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Two problems i now have with Swtor


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You had to realize there would be more people on the server you transferred to. You didn't have to transfer, ya know.


So what I am hearing is that you want a low pop server so you have the whole place to yourself, and you want them to make it easier for YOU to get datacrons.


Do you want them to chew your food for you too?


He wants to play the game his way. He thought he'd transfer since BioWare basically told him to do it and he doesn't like the result. With the current transfer system, he is unable to go back to his old server or any other server at all. He's not going on about anything that is overly entitled or really anything of the sort. He just wants the option to try and play the way he likes to play.


Two more things:

  1. If you say that walking through a barren land is fun, then you're just not a PvE player
    There are a great deal of places on Coruscant where many players funnel in and kill everything there. One of the bonus missions requires you to kill about 75 guys in an area where there are maybe 30 at a time. If 70 people are running through that area, then you'll be there forever or be forced to give up in order to spend your time in a practical, enjoyable fashion. If you play the game for that aspect, then that sucks and you don't like it.
  2. If you say that all the datacrons are easy to get to (especially on Coruscant), then you're superhuman
    Some of the datacrons (including the one in the Justicar Sector that was mentioned) are really hard to get. If you have lag or a slow computer, then it's even harder. I would find it incredibly difficult to believe that you did one take on all the datacrons that require a substantial amount of jumping and balancing where one slip up means you have to start over.
    I have practically zero vision in my left eye. Definitely plays a factor when it comes to some ofthose datacrons. Like you I hate where some of them are and how you have to get to them. several of them have taken me over an houreach to get to. They suck so bad lol.
    The things are frustrating, but I don't see them being changed mostly because they're completely optional.

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Firstly is the server migration.


Transferred from my origin server to my new one and it is packed. On coruscant there are 130 people playing so you are going through sections of the map with nothing to kill because half a dozen or so people have trampled through there before you.


So my kill ratio is going way down, why have they done this ???


Can understand the need for fuller servers but as mainly a PvE person i do find it hard to play when i cannot kill enough npc'c to level up because there are too many people on the same level as me.


It was bad enough 20 or so people per level but 120 or so is insane!!!



This is one thing I like. to each there own.

]And my second problem is the places where some of these damn datacrons are.


Impossible to get to unless you are superman or something. Spent an hour trying ot get the on in justicar territory and gave up after fall off them pipes for the hundreth time.


Some of use are not graced with perfect hand\eye coordination so please make these easier to get to.


YouTube well help with this.

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Your only choice is to go to a densely populated server and deal with the crowds of human refuse standing between you and the computer generated refuse. Even if they don't simply close your old server it will almost certainly be impossible to do any group content whatsoever because they refuse to put in xserver queues.
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LOL, the justicar datacron. The 3 pipe jump for Cunning?


I grabbed it when I went through on my Commando. There were 2 Scoundrels, a Gunslinger and a Guardian trying to get it when I got there. Jump Jump Jump 15 seconds later, I got it and one of them pms me 'I hate you'. Good times.


Anyone that is going to go datacron hunting needs to take 2 minutes and practice jumping. Spacebar then Forward a nano second later. Works everytime!

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You had to realize there would be more people on the server you transferred to. You didn't have to transfer, ya know.


So what I am hearing is that you want a low pop server so you have the whole place to yourself, and you want them to make it easier for YOU to get datacrons.


Do you want them to chew your food for you too?


I'll chew his food for him.

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It seems to me that the game dynamically adjusts spawn rate by number of people in the area. The more people in a zone the faster the mobs respawn ( or so it seems to me ). I am not sure why the OP is having a problem.


One of the side bennifits of having a ton of people for me is that if I see people running toward me I go for the next group of mobs and tag them while my companion takes on the first group ... go back to assist and switch between multiple groups of mobs ( did this last night on Corruscant with a dps spec'd smuggler in the Works ). I had no problem managing the agro and was pleasantly surprised to see how freaking awsome it was to FINIALLY come out of a fight with next to no HPS left (at low level) as oposed to the usual face roll and loosing next to no HPS. So instead of taking groups of up to 4 mobs (reg) or 2+1 (2 reg 1 silver) I have been able to take on 2 groups of 4 or 2 groups of 2+1 at once. Having more people forces you to tactically manage your battle space and push your limits. I love it.

Edited by Urael
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I have two problems with SWToR as well:mad:


First: It keeps me up late at night:mad:


Damn you Bioware!!! Why'd you have to go and make such a fun and awesome game!!!!:mad:


QFT. Now that the kids are on summer vacation, let's just say its harder to drag myself to bed at a decent time.

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Firstly is the server migration.


Transferred from my origin server to my new one and it is packed. On coruscant there are 130 people playing so you are going through sections of the map with nothing to kill because half a dozen or so people have trampled through there before you.


So my kill ratio is going way down, why have they done this ???


Can understand the need for fuller servers but as mainly a PvE person i do find it hard to play when i cannot kill enough npc'c to level up because there are too many people on the same level as me.


It was bad enough 20 or so people per level but 120 or so is insane!!!




