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Can we, as a community, eliminate the "Grass" and "Snow" in Alderaan?


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I didnt read the whole thread, because it is way to long. if this was said already just ignore it.


The first time i heard/saw snow and grass used i was confused. Since then tho i find that easier. here is why.


You are always on the same side when facing the opposite faction. That is only not the case when you are playing the same. Either way, the first thing i do is go up to that HUGE window and look out. (really matters if your trying to get to objectives as fast as possible to start match, since speeders are moved slightly on each side). Once you know which way snow and grass are it just makes you know which way you came from.


You can do the same thing with east/west and left/right of course. To me its just preference and if someone uses one your not sure of, next time you should be more aware of that one as well. Its no different to me than not knowing why sometimes there were 2 speeders up top and sometimes more, when i just started.

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One is grassy, one is snowy (for the majority) - whats the issue? I know lets over complicate things further and use the Cartesian coordinate system....


Exactly...the geography of the control points is straight-forward and even a monkey could grasp this.

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because a compass is an exceptionally complex device...............


what flavor is the window?


The control points are visually distinct and require less brain-power to comprehend. Have you tried explaining to a PUG East vs. West on Voidstar? Even though the game tells you "East Door has been armed"?


As for the windows...???

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Failing and/or refusing to learn and understand all common phrases for land marks and directional location in a WZ/BG/PvP Environment is more of a failure then this entire thread. Plain and simple.


^^..pretty much this. If you get all nerd raged up because half the team says Grass/Snow and the other half says East/West, then the problem is with you, not them. If you can't figure out Grass/SNow, East/West, Left/Right, etc on the fly, then well I guess you're SOL...

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i'll admit, i don't pay attention to that. I don't care which side has grass or snow. In fact, both have snow and both have grass. I say we go off of the already established and universally understood "north, south, east, west" directions. I can't tell you how many games of alderaan or voidstar i've played where people say "right" when if their screen is oriented north they are in fact "left". Or people say grass and i have no idea what they are talking about. The minimap is always oriented north, so this makes it the most accurate way to call directions.



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or in alderaan, use grass and snow, they never change as well :)


Except if you switch teams from Republic to Imperial your method changed sides. So again they reverse.


On the other hand if you switch sides using left and right they never change. Again see the problem?


You can not beat left and right. This is why the military uses left or right or port or starboard.


Though you would like to make this a new standard you can not beat 50,000 years of left and right in any language.

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because a compass is an exceptionally complex device...............


what flavor is the window?


Sorry wrong. If you change from Imperial to Republic the East and West switch sides.


On the other hand left and right stay the same for what ever team you are on or side. Beat that!

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Sorry wrong. If you change from Imperial to Republic the East and West switch sides.


On the other hand left and right stay the same for what ever team you are on or side. Beat that!


Can't tell if trolling or stupid. When you read a map East and West never change. Your minimap directions will always be oriented the same way. last time I played a republic character the map was oriented the same way as imperial which means west is still west and east is still east.

I really don't feel like learning different names for different directions for different maps. West is left and east is right on minimap directions. It works for all warzones and you don't have to think of the scenery.

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I'll admit, I don't pay attention to that. I don't care which side has grass or snow. In fact, both have snow and both have grass. I say we go off of the already established and universally understood "north, south, east, west" directions. I can't tell you how many games of Alderaan or Voidstar I've played where people say "right" when if their screen is oriented north they are in fact "left". Or people say grass and I have no idea what they are talking about. The minimap is always oriented north, so this makes it the most accurate way to call directions.


I just want to agree with the OP. People who use anything but cardinal directions are noob fools.

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LOL... i can't even believe how many people don't know what East and West are... This has always bugged the crap out of me in Warzones... but now that I'm reading a thread about it, I'm completely astonished. How could anyone over the age of 10 years old not know East / West / North / South Directions... Those 4 directions are ALWAYS constant no matter which map you're looking at or which part of the world you are in. East is always East... West is always West... and so on.. some of you actually believe that East and West change depending on which way you are facing.. lol ... all i could do is shake my head and sigh.
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Sorry wrong. If you change from Imperial to Republic the East and West switch sides.


On the other hand left and right stay the same for what ever team you are on or side. Beat that!


