one req'ed) the rest of the leg lvl's are pointless and useless.


Good job BioWare. I don't know what went on over there but you've degraded as a company since Kotor and ME1 and DA.


i understand this is your first MMO and all but when there are SO many people (most of which have been MMO'ers for MANY years) letting you know what things are faulted and why, and yet you ignore them.


I'm done defending you. I'll complete my republic storyline (did all the empire ones) but afterwards I can not say I'll be sticking around much longer.


The worst part is I was so looking forward to this MMO being something I could have fun with. I spent so many years with WoW (was in beta and stayed until around the end of wrath) I thought "Well if any developer could turn this game into something that could rival WoW these guys can!" and yet I feel so let down.


Some tips for ya (not that you'll read them or even give a flip if you do),

You have a good solid storyline and thats good but people want and need things to do at end game (loved how DDO you could start back over with a character once you capped with semi improved stats and all the gear you earned while leveling) Pvp, new hardmode instances, raids, mini games, SOMETHING!!!


But the only ones sadly whom will read this are the players and we have been telling you this for far too long.



/end rant

/flameon fanboi's you know you want to.

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I am legacy level 50 and what do I get for it? Not a darn thing once your past leg 32 (i think that's the highest one req'ed) the rest of the leg lvl's are pointless and useless.


I'm done defending you. I'll complete my republic storyline (did all the empire ones) but afterwards I can not say I'll be sticking around much longer.


Some tips for ya (not that you'll read them or even give a flip if you do),

Pvp, new hardmode instances, raids, mini games, SOMETHING!!!



There is Pvp, hardmode instances, raids and minigames. But your problem seems to be that you consume so much content that I don't think BioWare can ever satisfy you.

Edited by Wallner
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I suppose the leveling bonuses are nice, however my problem is that I have already played the game through several times, and I feel the planets are turning into pretty boring places. :(


Not to mention that too many of the legacy perks require large amounts of money which means in turn MORE grinding of daily missions in a game thats already feeling pretty boring. Im not happy in the direction things are advancing.


I feel SWTOR is turning into a japanese Grindathon.



ps. Id love to see more lower level planetary pvp areas. Low level pvp is enjoyable, lvl 50 pvp not so. (thanks to expertise which should imo be removed from the game, but we all know the chances of that happening so)

Edited by Karkais
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Instead of doing all these patches with the mods system they should have just designed the game from the beginning with an appearance tab.


Also the legacy perks system should've been like traits you unlock through achievements in the game worlds instead of money sinks that only force the player to grind credits on dailies.



Edited by MorgonKara
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Legacy Character Perks sounds like an oxymoron to me.


Cannot agree more...


They are useless, actually. The only ones I am gonna to get is for craft criticals... May be some more on alts...


When do BW finaly make legacy level useful? Now it is just a joke. Some discount may be for each level? Hello?

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Coming from a causal player I can't get these perks. They would be nice to get since I do want to see the different class stories but I cannot afford them

This is the part that I don't get...it's like Bioware doesn't have a clue WHO their customers are...


I know several "hardcore" players who already have all 8 slots filled. Legacy does NOTHING for them.


I know several "casual" players, like myself, who have 1-3 toons, but play primarily on one. Legacy is priced so far outta my range that it's a non-factor for anything.


Field respecs are the one that REALLY proves to me that you have no clue about WHAT your customers want. People hadn't complained that respec'ing was inconvenient...they complained about the freaking PRICE! This doesn't change the costs at all. People wanted DUEL specs - not field respecs.


Honestly Bioware...what are you guys thinking?! All Legacy is is some massive credit sink. Are you really just establishing outrageous prices so you can toss all the 'perks' into a store?! Because that's exactly what it appears to be to me.

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Several people have pointed out that this is likely a preemptive move to initiate a real money microtransaction system, and is one of the reasons for the high credit cost (to make you more likely to eventually spend real money rather than in game credits for the perks). If this speculation turns out to be fact, is anyone interested in spending real money for legacy perks rather than the current in game credit costs?
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