And my second problem is the places where some of these damn datacrons are.


Impossible to get to unless you are superman or something. Spent an hour trying ot get the on in justicar territory and gave up after fall off them pipes for the hundreth time.


Some of use are not graced with perfect hand\eye coordination so please make these easier to get to.


I love it. I had stopped playing for a couple months but now I'm back loving the crowded servers. I'm a PVE'er too but I feel like I'm in an MMO now, not just me wondering through with nary another player in sight. Yeah, once it a while I'll have to wait for a respawn or someone will take the objective while I am fighting but I enjoy seeing many other players much more than a couple inconveniences.

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And my second problem is the places where some of these damn datacrons are.


Impossible to get to unless you are superman or something. Spent an hour trying ot get the on in justicar territory and gave up after fall off them pipes for the hundreth time.


Some of use are not graced with perfect hand\eye coordination so please make these easier to get to.


Working as intended. They are not suppose to be easy to get.

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You had to realize there would be more people on the server you transferred to. You didn't have to transfer, ya know.


So what I am hearing is that you want a low pop server so you have the whole place to yourself, and you want them to make it easier for YOU to get datacrons.


Do you want them to chew your food for you too?


Why must you pro TOR people ATTACK every single person that says anything at all about what they find dissatisfying!


Just dont post for a change and leave the poster alone!




OP, when you hit a highly populated planet and run into the nothing to kill senario, try hitting "M" and just above the mini map at the lower right hand side is the list of intances.


Use the drop down menu to transfer to the last offered instance and that should lower the number of people in your specific instance.


Its not a cure all suggestion but at least its a positive suggestion meant to try and help you with the problem your experiencing rather then just QQ you dont claom everything is perfect and rosey and attack you as others have done.


Hope that helps you out!

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All I can say is that MY ICE IS TOO COLD! Also, if you are in the Justicar part and hate playing with ppl in an MMO, cut your losses (all 15 lvls of them) and go back to the OG server and be alone. But then good luck when you want to do a HM FP.


Blasting the OP doesn't address the fact that BW didn't really give people much of a choice with the way they handled transfers. It's "empty or packed, pick one".


I don't think trying to create some medium pop servers would have been a bad idea. There is a difference between going to a popular bar, and being packed into a Tokyo Subway.

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Firstly is the server migration.


Transferred from my origin server to my new one and it is packed. On coruscant there are 130 people playing so you are going through sections of the map with nothing to kill because half a dozen or so people have trampled through there before you.


So my kill ratio is going way down, why have they done this ???


Can understand the need for fuller servers but as mainly a PvE person i do find it hard to play when i cannot kill enough npc'c to level up because there are too many people on the same level as me.


It was bad enough 20 or so people per level but 120 or so is insane!!!




And my second problem is the places where some of these damn datacrons are.


Impossible to get to unless you are superman or something. Spent an hour trying ot get the on in justicar territory and gave up after fall off them pipes for the hundreth time.


Some of use are not graced with perfect hand\eye coordination so please make these easier to get to.


Is it sad, that I anticipated precisely such posts, back when people were the loudest and most vocal about the need for transfers, when everyone insisted the transfers weren't happening fast enough, and when so many people called the company the worst words because they themselves were "forced" one way or another when it came to transfers? Actually, no. It's really not particularly sad at all, is it? You know why? Because how I may feel about this specific rant of yours is simply BESIDE THE POINT and has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to anyone's gameplay.


It's just me. I can feel as I want, no one can make me, after all.


And that datacron you're complaining about, the one in Justicar territory, is simple and easy to get to. Just consider a video describing the positioning of your character during the jumps AND practice, practice, practice. My alts nab the datacrons on each planets as they're leveling, so it's becomes easy enough for me to get them, because I've had so much dang practice going along. Just understand it's a fun part of the game, not any sort of requirement, and do it, or not.

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If he wants to complain about a datacron, the one in the justicar sector is the last of his problems. The OP needs to try the imperial only willpower datacron on corellia and get back to me.


OMG, that is the toughest, hardest, and most frustrating datacron in the game, hands down. I think I died about a dozen times when I was playing my Bounty Hunter, before I finally decided she didn't need willpower anyway and gave up. I won't talk about my Warrior's attempts to get it, it was that pitiful watching the girl fall splat over....and over....again.


Times like that, you just have to shrug and admit, "Some things aren't meant to be, sigh."

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OMG, that is the toughest, hardest, and most frustrating datacron in the game, hands down. I think I died about a dozen times when I was playing my Bounty Hunter, before I finally decided she didn't need willpower anyway and gave up. I won't talk about my Warrior's attempts to get it, it was that pitiful watching the girl fall splat over....and over....again.


Times like that, you just have to shrug and admit, "Some things aren't meant to be, sigh."

It took me about an hour to get it on my sorc. But I did get it. The first jump is the hardest one, after that it's cake. I remember the one attempt I thought I had gotten it, I had actually landed on the droid and because my character was still moving forward when I landed, she actually rolled off and kept falling.

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