Relative directions change, what happens if you turn around? now your left is your team's right, what if you only turned 45 degrees?! omg the horror. I agree with port and starboard though, everyone should know these ones.

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I'll admit, I don't pay attention to that. I don't care which side has grass or snow. In fact, both have snow and both have grass. I say we go off of the already established and universally understood "north, south, east, west" directions. I can't tell you how many games of Alderaan or Voidstar I've played where people say "right" when if their screen is oriented north they are in fact "left". Or people say grass and I have no idea what they are talking about. The minimap is always oriented north, so this makes it the most accurate way to call directions.



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lol @ ppl saying east/west changes. no. they're constant. your orientation (spawn point) changes. Left and Right are problematic, but only in vstar in my experience, because L/R changes depending on which door you're on and if you're attacking/defending. east/west never changes. the east is always the same door(s). the west is always the same door(s). The same applies to all of the maps. CW is a special case because the west and east have distinct attributes. grass/snow is as idiot proof as you can get, imo. i don't have a problem with east/west, other than it does sometimes require a little more "math" to check your orientation and figure out which way is east/west. no. it's not rocket science. I'm not making it out to be so. it's a minor inconvenience. I do, however, think left/right IS a poor choice in terminology.
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The control points are visually distinct and require less brain-power to comprehend. Have you tried explaining to a PUG East vs. West on Voidstar? Even though the game tells you "East Door has been armed"?


As for the windows...???


i do not bother explaining which direction is east and west. if you cannot look at a map and instantly identify east and west, you should probably go knock on your 1st grade teachers door and punch them in the face for failing so hard at their job

Edited by cashogy
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I'll admit, I don't pay attention to that. I don't care which side has grass or snow. In fact, both have snow and both have grass. I say we go off of the already established and universally understood "north, south, east, west" directions. I can't tell you how many games of Alderaan or Voidstar I've played where people say "right" when if their screen is oriented north they are in fact "left". Or people say grass and I have no idea what they are talking about. The minimap is always oriented north, so this makes it the most accurate way to call directions.


There's another very well instituted system:


Left / Mid / Right, from the minimap's point of view. I use it all the time, it's actually generally well understood.


Grass/Snow/(?) Metal??? IMO dosen't make sense. Never has.

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Sorry wrong. If you change from Imperial to Republic the East and West switch sides.


On the other hand left and right stay the same for what ever team you are on or side. Beat that!


um, the MAP IS STILL STATIC. yes, for some reason the entire map flips on civil war, but common sense would dictate that NORTH IS TOP, SOUTH IS BOTTOM


right/left is 100% dependent on orientation. it is only remotely applicable when youre in the spawn area. it can also increase confusion, b/c some people will assume you mean right on a compass (ie EAST), when you actually mean right out of the spawn, which is WEST. see how that is confusing?


it is far easier to look at a map and go "hey thats the east edge, so it must be the east direction!"


compass directions NEVER CHANGE. if you cannot comprehend a compass, you are a moron

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i do not bother explaining which direction is east and west. if you cannot look at a map and instantly identify east and west, you should probably go knock on your 1st grade teachers door and punch them in the face for failing so hard at their job


No thanks I will stick to something that works...which is grass being grass and snow being snow :)

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Whether people "prefer" snow/grass or left/right garbage there is one truth that this thread clearly proves:


People that can't read a bloody compass and do not understand the universal concept of N/E/S/W are mentally challenged and should sue their teachers and parents for failing in giving them a basic 1st grade education.

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There is snow in this warzone? I play it for over half a year and I never consciously noticed that one side has grass and one has snow. If I wouldn't have found this thread by chance and someone would have told me tomorrow to go to snow side, I would have thought, wth is this guy talking about. I have to have a proper look tomorrow. Unbelievable.
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There is snow in this warzone? I play it for over half a year and I never consciously noticed that one side has grass and one has snow. If I wouldn't have found this thread by chance and someone would have told me tomorrow to go to snow side, I would have thought, wth is this guy talking about. I have to have a proper look tomorrow. Unbelievable.


You pretty much summed up my thoughts the first time I saw a thread about this. They always used East / West / Mid on my server prior to all the transfers.

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