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Everything posted by Riiquiem

  1. 2/8/31 You should reach AT LEAST 35+% cri chance 75% crit dmg... rest is cunning / power, only skill augments. I have 79% crit dmg and 43% crit tech chance.
  2. 70% is not 100%. Flourish shot's use lies in its healing reduction, not in reducing armor, cause as you stated it's internal. PVE/PVP do not make a difference regarding DF.
  3. Okay I refused to answer to this thread because THIS WAS ANSWERED AT LEAST 100 TIMES. However I couldn't let you believe what my pre poster said.... Ignore what he said, do what I say: Vital - Shrap - Hemo - Flourish - Sab Charge - Wounding - Speed .... Flurry - Hemo - Wounding ... There is absolutely NO NEED AT ALL to use charged burst/aimed shot. Do not reaplly your DOTs as long as they are not close to end. You can and always should use Wounding shots at least 2 times on the same target before reapplying new DOTs. Also use Hemo Blast ASAP, whenever it is off cd - this is one of the biggest dmg pusher you have since it either buffs your DOTs ticks and Wounding Shots burst... Harrass with DOTs and hemo at will. When you have to melt down a target as fast as possible, this is the best rotation to deal the max dmg in least time: Vital Shot -> Hemo -> Shrap -> Sab Charge -> Flourish -> Wounding Shots -> Speed Shot -> Quickdraw
  4. Energy management has been nerfed A LITTLE due to the changes to Burst Volley.
  5. I already recorded some videos but I wasn't happy about the performance while recording and I rarely had some situations when I could say "this is exactly what I wanted to show", you know? However regarding my roration: Vital Shot, Hemo Blast, Shrap Bomb, Flourish Shot, Wounding Shots, Sab Charge, Speed Shot.... Wounding Shots and Hemo blast whenever they are off cool down... Add some filler Thermal Grenades or Flurry of Bolts when you have to wait for WS or SS cool down. Keep in mind to wait for your DOTs to run out before you reapply them. You can use wounding shots up to 3 times before you have to use them again. Flourish Shot as needed, heal debuff is shorter than armor debuff so you'll have to use it more often on a healed target. I think that's pretty much it. I completely avoid chnarged burst or aimed shot.
  6. Yea I know my little minions.. I know. But there was that "DF like a boss" thread thingy and I commented a few times there. Actually I dont know what to write that hasnt been written already. Any requests maybe on a certain topic?
  7. Yea I know my little minions.. I know. But there was that "DF like a boss" thread thingy and I commented a few times there. Actually I dont know what to write that hasnt been written already. Any requests maybe on a certain topic?
  8. I do agree with macros for the chat and displaying information, marking targets whatsoever AS LONG AS those macros can not be used for skills.
  9. Never. Skill Augments all the way through.
  10. Yea I know but this can't be true. I think "special" is just another word for "tech". The thing is that I have 99, ...% ranged accuracy and 109,... % tech acc. I do miss sometimes with charged burst or wounding shots (white component) or even aimed shot. So yea, I'm confused.
  11. Problem is that those ticks are quiet weak. They are not buffed with hemo blast like they would be in full DF spec. So I think 3 unbuffed proccs won't be any stronger than 2 buffed, you know? and it is kinda slow... you have to build all 3 DOTs before you can start your real burst.
  12. Your video showed clearly and without any doubt that shock charge triggers the internal dmg component of wounding shots. Tho I can assure you it's not always been like that. When I did all the testings and combat logs in the sticky it definitely did not work for WS. Tho I can't remember if that was pre 1.2 or after.. however it does work in 1.3 now. strange
  13. Weapon damage = white = ranged accuracy ... aimed shot, charged burst etc... Internal, elemental etc. = yellow = tech accuracy... grenades , DOTs, flyby and stuff
  14. When you reach 50 go for this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700GbbkrMGdhRZbIZb.2
  15. 31 sab talent does stop them from capping... SS is "better" for light armored enemies than DF, DF is better for heavy armored enemies, Simple reason is that SS can deal its full damage to light armored players which is bigger than DFs dmg in total. However as you already said our internal dmg provides better penetration of their defenses that normally give SS specced players a hard time. Again I'd like to ask you to read properly and think about it before you answer. You often miss the actual meaning of what the other posters wrote.
  16. Those minigames could actually save this game imo.
  17. I don't see any use of Hot Pursuit. It just doesn't pay off regarding the quickshot / Flurry of Bolts dmg and it kinda forces you to use quickshot in those 6 seconds.. wasted talent in my opinion. Any enlightenments for me?
  18. I can't believe your are arguing about that regarding everything that has already been said here.. WS DOES CONSUME HEMO CHARGES! (like intended and receaives dmg buff from it) see previous poster
  19. Yea... no.. just no.. First of all your spec: should be more like this focussed on defense. Rotation: Vital Shot - Shock Charge - Sab Charge - Flourish Shot - Speedshot - maybe an aimed shot or charged burst here and there tho I'm not a fan of those. Just think it over, ofc it's much more clever to use your DOTs at the BEGINNING of the fight. You can add Sabotage to increase burst if needed, also quickdraw remains as a top priority if the target is below 30%.. yea usual stuff. Edit: take a look at this thread regarding your gear and stats. Still in construction tho
  20. I don't play PVE but I think there shouldnt be much of a difference. Vital Shot - Hemo Blast - Shrap Bomb - Sab Charge - Flourish Shot - Wounding Shots - Speed Shot ... This is the way to get the highest burst DF is capable of. If you need to maintain your energy like in boss fights I'd suggest to go like this: Vital Shot - Flurry of Bolts (FoB) - Shrap Bomb - FoB - Flourish Shot - Hemo Blast - FoB - Wounding Shots - Sab Charge - FoB ..... I can only theorycrafting here 'cause like I said before, I'm not a PVE player. You don't need to use Speed Shot at all. You have enough time and energy to use Wounding Shots and Hemo Blast as soon as they get off cool down. Make sure to reapply your DOTs only when they are almost out so you don't waste energy. TL : DR DOTs when they run out - Hemo, Wounding Shots, Sab Charge whenever they are ready and fill in FoB to keep your energy high. Best regards
  21. Hello there. DF: this I'm not playing SS or Sab or Hybrid atm but there has nothing changed. Even if there are some different effects or descriptions of the skills you still get the same as pre 1.3. Best regards.
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