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Things you dont want to hear in a wz


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Here are some of the things that ive heard in a wz and that i never want to hear again:


- Brb 5 min, afk

- Could not call inc cause i was stunned

- Sorry i didnt see the healer so i could not focus him (While healer has a big green gun mark above his head)

- Wow im doing awsome dps (From a healer)

- I was asking someone why he didnt help me kill this guy that was trying to get the ball when he was also in mid. His answer: I was trying to get my 1v1 medal from killing that anoying merc... -_- (similar things happens alot in HB)

- I only heal guildies

- Don't tell me what to do, i play my own game


These are some of the things that makes me mad and sad at the same time. What are the things youve heard in wzs that anoy you the most? Feel free to post below.

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Sucks to be you, never seen any of those in my matches. Worst thing I hear in WZs are people who lie to make it seem like they're not bad like in Huttball "I didn't pass cause I was stunned" after they died whilst walking, or "I got ninja capped by 4 invis" in Ald when there's already 6 enemy players fighting in the middle and 1 defending their node.
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- Brb 5 min, afk

- Could not call inc cause i was stunned

- Sorry i didnt see the healer so i could not focus him (While healer has a big green gun mark above his head)

- Wow im doing awsome dps (From a healer)

- I was asking someone why he didnt help me kill this guy that was trying to get the ball when he was also in mid. His answer: I was trying to get my 1v1 medal from killing that anoying merc... -_- (similar things happens alot in HB)

- I only heal guildies

- Don't tell me what to do, i play my own game


I don't think I'm alone in saying that I've probably said/done all of those.

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You're not showing up in the operations frames! As any character...this is the most horrific thing to happen.


Edit: I thought this said worst thing to hear in a warzone not stupid sorry


Stupid things though: We were trying to take a side turret with me and another guy "Why are you attacking that guy? Focus on the pyrotech/vanguard" "This guy is the person keeping him alive focus on him"

Edited by caimerez
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The "a point was just capped/bomb was just planted" noise/voice after silence from the person/people that were supposed to defend that objective and call incomings but didn't.


Call incomings means "Hey there's (# of enemies) heading to (objective location/name here)", not "I thought I could take this guy 1v1 but failed utterly and now I'll call incoming after I'm dead and just as their cap finishes."

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Worst thing to see typed from a healer: "1111122222221111111111111111"


(think about it)


You just reminded me of something that I hate in warzones. I'm playing a new low level alt and I haven't rebound the R key that is defaulted to reply. I'll be fighting someone and then my character stops moving or attacking even though I'm hitting buttons frantically. I look up at the chat box and all I see is: wdsawdsadawrrreeeeqsdawsdqwqeasdf


Makes me rage at myself for that stupid reply button

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- "Grass / Snow ... screw mid" - Every losing pug ever.

I heard this said by 3 people in the same WZ. I criticized one for having full rakata(specifically I said please don't listen to the people in full rakata and full recruit), and he then tried saying that the power on it makes it better than WH.

Sigh, I got 2 for the price of one.


We lost the WZ horribly.

Edited by Synxos
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I heard this said by 3 people in the same WZ. I criticized one for having full rakata(specifically I said please don't listen to the people in full rakata and full recruit), and he then tried saying that the power on it makes it better than WH.

Sigh, I got 2 for the price of one.


We lost the WZ horribly.


Someone tried a variation of that in Novare. I figured might as well play along because having half the team following one set of plans and half the team another can make it an even bigger cluster-frak then at least being on the same page even if the plan is bad.


Needless to say it was a painful, never-stood-a-chance warzone where the team ended up mostly blown to smithereens (as in only one person besides myself managed a 75k damage medal).

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Here are some of the things that ive heard in a wz and that i never want to hear again:


- Sorry i didnt see the healer so i could not focus him (While healer has a big green gun mark above his head)


The gun is orange. The lightsaber is green.

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Being a native and having a recent influx of transfers, I see many more of these "don't want to hear" things now.


Guy At West: "EAST!!"

... west is capped

Guy At West: "thanks a lot guys for all the help"

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you here silence in ops chat the n you here get that turret and realize the player guarding the turret did nothing but die and let them take the turret with out saying any thing. When ask with you get more silence from said player. to which every one goes oh he one of those players.
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